Esempio n. 1
        public void CheckBadWordList()
            var sut      = new BadWordService(_badWords);
            var badWords = sut.GetBadWordList();

            Assert.That(badWords == "swine,bad,nasty,horrible");
Esempio n. 2
        public void TestStory2Output()
            var injectService = new BadWordService(_badWords);
            var sut           = new AppService(injectService);
            var output        = sut.UpdateBadWordList("swine,bad,nasty,horrible,smelly,stinky,ugly");

            Assert.That(output == "New bad word list set, there are now 7 bad words.");
Esempio n. 3
        public void TestStory3Output()
            var injectService = new BadWordService(_badWords);
            var sut           = new AppService(injectService);
            var output        = sut.NegativeWordFilter(
                "The weather in Manchester in winter is bad. It rains all the time - it must be horrible for people visiting.");

            Assert.That(output == "Filtered text: The weather in Manchester in winter is b#d. It rains all the time - it must be h######e for people visiting.");
Esempio n. 4
        public void TestStory1Output()
            var injectService = new BadWordService(_badWords);
            var sut           = new AppService(injectService);
            var output        = sut.NegativeWordCounter(
                "The weather in Manchester in winter is bad. It rains all the time - it must be horrible for people visiting.");

            Assert.That(output == "Scanned the text: The weather in Manchester in winter is bad. It rains all the time - it must be horrible for people visiting.\r\nTotal Number of negative words: 2");
Esempio n. 5
        public void CheckSetBadWordList()
            var sut = new BadWordService(_badWords);

            var badWords = sut.GetBadWordList();

            Assert.That(badWords == "swine,bad,nasty,horrible,smelly,stinky,ugly");
Esempio n. 6
        public void CheckBadWordFilter()
            var sut     = new BadWordService(_badWords);
            var content =
                "The weather in Manchester in winter is bad. It rains all the time - it must be horrible for people visiting.";

            var filteredText = sut.FilterContentForBadWords(content);

            Assert.That(filteredText == "The weather in Manchester in winter is b#d. It rains all the time - it must be h######e for people visiting.");
Esempio n. 7
        public void CheckBadWordCounter()
            var sut     = new BadWordService(_badWords);
            var content =
                "The weather in Manchester in winter is bad. It rains all the time - it must be horrible for people visiting.";

            var badWordCount = sut.GetBadWordCount(content);

            Assert.That(badWordCount == 2);
Esempio n. 8
 public void Init()
     badWordService = new BadWordService();