Esempio n. 1
        public override bool Optimize(OptimizationContext context)
            var changed = false;

            for (var i = context.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var instructionCount = context.Count;
                var instruction      = context[i];
                switch (instruction.Type)
                // TODO: Can we optimize a Call-instruction here?
                case InstructionType.Char:
                case InstructionType.BoundsCheck:
                case InstructionType.Jump:
                    var backtracer = new BacktracerView(context.Backtracer, i, true);
                    if (!instruction.IsCharOrBoundsCheck)
                        backtracer = new BacktracerView(context.Backtracer, i - 1, false);

                    var result = InstructionHelper.FindJumpTargetEx(context, backtracer, context.GetLabelPosition(instruction.Label), FullPathSearch, false);
                    if (!context[result.Position - 1].Matches(InstructionType.MarkLabel, instruction.Label))
                        if (context[result.Position - 1].Matches(InstructionType.MarkLabel, out var newTarget))
                            context.NonDestructiveUpdate(i, instruction.WithLabel(newTarget));
                            var newLabel = context.LabelAllocator++;
                            context.NonDestructiveUpdate(i, instruction.WithLabel(newLabel));
                            context.Insert(result.Position, Instruction.MarkLabel(newLabel), true);

                        changed = true;

            for (var i = context.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var instructionCount = context.Count;
                var instruction      = context[i];
                if (instruction.Matches(InstructionType.Jump, out var targetLabel))
                    var jumpingTo = context[context.GetLabelPosition(targetLabel) + 1];
                    if (jumpingTo.Matches(InstructionType.Return))
                        context[i] = jumpingTo;

Esempio n. 2
        protected override bool IsChainBreaker(Instruction instruction, Instruction source, BacktracerView btv)
            switch (instruction.Type)
            // TODO: Add an Advance to the jump target of these instructions so we can consolidate advances into just one advance at the end.
            case InstructionType.StorePosition:
            case InstructionType.BoundsCheck:
            case InstructionType.Char:

Esempio n. 3
        protected override bool IsChainBreaker(Instruction instruction, Instruction source, BacktracerView btv)
            switch (instruction.Type)
            case InstructionType.BoundsCheck:
            case InstructionType.Char:
                return(source.Label != instruction.Label);

Esempio n. 4
 protected abstract bool IsChainBreaker(Instruction instruction, Instruction source, BacktracerView btv);
Esempio n. 5
        public override bool Optimize(OptimizationContext context)
            var changed = false;

            for (var i = context.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var instructionCount = context.Count;
                var instruction      = context[i];
                switch (instruction.Type)
                case InstructionType.Char:
                case InstructionType.BoundsCheck:
                    var backtracerView = new BacktracerView(context.Backtracer, i - 1, false);

                    switch (instruction.Type == InstructionType.Char ? backtracerView.CheckChars(instruction, instruction.Offset) : backtracerView.CheckBounds(instruction.Offset))
                    case EvaluationResult.Fail:
                        context.NonDestructiveUpdate(i, Instruction.Jump(instruction.Label));
                        changed = true;

                    case EvaluationResult.Success:
                        context.RemoveAt(i, true);
                        changed = true;

                    case EvaluationResult.Inconclusive:
                        var targetPosition = -1;
                        if (context[i + 1].Matches(InstructionType.MarkLabel, out var markedLabel))
                            targetPosition = i + 2;
                        else if (context[i + 1].Matches(InstructionType.Jump, out var jumpTarget))
                            targetPosition = context.GetLabelPosition(jumpTarget) + 1;

                        if (targetPosition >= 0)
                            var normalPosition = InstructionHelper.FindJumpTarget(context, new BacktracerView(context.Backtracer, i - 1, false), context.GetLabelPosition(instruction.Label), FullPathSearch);
                            if (normalPosition == targetPosition)
                                // Label will be replaced in next step.
                                context.NonDestructiveUpdate(i, Instruction.Jump(instruction.Label));
                                changed = true;

                    default: throw new NotImplementedException();

                if (i + 1 < context.Count)
                    var backtracerView = new BacktracerView(context.Backtracer, i, false);

                    var result = InstructionHelper.FindJumpTargetEx(context, backtracerView, i + 1, FullPathSearch, false);
                    if (result.Position != InstructionHelper.TracePath(context, null, i + 1))
                        if (context[result.Position - 1].Matches(InstructionType.MarkLabel, out var newTarget))
                            context.Insert(i + 1, Instruction.Jump(newTarget));
                            var newLabel = context.LabelAllocator++;
                            context.Insert(i + 1, Instruction.Jump(newLabel));
                            context.Insert(result.Position + (result.Position >= i + 1 ? 1 : 0), Instruction.MarkLabel(newLabel), true);

                        changed = true;
