Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Looks up the connection manager responsible for the address book item and disconnects it from the remote host
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void OnDisconnectSessionForAddressBookItem(object sender, BackgroundThreadStartEventArgs e)
            // retrieve the address book item that is requiring attention
            AddressBookItem item = (AddressBookItem)e.Args[0];

                lock (_sessionManagers)
                    AddressBookItemConnectionManager manager = _sessionManagers[item];
                    if (manager != null)
            catch (ThreadAbortException)
                // ignore thread abort exceptions
            catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the background thread that listens for incoming connections
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void OnThreadRun(object sender, BackgroundThreadStartEventArgs e)
                IPEndPoint ep = (IPEndPoint)e.Args[0];

                Debug.Assert(ep != null);
                Trace.WriteLineIf(_verbose, string.Format("Binding to the end point '{0}'.", ep.ToString()), MY_TRACE_CATEGORY);

                _listeningSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
                _listeningSocket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress, 1);

                Trace.WriteLineIf(_verbose, string.Format("Listening for inbound connections on '{0}'.", ep.ToString()), MY_TRACE_CATEGORY);

                while (true)
                    _listeningSocket.Listen(100);                     // pending connections queue length

                    // accept the connection
                    Socket socket = _listeningSocket.Accept();

                    Trace.WriteLineIf(_verbose, string.Format("Accepted an inbound connection from '{0}'.", socket.RemoteEndPoint.ToString()), MY_TRACE_CATEGORY);

                    // create a new connection for the connection
                    HttpConnection connection = new HttpConnection(socket, _verbose);
                    connection.RequestDispatcher      = _dispatcher;
                    connection.Exception             += new ExceptionEventHandler(this.OnConnectionException);
                    connection.Opened                += new HttpConnectionEventHandler(this.OnConnectionOpened);
                    connection.Closed                += new HttpConnectionEventHandler(this.OnConnectionClosed);
                    connection.IsServerSideConnection = true;
            catch (ThreadAbortException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.OnException(this, new ExceptionEventArgs(ex));
Esempio n. 3
		/// <summary>
		/// The background thread procedure that will handle scrolling the Image
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sender"></param>
		/// <param name="e"></param>
		private void HandleThreadRun(object sender, BackgroundThreadStartEventArgs e)
				while (true)
					if (this.DesignMode)
						// step forward on the offset
						_offset += _step;
						// reset the offset if we hit the edge
						if (_offset >= this.Width)
							_offset = 0;					
						// repaint

						// snooze a bit
				// watch out for this little guy. :P
				// some days i still feel like this is not right that an exception is thrown
				// but i suppose there's not really any better way for the framework to stop the thread
				// and give you control back
			catch(Exception ex)
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to receive data from the network on a background thread
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected virtual void OnReadFromSocket(object sender, BackgroundThreadStartEventArgs threadStartArgs)
                // create a new message reader
                _messageReader = new HttpMessageReader();

                while (true)
                        // read a single message
                        HttpMessage message = null;

                        // lock the reader
                        lock (_messageReader)
                            // read a message
                            message = _messageReader.Read(_socket, _stopEvent);

                        // what type of message is this ?
                        switch (message.Type)
                         * process the request
                         * */
                        case HttpMessageTypes.HttpRequest:
                            // process the request by dispatching it and then responding if need be
                            this.OnRequestReceived(this, new HttpRequestCancelEventArgs(new HttpRequest(message), false));

                         * process the response
                         * */
                        case HttpMessageTypes.HttpResponse:
                            this.OnResponseReceived(this, new HttpResponseEventArgs(new HttpResponse(message)));

                         * an unknown message type
                         * */
                            // hopefully this will never happen!
                            Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("A message of unknown type was received from '{0}'...\n{1}", message));
                    catch (HttpMessageReaderAbortedException)
                        // the reader was aborted
                    catch (HttpConnectionClosedByPeerException)
                         * the remote host has closed the connection
                         * */

                    // see if we should stop receiving
                    if (_stopEvent != null)
                        if (_stopEvent.WaitOne(1, false))
                             * we have recieved a signal that we should stop receiving
                             * and disconnect the current connection
                             * */
                            if (_disconnectOnStop)
            catch (ThreadAbortException)
                 * the thread is aborting
                 * */
                if (_disconnectOnStop)
            catch (ObjectDisposedException)
                 * the connection has closed the socket
                 * */
            catch (SocketException ex)
                // if the connection is reset, or a blocking call was cancelled with a call to cancelblockingcall
                if (ex.ErrorCode == (int)SocketErrors.WSAECONNRESET ||
                    ex.ErrorCode == (int)SocketErrors.WSAEINTR)

                // notify that this connection has encountered an exception
                this.OnException(this, new ExceptionEventArgs(ex));
            catch (Exception ex)
                // notify that this connection has encountered an exception
                this.OnException(this, new ExceptionEventArgs(ex));
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to receive data from the network on a background thread
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected virtual void OnReadFromSocket(object sender, BackgroundThreadStartEventArgs threadStartArgs)
                // create a new message reader
                _messageReader = new HttpMessageReader();

                while (true)
//						if (!_isServerSideConnection)
//							Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("User-Agent connection '{0}' trying to read next incoming message from '{1}'", _id.ToString(), this.RemoteAddress.ToString()), MY_TRACE_CATEGORY);
//						else
//							Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Server-Side connection '{0}' trying to read next incoming message from '{1}'", _id.ToString(), this.RemoteAddress.ToString()), MY_TRACE_CATEGORY);

                        // read a single message
                        HttpMessage message = null;

                        // lock the reader
                        lock (_messageReader)
                            // read a message
                            message = _messageReader.Read(_socket, _stopEvent);

                        // what type of message is this ?
                        switch (message.Type)
                         * process the request
                         * */
                        case HttpMessageTypes.HttpRequest:
                            // create a request event args
                            HttpRequestCancelEventArgs e = new HttpRequestCancelEventArgs(new HttpRequest(message), false);

                            // process the request by dispatching it and then responding if need be
                            this.OnRequestReceived(this, e);

                            //								// next check the request to see if the connection should be closed after the response was sent
                            //								if (HttpUtils.Contains(e.Request.Connection, HttpConnections.Close))
                            //								{
                            //									// yup, they wanted us to close the connection automatically so lets do that now
                            //									this.Close();
                            //									return;
                            //								}

                         * process the response
                         * */
                        case HttpMessageTypes.HttpResponse:
                            this.OnResponseReceived(this, new HttpResponseEventArgs(new HttpResponse(message)));

                         * an unknown message type
                         * */
                            // hopefully this will never happen!
                            Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("A message of unknown type was received from '{0}'...\n{1}", message));
                    catch (HttpMessageReaderAbortedException)
                        // the reader was aborted
                    catch (HttpConnectionClosedByPeerException)
                         * the remote host has closed the connection
                         * */

                    // see if we should stop receiving
                    if (_stopEvent != null)
                        if (_stopEvent.WaitOne(1, false))
                             * we have recieved a signal that we should stop receiving
                             * and disconnect the current connection
                             * */
                            if (_disconnectOnStop)
            catch (ThreadAbortException)
                 * the thread is aborting
                 * */
                if (_disconnectOnStop)
            catch (ObjectDisposedException)
                 * the connection has closed the socket
                 * */
            catch (SocketException ex)
                // if the connection is reset, or a blocking call was cancelled with a call to cancelblockingcall
                if (ex.ErrorCode == (int)SocketErrors.WSAECONNRESET ||
                    ex.ErrorCode == (int)SocketErrors.WSAEINTR)

                // notify that this connection has encountered an exception
                this.OnException(this, new ExceptionEventArgs(ex));
            catch (Exception ex)
                // notify that this connection has encountered an exception
                this.OnException(this, new ExceptionEventArgs(ex));
//			finally
//			{
//				Debug.WriteLineIf(!_isServerSideConnection, string.Format("*** exiting receiving thread loop for connection '{0}'", _id.ToString()), MY_TRACE_CATEGORY);
//			}
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a connection manager for the address book item, and connects the connection to the remote host specified by the address book item
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void OnConnectSessionForAddressBookItem(object sender, BackgroundThreadStartEventArgs e)
            // retrieve the address book item that is requiring attention
            AddressBookItem item            = (AddressBookItem)e.Args[0];
            bool            disconnectFirst = (bool)e.Args[1];
            bool            verboseSession  = (bool)e.Args[2];
            bool            autoRecv        = (bool)e.Args[3];

                 * if we are supposed to disconnect the current connection first
                 * */
                if (disconnectFirst)
                    lock (_sessionManagers)
                        // look up the item to see if an existing connection is already in use
                        AddressBookItemConnectionManager prevManager = _sessionManagers[item];

                        // if a connection manager is found for the item then disconnect it
                        if (prevManager != null)

                // create a new tcp connection in verbose mode
                HttpConnection connection = new HttpConnection(verboseSession);

                // create a new connection manager to manage the connection
                AddressBookItemConnectionManager manager = new AddressBookItemConnectionManager(item, connection);

                // wire up to the manager's events
                manager.ConnectionEstablishContext += new AddressBookItemConnectionManagerContextEventHandler(OnConnectionEstablishContext);
                manager.ConnectionResolvingAddress += new AddressBookItemConnectionManagerResolvingAddressEventHandler(OnConnectionResolvingAddress);
                manager.BeforeConnectionOpened     += new AddressBookItemConnectionManagerCancelEventHandler(OnBeforeConnectionOpened);
                manager.BeforeConnectionClosed     += new AddressBookItemConnectionManagerCancelEventHandler(OnBeforeConnectionClosed);
                manager.ConnectionOpened           += new AddressBookItemConnectionManagerEventHandler(OnConnectionOpened);
                manager.ConnectionClosed           += new AddressBookItemConnectionManagerEventHandler(OnConnectionClosed);
                manager.ConnectionException        += new AddressBookItemConnectionManagerExceptionEventHandler(OnConnectionException);

                // create the thread context that will enable us to determine the background thread upon which this connection manager is operating
                manager.ThreadContext = new AddressBookItemBackgroundThreadContext((BackgroundThread)sender, item);

                // instruct the manager to connect the connection to the remote host
                // pass it instructions on whether it should begin receiving automatically or not
                // NOTE: In almost every case from a client created connection this will be false.
                //		 Only server created sessions will be set to automatically receive.
                manager.Connect(autoRecv, manager.ThreadContext);

                // add the connection manager to our list of connection managers
                lock (_sessionManagers)
            catch (ThreadAbortException)
                // ignore thread abort exceptions
            catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 7
        private void OnThreadRun(object sender, BackgroundThreadStartEventArgs e)
//			const int SOCKET_ERROR = -1;

                string address     = (string)e.Args[0];
                int    timesToPing = (int)e.Args[1];

                #region Address Resolution

                bool      isHostName = false;
                IPAddress ipAddress  = null;
                    ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(address);
                catch (Exception)
                        ipAddress  = Dns.GetHostByName(address).AddressList[0];
                        isHostName = true;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw ex;


                // create the source and destination end points
                IPEndPoint sourceIPEP      = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
                IPEndPoint destinationIPEP = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, 0);

                EndPoint source      = sourceIPEP;
                EndPoint destination = destinationIPEP;

                // create an icmp socket
                Socket socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Raw, ProtocolType.Icmp);

                // create an icmp echo packet
                IcmpEchoPacket packet = new IcmpEchoPacket();

                // serialize the packet to a byte array
                byte[] bytes = IcmpPacket.GetBytes(packet);

                // create the checksum for the packet based on it's data
                packet.Checksum = IcmpPacket.CreateChecksum(bytes);

                // create a packet reader and writer
                IcmpPacketReader reader = new IcmpPacketReader();
                IcmpPacketWriter writer = new IcmpPacketWriter();

                // raise the ping started event
                this.OnPingStarted(this, new PingerEventArgs(address, isHostName, ipAddress, timesToPing));

                // ping statistics
                int   packetsSent     = 0;
                int   packetsReceived = 0;
                int[] elapsedTimes    = new int[timesToPing];

                // now ping the destination X number of times as instructed
                for (int i = 0; i < timesToPing; i++)
                    int start   = System.Environment.TickCount;
                    int end     = 0;
                    int elapsed = 0;

                        // send the icmp echo request
                        int bytesSent = writer.Write(socket, packet, destination);


                        // wait for a response
                        IcmpPacket response;
                        int        bytesReceived;
                        bool       receivedResponse = reader.Read(socket, source, 1000 /* 1 second timeout */, out response, out bytesReceived);

                        // calculate the end and elapsed time in milliseconds
                        end     = System.Environment.TickCount;
                        elapsed = end - start;

                        elapsedTimes[i] = elapsed;

                        if (receivedResponse)

                        // raise the ping result event
                        this.OnPingResult(this, new PingerResultEventArgs(address, isHostName, ipAddress, timesToPing, !receivedResponse, bytesReceived, elapsed));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                         * this should never hit
                         * raw sockets shouldn't pose a problem when targeting icmp
                         * */
                        this.OnException(this, new ExceptionEventArgs(ex));

                // calculate the percentage lost
                int percentLost = (int)(((double)(packetsSent - packetsReceived) / (double)packetsSent) * 100d);
                int min         = int.MaxValue;
                int max         = int.MinValue;
                int average     = 0;
                int total       = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < timesToPing; i++)
                    if (elapsedTimes[i] < min)
                        min = elapsedTimes[i];

                    if (elapsedTimes[i] > max)
                        max = elapsedTimes[i];

                    total += elapsedTimes[i];

                average = (int)((double)total / (double)timesToPing);

                PingerStatisticsEventArgs ea = new PingerStatisticsEventArgs(
                    address, isHostName, ipAddress, timesToPing,
                    packetsSent - packetsReceived,

                this.OnPingStatistics(this, ea);
            catch (ThreadAbortException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.OnException(this, new ExceptionEventArgs(ex));
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// The background thread's entry method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void HandleThreadRun(object sender, BackgroundThreadStartEventArgs e)
                // first try the Type var, if we can create one using Reflection we don't need the provider
                if (_type != null)
                    // make sure that the type specified inherits from Form or is directly a Form class
                    TypeUtilities.AssertTypeIsSubclassOfBaseType(_type, typeof(Form));

                    // create a new instance of the window using the Type specified
                    _window = TypeUtilities.CreateInstanceOfType(_type, Type.EmptyTypes, new object[] {}) as Form;
                    // use the provider to create an instance of the window
                    _window = _provider.CreateWindow(e.Args);

                // make sure we have a window instance
                if (_window == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("InnerWindow", "No window instance was created.");

                // raise an event so that we can modify the window as needed before it is shown
                this.OnWindowCreated(this, new AsyncWindowManagerEventArgs(this));

                // release the start method by signalling we have created the window

                // see if an owner was specified
                IWin32Window owner = null;
                if (e.Args != null)
                    if (e.Args.Length > 0)
                        owner = (IWin32Window)e.Args[0];

                // show the window modally on this thread
                if (owner != null)
                    _window.Owner = owner as Form;
            catch (Exception ex)
                _failed = true;
                this.OnException(this, new AsyncWindowManagerExceptionEventArgs(this, ex));
                _window = null;