Esempio n. 1
        private void OnDraw(object sender, DrawToolTipEventArgs e) // use this event to customise the tool tip
            // Set our background
            Graphics g      = e.Graphics;
            var      n      = BackgroundImage.Clone() as Bitmap;
            var      rectSz = e.Bounds.Size;

            n = ResizeBitmap(n, rectSz.Width, rectSz.Height);
            g.Clear(Color.FromArgb(50, 50, 50));
            g.DrawImage(n, 0, 0);

            // Draw our ToolTip title
            var rectF = new RectangleF(new PointF(8, TitleFont.Height + 10), new Size(tSize.Width - 8, tSize.Height));

            if (MaxWidth != 0)
                g.DrawString(ToolTipDescription, DescriptionFont, DescriptionBrush, rectF);
                g.DrawString(ToolTipDescription, DescriptionFont, DescriptionBrush, rectF.Location);
            g.DrawString((Prefix + this.ToolTipTitle + Suffix).Trim('\n'), TitleFont, TitleBrush, new PointF(6, 4));
        public object Clone()
            PmsPageSplitter layout = new PmsPageSplitter();

            layout.Name      = Name;
            layout.AutoSize  = AutoSize;
            layout.BackColor = BackColor;
            if (null != BackgroundImage)
                layout.BackgroundImage = BackgroundImage.Clone() as Image;
            layout.BackgroundImageLayout = BackgroundImageLayout;
            if (null != Border)
                layout.Border = Border.Clone() as ElementBorder;
                layout.Border.OwnerElement = layout;
            layout.BorderName = BorderName;
            if (null != ExternDatas)
                layout.ExternDatas = new List <ExternData>();
                foreach (ExternData ed in ExternDatas)
                    object value = ed.Value;
                    if (null != value && value is ICloneable)
                        value = ((ICloneable)value).Clone();
                    layout.ExternDatas.Add(new ExternData(ed.Key, value));
            if (null != Font)
                layout.Font = Font.Clone() as Font;
            layout.HasBorder         = HasBorder;
            layout.HasBottomBorder   = HasBottomBorder;
            layout.HasLeftBorder     = HasLeftBorder;
            layout.HasRightBorder    = HasRightBorder;
            layout.HasTopBorder      = HasTopBorder;
            layout.Height            = Height;
            layout.HorizontalScale   = HorizontalScale;
            layout.Location          = Location;
            layout.MESType           = MESType;
            layout.MoveX             = MoveX;
            layout.MoveY             = MoveY;
            layout.Text              = Text;
            layout.VerticalScale     = VerticalScale;
            layout.Width             = Width;
            layout.Visible           = Visible;
            layout.MESType           = MESType;
            layout.EnableSplitter    = EnableSplitter;
            layout.VisibleExpression = VisibleExpression;
            if (null != ((IElement)this).ExtendObject)
                ((IElement)layout).ExtendObject = ((IElement)this).ExtendObject.Clone() as ExtendObject;
Esempio n. 3
 private void Undo()
     if (OperateStack.Count > 0)
         BackgroundImage = OperateStack.Pop();
     if (OperateStack.Count == 0)
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Paints the background of the control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">A <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs"/> that contains the event data.</param>
        /// <remarks>Documented by Dev07, 2009-05-05</remarks>
        protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e)
            if (ComponentsHelper.IsResizing)
                if (BackgroundImage != null)
                    BackupBackgroundImage = BackgroundImage.Clone() as Image;
                    BackgroundImage       = null;
            else if (!ComponentsHelper.IsResizing)
                if (BackupBackgroundImage != null)
                    BackgroundImage       = BackupBackgroundImage;
                    BackupBackgroundImage = null;


                using (Graphics g = e.Graphics)
                    //paint Image
                    if (imageRightCorner != null)
                        Size  size  = new Size(imageRightCorner.Width, imageRightCorner.Height);
                        Point start = new Point(this.Width - size.Width - 5, this.Height - size.Height - 10);
                        if (this.Width < imageRightCorner.Width)
                                double factor = 0.5;
                                size  = new Size((int)(imageRightCorner.Width * factor), (int)(imageRightCorner.Height * factor));
                                start = new Point(this.Width - size.Width - 5, this.Height - size.Height - 10);
                            } while (this.Width <= size.Width);

                        Rectangle dest = new Rectangle(start, size);
                        g.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
                        g.SmoothingMode     = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
                        g.DrawImage(imageRightCorner, dest);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// 绘制终止
        /// </summary>
        private void EndDrawSomething()
            backPrinter = Graphics.FromImage(BackgroundImage);
            switch (paintType)
            case PaintType.Rectangle:
                backPrinter.DrawRectangle(pen, getRectangle(lineStart, lineEnd));

            case PaintType.Ellipse:
                backPrinter.DrawEllipse(pen, getRectangleF(lineStart, lineEnd));

            case PaintType.Arrow:
                backPrinter.DrawLine(getArrowPen(pen), lineStart, lineEnd);

            case PaintType.StraightLine:
                backPrinter.DrawLine(pen, lineStart, lineEnd);

            case PaintType.Dashed:
                backPrinter.DrawLine(getDashPen(pen), lineStart, lineEnd);

            case PaintType.Lines:
                if (points.Count >= 2)
                    backPrinter.DrawCurve(pen, points.ToArray());

            var img = (Image)BackgroundImage.Clone();

            points = new List <PointF>();
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// 克隆
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>对象</returns>
        public object Clone()
            BarCodeWrapper bcw = new BarCodeWrapper();

            bcw.Name      = Name;
            bcw.AutoSize  = AutoSize;
            bcw.BackColor = BackColor;
            if (null != BackgroundImage)
                bcw.BackgroundImage = BackgroundImage.Clone() as Image;
            bcw.BackgroundImageLayout = BackgroundImageLayout;
            if (null != Border)
                bcw.Border = Border.Clone() as ElementBorder;
                bcw.Border.OwnerElement = bcw;
            bcw.BorderName = BorderName;
            if (null != ExternDatas)
                bcw.ExternDatas = new List <ExternData>();
                foreach (ExternData ed in ExternDatas)
                    object value = ed.Value;
                    if (null != value && value is ICloneable)
                        value = ((ICloneable)value).Clone();
                    bcw.ExternDatas.Add(new ExternData(ed.Key, value));
            if (null != Font)
                bcw.Font = Font.Clone() as Font;
            bcw.HasBorder       = HasBorder;
            bcw.HasBottomBorder = HasBottomBorder;
            bcw.HasLeftBorder   = HasLeftBorder;
            bcw.HasRightBorder  = HasRightBorder;
            bcw.HasTopBorder    = HasTopBorder;
            bcw.Height          = Height;
            bcw.HorizontalScale = HorizontalScale;
            bcw.Location        = Location;
            bcw.MESType         = MESType;
            bcw.MoveX           = MoveX;
            bcw.MoveY           = MoveY;
            bcw.Parent          = Parent;
            bcw.Text            = Text;
            bcw.VerticalScale   = VerticalScale;
            bcw.Width           = Width;
            if (null != SourceField)
                bcw.SourceField = SourceField.Clone();
            bcw.EnableMapping = EnableMapping;
            bcw.MappingTable  = MappingTable;
            bcw.Expression    = Expression;
            bcw.RealText      = RealText;
            bcw.IncludeLabel  = IncludeLabel;
            bcw.BarCodeAlign  = BarCodeAlign;
            bcw.BarCodeType   = BarCodeType;
            bcw.Visible       = Visible;
            bcw.MESType       = MESType;
            if (null != ((IElement)this).ExtendObject)
                ((IElement)bcw).ExtendObject = ((IElement)this).ExtendObject.Clone() as ExtendObject;
Esempio n. 7
        public IControlTranslator ToElement(bool transferChild)
            PmsEditWrapper edit = new PmsEditWrapper();

            edit.Name      = Name;
            edit.AutoSize  = AutoSize;
            edit.BackColor = BackColor;
            if (null != BackgroundImage)
                edit.BackgroundImage = BackgroundImage.Clone() as Image;
            edit.BackgroundImageLayout = BackgroundImageLayout;
            if (null != ((IElement)this).Border)
                edit.Border = ((IElement)this).Border.Clone() as ElementBorder;
                edit.Border.OwnerElement = edit;
            edit.BorderName = ((IElement)this).BorderName;
            if (null != ((IElement)this).ExternDatas)
                edit.ExternDatas = new List <ExternData>();
                foreach (ExternData ed in ((IElement)this).ExternDatas)
                    object value = ed.Value;
                    if (null != value && value is ICloneable)
                        value = ((ICloneable)value).Clone();
                    edit.ExternDatas.Add(new ExternData(ed.Key, value));
            if (_orginalFontSize > 0)
                edit.Font = new Font(Font.FontFamily, _orginalFontSize);
                edit.Font = new Font(this.Font.FontFamily, this.Font.Size);
            edit.VerticalScale   = 1f;
            edit.HorizontalScale = 1f;
            edit.HasBorder       = ((IElement)this).HasBorder;
            edit.HasBottomBorder = ((IElement)this).HasBottomBorder;
            edit.HasLeftBorder   = ((IElement)this).HasLeftBorder;
            edit.HasRightBorder  = ((IElement)this).HasRightBorder;
            edit.HasTopBorder    = ((IElement)this).HasTopBorder;
            edit.Visible         = Visible;
            edit.MESType         = MESType;
            if (_orginalHeight > 0)
                edit.Height = this._orginalHeight;
                edit.Height = this.Height;
            if (_orginalWidth > 0)
                edit.Width = _orginalWidth;
                edit.Width = this.Width;
            //edit.VerticalScale = this.VerticalScale;
            //edit.HorizontalScale = this.HorizontalScale;
            if (_orginalLocation != Point.Empty)
                edit.Location = this._orginalLocation;
                edit.Location = this.Location;
            edit.MESType       = MESType;
            edit.MoveX         = ((IElement)this).MoveX;
            edit.MoveY         = ((IElement)this).MoveY;
            edit.Text          = Text;
            edit.VerticalScale = VerticalScale;

            edit.RealText    = RealText;
            edit.BorderStyle = BorderStyle;
            edit.Var         = Var;

            if (null != ((IElement)this).ExtendObject)
                ((IElement)edit).ExtendObject = ((IElement)this).ExtendObject.Clone() as ExtendObject;
Esempio n. 8
        public IControlTranslator ToElement(bool transferChild)
            PmsFlowLayoutWrapper layout = new PmsFlowLayoutWrapper();

            layout.Name      = Name;
            layout.AutoSize  = AutoSize;
            layout.BackColor = BackColor;
            if (null != BackgroundImage)
                layout.BackgroundImage = BackgroundImage.Clone() as Image;
            layout.BackgroundImageLayout = BackgroundImageLayout;
            if (null != Border)
                layout.Border = Border.Clone() as ElementBorder;
            layout.BorderName = BorderName;
            if (null != ExternDatas)
                layout.ExternDatas = new List <ExternData>();
                foreach (ExternData ed in ExternDatas)
                    object value = ed.Value;
                    if (null != value && value is ICloneable)
                        value = ((ICloneable)value).Clone();
                    layout.ExternDatas.Add(new ExternData(ed.Key, value));
            layout.ObjectPadding    = this.ObjectPadding;
            layout.RowPadding       = this.RowPadding;
            layout.IsVerticalLayout = IsVerticalLayout;
            if (_orginalFontSize > 0)
                layout.Font = new Font(Font.FontFamily, _orginalFontSize);
                layout.Font = new Font(this.Font.FontFamily, this.Font.Size);
            layout.VerticalScale   = 1f;
            layout.HorizontalScale = 1f;
            layout.HasBorder       = HasBorder;
            layout.HasBottomBorder = HasBottomBorder;
            layout.HasLeftBorder   = HasLeftBorder;
            layout.HasRightBorder  = HasRightBorder;
            layout.HasTopBorder    = HasTopBorder;
            layout.Location        = Location;
            layout.MESType         = MESType;
            layout.MoveX           = MoveX;
            layout.MoveY           = MoveY;
            layout.Text            = Text;
            layout.Visible         = Visible;
            layout.MESType         = MESType;
            if (_orginalHeight > 0)
                layout.Height = this._orginalHeight;
                layout.Height = this.Height;
            if (_orginalWidth > 0)
                layout.Width = _orginalWidth;
                layout.Width = this.Width;
            //layout.VerticalScale = this.VerticalScale;
            //layout.HorizontalScale = this.HorizontalScale;
            if (_orginalLocation != Point.Empty)
                layout.Location = this._orginalLocation;
                layout.Location = this.Location;
            layout.MESMargin = new Padding(MESMargin.Left, MESMargin.Top, MESMargin.Right, MESMargin.Bottom);
            if (null != ((IElement)this).ExtendObject)
                ((IElement)layout).ExtendObject = ((IElement)this).ExtendObject.Clone() as ExtendObject;
Esempio n. 9
        private void InitializeWindow()
            var sc = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds;

            this.Size        = sc.Size;
            this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;

            var screen = new ScreenCapture();

            this.BackgroundImage = screen.CaptureScreen();

            this.printer.Image = new Bitmap(sc.Width, sc.Height);
            painter            = Graphics.FromImage(printer.Image);


            this.KeyPress     += Drawer_KeyPress;
            printer.MouseDown += Printer_MouseDown;
            printer.MouseUp   += Printer_MouseUp;
            printer.MouseMove += Printer_MouseMove;

            pen = new Pen(Color.RoyalBlue, 5);

            PointF p1 = new PointF(0, 0);
            PointF p2 = new PointF(100, 100);

            //PathGradientBrush pathGradientBrush = new PathGradientBrush(new[] { new PointF(0, 0), new PointF(0, 100), new PointF(100, 100), new PointF(100, 0) });
            //pathGradientBrush.CenterColor = Color.Red;
            //pathGradientBrush.CenterPoint = new PointF(50, 50);


            //Blend blend = new Blend();
            //// Create point and positions arrays
            //float[] factArray = { 0.0f, 0.3f, 0.5f, 1.0f };
            //float[] posArray = { 0.0f, 0.2f, 0.6f, 1.0f };
            //// Set Factors and Positions properties of Blend
            //blend.Factors = factArray;
            //blend.Positions = posArray;

            //// Create path and add a rectangle
            //GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();
            //Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(10, 20, 200, 200);
            //// Create path gradient brush
            //PathGradientBrush rgBrush =
            //    new PathGradientBrush(path);
            //// Set Blend and FocusScales properties
            //rgBrush.Blend = blend;
            //rgBrush.FocusScales = new PointF(0.6f, 0.2f);
            //Color[] colors = { Color.Green };
            //// Set CenterColor and SurroundColors properties
            //rgBrush.CenterColor = Color.Red;
            //rgBrush.SurroundColors = colors;


            PenAlpha = 125;
            pen      = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(120, 255, 0, 0), 5);
Esempio n. 10
        public IControlTranslator ToElement(bool transferChild)
            QRCodeWrapper bcw = new QRCodeWrapper();

            bcw.Name      = Name;
            bcw.AutoSize  = AutoSize;
            bcw.BackColor = BackColor;
            if (null != BackgroundImage)
                bcw.BackgroundImage = BackgroundImage.Clone() as Image;
            bcw.BackgroundImageLayout = BackgroundImageLayout;
            if (null != Border)
                bcw.Border = Border.Clone() as ElementBorder;
                bcw.Border.OwnerElement = bcw;
            bcw.BorderName = BorderName;
            if (null != ExternDatas)
                bcw.ExternDatas = new List <ExternData>();
                foreach (ExternData ed in ExternDatas)
                    object value = ed.Value;
                    if (null != value && value is ICloneable)
                        value = ((ICloneable)value).Clone();
                    bcw.ExternDatas.Add(new ExternData(ed.Key, value));
            bcw.Font            = Font.Clone() as Font;
            bcw.HasBorder       = HasBorder;
            bcw.HasBottomBorder = HasBottomBorder;
            bcw.HasLeftBorder   = HasLeftBorder;
            bcw.HasRightBorder  = HasRightBorder;
            bcw.HasTopBorder    = HasTopBorder;
            // bcw.Height = Height;
            bcw.HorizontalScale = 1f;
            //bcw.Location = Location;
            bcw.MESType = MESType;
            bcw.MoveX   = MoveX;
            bcw.MoveY   = MoveY;
            //bcw.Parent = Parent;
            bcw.Text          = Text;
            bcw.VerticalScale = 1f;
            bcw.Visible       = Visible;
            bcw.MESType       = MESType;
            //bcw.Width = Width;
            if (null != SourceField)
                bcw.SourceField = SourceField.Clone();

            if (_orginalHeight > 0)
                bcw.Height = this._orginalHeight;
                bcw.Height = this.Height;
            if (_orginalWidth > 0)
                bcw.Width = _orginalWidth;
                bcw.Width = this.Width;
            //label.VerticalScale = this.VerticalScale;
            //label.HorizontalScale = this.HorizontalScale;
            if (_orginalLocation != Point.Empty)
                bcw.Location = this._orginalLocation;
                bcw.Location = this.Location;

            bcw.EnableMapping   = EnableMapping;
            bcw.MappingTable    = MappingTable;
            bcw.Expression      = Expression;
            bcw.RealText        = RealText;
            bcw.IncludeLabel    = IncludeLabel;
            bcw.CorrectionLevel = CorrectionLevel;
            bcw.EncodedMode     = EncodedMode;

            if (null != ((IElement)this).ExtendObject)
                bcw.ExtendObject = ((IElement)this).ExtendObject.Clone() as ExtendObject;

Esempio n. 11
        //protected override void OnNotifyMessage(Message m)
        //    base.OnNotifyMessage(m);


        protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e)
            if (BackgroundImage == null)

            var bufferedGraphicsContext       = new BufferedGraphicsContext();
            BufferedGraphics bufferedGraphics = bufferedGraphicsContext.Allocate(e.Graphics, e.ClipRectangle);

            using (Graphics g = bufferedGraphics.Graphics)
                g.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
                g.InterpolationMode  = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBilinear;
                g.SmoothingMode      = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

                //IntPtr graphicsBufferHfc;
                //IntPtr hdcIntPtr;
                switch (BackgroundImageLayout)
                case ImageLayout.None:

                case ImageLayout.Tile:


                case ImageLayout.Center:


                case ImageLayout.Stretch:
                    float scaleX = BackgroundImage.Width / (float)Width;
                    float scaleY = BackgroundImage.Height / (float)Height;

                    //if (y > 0)
                    //    y = y * (BackgroundImage.Width / e.ClipRectangle.Width);
                    var srcRect = new Rectangle(Convert.ToInt32(scaleX * e.ClipRectangle.X),
                                                Convert.ToInt32(scaleY * e.ClipRectangle.Y), Convert.ToInt32(e.ClipRectangle.Width * scaleX),
                                                Convert.ToInt32(e.ClipRectangle.Height * scaleY));
                    g.DrawImage(BackgroundImage, e.ClipRectangle, srcRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);


                case ImageLayout.Zoom:
                    var renderImage = (Image)BackgroundImage.Clone();
                    g.DrawImageUnscaled(renderImage, 0, 0, renderImage.Width, renderImage.Height);
                    g.ScaleTransform(BackgroundImage.Width / (float)Width, renderImage.Height / (float)Height,

                    //hdcIntPtr = e.Graphics.GetHdc();


                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// 克隆
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>对象</returns>
        public object Clone()
            PmsEditWrapper edit = new PmsEditWrapper();

            edit.Name      = Name;
            edit.AutoSize  = AutoSize;
            edit.BackColor = BackColor;
            if (null != BackgroundImage)
                edit.BackgroundImage = BackgroundImage.Clone() as Image;
            edit.BackgroundImageLayout = BackgroundImageLayout;
            if (null != Border)
                edit.Border = Border.Clone() as ElementBorder;
                edit.Border.OwnerElement = edit;
            edit.BorderName = BorderName;
            if (null != ExternDatas)
                edit.ExternDatas = new List <ExternData>();
                foreach (ExternData ed in ExternDatas)
                    object value = ed.Value;
                    if (null != value && value is ICloneable)
                        value = ((ICloneable)value).Clone();
                    edit.ExternDatas.Add(new ExternData(ed.Key, value));
            if (null != Font)
                edit.Font = Font.Clone() as Font;
            edit.HasBorder       = HasBorder;
            edit.HasBottomBorder = HasBottomBorder;
            edit.HasLeftBorder   = HasLeftBorder;
            edit.HasRightBorder  = HasRightBorder;
            edit.HasTopBorder    = HasTopBorder;
            edit.Height          = Height;
            edit.HorizontalScale = HorizontalScale;
            edit.Location        = Location;
            edit.MESType         = MESType;
            edit.MoveX           = MoveX;
            edit.MoveY           = MoveY;
            edit.Parent          = Parent;
            edit.Text            = Text;
            edit.VerticalScale   = VerticalScale;
            edit.Width           = Width;
            edit.RealText        = RealText;
            edit.BorderStyle     = BorderStyle;
            edit.Var             = Var;
            edit.Visible         = Visible;
            edit.MESType         = MESType;
            if (null != ((IElement)this).ExtendObject)
                ((IElement)edit).ExtendObject = ((IElement)this).ExtendObject.Clone() as ExtendObject;