Esempio n. 1
        public async Task InvokeMethodInterpreterRecursivityStackoverflowAsync()
            var parser = new BaZicParser();

            var inputCode =
                @"EXTERN FUNCTION Main(args[])
    FirstMethod(1000) # A Stackoverflow must never happen if FirstMethod is ASYNC.

ASYNC FUNCTION FirstMethod(num)
    IF num > 1 THEN
        RETURN FirstMethod(num - 1)
    END IF
    RETURN num

            var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, false).Program);
            await interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);

            var expected1 = "[Log] End of the execution of the method 'FirstMethod'. Returned value : 0 (System.Int32)";

            var result = interpreter.GetStateChangedHistoryString();

            Assert.AreEqual(null, interpreter.ProgramResult);

            await TestUtilities.TestAllRunningMode(null, inputCode);
        public async Task BinaryOperatorInterpreterAddition()
            var parser = new BaZicParser();

            var inputCode =
                @"EXTERN FUNCTION Main(args[])
    VARIABLE var1 = 2 + 3 # Should be 5
    VARIABLE var2 = ""2"" + 3 # Should be 23
    VARIABLE var3 = 2 + 3.0 # Should be 5
    VARIABLE var4 = ""Hello"" + true # Should be HelloTrue
            var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, true).Program);
            await interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);

            var result = interpreter.GetStateChangedHistoryString();

            Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains("[Log] Variable 'var1' declared. Default value : 5 (System.Int32)"));
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains("[Log] Variable 'var2' declared. Default value : 23 (System.String)"));
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains("[Log] Variable 'var3' declared. Default value : 5 (System.Double)"));
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains("[Log] Variable 'var4' declared. Default value : HelloTrue (System.String)"));

            inputCode =
                @"EXTERN FUNCTION Main(args[])
    VARIABLE var4 = true + false # Should fail
            interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, true).Program);
            await interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);

            result = interpreter.GetStateChangedHistoryString();

            Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains("[Error] Unexpected and unmanaged error has been detected : Operator '+' cannot be applied to operands of type 'bool' and 'bool'"));
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task ProgramInterpreterInvokeExternMethod3()
            var parser = new BaZicParser();

            var inputCode =
                @"EXTERN FUNCTION Main(args[])
    AWAIT MethodAsync(345, 5.0)

    RETURN arg

ASYNC FUNCTION MethodAsync(value, timeToWait)
    VARIABLE var1 = AWAIT System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Delay(System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeToWait))
    RETURN value

            using (var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, false).Program))
                var t      = interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);
                var result = await interpreter.InvokeMethod(true, "Method1", true, 123);

                Assert.AreEqual(123, result);

                // Idle is expected because InvokeMethod waits that the main
                // thread (used by Main()) is free before running. So the async
                // function is complete before reaching this assert.
                Assert.AreEqual(BaZicInterpreterState.Idle, interpreter.State);

                await interpreter.Stop();

                Assert.AreEqual(BaZicInterpreterState.Stopped, interpreter.State);
Esempio n. 4
        public async Task ProgramInterpreterTestEntryPointMethod()
            var parser = new BaZicParser();

            var inputCode =
                @"FUNCTION Method1()

            using (var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, false).Program))
                await interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);

                Assert.AreEqual(BaZicInterpreterState.Idle, interpreter.State);

            inputCode =
                @"EXTERN FUNCTION Main(args[])

            using (var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, true).Program))
                await interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);

                Assert.IsInstanceOfType(interpreter.Error.Exception, typeof(SeveralEntryPointMethodException));
Esempio n. 5
        public async Task BaZicInterpreterWithUiProgramBadControlAccessorUse()
            var parser = new BaZicParser();

            var inputCode =
    Button1.Content = ""Hello""

            var xamlCode = @"
<Window xmlns="""" Name=""Window"">
        <Button Name=""Button1""/>

            var bazicProgram = (BaZicUiProgram)parser.Parse(inputCode, xamlCode, optimize: true).Program;

            var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(bazicProgram);
            await interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);

            var exception = interpreter.Error.Exception;

            Assert.AreEqual("The variable 'Button1' does not exist or is not accessible.", exception.Message);
        public async Task PropertyReferenceInterpreter()
            var parser = new BaZicParser();

            var inputCode =
                @"EXTERN FUNCTION Main(args[])
    VARIABLE var1 = ""Hello"".Length
            var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, true).Program);
            await interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);

            var expectedLogs = @"[State] Ready
[State] Preparing
[Log] Reference assembly 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'Microsoft.CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'PresentationFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'PresentationCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'WindowsBase, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Declaring global variables.
[Log] Program's entry point detected.
[State] Running
[Log] Preparing to invoke the method 'Main'.
[Log] Executing the argument values of the method.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'ArrayCreationExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary' (BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (length: 0)).
[Log] Invoking the synchronous method 'Main'.
[Log] Variable 'args' declared. Default value : {Null}
[Log] Variable 'args' value set to : BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (length: 0))
[Log] Registering labels.
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'VariableDeclaration'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PropertyReferenceExpression'.
[Log] Getting the property ''Hello' (type:System.String).Length'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'Hello' (System.String).
[Log] The expression returned the value '5' (System.Int32).
[Log] Variable 'var1' declared. Default value : 5 (System.Int32)
[Log] End of the execution of the method 'Main'. Returned value :  ({Null})
[State] Idle

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedLogs, interpreter.GetStateChangedHistoryString());

            inputCode =
                @"EXTERN FUNCTION Main(args[])
    VARIABLE var1 = ""Hello"".length
            interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, true).Program);
            await interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);

            Assert.AreEqual("Unable to access to the property 'length' of the type 'System.String'.", interpreter.StateChangedHistory.Last().Error.Exception.InnerException.Message);
Esempio n. 7
        public async Task ProgramInterpreterInvokeExternMethodUI12()
            var parser = new BaZicParser();

            var inputCode =
VARIABLE globVar = 1



            var xamlCode = @"
<Window xmlns="""" Name=""Window1"">
        <Button Name=""Button1"" Content=""Hello""/>

            using (var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(inputCode, xamlCode))
                var t = interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);
                t = interpreter.InvokeMethod(true, "Method1", true);

                await Task.Delay(3000);

                Assert.AreEqual(BaZicInterpreterState.Running, interpreter.State);

                await interpreter.Stop();

                Assert.AreEqual(BaZicInterpreterState.Stopped, interpreter.State);

            using (var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(inputCode, xamlCode))
                var errors = await interpreter.Build();


                var t = interpreter.StartReleaseAsync(true);
                t = interpreter.InvokeMethod(true, "Method1", true);

                await Task.Delay(10000);

                Assert.AreEqual(BaZicInterpreterState.Running, interpreter.State);

                await interpreter.Stop();

                Assert.AreEqual(BaZicInterpreterState.Stopped, interpreter.State);
        public async Task VariableReferenceInterpreter()
            var parser = new BaZicParser();

            var inputCode =
                @"EXTERN FUNCTION Main(args[])
    VARIABLE var1 = 1
    VARIABLE var2 = var1
    RETURN var2
            var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, true).Program);
            await interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);

            var expectedLogs = @"[State] Ready
[State] Preparing
[Log] Reference assembly 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'Microsoft.CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'PresentationFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'PresentationCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'WindowsBase, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Declaring global variables.
[Log] Program's entry point detected.
[State] Running
[Log] Preparing to invoke the method 'Main'.
[Log] Executing the argument values of the method.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'ArrayCreationExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary' (BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (length: 0)).
[Log] Invoking the synchronous method 'Main'.
[Log] Variable 'args' declared. Default value : {Null}
[Log] Variable 'args' value set to : BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (length: 0))
[Log] Registering labels.
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'VariableDeclaration'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '1' (System.Int32).
[Log] Variable 'var1' declared. Default value : 1 (System.Int32)
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'VariableDeclaration'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '1' (System.Int32).
[Log] Variable 'var2' declared. Default value : 1 (System.Int32)
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'ReturnStatement'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '1' (System.Int32).
[Log] Return : 1 (System.Int32)
[Log] A Return statement or Break statement or Exception has been detected or thrown. Exiting the current block of statements.
[Log] End of the execution of the method 'Main'. Returned value : 1 (System.Int32)
[State] Idle

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedLogs, interpreter.GetStateChangedHistoryString());
            await TestUtilities.TestAllRunningMode("1", inputCode);
Esempio n. 9
        public async Task MethodInterpreterAwait()
            var parser = new BaZicParser();

            var inputCode =
                @"EXTERN FUNCTION Main(args[])
    AWAIT Main(NEW [1, 2, 3])
            var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, true).Program);
            await interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);

            Assert.AreEqual("Unable to await the method 'Main' because it is not marked as asynchronous.", interpreter.Error.Exception.Message);
        public async Task InvokeCoreMethodInterpreter3()
            var parser = new BaZicParser();

            var inputCode =
                @"EXTERN FUNCTION Main(args[])
    VARIABLE var1 = 123.toString()
            var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, true).Program);
            await interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);

            Assert.AreEqual("The method 'toString' does not exist in the type 'System.Int32'.", interpreter.StateChangedHistory.Last().Error.Exception.InnerException.Message);
Esempio n. 11
        public async Task BaZicInterpreterAssembliesLoad()
            var program = new BaZicProgram();

            program.WithAssemblies("FakeAssembly, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089");

            var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(program);
            await interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);

            var exception = (LoadAssemblyException)interpreter.Error.Exception;

            Assert.AreEqual("FakeAssembly, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089", exception.AssemblyPath);
            Assert.AreEqual("Could not load file or assembly 'FakeAssembly, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.", exception.InnerException.Message);
Esempio n. 12
        public async Task BaZicInterpreterDebugInformation()
            var parser = new BaZicParser();

            var inputCode =
VARIABLE globVar = ""Hello""

    RETURN SimpleRecursivity(5)

FUNCTION SimpleRecursivity(num)
    IF num < 1 THEN
        RETURN num
        RETURN SimpleRecursivity(num - 1)
    END IF
            var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, true).Program);
            var t           = interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);

            await Task.Delay(2000);

            var debugInfo = interpreter.DebugInfos;

            Assert.AreEqual(BaZicInterpreterState.Pause, interpreter.State);

            interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, false).Program);
            t           = interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);


            await Task.Delay(2000);

            debugInfo = interpreter.DebugInfos;

            Assert.AreEqual(BaZicInterpreterState.Pause, interpreter.State);
            Assert.AreEqual(7, debugInfo.CallStack.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, debugInfo.GlobalVariables.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("SimpleRecursivity", debugInfo.CallStack.First().InvokeMethodExpression.MethodName.Identifier);
            Assert.AreEqual("num", debugInfo.CallStack.First().Variables.Single().Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, debugInfo.CallStack.First().Variables.Single().Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, debugInfo.CallStack[5].Variables.Single().Value);
Esempio n. 13
        internal static async Task RunDebugOptimizedVerbose(List <string> resultReceiver, string inputBaZicCode, string xamlCode, params object[] args)
            using (var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(inputBaZicCode, xamlCode, optimize: true))
                interpreter.SetDependencies("PresentationCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35");
                await interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true, args);

                if (interpreter.Error != null)
                    throw interpreter.Error.Exception;

Esempio n. 14
        public async Task BinaryOperatorInterpreterDivision()
            var parser = new BaZicParser();

            var inputCode =
                @"EXTERN FUNCTION Main(args[])
    VARIABLE var1 = 2 / 0 # Should fail
            var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, true).Program);
            await interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);

            var result = interpreter.GetStateChangedHistoryString();

            Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains("[Error] Attempted to divide by zero."));
Esempio n. 15
        public async Task ProgramInterpreterInvokeExternMethod11()
            var parser = new BaZicParser();

            var inputCode =
VARIABLE globVar = 1



            using (var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, false).Program))
                var t = interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);
                t = interpreter.InvokeMethod(true, "Method1", true);

                await Task.Delay(3000);

                Assert.AreEqual(BaZicInterpreterState.Running, interpreter.State);

                await interpreter.Stop();

                Assert.AreEqual(BaZicInterpreterState.Stopped, interpreter.State);

            using (var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, false).Program))
                var t = interpreter.StartReleaseAsync(true);
                t = interpreter.InvokeMethod(true, "Method1", true);

                await Task.Delay(10000);

                Assert.AreEqual(BaZicInterpreterState.Running, interpreter.State);

                await interpreter.Stop();

                Assert.AreEqual(BaZicInterpreterState.Stopped, interpreter.State);
Esempio n. 16
        public async Task ArrayIndexerInterpreter3()
            var parser = new BaZicParser();

            var inputCode =
                @"EXTERN FUNCTION Main(args[])
    VARIABLE var1 = 123
    RETURN var1[0]
            var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, true).Program);
            await interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);

            var expectedLogs = @"[State] Ready
[State] Preparing
[Log] Reference assembly 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'Microsoft.CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'PresentationFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'PresentationCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'WindowsBase, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Declaring global variables.
[Log] Program's entry point detected.
[State] Running
[Log] Preparing to invoke the method 'Main'.
[Log] Executing the argument values of the method.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'ArrayCreationExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary' (BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (length: 0)).
[Log] Invoking the synchronous method 'Main'.
[Log] Variable 'args' declared. Default value : {Null}
[Log] Variable 'args' value set to : BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (length: 0))
[Log] Registering labels.
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'VariableDeclaration'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '123' (System.Int32).
[Log] Variable 'var1' declared. Default value : 123 (System.Int32)
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'ReturnStatement'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'ArrayIndexerExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '123' (System.Int32).
[Error] Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'Int32'. An array is expected.

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedLogs, interpreter.GetStateChangedHistoryString());
Esempio n. 17
        private void RunProgramButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BaZicCodeTextBox.Text))
                MessageBox.Show("There is no BaZic code to run.");

            Logs = string.Empty;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(XamlCodeTextBox.Text))
                XamlCodeTextBox.Text = string.Empty;

            var lexer  = new BaZicLexer();
            var parser = new BaZicParser();

            var tokens             = lexer.Tokenize(BaZicCodeTextBox.Text);
            var abstractSyntaxTree = parser.Parse(tokens, XamlCodeTextBox.Text, optimize: OptimizeCheckBox.IsChecked.Value);

            foreach (var issue in abstractSyntaxTree.Issues.InnerExceptions.OfType <BaZicParserException>())

            if (abstractSyntaxTree.Program != null && abstractSyntaxTree.Issues.InnerExceptions.OfType <BaZicParserException>().All(issue => issue.Level != Core.Enums.BaZicParserExceptionLevel.Error))
                RunProgramButton.Visibility        = Visibility.Collapsed;
                RunProgramReleaseButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                OptimizeCheckBox.Visibility        = Visibility.Collapsed;
                PauseButton.Visibility             = Visibility.Visible;
                StopButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                _interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(abstractSyntaxTree.Program);
                _interpreter.StateChanged += Interpreter_StateChanged;
                var t = _interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);
                Log("The program has not been interpreted.");
        public async Task ExpressionStatementInterpreter()
            var parser = new BaZicParser();

            var inputCode =
                @"EXTERN FUNCTION Main(args[])
    AWAIT System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Delay(System.TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500.0))
            var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, true).Program);

            var watch = new Stopwatch();

            await interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);


            Assert.IsTrue(watch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 505);
Esempio n. 19
        public async Task InvokeMethodInterpreter()
            var parser = new BaZicParser();

            var inputCode =
                @"EXTERN FUNCTION Main(args[])
    VARIABLE var1 = Method1(""Hello"")
    VARIABLE var2 = MethodAsync(""Hello Async"", 3.0)
    VARIABLE var3 = AWAIT MethodAsync(""Hello Await Async"", 1.0)

FUNCTION Method1(value)
    RETURN value

ASYNC FUNCTION MethodAsync(value, timeToWait)
    VARIABLE var1 = AWAIT System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Delay(System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeToWait))
    RETURN value

            var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, false).Program);
            await interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);

            var expected1 = "[Log] Variable 'var1' declared. Default value : Hello (System.String)";
            var expected2 = "[Log] Variable 'var2' declared. Default value : System.Threading.Tasks.Task (System.Threading.Tasks.Task)";
            var expected3 = "[Log] Variable 'var3' declared. Default value : Hello Await Async (System.String)";

            var result = interpreter.GetStateChangedHistoryString();


            // The call of MethodAsync on var2 must finish after var3.
            Assert.IsTrue(result.IndexOf("[Log] Return : Hello Async (System.String)") > result.IndexOf("[Log] Return : Hello Await Async (System.String)"));
            Assert.IsTrue(result.IndexOf("[Log] Return : END OF MAIN METHOD (System.String)") > result.IndexOf("[Log] Return : Hello Await Async (System.String)"));
            Assert.IsTrue(result.IndexOf("[Log] Return : Hello Async (System.String)") > result.IndexOf("[Log] Return : END OF MAIN METHOD (System.String)"));
            Assert.AreEqual("END OF MAIN METHOD", interpreter.ProgramResult);

            await TestUtilities.TestAllRunningMode("END OF MAIN METHOD", inputCode);
Esempio n. 20
        public async Task BaZicInterpreterSecurity()
            var parser = new BaZicParser();

            var inputCode =
                @"EXTERN FUNCTION Main(args[])
    VARIABLE var1 = Localization.L.BaZic.AbstractSyntaxTree.InvalidNamespace
    RETURN var1
            var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, false).Program);
            await interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);

            var expectedLogs = @"[State] Ready
[State] Preparing
[Log] Reference assembly 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'Microsoft.CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'PresentationFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'PresentationCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'WindowsBase, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Declaring global variables.
[Log] Program's entry point detected.
[State] Running
[Log] Preparing to invoke the method 'Main'.
[Log] Executing the argument values of the method.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'ArrayCreationExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary' (BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (length: 0)).
[Log] Invoking the synchronous method 'Main'.
[Log] Variable 'args' declared. Default value : {Null}
[Log] Variable 'args' value set to : BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (length: 0))
[Log] Registering labels.
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'VariableDeclaration'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PropertyReferenceExpression'.
[Log] Getting the property 'Localization.L.BaZic.AbstractSyntaxTree.InvalidNamespace'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'ClassReferenceExpression'.
[Error] Unexpected and unmanaged error has been detected : Unable to load the type 'Localization.L.BaZic.AbstractSyntaxTree'. Does an assembly is missing?

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedLogs, interpreter.GetStateChangedHistoryString());
Esempio n. 21
        public async Task BaZicInterpreterLifeCycle()
            var parser = new BaZicParser();

            var inputCode =
                @"EXTERN FUNCTION Main(args[])
    VARIABLE var1 = 1
    VARIABLE Var1 = 2
    RETURN var1 + Var1
            var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, true).Program);
            await interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);

            Assert.AreEqual(BaZicInterpreterState.Ready, interpreter.StateChangedHistory[0].State);
            Assert.AreEqual(BaZicInterpreterState.Preparing, interpreter.StateChangedHistory[1].State);
            Assert.AreEqual(BaZicInterpreterState.Running, interpreter.StateChangedHistory[12].State);
            Assert.AreEqual(BaZicInterpreterState.Idle, interpreter.StateChangedHistory.Last().State);

            await TestUtilities.TestAllRunningMode("3", inputCode);
Esempio n. 22
        public async Task BinaryOperatorInterpreterOrders()
            var parser = new BaZicParser();

            var inputCode =
                @"EXTERN FUNCTION Main(args[])
    VARIABLE var1 = 2 * 3 + 1 # Should be 7
    VARIABLE var2 = 1 + 3 * 2 # Should be 7
    VARIABLE var3 = var1 = var2 # Should be True
    VARIABLE var4 = 2 * (3 + 1) # Should be 8
            var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, true).Program);
            await interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);

            var result = interpreter.GetStateChangedHistoryString();

            Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains("[Log] Variable 'var1' declared. Default value : 7 (System.Int32)"));
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains("[Log] Variable 'var2' declared. Default value : 7 (System.Int32)"));
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains("[Log] Variable 'var3' declared. Default value : True (System.Boolean)"));
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains("[Log] Variable 'var4' declared. Default value : 8 (System.Int32)"));
        public async Task VariableReferenceInterpreterVariableNotFound()
            var parser = new BaZicParser();

            var inputCode = new BaZicProgram()
                            .WithMethods(new EntryPointMethod()
                                             new ReturnStatement(new VariableReferenceExpression("var1"))
            var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(inputCode);
            await interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);

            var expectedLogs = @"[State] Ready
[State] Preparing
[Log] Reference assembly 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'Microsoft.CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'PresentationFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'PresentationCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'WindowsBase, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Declaring global variables.
[Log] Program's entry point detected.
[State] Running
[Log] Preparing to invoke the method 'Main'.
[Log] Executing the argument values of the method.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'ArrayCreationExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary' (BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (length: 0)).
[Log] Invoking the synchronous method 'Main'.
[Log] Variable 'args' declared. Default value : {Null}
[Log] Variable 'args' value set to : BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (length: 0))
[Log] Registering labels.
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'ReturnStatement'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Error] The variable 'var1' does not exist or is not accessible.

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedLogs, interpreter.GetStateChangedHistoryString());
Esempio n. 24
        public async Task IterationInterpreterInfiniteLoop()
            var parser = new BaZicParser();

            var inputCode =
                @"EXTERN FUNCTION Main(args[])
    VARIABLE file = NEW System.IO.FileStream(""LocalWebPage.html"", System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate)

    RETURN 1
            var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, false).Program);
            var t           = interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);

            await Task.Delay(3000);

                File.ReadAllText("LocalWebPage.html"); // Must crash.
            catch (IOException)

            await interpreter.Stop();

            var fileContent = File.ReadAllText("LocalWebPage.html");

            Assert.IsTrue(interpreter.GetStateChangedHistoryString().Contains("[Log] The user requests to stop the interpreter as soon as possible."));
            Assert.IsTrue(interpreter.State == BaZicInterpreterState.Stopped);
Esempio n. 25
        public async Task BinaryOperatorInterpreterLogic()
            var parser = new BaZicParser();

            var inputCode =
                @"EXTERN FUNCTION Main(args[])
    VARIABLE var1 = False OR (True AND False) # Should be False
    VARIABLE var2 = False OR (True AND True AND True) # Should be True
    VARIABLE var3 = False OR (True OR False) # Should be True
    VARIABLE var4 = True AND (True OR False) # Should be True
    VARIABLE var5 = True AND (False OR False) # Should be True
            var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, true).Program);
            await interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);

            var result = interpreter.GetStateChangedHistoryString();

            Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains("[Log] Variable 'var1' declared. Default value : False (System.Boolean)"));
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains("[Log] Variable 'var2' declared. Default value : True (System.Boolean)"));
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains("[Log] Variable 'var3' declared. Default value : True (System.Boolean)"));
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains("[Log] Variable 'var4' declared. Default value : True (System.Boolean)"));
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains("[Log] Variable 'var5' declared. Default value : False (System.Boolean)"));

            inputCode =
                @"EXTERN FUNCTION Main(args[])
    VARIABLE var4 = ""Hello"" AND True # Should fail
            interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, true).Program);
            await interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);

            result = interpreter.GetStateChangedHistoryString();

            Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains("[Error] Unexpected and unmanaged error has been detected : Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'bool'"));
Esempio n. 26
        public async Task ProgramInterpreterInvokeExternMethodUI15()
            var inputCode =

    VARIABLE var1 = Button1.Content
    IF var1 = ""Hello"" THEN
        Button1.Content = ""Hello World""
        var1 = Button1.Content
        IF var1 = ""Hello World"" THEN
            RETURN TRUE
        END IF
    END IF


# The XAML will be provided separatly";

            var xamlCode = @"
<StackPanel xmlns="""">
    <Button Name=""Button1"" Content=""Hello""/>

            var task1 = Task.Run(() =>
                using (var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(inputCode, xamlCode))
                    var result = interpreter.InvokeMethod(true, "Method1", true).Result;

                    Assert.AreEqual("The variable 'Button1' does not exist or is not accessible.", interpreter.Error.Exception.Message);

                    var t  = interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);
                    result = interpreter.InvokeMethod(true, "Method1", true).Result;

                    Assert.AreEqual(true, result);

            var task2 = Task.Run(() =>
                using (var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(inputCode, xamlCode))
                    var errors = interpreter.Build().Result;


                    var result = interpreter.InvokeMethod(true, "Method1", true).Result;

                    Assert.AreEqual("Object reference not set to an instance of an object.", interpreter.Error.Exception.InnerException.Message);

                    var t  = interpreter.StartReleaseAsync(true);
                    result = interpreter.InvokeMethod(true, "Method1", true).Result;

                    Assert.AreEqual(true, result);

            var task3 = Task.Run(() =>
                using (var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(inputCode, xamlCode))
                    var t      = interpreter.StartReleaseAsync(true);
                    var result = interpreter.InvokeMethod(true, "Method1", true).Result;

                    Assert.AreEqual(true, result);

            await Task.WhenAll(task1, task2, task3);
Esempio n. 27
        public async Task ArrayIndexerInterpreter4()
            var parser = new BaZicParser();

            var inputCode =
                @"EXTERN FUNCTION Main(args[])
    VARIABLE list[] = NEW [""Hello"", ""World""]
    list[0] = ""Hi""
    list[""Hey""] = ""Hey""
    IF list.ContainsKey(3) AND list[3] = ""Foo"" THEN
        RETURN list
    END IF
    THROW NEW System.Exception(""The list does not contains a key equals to 3"")
            var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, true).Program);
            await interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);

            var expectedLogs = @"[State] Ready
[State] Preparing
[Log] Reference assembly 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'Microsoft.CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'PresentationFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'PresentationCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'WindowsBase, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Declaring global variables.
[Log] Program's entry point detected.
[State] Running
[Log] Preparing to invoke the method 'Main'.
[Log] Executing the argument values of the method.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'ArrayCreationExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary' (BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (length: 0)).
[Log] Invoking the synchronous method 'Main'.
[Log] Variable 'args' declared. Default value : {Null}
[Log] Variable 'args' value set to : BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (length: 0))
[Log] Registering labels.
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'VariableDeclaration'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'ArrayCreationExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'Hello' (System.String).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'World' (System.String).
[Log] The expression returned the value 'BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary' (BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (length: 2)).
[Log] Variable 'list' declared. Default value : BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (length: 2))
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'AssignStatement'.
[Log] Assign 'list['0' (type:System.Int32)]' to ''Hi' (type:System.String)'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'Hi' (System.String).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary' (BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (length: 2)).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '0' (System.Int32).
[Log] 'list['0' (type:System.Int32)]' is now equal to 'Hi'(type:System.String)
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'AssignStatement'.
[Log] Assign 'list['Hey' (type:System.String)]' to ''Hey' (type:System.String)'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'Hey' (System.String).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary' (BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (length: 2)).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'Hey' (System.String).
[Log] 'list['Hey' (type:System.String)]' is now equal to 'Hey'(type:System.String)
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'ExpressionStatement'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'InvokeCoreMethodExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary' (BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (length: 3)).
[Log] Executing the argument values of the method.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'Foo' (System.String).
[Log] The expression returned the value '' ({Null}).
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'LabelConditionStatement'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'NotOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'BinaryOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'InvokeCoreMethodExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary' (BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (length: 4)).
[Log] Executing the argument values of the method.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '3' (System.Int32).
[Log] The expression returned the value 'True' (System.Boolean).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'BinaryOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'ArrayIndexerExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary' (BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (length: 4)).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '3' (System.Int32).
[Log] The expression returned the value 'Foo' (System.String).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'Foo' (System.String).
[Log] Doing an operation 'Equality'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'True' (System.Boolean).
[Log] Doing an operation 'LogicalAnd'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'True' (System.Boolean).
[Log] The expression returned the value 'False' (System.Boolean).
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'ReturnStatement'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary' (BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (length: 4)).
[Log] Return : BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (length: 4))
[Log] A Return statement or Break statement or Exception has been detected or thrown. Exiting the current block of statements.
[Log] End of the execution of the method 'Main'. Returned value : BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (length: 4))
[State] Idle

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedLogs, interpreter.GetStateChangedHistoryString());

            var list = (Dictionary <object, object>)interpreter.ProgramResult;

            Assert.AreEqual(4, list.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("Hi", list[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual("World", list[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual("Hey", list["Hey"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("Foo", list[3]);

            await TestUtilities.TestAllRunningMode("System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Object,System.Object]", inputCode);
Esempio n. 28
        public async Task ProgramInterpreterInvokeExternMethod9()
            var parser = new BaZicParser();

            var inputCode =
VARIABLE globVar = 1


    globVar = globVar + 1
    RETURN globVar

            using (var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, false).Program))
                var t      = interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);
                var result = await interpreter.InvokeMethod(true, "Method1", true);

                Assert.AreEqual(2, result);

                result = await interpreter.InvokeMethod(true, "Method1", true);

                Assert.AreEqual(3, result);

            using (var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, false).Program))
                var result = await interpreter.InvokeMethod(true, "Method1", true);

                Assert.AreEqual(2, result);

                result = await interpreter.InvokeMethod(true, "Method1", true);

                Assert.AreEqual(3, result);

            using (var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, false).Program))
                var errors = await interpreter.Build();


                var t      = interpreter.StartReleaseAsync(true);
                var result = await interpreter.InvokeMethod(true, "Method1", true);

                Assert.AreEqual(2, result);

                result = await interpreter.InvokeMethod(true, "Method1", true);

                Assert.AreEqual(3, result);

            using (var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, false).Program))
                var errors = await interpreter.Build();


                var result = await interpreter.InvokeMethod(true, "Method1", true);

                Assert.AreEqual(2, result);

                result = await interpreter.InvokeMethod(true, "Method1", true);

                Assert.AreEqual(3, result);
Esempio n. 29
        public async Task ConditionInterpreter()
            var parser = new BaZicParser();

            var inputCode =
                @"EXTERN FUNCTION Main(args[])
    VARIABLE var1

    IF Not True THEN
        var1 = 1
        IF var1 = NULL THEN
            var1 = 2 # Should go there
        END IF
    END IF

    RETURN var1
            var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, false).Program);
            await interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);

            var expectedLogs = @"[State] Ready
[State] Preparing
[Log] Reference assembly 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'Microsoft.CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'PresentationFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'PresentationCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'WindowsBase, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Declaring global variables.
[Log] Program's entry point detected.
[State] Running
[Log] Preparing to invoke the method 'Main'.
[Log] Executing the argument values of the method.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'ArrayCreationExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary' (BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (length: 0)).
[Log] Invoking the synchronous method 'Main'.
[Log] Variable 'args' declared. Default value : {Null}
[Log] Variable 'args' value set to : BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (length: 0))
[Log] Registering labels.
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'VariableDeclaration'.
[Log] Variable 'var1' declared. Default value : {Null}
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'ConditionStatement'.
[Log] Executing the condition 'NOT 'True' (type:System.Boolean)'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'NotOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'True' (System.Boolean).
[Log] The expression returned the value 'False' (System.Boolean).
[Log] Registering labels.
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'ConditionStatement'.
[Log] Executing the condition 'var1 == {null}'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'BinaryOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '' ({Null}).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '' ({Null}).
[Log] Doing an operation 'Equality'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'True' (System.Boolean).
[Log] Registering labels.
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'AssignStatement'.
[Log] Assign 'var1' to ''2' (type:System.Int32)'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '2' (System.Int32).
[Log] Variable 'var1' value set to : 2 (System.Int32)
[Log] 'var1' is now equal to '2'(type:System.Int32)
[Log] End of the execution of the condition 'var1 == {null}'.
[Log] End of the execution of the condition 'NOT 'True' (type:System.Boolean)'.
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'ReturnStatement'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '2' (System.Int32).
[Log] Return : 2 (System.Int32)
[Log] A Return statement or Break statement or Exception has been detected or thrown. Exiting the current block of statements.
[Log] End of the execution of the method 'Main'. Returned value : 2 (System.Int32)
[State] Idle

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedLogs, interpreter.GetStateChangedHistoryString());
            await TestUtilities.TestAllRunningMode("2", inputCode);

            parser = new BaZicParser();

            inputCode =
                @"EXTERN FUNCTION Main(args[])
    IF ""Hello"" THEN
    END IF
            interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, false).Program);
            await interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);

            expectedLogs = @"[Error] Unable to perform a condition statement without a boolean value as conditional expression result.";

Esempio n. 30
        public async Task IterationInterpreterInlined()
            var parser = new BaZicParser();

            var inputCode =
                @"EXTERN FUNCTION Main(args[])
    VARIABLE var1 = 0

    DO WHILE var1 < 10
        var1 = var1 + 1
        VARIABLE x = 1

    RETURN var1
            var interpreter = new BaZicInterpreter(parser.Parse(inputCode, true).Program);
            await interpreter.StartDebugAsync(true);

            var expectedLogs = @"[State] Ready
[State] Preparing
[Log] Reference assembly 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'Microsoft.CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'PresentationFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'PresentationCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Reference assembly 'WindowsBase, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' loaded in the application domain.
[Log] Declaring global variables.
[Log] Program's entry point detected.
[State] Running
[Log] Preparing to invoke the method 'Main'.
[Log] Executing the argument values of the method.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'ArrayCreationExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary' (BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (length: 0)).
[Log] Invoking the synchronous method 'Main'.
[Log] Variable 'args' declared. Default value : {Null}
[Log] Variable 'args' value set to : BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (BaZicProgramReleaseMode.ObservableDictionary (length: 0))
[Log] Registering labels.
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'VariableDeclaration'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '0' (System.Int32).
[Log] Variable 'var1' declared. Default value : 0 (System.Int32)
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'LabelDeclaration'.
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'LabelConditionStatement'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'NotOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'BinaryOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '0' (System.Int32).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '10' (System.Int32).
[Log] Doing an operation 'LessThan'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'True' (System.Boolean).
[Log] The expression returned the value 'False' (System.Boolean).
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'AssignStatement'.
[Log] Assign 'var1' to 'var1 + '1' (type:System.Int32)'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'BinaryOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '0' (System.Int32).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '1' (System.Int32).
[Log] Doing an operation 'Addition'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '1' (System.Int32).
[Log] Variable 'var1' value set to : 1 (System.Int32)
[Log] 'var1' is now equal to '1'(type:System.Int32)
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'VariableDeclaration'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '1' (System.Int32).
[Log] Variable 'x' declared. Default value : 1 (System.Int32)
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'GoToLabelStatement'.
[Log] Jumping to the label '_A'.
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'LabelConditionStatement'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'NotOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'BinaryOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '1' (System.Int32).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '10' (System.Int32).
[Log] Doing an operation 'LessThan'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'True' (System.Boolean).
[Log] The expression returned the value 'False' (System.Boolean).
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'AssignStatement'.
[Log] Assign 'var1' to 'var1 + '1' (type:System.Int32)'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'BinaryOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '1' (System.Int32).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '1' (System.Int32).
[Log] Doing an operation 'Addition'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '2' (System.Int32).
[Log] Variable 'var1' value set to : 2 (System.Int32)
[Log] 'var1' is now equal to '2'(type:System.Int32)
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'VariableDeclaration'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '1' (System.Int32).
[Log] Variable 'x' value set to : 1 (System.Int32)
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'GoToLabelStatement'.
[Log] Jumping to the label '_A'.
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'LabelConditionStatement'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'NotOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'BinaryOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '2' (System.Int32).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '10' (System.Int32).
[Log] Doing an operation 'LessThan'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'True' (System.Boolean).
[Log] The expression returned the value 'False' (System.Boolean).
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'AssignStatement'.
[Log] Assign 'var1' to 'var1 + '1' (type:System.Int32)'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'BinaryOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '2' (System.Int32).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '1' (System.Int32).
[Log] Doing an operation 'Addition'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '3' (System.Int32).
[Log] Variable 'var1' value set to : 3 (System.Int32)
[Log] 'var1' is now equal to '3'(type:System.Int32)
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'VariableDeclaration'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '1' (System.Int32).
[Log] Variable 'x' value set to : 1 (System.Int32)
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'GoToLabelStatement'.
[Log] Jumping to the label '_A'.
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'LabelConditionStatement'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'NotOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'BinaryOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '3' (System.Int32).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '10' (System.Int32).
[Log] Doing an operation 'LessThan'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'True' (System.Boolean).
[Log] The expression returned the value 'False' (System.Boolean).
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'AssignStatement'.
[Log] Assign 'var1' to 'var1 + '1' (type:System.Int32)'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'BinaryOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '3' (System.Int32).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '1' (System.Int32).
[Log] Doing an operation 'Addition'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '4' (System.Int32).
[Log] Variable 'var1' value set to : 4 (System.Int32)
[Log] 'var1' is now equal to '4'(type:System.Int32)
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'VariableDeclaration'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '1' (System.Int32).
[Log] Variable 'x' value set to : 1 (System.Int32)
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'GoToLabelStatement'.
[Log] Jumping to the label '_A'.
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'LabelConditionStatement'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'NotOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'BinaryOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '4' (System.Int32).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '10' (System.Int32).
[Log] Doing an operation 'LessThan'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'True' (System.Boolean).
[Log] The expression returned the value 'False' (System.Boolean).
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'AssignStatement'.
[Log] Assign 'var1' to 'var1 + '1' (type:System.Int32)'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'BinaryOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '4' (System.Int32).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '1' (System.Int32).
[Log] Doing an operation 'Addition'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '5' (System.Int32).
[Log] Variable 'var1' value set to : 5 (System.Int32)
[Log] 'var1' is now equal to '5'(type:System.Int32)
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'VariableDeclaration'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '1' (System.Int32).
[Log] Variable 'x' value set to : 1 (System.Int32)
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'GoToLabelStatement'.
[Log] Jumping to the label '_A'.
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'LabelConditionStatement'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'NotOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'BinaryOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '5' (System.Int32).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '10' (System.Int32).
[Log] Doing an operation 'LessThan'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'True' (System.Boolean).
[Log] The expression returned the value 'False' (System.Boolean).
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'AssignStatement'.
[Log] Assign 'var1' to 'var1 + '1' (type:System.Int32)'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'BinaryOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '5' (System.Int32).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '1' (System.Int32).
[Log] Doing an operation 'Addition'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '6' (System.Int32).
[Log] Variable 'var1' value set to : 6 (System.Int32)
[Log] 'var1' is now equal to '6'(type:System.Int32)
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'VariableDeclaration'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '1' (System.Int32).
[Log] Variable 'x' value set to : 1 (System.Int32)
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'GoToLabelStatement'.
[Log] Jumping to the label '_A'.
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'LabelConditionStatement'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'NotOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'BinaryOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '6' (System.Int32).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '10' (System.Int32).
[Log] Doing an operation 'LessThan'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'True' (System.Boolean).
[Log] The expression returned the value 'False' (System.Boolean).
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'AssignStatement'.
[Log] Assign 'var1' to 'var1 + '1' (type:System.Int32)'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'BinaryOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '6' (System.Int32).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '1' (System.Int32).
[Log] Doing an operation 'Addition'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '7' (System.Int32).
[Log] Variable 'var1' value set to : 7 (System.Int32)
[Log] 'var1' is now equal to '7'(type:System.Int32)
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'VariableDeclaration'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '1' (System.Int32).
[Log] Variable 'x' value set to : 1 (System.Int32)
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'GoToLabelStatement'.
[Log] Jumping to the label '_A'.
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'LabelConditionStatement'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'NotOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'BinaryOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '7' (System.Int32).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '10' (System.Int32).
[Log] Doing an operation 'LessThan'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'True' (System.Boolean).
[Log] The expression returned the value 'False' (System.Boolean).
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'AssignStatement'.
[Log] Assign 'var1' to 'var1 + '1' (type:System.Int32)'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'BinaryOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '7' (System.Int32).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '1' (System.Int32).
[Log] Doing an operation 'Addition'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '8' (System.Int32).
[Log] Variable 'var1' value set to : 8 (System.Int32)
[Log] 'var1' is now equal to '8'(type:System.Int32)
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'VariableDeclaration'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '1' (System.Int32).
[Log] Variable 'x' value set to : 1 (System.Int32)
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'GoToLabelStatement'.
[Log] Jumping to the label '_A'.
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'LabelConditionStatement'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'NotOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'BinaryOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '8' (System.Int32).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '10' (System.Int32).
[Log] Doing an operation 'LessThan'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'True' (System.Boolean).
[Log] The expression returned the value 'False' (System.Boolean).
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'AssignStatement'.
[Log] Assign 'var1' to 'var1 + '1' (type:System.Int32)'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'BinaryOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '8' (System.Int32).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '1' (System.Int32).
[Log] Doing an operation 'Addition'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '9' (System.Int32).
[Log] Variable 'var1' value set to : 9 (System.Int32)
[Log] 'var1' is now equal to '9'(type:System.Int32)
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'VariableDeclaration'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '1' (System.Int32).
[Log] Variable 'x' value set to : 1 (System.Int32)
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'GoToLabelStatement'.
[Log] Jumping to the label '_A'.
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'LabelConditionStatement'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'NotOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'BinaryOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '9' (System.Int32).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '10' (System.Int32).
[Log] Doing an operation 'LessThan'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'True' (System.Boolean).
[Log] The expression returned the value 'False' (System.Boolean).
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'AssignStatement'.
[Log] Assign 'var1' to 'var1 + '1' (type:System.Int32)'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'BinaryOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '9' (System.Int32).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '1' (System.Int32).
[Log] Doing an operation 'Addition'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '10' (System.Int32).
[Log] Variable 'var1' value set to : 10 (System.Int32)
[Log] 'var1' is now equal to '10'(type:System.Int32)
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'VariableDeclaration'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '1' (System.Int32).
[Log] Variable 'x' value set to : 1 (System.Int32)
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'GoToLabelStatement'.
[Log] Jumping to the label '_A'.
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'LabelConditionStatement'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'NotOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'BinaryOperatorExpression'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '10' (System.Int32).
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'PrimitiveExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '10' (System.Int32).
[Log] Doing an operation 'LessThan'.
[Log] The expression returned the value 'False' (System.Boolean).
[Log] The expression returned the value 'True' (System.Boolean).
[Log] Jumping to the label '_B'.
[Log] Executing a statement of type 'ReturnStatement'.
[Log] Executing an expression of type 'VariableReferenceExpression'.
[Log] The expression returned the value '10' (System.Int32).
[Log] Return : 10 (System.Int32)
[Log] A Return statement or Break statement or Exception has been detected or thrown. Exiting the current block of statements.
[Log] End of the execution of the method 'Main'. Returned value : 10 (System.Int32)
[State] Idle

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedLogs, interpreter.GetStateChangedHistoryString());
            await TestUtilities.TestAllRunningMode("10", inputCode);