/// <summary>
        /// This method handles the main LogIn functions, using the given input device
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The input reader to be used for this method.</param>
        public void LogInStart(IUserInput input, BaB_DbContext db)
            //print statement welcoming user

            //Re-initialize the logged in customer's ID to -1, in case of returning to this method!
            loggedInCustomer = null;

            //start method logic
                //Ask if they would like to "Sign in" or "Create an account"
                Console.WriteLine("Please enter \"Log in\" to log in to an existing account, \"Sign up\" to create a new account, or \"Exit\" to exit the application.");
                //temporary variable to hold the user input
                userInput = input.GetInput();
                if ((userInput.ToLower() == "log in") || (userInput.ToLower() == "login")) //Log in existing user
                    LogInExistingUser(input, db);
                else if (userInput.ToLower() == "sign up" || (userInput.ToLower() == "signup")) //Create new customer
                    CreateNewCustomer(input, db);
                else if (userInput.ToLower() == "exit") //Close out of application
                else //invalid input
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid command; Please verify your input, and try again.");
            } while (LoggedInCustomer == null); //Loop while there is no logged in customer
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new customer and adds them to the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">User input.</param>
        /// <param name="db">Database reference.</param>
        void CreateNewCustomer(IUserInput input, BaB_DbContext db)
            //create variables to hold user input during creation
            String newFirstName;
            String newLastName;
            String newUsername;
            String newPassword;

            //Thank the user
            Console.WriteLine("Thank you for signing up!");

            //Collect and store first and last names (okay to be duplicated)
            Console.Write("Please enter your first name: ");
            newFirstName = input.GetInput();
            Console.Write("Please enter your last name: ");
            newLastName = input.GetInput();

            do //Username loop -- repeat until available name
                Console.Write("Please enter your desired username: "******"go back") || (newUsername.ToLower() == "goback") || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newUsername)) //Username cannot be "Go back" or empty
                    Console.WriteLine("We're sorry, that cannot be used for your username. Please try a different username. ");
                else //valid username input
                    //query database for matching usernames
                    var usernameAvailabilityCheck =
                        (from check in db.CustomersDB
                         where (check.CustUsername == newUsername)
                         select check);
                    if (usernameAvailabilityCheck.Count() == 0) //if the username does not exist yet
                        //inform user name is available
                        Console.Write("Username available! ");

                        //request desired password
                        Console.Write("Please enter your desired password: "******"We're sorry, that username is unavailable. Please select a different name.");
            } while (true);

            //create a new customer object using the input information
            Customer newCustomer = new Customer(newFirstName, newLastName, newUsername, newPassword);


            //query database for newly created Customer's customerID
            loggedInCustomer = newCustomer;
        /// <summary>
        /// Log in method for existing users.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">User input.</param>
        /// <param name="db">Database reference.</param>
        void LogInExistingUser(IUserInput input, BaB_DbContext db)
            bool retryLogIn = true;

            Console.WriteLine("Welcome back!");

            //Code format inspired by Ken Endo's login framework.
            //prompt for username
            Console.Write("Please enter your username: "******"Please enter your password: "******"Login success! Please press enter to continue...");
                    loggedInCustomer = logInAttempt;

                    //wait for user input to return
                catch (Exception) //No combination found in database
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid username or password. Please re-enter your username, or type \"Go Back\" to return to previous options.");
                    userInput = input.GetInput();
                    if (userInput.ToLower() == "go back" || (userInput.ToLower() == "goback")) //go back out of logging in
                        retryLogIn = false;
                    else //Enter new username
                        inputUsername = userInput;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //create a user input object and a database reference, to be passed through each method
            UserInput     userInput         = new UserInput();
            BaB_DbContext databaseReference = new BaB_DbContext();

            //Create objects used for each function
            LogIn            logInObject = new LogIn();
            SearchPastOrders lookup      = new SearchPastOrders();
            PlaceOrder       placeOrder  = new PlaceOrder();

            //String to hold user input
            String input = "";

            //First thing the user must to is log in
            logInObject.LogInStart(userInput, databaseReference);

            //Core program loop
                Console.Write("Please enter \"Place Order\" to place a new order, \"Search\" to search for past orders, or \"Exit\" to close: ");
                input = userInput.GetInput();

                if (input.ToLower() == "exit") //User input: Exit
                else if ((input.ToLower() == "place order") || (input.ToLower() == "placeorder")) //Place new order
                    placeOrder.CreateOrder(userInput, databaseReference, logInObject.LoggedInCustomer);
                else if (input.ToLower() == "search") //Search past orders
                    lookup.OrderLookup(userInput, databaseReference);
                else //Invalid input
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Please check your input and try again.");
            } while (true);
        public void TestIncorrectCustomerSearch()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <BaB_DbContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "Test2DB")

            Customer testCustomer;

            #region Test database seeding
            using (var context = new BaB_DbContext(options))
                //Add user to the database for testing
                testCustomer = new Customer
                    CustFirstName = "Annie",
                    CustLastName  = "Admin",
                    CustUsername  = "******",
                    CustPassword  = "******"

            //Create object to hold the LogIn reference
            LogIn testLogInObject = new LogIn();

            //Call sign-in method with given credentials, using in-memory database
            using (var context = new BaB_DbContext(options))
                testLogInObject.LogInStart(new UnitTest2Inputs(), context);

            using (var context = new BaB_DbContext(options))
                //var testCustomer = context.CustomersDB.Where(c => c.CustUsername == "testUser").FirstOrDefault();
                Assert.Equal(testCustomer.CustomerID, testLogInObject.LoggedInCustomer.CustomerID);
        public void TestCreateNewCustomer()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <BaB_DbContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "Test4Db")

            //Create object to hold the LogIn reference
            LogIn testLogInObject = new LogIn();

            using (var context = new BaB_DbContext(options))
                testLogInObject.LogInStart(new UnitTest4Inputs(), context);

            using (var context = new BaB_DbContext(options))
                Assert.Equal(1, context.CustomersDB.Count());
        /// <summary>
        /// Manages the Order Lookup features of the class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">User input</param>
        /// <param name="db">Database reference</param>
        public void OrderLookup(IUserInput input, BaB_DbContext db)
            //welcome the user
            Console.WriteLine("     Past Order Search");

            //Start method logic
                //Ask if they would like to search by location, search by name, or return to the previous options
                Console.WriteLine("Please enter \"Location\" to search for orders by location, \"Name\" to search by name, or \"Go back\" to return to the previous options.");

                userInput = input.GetInput();
                if (userInput.ToLower() == "location") //Location search
                    //reset queried order before beginning new search
                    QueriedOrder = null;

                    OrderLookupLocation(input, db);
                else if (userInput.ToLower() == "name") //Customer search
                    //reset queried order before beginning new search
                    QueriedOrder = null;

                    OrderLookupCustomer(input, db);
                else if ((userInput.ToLower() == "go back") || (userInput.ToLower() == "goback")) //User input: exit submenu
                else //Invalid input
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid command; Please verify your input, and try again.");
            } while (true);
        public void TestSubmitEmptyOrder()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <BaB_DbContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "Test8Db")

            Customer testCustomer;

            #region Test database seeding
            using (var context = new BaB_DbContext(options))
                #region Customers
                //Add customers to database for sampling from
                Customer testCustomer1 = new Customer
                    CustFirstName = "Annie",
                    CustLastName  = "Admin",
                    CustUsername  = "******",
                    CustPassword  = "******"

                Customer testCustomer2 = new Customer
                    CustFirstName = "Becky",
                    CustLastName  = "Boss",
                    CustUsername  = "******",
                    CustPassword  = "******"


                #region LocationCountry
                //Add Location Country to the test database
                LocationCountry testLocationCountry = new LocationCountry
                    Country = "USA"


                #region LocationState
                //Add Location State to the test database
                LocationState testLocationState = new LocationState
                    State = "Illinois"


                #region Locations
                //Add locations to the test database
                Location testLocation1 = new Location
                    LocationAddress = "1 Street",
                    LocationState   = testLocationState,
                    LocationCountry = testLocationCountry

                Location testLocation2 = new Location
                    LocationAddress = "2 Street",
                    LocationState   = testLocationState,
                    LocationCountry = testLocationCountry


                testCustomer = testCustomer1;


            PlaceOrder testPlaceOrder = new PlaceOrder();

            using (var context = new BaB_DbContext(options))
                testPlaceOrder.CreateOrder(new UnitTest8Inputs(), context, testCustomer);

            using (var context = new BaB_DbContext(options))
                Assert.Equal(0, context.OrderLineItemsDB.Count());
        public void TestOrderLookupCustomerLastName()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <BaB_DbContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "Test7DB")

            Order testOrder;

            #region Test database seeding
            using (var context = new BaB_DbContext(options))
                #region Customers
                //Add customers to database for sampling from
                Customer testCustomer1 = new Customer
                    CustFirstName = "Annie",
                    CustLastName  = "Admin",
                    CustUsername  = "******",
                    CustPassword  = "******"

                Customer testCustomer2 = new Customer
                    CustFirstName = "Becky",
                    CustLastName  = "Boss",
                    CustUsername  = "******",
                    CustPassword  = "******"


                #region Products
                //Add a product to the database for building with
                Product testProduct = new Product
                    ProductName  = "Test product",
                    ProductPrice = 1

                #region LocationCountry
                //Add Location Country to the test database
                LocationCountry testLocationCountry = new LocationCountry
                    Country = "USA"


                #region LocationState
                //Add Location State to the test database
                LocationState testLocationState = new LocationState
                    State = "Illinois"


                #region Locations
                //Add locations to the test database
                Location testLocation1 = new Location
                    LocationAddress = "1 Street",
                    LocationState   = testLocationState,
                    LocationCountry = testLocationCountry

                Location testLocation2 = new Location
                    LocationAddress = "2 Street",
                    LocationState   = testLocationState,
                    LocationCountry = testLocationCountry


                #region Orders
                //Add orders to the database for testing
                Order testOrder1 = new Order
                    OrderCustomer = testCustomer1,
                    OrderLocation = testLocation2,
                    OrderDate     = DateTime.Now,
                    //OrderTotal = 3

                Order testOrder2 = new Order
                    OrderCustomer = testCustomer2,
                    OrderLocation = testLocation1,
                    OrderDate     = DateTime.Now,
                    //OrderTotal = 7


                #region Line Items
                //Add line items to the database for building with
                OrderLineItem testLineItem1 = new OrderLineItem
                    LineItemOrder   = testOrder1,
                    LineItemProduct = testProduct,
                    Quantity        = 1,
                    LinePrice       = 1

                OrderLineItem testLineItem2 = new OrderLineItem
                    LineItemOrder   = testOrder1,
                    LineItemProduct = testProduct,
                    Quantity        = 2,
                    LinePrice       = 2

                OrderLineItem testLineItem3 = new OrderLineItem
                    LineItemOrder   = testOrder2,
                    LineItemProduct = testProduct,
                    Quantity        = 3,
                    LinePrice       = 3

                OrderLineItem testLineItem4 = new OrderLineItem
                    LineItemOrder   = testOrder2,
                    LineItemProduct = testProduct,
                    Quantity        = 4,
                    LinePrice       = 4


                //fill in testOrder with one of the pre-seeded values
                testOrder = testOrder1;


            //Create object to hold the OrderLookup reference
            SearchPastOrders testOrderLookupObject = new SearchPastOrders();

            using (var context = new BaB_DbContext(options))
                testOrderLookupObject.OrderLookup(new UnitTest7Inputs(), context);

            using (var context = new BaB_DbContext(options))
                Assert.Equal(testOrder.OrderID, testOrderLookupObject.QueriedOrder.OrderID);
        public void TestRemoveItemFromOrder()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <BaB_DbContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "Test10Db")

            Customer testCustomer;

            #region Test database seeding
            using (var context = new BaB_DbContext(options))
                #region Customers
                //Add customers to database for sampling from
                Customer testCustomer1 = new Customer
                    CustFirstName = "Annie",
                    CustLastName  = "Admin",
                    CustUsername  = "******",
                    CustPassword  = "******"

                Customer testCustomer2 = new Customer
                    CustFirstName = "Becky",
                    CustLastName  = "Boss",
                    CustUsername  = "******",
                    CustPassword  = "******"


                #region LocationCountry
                //Add Location Country to the test database
                LocationCountry testLocationCountry = new LocationCountry
                    Country = "USA"


                #region LocationState
                //Add Location State to the test database
                LocationState testLocationState = new LocationState
                    State = "Illinois"


                #region Products
                //Add a product to the database for building with
                Product testProduct1 = new Product
                    ProductName  = "Test product 1",
                    ProductPrice = 1

                Product testProduct2 = new Product
                    ProductName  = "Test product 2",
                    ProductPrice = 1

                Product testProduct3 = new Product
                    ProductName  = "Test product 3",
                    ProductPrice = 1


                #region Locations
                //Add locations to the test database
                Location testLocation1 = new Location
                    LocationAddress = "1 Street",
                    LocationState   = testLocationState,
                    LocationCountry = testLocationCountry

                Location testLocation2 = new Location
                    LocationAddress = "2 Street",
                    LocationState   = testLocationState,
                    LocationCountry = testLocationCountry


                #region Inventory
                //Add inventory to locations
                Inventory testInventory1 = new Inventory
                    InventoryLocation = testLocation1,
                    InventoryProduct  = testProduct1,
                    QuantityAvailable = 15

                Inventory testInventory2 = new Inventory
                    InventoryLocation = testLocation1,
                    InventoryProduct  = testProduct2,
                    QuantityAvailable = 15

                Inventory testInventory3 = new Inventory
                    InventoryLocation = testLocation1,
                    InventoryProduct  = testProduct3,
                    QuantityAvailable = 15

                Inventory testInventory4 = new Inventory
                    InventoryLocation = testLocation2,
                    InventoryProduct  = testProduct1,
                    QuantityAvailable = 15

                Inventory testInventory5 = new Inventory
                    InventoryLocation = testLocation2,
                    InventoryProduct  = testProduct2,
                    QuantityAvailable = 15

                Inventory testInventory6 = new Inventory
                    InventoryLocation = testLocation2,
                    InventoryProduct  = testProduct3,
                    QuantityAvailable = 15


                testCustomer = testCustomer1;


            PlaceOrder testPlaceOrder = new PlaceOrder();

            using (var context = new BaB_DbContext(options))
                testPlaceOrder.CreateOrder(new UnitTest11Inputs(), context, testCustomer);

            using (var context = new BaB_DbContext(options))
                Assert.Equal(0, context.OrderLineItemsDB.Count());
                Assert.Equal(0, context.OrdersDB.Count());
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches the database for orders based on customer name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">User input device.</param>
        /// <param name="db">Database reference.</param>
        void OrderLookupCustomer(IUserInput input, BaB_DbContext db)
                Console.Write("Please enter the name you would like to search for, or \"Go back\" to return to the previous options: ");
                userInput = input.GetInput();
                if ((userInput.ToLower() == "go back") || userInput.ToLower() == "goback") //User Input: Return to submenu
                else //User input: search term
                        String userNameInput = userInput; //Lock in user's input for query

                        //query database for any matching first/last names
                        var dbCustomerOrders = db.OrdersDB
                                               .Include(ord => ord.OrderCustomer)
                                               .Where(ord => (ord.OrderCustomer.CustFirstName == userNameInput) || (ord.OrderCustomer.CustLastName == userNameInput));

                        if (dbCustomerOrders.Count() == 0) //If no customers found in query
                            Console.WriteLine("No customers found with this name.");
                        else //At least one matching customer foung
                            Console.WriteLine("Customer matches: \n");

                            //iterate through the new query, listing each order found.
                            foreach (var order in dbCustomerOrders)
                                //var orderTotal = db.OrderLineItemsDB
                                //Raw SQL code for total: SELECT SUM(LinePrice) FROM OrderLineItemsDB WHERE LineItemOrderOrderID = 3;
                                Console.WriteLine($"Order #{order.OrderID}: Placed {order.OrderDate}, by {order.OrderCustomer.CustFirstName} {order.OrderCustomer.CustLastName}" /* for a total of ${order.OrderTotal}"*/);

                            //Look deeper into order
                                Console.Write("\nPlease enter the order number you would like to view, or \"Go back\" to return to the previous options: ");
                                userInput = input.GetInput();

                                if ((userInput.ToLower() == "go back") || userInput.ToLower() == "goback") //User Input: Go back one submenu
                                else //Input order to look into
                                        int userOrderChoice = int.Parse(userInput); //parse user input to int

                                        //iterate through query, looking for corresponding order
                                        foreach (var order in dbCustomerOrders)
                                            if (order.OrderID == userOrderChoice)
                                                queriedOrder = order; //set queried order

                                                //query database for order's line items
                                                var queriedLineItems =
                                                    .Include(ord => ord.LineItemOrder)
                                                    .Include(prod => prod.LineItemProduct)
                                                    .Where(ord => ord.LineItemOrder.OrderID == userOrderChoice);

                                                Console.WriteLine("\nOrder Line Item breakdown: ");

                                                //iterate through, listing line items
                                                foreach (var item in queriedLineItems)
                                                    Console.WriteLine($"Line item #{item.OrderLineItemID}: {item.Quantity} units of {item.LineItemProduct.ProductName} for ${item.LinePrice}");

                                                //wait for user input to continue
                                                Console.Write("\nPress enter to continue when you are finished with this order: ");
                                                userInput = input.GetInput();
                                        if (queriedOrder == null) //If user input not valid, throw exception
                                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
                                    catch (Exception) //Catch invalid input
                                        Console.WriteLine("Error: please check your input, and try again.");
                            } while (true);
                    catch (Exception) //catch invalid input
                        Console.WriteLine("Error: please check your input, and try again.");
            } while (true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches the database for orders placed from a given location.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">User Input device.</param>
        /// <param name="db">Database reference.</param>
        void OrderLookupLocation(IUserInput input, BaB_DbContext db)

            //query database for list of locations
            var locationsLookup = db.LocationsDB.Include(loc => loc.LocationState).Include(loc => loc.LocationCountry).ToList();

            //iterate through list, printing out each location
            foreach (Location loc in locationsLookup)
                Console.WriteLine($"{loc.LocationID}: {loc.LocationAddress}, {loc.LocationState.State}, {loc.LocationCountry.Country}");

            //Search for location or go back
                Console.Write("Please enter the number of the location you would like to search for, or \"Go back\" to return to the previous options: ");
                userInput = input.GetInput();
                if ((userInput.ToLower() == "go back") || userInput.ToLower() == "goback") //User input: Return to previous menu
                    break;                                                                 //break out of Location loop
                else //User input not "go back"
                        int userLocationChoice = int.Parse(userInput);                                  //Parse user input to int
                        if ((userLocationChoice < 1) || (locationsLookup.Count() < userLocationChoice)) //Check if input is out of range
                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();                                    //Pre-emptively throw exception
                        else //User input within range
                            //Query database for orders from that location
                            var dbLocationOrders = db.OrdersDB
                                                   .Include(ord => ord.OrderCustomer)
                                                   .Where(ord => ord.OrderLocation.LocationID == userLocationChoice);

                            if (dbLocationOrders.Count() == 0) //If no orders from that location, say so
                                Console.WriteLine("No orders placed from this location.");
                            else //Location has order history
                                Console.WriteLine("Orders from this location: \n");

                                //iterate through the new query, listing each order found.
                                foreach (var order in dbLocationOrders)
                                    //var orderTotal = db.OrderLineItemsDB
                                    //Raw SQL code for total: SELECT SUM(LinePrice) FROM OrderLineItemsDB WHERE LineItemOrderOrderID = 3;
                                    Console.WriteLine($"Order #{order.OrderID}: Placed {order.OrderDate}, by {order.OrderCustomer.CustFirstName} {order.OrderCustomer.CustLastName}" /* for a total of ${order.OrderTotal}"*/);

                                do //get order view input
                                    Console.Write("\nPlease enter the order number you would like to view, or \"Go back\" to return to the previous options: ");
                                    userInput = input.GetInput();
                                    if ((userInput.ToLower() == "go back") || userInput.ToLower() == "goback") //if user wants out, go back
                                        break;                                                                 //exit loop
                                    else //User looking further into order
                                            int userOrderChoice = int.Parse(userInput); //parse user input

                                            //iterate through until order IDs match
                                            foreach (var order in dbLocationOrders)
                                                if (order.OrderID == userOrderChoice) //if order IDs match
                                                    queriedOrder = order;             //set queried order

                                                    //query database for matching order's line items
                                                    var queriedLineItems =
                                                        .Include(ord => ord.LineItemOrder)
                                                        .Include(prod => prod.LineItemProduct)
                                                        .Where(ord => ord.LineItemOrder.OrderID == userOrderChoice);

                                                    Console.WriteLine("\nOrder Line Item breakdown: ");

                                                    //Write each item in query
                                                    foreach (var item in queriedLineItems)
                                                        Console.WriteLine($"Line item #{item.OrderLineItemID}: {item.Quantity} units of {item.LineItemProduct.ProductName} for ${item.LinePrice}");

                                                    //wait for user input to continue
                                                    Console.Write("\nPress enter to continue when you are finished with this order: ");
                                                    userInput = input.GetInput();
                                            if (queriedOrder == null) //if user input is not connected to an order, throw exception
                                                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
                                        catch (Exception) //catch erroneous inputs
                                            Console.WriteLine("Error: please check your input, and try again.");
                                } while (true);
                    catch (Exception) //Catch erroneous inputs
                        Console.WriteLine("Error: please check your input, and try again.");
            } while (true);
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// This method creates, fills out, and submits orders according to user input.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">User input.</param>
        /// <param name="db">Database reference.</param>
        /// <param name="customer">The currently logged in customer</param>
        public void CreateOrder(IUserInput input, BaB_DbContext db, Customer customer)
            //Order to store the location and customer info
            Order currentOrder = new Order(customer);

            //List to hold Line Order objects
            List <OrderLineItem> orderLineItems = new List <OrderLineItem>();

            //place order formatting
            Console.WriteLine("      Place an Order");

            //query database for list of locations
            var locationsLookup = db.LocationsDB.Include(loc => loc.LocationState).Include(loc => loc.LocationCountry).ToList();

            //iterate through list, printing out each location
            foreach (Location loc in locationsLookup)
                Console.WriteLine($"{loc.LocationID}: {loc.LocationAddress}, {loc.LocationState.State}, {loc.LocationCountry.Country}");

            //method logic
                Console.Write("Please select a location's number, or \"Go back\" to return to the previous menu: ");
                userInput = input.GetInput();

                if ((userInput.ToLower() == "go back") || (userInput.ToLower() == "goback")) //User input: "Go Back"
                    return;                                                                  //Close out of the method
                else //User selected a location
                        int userLocationChoice = int.Parse(userInput);                                  //parse user's input as int
                        if ((userLocationChoice < 1) || (locationsLookup.Count() < userLocationChoice)) //if input is out of range...
                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();                                    //pre-emptively throw exception
                            foreach (Location loc in locationsLookup) //loop through locations, finding the matching one
                                if (userLocationChoice == loc.LocationID)
                                    currentOrder.OrderLocation = loc; //add location to constructed Order

                            //reiterate user's location back to them.
                            Console.WriteLine($"Your location selection: {currentOrder.OrderLocation.LocationAddress}, {currentOrder.OrderLocation.LocationState.State}, {currentOrder.OrderLocation.LocationCountry.Country}");

                            //Query database for current inventory stocks
                            var inv = db.InventoryDB
                                      .Include(loc => loc.InventoryLocation)
                                      .Include(prod => prod.InventoryProduct)
                                      .Where(loc => loc.InventoryLocation.LocationID == userLocationChoice);

                            //Start Order Line Item loop
                                //counter to hold item number (generalizes number for ease of user selection)
                                int itemNumber = 1;

                                Console.WriteLine("Current location inventory: ");
                                foreach (var stock in inv)
                                    //List items in inventory at location, then increment counter
                                    Console.WriteLine($"Item #{itemNumber}: {stock.InventoryProduct.ProductName} -- Number available: {stock.QuantityAvailable}");

                                Console.Write("Enter \"Add Item\" to add an item to your order, \"Remove Item\" to remove an item from your order, \"View Order\" to see your current order, or \"Check Out\" to submit your order: ");

                                //inner loop for controlling console spam during selection
                                    userInput = input.GetInput();                                                  //Get user input
                                    if ((userInput.ToLower() == "add item") || (userInput.ToLower() == "additem")) //User input: Add Item to order
                                        //Lock into add item loop
                                            Console.Write("Please enter the ID Number of the product you would like to add to your order, or \"Go Back\" to return to order menu: ");
                                            userInput = input.GetInput();

                                            if ((userInput.ToLower() == "go back") || (userInput.ToLower() == "goback")) //back out of add item menu
                                                goto ActionComplete;
                                            else //Enter an item ID
                                                    var userProductChoice = int.Parse(userInput);                     //parse user input to int
                                                    if ((userProductChoice < 0) || (userProductChoice > inv.Count())) //check if input is within range
                                                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();                      //pre-emptively throw exception
                                                    else //valid item ID
                                                        //counter for iterating through IQueryable and finding the correct item
                                                        int prodCounter = 1;

                                                        foreach (var prod in inv)
                                                            if (prodCounter == userProductChoice) //Check each item in inventory query to see if it matches
                                                                Console.Write("Please enter the quantity you would like to add to your order: ");
                                                                userInput = input.GetInput();

                                                                    var userQuantityChoice = int.Parse(userInput);                                 //parse input to int
                                                                    if ((userQuantityChoice < 0) || (userQuantityChoice > prod.QuantityAvailable)) //Check if input is out of range
                                                                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();                                   //pre-emptively throw exception
                                                                    else //valid input
                                                                        //create line item with information provided (order, product, quantity, line price
                                                                        //Source: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/classes-and-structs/how-to-implement-a-lightweight-class-with-auto-implemented-properties
                                                                        orderLineItems.Add(OrderLineItem.CreateLineItem(currentOrder, prod.InventoryProduct, userQuantityChoice, (prod.InventoryProduct.ProductPrice * userQuantityChoice)));

                                                                        //decrease inventory counts by same amount
                                                                        prod.QuantityAvailable -= userQuantityChoice;

                                                                        //Wait for user input
                                                                        Console.WriteLine("Item added to order! Press enter to continue...");
                                                                        goto ActionComplete;
                                                                catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) //Input greater than remaining inventory
                                                                    Console.WriteLine("There is not sufficient inventory left to fill that order.");
                                                                catch (Exception) //Catch other exceptions that slip through the cracks
                                                                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid selection. Please verify your input and try again.");
                                                            else //If item does not match, increate counter
                                                catch (Exception)
                                                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid selection. Please verify your input and try again.");
                                        } while (true);
                                    else if ((userInput.ToLower() == "remove item") || (userInput.ToLower() == "removeitem")) //User input: Remove Item from order
                                        if (orderLineItems.Count() == 0)                                                      //Order is empty
                                            Console.WriteLine("No items currently contained within order.");
                                        else //Order contains elements available to be removed
                                            Console.WriteLine("Items currently in order: ");
                                            //Iterate through, writing out elements in order
                                            for (int i = 0; i < orderLineItems.Count(); i++)
                                                Console.WriteLine($"{i+1}: {orderLineItems[i].Quantity} units of {orderLineItems[i].LineItemProduct.ProductName}");

                                            //Lock in to input loop until completed or backed out of
                                                Console.Write("Please enter the number of the item you would like to remove, or \"Go Back\" to return to order menu: ");
                                                userInput = input.GetInput();
                                                if ((userInput.ToLower() == "go back") || (userInput.ToLower() == "goback")) //Return to top menu
                                                    goto ActionComplete;
                                                else //Enter an item to remove
                                                        var userLineChoice = int.Parse(userInput);                             //Parse user input to integer
                                                        if ((userLineChoice < 1) || (userLineChoice > orderLineItems.Count())) //Verify user input is in range
                                                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();                           //pre-emptively throw exception
                                                        else //Valid user input
                                                            orderLineItems.Remove(orderLineItems[userLineChoice - 1]); //Remove line item from order
                                                            //Wait for user input
                                                            Console.WriteLine("Item removed. Press enter to continue...");
                                                            goto ActionComplete;
                                                    catch (Exception) //Catch invalid input
                                                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid selection. Please verify your input and try again.");
                                            } while (true);
                                    else if ((userInput.ToLower() == "view order") || (userInput.ToLower() == "vieworder")) //User input: View order
                                        if (orderLineItems.Count() == 0)                                                    //Order empty
                                            Console.WriteLine("No items currently contained within order.");
                                        else //Order has contents to view
                                            Console.WriteLine("Items currently in order: ");
                                            //iterate through list of line items, printing them to console
                                            for (int i = 0; i < orderLineItems.Count(); i++)
                                                Console.WriteLine($"{i + 1}: {orderLineItems[i].Quantity} units of {orderLineItems[i].LineItemProduct.ProductName}");
                                        //Wait for user input before exiting
                                        Console.WriteLine("Press enter to continue...");
                                        goto ActionComplete;
                                    else if ((userInput.ToLower() == "check out") || (userInput.ToLower() == "checkout")) //User input: Check Out order
                                        Console.WriteLine("Check out order:");

                                        if (orderLineItems.Count() == 0) //order is empty
                                            Console.WriteLine("The order is empty. The existing order will be closed, with no action taken.");
                                        else //Order has content to submit to database
                                            //Complete Order object, then add to database
                                            currentOrder.OrderDate = DateTime.Now;

                                            //Iterate through Line Items, adding them to database
                                            foreach (var line in orderLineItems)

                                            //Iterate through inventory reference, updating database
                                            foreach (var stock in inv)
                                            Console.WriteLine("Order successfully submitted!");

                                        //Return out of method on order submission, successful or not
                                        Console.Write("\nPress enter to continue when you are finished with this order: ");
                                        userInput = input.GetInput();
                                    else //Command not recognized as valid
                                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid command. Please verify your input and try again.");
                                } while (true);
                                ActionComplete :; // Provides a consistent exit location after each action is completed, to smooth the order loop
                            } while (true);
                    catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) //Invalid location input
                        Console.WriteLine("Please select a valid location number.");
                    catch (Exception e) //Catch any other exceptions that slip through, writing to console
                        Console.WriteLine("Error: please check your input, and try again.");
            } while (true);