Esempio n. 1
        public static string QueryAfterMoney(string sid)
            string r = "";
            SessionUserValidate iv = SysValidateBll.ValidateSession();

            if (iv.f)
                VAOrderPrice     vaop = new VAOrderPrice();
                StringBuilder    omh  = new StringBuilder();
                B_AfterSaleOrder bafo = abasob.Query("and sid='" + sid + "'");
                if (bafo != null)
                    vaop.omoney = bafo.omoney.ToString("#0.00");
                    B_AfterPriceFile bapf = abpfb.Query("and sid='" + sid + "'");
                    if (bapf != null)
                        vaop.bshow = "1";
                        vaop.fname = bapf.fname;
                        vaop.pfid  =;
                    List <B_PayImg> lobpi = bpib.QueryList(" and sid='" + sid + "' and ptype='o'");
                    if (lobpi != null)
                        omh.Append("<table style='width:100%;border:none'>");
                        foreach (B_PayImg bpi in lobpi)
                            omh.AppendFormat("<tr><td><img id='{0}' src='{1}' alt='' onclick='nck('/></td></tr>",, bpi.url);
                    vaop.ohtm = omh.ToString();
                    r         = js.Serialize(vaop);
                r = iv.badstr;
Esempio n. 2
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (Request.QueryString["sid"] != null)
         string filePath  = "";
         string fileName  = "";
         string sid       = Request.QueryString["sid"].ToString();
         string otype     = Request.QueryString["otype"].ToString();
         string ftype     = Request.QueryString["ftype"].ToString();
         bool   urlencode = true;
         string brower    = Request.Browser.Browser;
         if (brower == "Firefox")
             urlencode = false;
         if (otype == "")
             if (ftype == "a")
                 B_Attachment ba = bmib.Query(" and id=" + sid + "");
                 if (ba != null)
                     filePath = Server.MapPath(ba.furl);
                     fileName = ba.fname;
             if (ftype == "d")
                 B_DesignPlan ba = bdpb.Query(" and id=" + sid + "");
                 if (ba != null)
                     filePath = Server.MapPath(ba.durl);
                     fileName = ba.dname;
         #region //木门单下载
         #region //木作单下载
         if (otype == "mz")
             if (ftype == "rplan")
                 B_MzRequstDesign bp = bmrdpb.Query(" and id=" + sid + "");
                 if (bp != null)
                     filePath = Server.MapPath(bp.url);
                     fileName = bp.pname;
             if (ftype == "plan")
                 B_MzDesignPlan bp = bmdpb.Query(" and id=" + sid + "");
                 if (bp != null)
                     filePath = Server.MapPath(bp.purl);
                     fileName = bp.pname;
             if (ftype == "bj")
                 B_MzPriceFile bp = bmpfb.Query(" and id=" + sid + "");
                 if (bp != null)
                     filePath = Server.MapPath(bp.furl);
                     fileName = bp.fname;
         if (otype == "fk")
             if (ftype == "bj")
                 B_AfterPriceFile bp = bapfb.Query(" and id=" + sid + "");
                 if (bp != null)
                     filePath = Server.MapPath(bp.furl);
                     fileName = bp.fname;
         if (filePath != "" && fileName != "")
             Downfiles(filePath, fileName, urlencode);