private void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // INIT STUFF #region Init variables { this.Text = String.Format("BustersMC Updater APP v {0}-{1} ({2})", VERSION, BUILD, DATE); lVersionThis.Text = BUILD.ToString(); logThis(String.Format("Launched in \"{0}\".", pathApp)); // Create folder structure try { if (!Directory.Exists(pathAppTemp)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathAppTemp); } if (!Directory.Exists(pathAppRepository)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathAppRepository); } } catch { } // DEFINE HTTP CONNECTION ROOT, must be here for the updater to catch up! if (Properties.Settings.Default.HTTP_DocumentRoot != "") { Connection.HTTP.DocumentRoot = Properties.Settings.Default.HTTP_DocumentRoot; eConnectionHTTPUri.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.HTTP_DocumentRoot; eConnectionHTTPUri.ForeColor = Color.LawnGreen; } else { Connection.HTTP.DocumentRoot = eConnectionHTTPUri.Text; } UPDATER_WEB_ROOT = forwardSlashPath(Connection.HTTP.DocumentRoot + UPDATER_PATH); } #endregion // Run without IFs, to just get the version. if (upToDate() == false) { tsbAppUpdate.Enabled = true; } // FETCH THE MISSING FILES #region Fetch application files { if (!File.Exists(backSlashPath(pathApp) + "changelog.txt")) { DownloadFile(UPDATER_WEB_ROOT + "changelog.txt", backSlashPath(pathApp) + "changelog.txt"); } // temporarily force the updating of blacklist file //if ( !File.Exists( backSlashPath( pathApp ) + "blacklist" ) ) { DownloadFile(UPDATER_WEB_ROOT + "blacklist", backSlashPath(pathApp) + "blacklist"); //} } #endregion // READ THE BLACKLIST FROM FILE #region Read the Blacklist and Changelog StreamReader f; try { f = File.OpenText(backSlashPath(pathApp) + "blacklist"); while (!f.EndOfStream) { fileBlacklist.Add(f.ReadLine()); } f.Close(); tbBlacklist.Text = String.Join("\r\n", fileBlacklist); tbBlacklist.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(216, 216, 216); } catch (FileNotFoundException exception) { // File not Found. Create and close (the file). logThis("File 'blacklist' is not found. Attempting to create."); FileStream f2 = File.Create(backSlashPath(pathApp) + "blacklist"); f2.Close(); } // Read the Changelog try { f = File.OpenText(backSlashPath(pathApp) + "changelog.txt"); tbChangelog.Text = f.ReadToEnd(); f.Close(); } catch { } #endregion /* * Load selection related settings from registry * */ #region Load selection choice from registry { /** * LOAD VARIABLES FROM REGISTRY **/ // If we have saved path for MultiMC Path... if (Properties.Settings.Default.MultiMCPath != "") { setMultiMCPath(Properties.Settings.Default.MultiMCPath); } // And for Repository if (Properties.Settings.Default.RepositoryPath != "") { setRepoPath(Properties.Settings.Default.RepositoryPath); } else { setRepoPath(pathAppRepository); } // Load default HTTP Document Root if (Properties.Settings.Default.HTTP_DocumentRoot != "") { Connection.HTTP.DocumentRoot = Properties.Settings.Default.HTTP_DocumentRoot; } // Selected instance... if (Properties.Settings.Default.SelectedInstance != "") { selectInstance(Properties.Settings.Default.SelectedInstance); } // ... and selected branch if (Properties.Settings.Default.SelectedBranch != "") { refreshModpackList(); logThis(String.Format("THIS IS DEBUG YADDA YADDA, {0}", Properties.Settings.Default.SelectedBranch)); selectRemoteBranch(Properties.Settings.Default.SelectedBranch); cbModpacks.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.SelectedBranch; } } #endregion refreshModpackList(); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (helpTimer < 10.0f) { helpTimer -= Time.deltaTime; if (helpTimer <= 0.0f) { Debug.Log("disabling Help"); helpImg.SetActive(false); helpTimer = 10.0f; } } if (kissTimer != 5.0f) { kissTimer -= Time.deltaTime; if (kissTimer <= 0.0f) { Kiss.GetComponent <ParticleEmitter>().emit = false; kissTimer = 5.0f; } } Ray ray; bool hand2d = false; if (PreferredHand == HAND_SIDES.Right) { hand2d = GetComponentInChildren <HandRenderer> ().queryRightHand2DCoordinates(out cursor2d); if (!hand2d) { hand2d = GetComponentInChildren <HandRenderer> ().queryLeftHand2DCoordinates(out cursor2d); } } else { hand2d = GetComponentInChildren <HandRenderer> ().queryLeftHand2DCoordinates(out cursor2d); if (!hand2d) { hand2d = GetComponentInChildren <HandRenderer> ().queryRightHand2DCoordinates(out cursor2d); } } if (!hand2d) { // cursor.SetActive (false); cursor2d = Input.mousePosition; ray = camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); Screen.lockCursor = false; Screen.showCursor = true; } else { // cursor.SetActive (true); // cursor.GetComponent<RectTransform> ().position = cursor2d; ray = camera.ScreenPointToRay(cursor2d); Screen.lockCursor = true; Screen.showCursor = false; } RaycastHit hit; int terrainlayermask = 1 << 9; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, terrainlayermask)) { //sphere.transform.position = new Vector3 (hit.point.x, hit.point.y + 1.0f, hit.point.z); cursor3d = hit.point; } // Instantiate (object, mousePo, Quaternion.identity); switch (mode) { case MODE.DEFAULT: if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) || Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1) || Input.GetMouseButtonDown(2)) { Cursor.SetCursor(closed,, CursorMode.Auto); } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) || Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1) || Input.GetMouseButtonUp(2)) { Cursor.SetCursor(normal,, CursorMode.Auto); } break; case MODE.BUILD: if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) // create object and place at mouse posisition { } Debug.Log(build.ToString()); if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) && build != BUILD.NONE) { Debug.Log("Build done"); // Place the object; } break; case MODE.THUNDER_CLAP: Cursor.SetCursor(thunderclap_cursor,, CursorMode.Auto); if (!isOnHUD() && !isOnShelf()) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { // Trigger Thunder Clap // PeopleManager.GetComponent<LoadVoxelPeople>().Powermode = LoadVoxelPeople.MODE.THUNDER_CLAP; // PeopleManager.GetComponent<LoadVoxelPeople>().pointOfContact = cursor3d; PowerThunderClap.Trigger(cursor3d); setMode(MODE.DEFAULT); } } break; case MODE.WINDY: break; case MODE.GMBC: break; case MODE.MJOLNIR: Cursor.SetCursor(mjolnir_cursor,, CursorMode.Auto); if (!isOnHUD() && !isOnShelf()) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { // Trigger Mjolnir at cursor3d /* * PeopleManager.GetComponent<LoadVoxelPeople>().Powermode = LoadVoxelPeople.MODE.MJOLNIR; * PeopleManager.GetComponent<LoadVoxelPeople>().pointOfContact = cursor3d; * if(currentLevel != null){ * currentLevel.GetComponent<ZombieManager>().Powermode = ZombieManager.MODE.MJOLNIR; * currentLevel.GetComponent<ZombieManager>().hit3DLoc = cursor3d; * } */ PowerMjolnir.Trigger(cursor3d); setMode(MODE.DEFAULT); } } break; case MODE.FIREBALL: Cursor.SetCursor(fireball_cursor,, CursorMode.Auto); if (!isOnHUD() && !isOnShelf()) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { // Trigger Fireball at cursor3d // PeopleManager.GetComponent<LoadVoxelPeople>().Powermode = LoadVoxelPeople.MODE.FIREBALL; // PeopleManager.GetComponent<LoadVoxelPeople>().pointOfContact = cursor3d; // if(currentLevel != null){ // currentLevel.GetComponent<ZombieManager>().Powermode = ZombieManager.MODE.FIREBALL; // currentLevel.GetComponent<ZombieManager>().hit3DLoc = cursor3d; // } PowerFireball.Trigger(cursor3d); setMode(MODE.DEFAULT); } } break; case MODE.TORNADO: Cursor.SetCursor(tornado_cursor,, CursorMode.Auto); if (!isOnHUD() && !isOnShelf()) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { // Trigger Tornado at cursor3d // PeopleManager.GetComponent<LoadVoxelPeople>().Powermode = LoadVoxelPeople.MODE.TORNADO; // PeopleManager.GetComponent<LoadVoxelPeople>().pointOfContact = cursor3d; // if(currentLevel != null){ // currentLevel.GetComponent<ZombieManager>().Powermode = ZombieManager.MODE.TORNADO; // currentLevel.GetComponent<ZombieManager>().hit3DLoc = cursor3d; // } PowerTornado.Trigger(cursor3d); setMode(MODE.DEFAULT); } } break; case MODE.BOO: PowerBoo.Trigger(cursor3d); setMode(MODE.DEFAULT); break; case MODE.HEY: PowerHey.Trigger(cursor3d); setMode(MODE.DEFAULT); break; case MODE.HOG: Cursor.SetCursor(tornado_cursor,, CursorMode.Auto); if (!isOnHUD() && !isOnShelf()) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { PowerHoG.Trigger(cursor3d); setMode(MODE.DEFAULT); } } break; } }