Esempio n. 1
        public void setTextureProperties()
            BTerrainActiveTextureContainer act = TerrainGlobals.getTexturing().getActiveTexture(TerrainGlobals.getTerrainFrontEnd().SelectedTextureIndex);

            if (act == null)
                CoreGlobals.ShowMessage("Error getting properties from active texture. index: = " + TerrainGlobals.getTerrainFrontEnd().SelectedTextureIndex.ToString());
                TerrainGlobals.getTerrainFrontEnd().SelectedTextureIndex = 0;
            uScalebar.Value         = act.mUScale;
            vScalebar.Value         = act.mVScale;
            specExponentVal.Value   = (Decimal)act.mSpecExponent;
            fresnelBiasVal.Value    = (Decimal)act.mFresnelBias;
            fresnelPowerVal.Value   = (Decimal)act.mFresnelPower;
            fresnelScaleVal.Value   = (Decimal)act.mFresnelScale;
            fresnelRefractVal.Value = (Decimal)act.mFresnelRefractPercent;
Esempio n. 2
        public void popertiesToActiveTextures()
            BTerrainActiveTextureContainer act = TerrainGlobals.getTexturing().getActiveTexture(TerrainGlobals.getTerrainFrontEnd().SelectedTextureIndex);

            if (act == null)
                CoreGlobals.ShowMessage("Error setting properties to active texture. index: = " + TerrainGlobals.getTerrainFrontEnd().SelectedTextureIndex.ToString());
                TerrainGlobals.getTerrainFrontEnd().SelectedTextureIndex = 0;
            act.mUScale                = uScalebar.Value;
            act.mVScale                = vScalebar.Value;
            act.mSpecExponent          = (float)specExponentVal.Value;
            act.mFresnelBias           = (float)fresnelBiasVal.Value;
            act.mFresnelPower          = (float)fresnelPowerVal.Value;
            act.mFresnelScale          = (float)fresnelScaleVal.Value;
            act.mFresnelRefractPercent = (float)fresnelRefractVal.Value;

            //    TerrainGlobals.getTexturing().writeTexturesToXML();
Esempio n. 3
        static void estimateTerrainMemory()
            using (PerfSection p3 = new PerfSection("estimateTerrainMemory"))
                int width = TerrainGlobals.getTerrain().getNumXVerts();

                //CLM THESE ESTIMATES ARE VALID AS OF [07.24.07]

                //positions & normals - each component is 32bit
                mMemoryUsageItems.Add(new memoryElement("Terrain Positions & Normals", (width * width * 8), eMainCatagory.eCat_Terrain));

                //ALPHA - DXT5A
                mMemoryUsageItems.Add(new memoryElement("Terrain Alpha", ((width >> 2) * (width >> 2) * 8), eMainCatagory.eCat_Terrain));

                //AO - DXT5A
                mMemoryUsageItems.Add(new memoryElement("Terrain AO", ((width >> 2) * (width >> 2) * 8), eMainCatagory.eCat_Terrain));

                int nodeWidth   = 16;
                int numXPatches = (int)(TerrainGlobals.getTerrain().getNumXVerts() / (float)nodeWidth);
                int tessMem     = numXPatches * numXPatches;
                tessMem += (numXPatches * numXPatches * 2) * (sizeof(float) * 4);
                mMemoryUsageItems.Add(new memoryElement("Terrain Tessellation", tessMem, eMainCatagory.eCat_Terrain));

                //light data - DXT1
                if (LightManager.hasTerrainLightData())
                    mMemoryUsageItems.Add(new memoryElement("Terrain Precomputed Lighting", ((width * width) >> 2), eMainCatagory.eCat_Terrain));

                //texture alpha data
                int texAlphaMem          = 0;
                BTerrainQuadNode[] nodes = TerrainGlobals.getTerrain().getQuadNodeLeafArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
                    int numAlignedSplatLayers = 4 * (((nodes[i].mLayerContainer.getNumSplatLayers() - 1) >> 2) + 1);
                    int numAlignedDecalLayers = 4 * (((nodes[i].mLayerContainer.getNumDecalLayers() - 1) >> 2) + 1);

                    texAlphaMem += numAlignedSplatLayers * ((64 * 64) >> 2);
                mMemoryUsageItems.Add(new memoryElement("Terrain Texture Blends", texAlphaMem, eMainCatagory.eCat_Terrain));

                //unique Albedo
                int uniqueTextureRes = 128;
                int uniqueWidth      = (int)((width / BTerrainQuadNode.cMaxWidth) * uniqueTextureRes);
                int uniqueMemSize    = (int)(uniqueWidth * uniqueWidth);

                if (BMathLib.isPow2(uniqueWidth))
                    uniqueMemSize += (uniqueWidth >> 1) * (uniqueWidth >> 1);

                mMemoryUsageItems.Add(new memoryElement("Terrain Unique Albedo Texture", (uniqueMemSize >> 1), eMainCatagory.eCat_Terrain));

                int totalPhysicalMemory = 0;
                for (int qi = 0; qi < FoliageManager.getNumChunks(); qi++)
                    FoliageQNChunk chunk = FoliageManager.getChunk(qi);
                    for (int setI = 0; setI < chunk.mSetsUsed.Count; setI++)
                        int        numBlades = 0;
                        FoliageSet fs        = FoliageManager.giveSet(chunk.mSetsUsed[setI]);

                        //walk through the main grid for our current chunk
                        //pack the data into proper inds..
                        for (int x = 0; x < BTerrainQuadNode.cMaxWidth; x++)
                            for (int z = 0; z < BTerrainQuadNode.cMaxWidth; z++)
                                int             index = (x + chunk.mOwnerNodeDesc.mMinXVert) + width * (z + chunk.mOwnerNodeDesc.mMinZVert);
                                FoliageVertData fvd   = FoliageManager.mVertData.GetValue(index);
                                if (

                                if (FoliageManager.giveIndexOfSet(fvd.mFoliageSetName) == FoliageManager.giveIndexOfSet(chunk.mSetsUsed[setI]))
                                    totalPhysicalMemory += (fs.mNumVertsPerBlade + 1) * sizeof(int);
                mMemoryUsageItems.Add(new memoryElement("Terrain Foliage", totalPhysicalMemory, eMainCatagory.eCat_Terrain));


                mMemoryUsageItems.Add(new memoryElement("Terrain Decal Rep", 256 * 256 * sizeof(short) * 2, eMainCatagory.eCat_Terrain));

                //add in our 360 cache data
                int       cacheMemCount = 0;
                const int numCachePages = 20;
                const int cachePageSize = 512;
                const int numMips       = 2;
                bool      albedoCache   = true;
                bool      normalCache   = true;
                bool      specCache     = false;
                bool      selfCache     = false;
                bool      envCache      = false;

                for (int i = 0; i < TerrainGlobals.getTexturing().getActiveTextureCount(); i++)
                    BTerrainActiveTextureContainer ActTex = TerrainGlobals.getTexturing().getActiveTexture(i);

                    String fname = ActTex.mFilename;

                    String ext = ".ddx";// Path.GetExtension(fname);

                    string sname = fname.Substring(0, fname.LastIndexOf("_df")) + "_em" + ext;
                    selfCache |= File.Exists(sname);
                    sname      = fname.Substring(0, fname.LastIndexOf("_df")) + "_rm" + ext;
                    envCache  |= File.Exists(sname);
                    sname      = fname.Substring(0, fname.LastIndexOf("_df")) + "_sp" + ext;
                    specCache |= File.Exists(sname);
                for (int i = 0; i < TerrainGlobals.getTexturing().getActiveDecalCount(); i++)
                    BTerrainActiveDecalContainer ActTex = TerrainGlobals.getTexturing().getActiveDecal(i);

                    String fname = ActTex.mFilename;

                    String ext = ".ddx";// Path.GetExtension(fname);

                    string sname = fname.Substring(0, fname.LastIndexOf("_df")) + "_em" + ext;
                    selfCache |= File.Exists(sname);
                    sname      = fname.Substring(0, fname.LastIndexOf("_df")) + "_rm" + ext;
                    envCache  |= File.Exists(sname);
                    sname      = fname.Substring(0, fname.LastIndexOf("_df")) + "_sp" + ext;
                    specCache |= File.Exists(sname);

                if (albedoCache)
                    cacheMemCount += giveTextureCacheMemoryRequirement(numCachePages, cachePageSize, numMips, 0);            //DXT1 * numCachePages (mip0 & mip1)
                if (normalCache)
                    cacheMemCount += giveTextureCacheMemoryRequirement(numCachePages, cachePageSize, numMips, 1);
                ;                                                                                                           //DXN
                if (specCache)
                    cacheMemCount += giveTextureCacheMemoryRequirement(numCachePages, cachePageSize, numMips, 0);         //DXT1
                if (envCache)
                    cacheMemCount += giveTextureCacheMemoryRequirement(numCachePages, cachePageSize, numMips, 0);         //DXT1
                if (selfCache)
                    cacheMemCount += giveTextureCacheMemoryRequirement(numCachePages, cachePageSize, numMips, 1);         //DXT5
                mMemoryUsageItems.Add(new memoryElement("Terrain Texture Cache", cacheMemCount, eMainCatagory.eCat_Terrain));

                int totalMemTT = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < TerrainGlobals.getTexturing().getActiveTextureCount(); i++)
                    totalMemTT += TerrainGlobals.getTexturing().getActiveTexture(i).m360MemoryFootprint;
                for (int i = 0; i < TerrainGlobals.getTexturing().getActiveDecalCount(); i++)
                    totalMemTT += TerrainGlobals.getTexturing().getActiveDecal(i).m360MemoryFootprint;
                mMemoryUsageItems.Add(new memoryElement("Terrain Artist Textures", totalMemTT, eMainCatagory.eCat_Terrain));