public void BulkReadTest() { var files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(@"E:\MDX", "*.mdx", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (var file in files) //Parallel.ForEach(files, file => { Model mdx = new Model(file); VERS version = mdx.Get <VERS>(); MODL modl = mdx.Get <MODL>(); SEQS sequences = mdx.Get <SEQS>(); MTLS materials = mdx.Get <MTLS>(); TEXS textures = mdx.Get <TEXS>(); GEOS geosets = mdx.Get <GEOS>(); GEOA geosetanims = mdx.Get <GEOA>(); HELP helpers = mdx.Get <HELP>(); ATCH attachments = mdx.Get <ATCH>(); PIVT pivotpoints = mdx.Get <PIVT>(); CAMS cameras = mdx.Get <CAMS>(); EVTS events = mdx.Get <EVTS>(); CLID collisions = mdx.Get <CLID>(); GLBS globalsequences = mdx.Get <GLBS>(); PRE2 particleemitter2s = mdx.Get <PRE2>(); RIBB ribbonemitters = mdx.Get <RIBB>(); LITE lights = mdx.Get <LITE>(); TXAN textureanimations = mdx.Get <TXAN>(); BONE bones = mdx.Get <BONE>(); BPOS bindpositions = mdx.Get <BPOS>(); FAFX faceFXes = mdx.Get <FAFX>(); CORN particleEmitterPopcorns = mdx.Get <CORN>(); } //); }
private void Sign_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { KreationService.Log login = null; login = new KreationService.Log(); try { login = new KreationService.Log(); AcceptButton = Sign; login.Username = UserName.Text; /*assign textbox to string to pass server*/ login.Password = Password.Text; login.type = comboBox_Type.Text; login.branch = comboBox_Branch.Text; String avl = client.login(login);/* Pass string to server and get return value then assign it to var */ if (avl != login.type) { MessageBox.Show("Retry, Incorrect Password or username"); } else { if (login.type == "Admin") { this.Hide(); Admin a = new Admin(login.Username); a.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); } else if (login.type == "Accountant" && login.branch == "Borella") { this.Hide(); Accountant ac = new Accountant(login.Username); ac.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); } else if (login.type == "Accountant" && login.branch == "Bamba") { this.Hide(); BAccountant bac = new BAccountant(login.Username); bac.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); } else if (login.type == "Accountant" && login.branch == "Wattala") { this.Hide(); WAccountant wac = new WAccountant(login.Username); wac.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); } else if (login.type == "Guest" && login.branch == "Borella") { this.Hide(); Guest g = new Guest(); g.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); } else if (login.type == "Guest" && login.branch == "Bamba") { this.Hide(); BGuest bg = new BGuest(); bg.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); } else if (login.type == "Guest" && login.branch == "Wattala") { this.Hide(); WGuest wg = new WGuest(); wg.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); } else if (login.type == "Emp" && login.branch == "Borella") { this.Hide(); POS p = new POS(login.Username); p.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); } else if (login.type == "Emp" && login.branch == "Bamba") { this.Hide(); BPOS p = new BPOS(login.Username); p.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); } else if (login.type == "Emp" && login.branch == "Wattala") { this.Hide(); WPOS p = new WPOS(login.Username); p.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }