public static ResponseModel AddBOMFile(BOMFileModel m, ref int _newID) { ACTION = "AddBOMFile(BOMFileModel)"; try { _newID = 0; ResponseModel res = BOMFileDAL.AddBOMFile(m, ref _newID); return(new ResponseModel() { Action = ACTION, Source = SOURCE, Message = res.Message, Status = res.Status }); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new ResponseModel() { Action = ACTION, Source = SOURCE, Message = ex.Message, Status = false }); } }
internal static USR_TMMA_BOM_FILE Mapping(BOMFileModel o) { try { if (o != null) { return(new USR_TMMA_BOM_FILE() { BOMFileID = o.BOMFileID, RecObjectName = o.RecObjectName, UserSAP = o.UserSAP, BOMFilePath = o.BOMFilePath, BOMFileVersion = o.BOMFileVersion, BOMFileStatus = o.BOMFileStatus, ProductsTypeID = o.ProductsTypeID, ValidDate = o.ValidDate, IsActive = o.IsActive ? 1 : 0, CreatedBy = o.CreatedBy, CreatedDate = o.CreatedDate, UpdatedBy = o.UpdatedBy, UpdatedDate = o.UpdatedDate }); } return(null); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public static BOMFileModel GetBOMFile(int bomFileID) { ACTION = "GetBOMFile(bomFileID)"; try { using (UTMMABCDBEntities context = new UTMMABCDBEntities()) { USR_TMMA_BOM_FILE obj = context.USR_TMMA_BOM_FILE.Where(o => o.BOMFileID == bomFileID).FirstOrDefault(); BOMFileModel m = Mapping(obj); return(m); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public static BOMFileModel GetBOMFileLastVersion(int ProductsTypeID) { ACTION = "GetBOMFileLastVersion()"; try { using (UTMMABCDBEntities context = new UTMMABCDBEntities()) { var list = context.USR_TMMA_BOM_FILE.Where(a => a.ProductsTypeID == ProductsTypeID).ToList(); var o = list.Last(); BOMFileModel m = Mapping(o); return(m); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public void SaveBOMFileVersion(string path, string recObjectName, string userSAP, DateTime validDate, ref int version) { try { var enUser = Environment.UserName; int ProductsTypeID = 2; // CCS var last = core.GetBOMFileLastVersion(ProductsTypeID); version = (int)last.BOMFileVersion + 1; // Add BOMFile to Database BOMFileModel bomFile = new BOMFileModel(); bomFile.ProductsTypeID = ProductsTypeID; bomFile.RecObjectName = recObjectName; bomFile.UserSAP = userSAP; bomFile.BOMFilePath = path; bomFile.BOMFileStatus = 1; // create new bomFile.BOMFileVersion = (decimal)(version); bomFile.ValidDate = validDate; bomFile.IsActive = true; bomFile.CreatedBy = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(enUser) ? enUser : Session["Username"].ToString(); bomFile.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; int _newID = 0; ResponseModel res = core.AddBOMFile(bomFile, ref _newID); if (!res.Status) { throw new Exception(res.Message); } else { log.Info("========== Save to Database Success. ========="); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public static ResponseModel AddBOMFile(BOMFileModel m, ref int _newID) { string action = "AddBOMFile(BOMFileModel, out _newID)"; _newID = 0; try { if (m != null) { using (UTMMABCDBEntities context = new UTMMABCDBEntities()) { USR_TMMA_BOM_FILE _obj = Mapping(m); context.USR_TMMA_BOM_FILE.Add(_obj); if (context.SaveChanges() > 0) { _newID = _obj.BOMFileID; return(new ResponseModel() { Source = SOURCE, Action = action, Status = true, Message = "Success" }); } return(new ResponseModel() { Source = SOURCE, Action = action, Status = false, Message = "Fail" }); } } return(new ResponseModel() { Source = SOURCE, Action = action, Status = false, Message = "Null" }); } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { return(new ResponseModel() { Source = SOURCE, Action = action, Status = false, Message = ex.Message, StackTrace = ex.StackTrace }); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new ResponseModel() { Source = SOURCE, Action = action, Status = false, Message = ex.Message, StackTrace = ex.StackTrace }); } }
public ResponseModel AddBOMFile(BOMFileModel m, ref int _newID) { return(BOMFileBLL.AddBOMFile(m, ref _newID)); }