public static string VerifySchoolIF_CodeIsExists(string SchoolIF_Id, string SchoolIF_Code) { string strJson = string.Empty; try { BLL_TPSchoolIF bll = new BLL_TPSchoolIF(); string strWhere = string.Format(" SchoolIF_Code='{0}' ", SchoolIF_Code.Filter()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SchoolIF_Id)) { strWhere += string.Format(" and SchoolIF_Id!='{0}' ", SchoolIF_Id.Filter()); } if (bll.GetRecordCount(strWhere) > 0) { strJson = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { err = "error", errMsg = "标识已添加" }); } else { strJson = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { err = "null", errMsg = "" }); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { err = "error", errMsg = "出现异常错误" })); } return(strJson); }
public static string loginIndex(string userName, string passWord, string backUrl) { string strJson = string.Empty; string iurl = string.Empty; try { HttpContext.Current.Session["UserPublicUrl"] = null; string loginName = string.Empty; string loginPassWord = string.Empty; loginName = userName.Trim(); loginPassWord = Rc.Common.StrUtility.DESEncryptLogin.EncryptString(passWord.Trim()); Model_F_User loginModel = new Model_F_User(); object objFUser = new BLL_F_User().GetModelByUserName(loginName); object objIFUser = new BLL_TPIFUser().GetModelByUserName(loginName); if (objFUser == null && objIFUser == null) { HttpContext.Current.Session.Clear(); strJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { err = "该账号不存在,请重新登录。", iurl = "" }); return(strJson); } #region 验证第三方接口用户 if (objIFUser != null) { Model_TPIFUser modelIFUser = objIFUser as Model_TPIFUser; Model_TPSchoolIF modelSIF = new BLL_TPSchoolIF().GetModelBySchoolIF_Code(modelIFUser.School); if (modelSIF == null) { HttpContext.Current.Session.Clear(); strJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { err = "学校接口配置不存在,请重新登录。", iurl = "" }); return(strJson); } Model_ConfigSchool modelCS = new BLL_ConfigSchool().GetModelBySchoolIdNew(modelSIF.SchoolId); if (modelCS == null) { HttpContext.Current.Session.Clear(); strJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { err = "学校配置不存在,请重新登录。", iurl = "" }); return(strJson); } if (modelSIF.SchoolIF_Code == ThirdPartyEnum.ahjzvs.ToString()) { #region 安徽金寨职业学校 loginModel = new BLL_F_User().GetModel(modelIFUser.UserName, loginPassWord); if (loginModel == null) { Model_F_User loginModelNew = (Model_F_User)objFUser; if (loginModelNew.Password == Rc.Common.StrUtility.DESEncryptLogin.EncryptString(Rc.Common.Config.Consts.DefaultPassword)) { HttpContext.Current.Session.Clear(); strJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { err = "当前密码123456,过于简单,建议在个人中心中修改。", iurl = "" }); return(strJson); } HttpContext.Current.Session.Clear(); strJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { err = "用户密码错误,请重新登录。", iurl = "" }); return(strJson); } HttpContext.Current.Session["FLoginUser"] = loginModel; if (loginModel.UserIdentity == "T") { //是否带班 int classCount = new BLL_UserGroup().GetRecordCount(" UserGroup_AttrEnum='Class' and UserGroup_Id in(select UserGroup_Id from UserGroup_Member where USER_ID='" + loginModel.UserId + "' and User_ApplicationStatus='passed' and UserStatus='0') "); if (classCount > 0 && (Rc.Cloud.Web.Common.pfunction.GetWebMdlIsShow("cTeachPlan"))) { iurl = "/teacher/cTeachPlan.aspx"; } else { iurl = "/teacher/basicSetting.aspx"; } } else if (loginModel.UserIdentity == "S") { iurl = "/student/oHomework.aspx"; } else if (loginModel.UserIdentity == "P") { iurl = "/parent/student.aspx"; } string local_url = string.Empty; // 局域网地址 #region 学校配置URL DataTable dtUrl = new BLL_ConfigSchool().GetSchoolPublicUrl(loginModel.UserId).Tables[0]; if (dtUrl.Rows.Count > 0) { HttpContext.Current.Session["UserPublicUrl"] = dtUrl.Rows[0]["publicUrl"]; local_url = dtUrl.Rows[0]["apiUrlList"].ToString(); } #endregion string rurl = string.Format("/onlinecheck.aspx?iurl={0}&local_url={1}" , HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(iurl) , HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(local_url)); if (dtUrl.Rows.Count > 0) // 有局域网配置数据,验证是否局域网 { iurl = rurl; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(iurl)) { iurl = string.Format("/RE_Register/PerfectInformation.aspx?SchoolId={0}&UserId={1}" , modelCS.School_ID, loginModel.UserId); } strJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { err = "null", iurl = iurl }); return(strJson); #endregion } else { #region 其他学校 if (Rc.Interface.AuthAPI_pfunction.AuthUserLoginByIF(modelCS, modelIFUser.School, userName, passWord)) { #region 登录 loginModel = new BLL_F_User().GetModelByUserName(modelIFUser.School + modelIFUser.UserName); HttpContext.Current.Session["FLoginUser"] = loginModel; if (loginModel.UserIdentity == "T") { //是否带班 int classCount = new BLL_UserGroup().GetRecordCount(" UserGroup_AttrEnum='Class' and UserGroup_Id in(select UserGroup_Id from UserGroup_Member where USER_ID='" + loginModel.UserId + "' and User_ApplicationStatus='passed' and UserStatus='0') "); if (classCount > 0 && (Rc.Cloud.Web.Common.pfunction.GetWebMdlIsShow("cTeachPlan"))) { iurl = "/teacher/cTeachPlan.aspx"; } else { iurl = "/teacher/basicSetting.aspx"; } } else if (loginModel.UserIdentity == "S") { iurl = "/student/oHomework.aspx"; } else if (loginModel.UserIdentity == "P") { iurl = "/parent/student.aspx"; } string local_url = string.Empty; // 局域网地址 #region 学校配置URL DataTable dtUrl = new BLL_ConfigSchool().GetSchoolPublicUrl(loginModel.UserId).Tables[0]; if (dtUrl.Rows.Count > 0) { HttpContext.Current.Session["UserPublicUrl"] = dtUrl.Rows[0]["publicUrl"]; local_url = dtUrl.Rows[0]["apiUrlList"].ToString(); } #endregion string rurl = string.Format("/onlinecheck.aspx?iurl={0}&local_url={1}" , HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(iurl) , HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(local_url)); if (dtUrl.Rows.Count > 0) // 有局域网配置数据,验证是否局域网 { iurl = rurl; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(iurl)) { iurl = string.Format("/RE_Register/PerfectInformation.aspx?SchoolId={0}&UserId={1}", modelCS.School_ID, loginModel.UserId); } strJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { err = "null", iurl = iurl }); return(strJson); #endregion } else { HttpContext.Current.Session.Clear(); strJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { err = "接口用户密码错误,请重新登录。", iurl = "" }); return(strJson); } #endregion } } #endregion #region 验证作业平台用户 if (objFUser != null) { objFUser = new BLL_F_User().GetModel(loginName, loginPassWord); if (objFUser != null) { #region 登录 loginModel = objFUser as Model_F_User; HttpContext.Current.Session["FLoginUser"] = loginModel; if (loginModel.UserIdentity == "T") { //是否带班 int classCount = new BLL_UserGroup().GetRecordCount(" UserGroup_AttrEnum='Class' and UserGroup_Id in(select UserGroup_Id from UserGroup_Member where USER_ID='" + loginModel.UserId + "' and User_ApplicationStatus='passed' and UserStatus='0') "); if (classCount > 0 && (Rc.Cloud.Web.Common.pfunction.GetWebMdlIsShow("cTeachPlan"))) { iurl = "/teacher/cTeachPlan.aspx"; } else { iurl = "/teacher/basicSetting.aspx"; } } else if (loginModel.UserIdentity == "S") { iurl = "/student/oHomework.aspx"; } else if (loginModel.UserIdentity == "P") { iurl = "/parent/student.aspx"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(backUrl)) { iurl = backUrl; } #endregion if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(loginModel.TrueName)) { loginModel.TrueName = loginModel.UserName; new BLL_F_User().Update(loginModel); } string local_url = string.Empty; // 局域网地址 #region 学校配置URL DataTable dtUrl = new BLL_ConfigSchool().GetSchoolPublicUrl(loginModel.UserId).Tables[0]; if (dtUrl.Rows.Count > 0) { HttpContext.Current.Session["UserPublicUrl"] = dtUrl.Rows[0]["publicUrl"]; local_url = dtUrl.Rows[0]["apiUrlList"].ToString(); } #endregion string rurl = string.Format("/onlinecheck.aspx?iurl={0}&local_url={1}" , HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(iurl) , HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(local_url)); if (dtUrl.Rows.Count > 0) // 有局域网配置数据,验证是否局域网 { iurl = rurl; } strJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { err = "null", iurl = iurl }); } else { HttpContext.Current.Session.Clear(); strJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { err = "用户密码错误,请重新登录。", iurl = "" }); } } else { HttpContext.Current.Session.Clear(); strJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { err = "该账号不存在,请重新登录。。", iurl = "" }); } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { strJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { err = "null", iurl = "/ErrorPageF.aspx?errorType=6" }); Rc.Common.SystemLog.SystemLog.AddLogErrorFromBS("", "用户登录", ex.Message.ToString()); } return(strJson); }
/// <summary> /// 处理用户信息,返回用户登录后网页地址 18-01-03TS /// </summary> public static string HandelUserInfo(string schoolCode, string loginName, string trueName) { string iurl = string.Empty; string schoolId = string.Empty; List <Model_TPIFUser> listIFUser = new BLL_TPIFUser().GetModelList("UserName='******'"); Model_TPIFUser modelIFUser = new BLL_TPIFUser().GetModelBySchoolUserName(schoolCode, loginName); if (schoolCode == ThirdPartyEnum.ahjzvs.ToString()) { #region 安徽金寨职业学校 if (modelIFUser != null)//用户已登录过 { #region 登录 Model_F_User loginModel = new BLL_F_User().GetModelByUserName(modelIFUser.UserName); HttpContext.Current.Session["FLoginUser"] = loginModel; if (loginModel.UserIdentity == "T") { //是否带班 int classCount = new BLL_UserGroup().GetRecordCount(" UserGroup_AttrEnum='Class' and UserGroup_Id in(select UserGroup_Id from UserGroup_Member where USER_ID='" + loginModel.UserId + "' and User_ApplicationStatus='passed' and UserStatus='0') "); if (classCount > 0 && (Rc.Cloud.Web.Common.pfunction.GetWebMdlIsShow("cTeachPlan"))) { iurl = "/teacher/cTeachPlan.aspx"; } else { iurl = "/teacher/basicSetting.aspx"; } } else if (loginModel.UserIdentity == "S") { iurl = "/student/oHomework.aspx"; } else if (loginModel.UserIdentity == "P") { iurl = "/parent/student.aspx"; } string local_url = string.Empty; // 局域网地址 #region 学校配置URL DataTable dtUrl = new BLL_ConfigSchool().GetSchoolPublicUrl(loginModel.UserId).Tables[0]; if (dtUrl.Rows.Count > 0) { HttpContext.Current.Session["UserPublicUrl"] = dtUrl.Rows[0]["publicUrl"]; local_url = dtUrl.Rows[0]["apiUrlList"].ToString(); } #endregion string rurl = string.Format("/onlinecheck.aspx?iurl={0}&local_url={1}" , HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(iurl) , HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(local_url)); if (dtUrl.Rows.Count > 0) // 有局域网配置数据,验证是否局域网 { iurl = rurl; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(iurl)) { Model_TPSchoolIF modelSIF = new BLL_TPSchoolIF().GetModelBySchoolIF_Code(schoolCode); if (modelSIF != null) { schoolId = modelSIF.SchoolId; } iurl = string.Format("/RE_Register/PerfectInformation.aspx?SchoolId={0}&UserId={1}", schoolId, loginModel.UserId); } #endregion } else { #region 第一次登录,写入用户数据 Model_TPSchoolIF modelSIF = new BLL_TPSchoolIF().GetModelBySchoolIF_Code(schoolCode); if (modelSIF != null) { schoolId = modelSIF.SchoolId; } string userId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); #region TPIFUser modelIFUser = new Model_TPIFUser(); modelIFUser.ThirdPartyIFUser_Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); modelIFUser.School = schoolCode; modelIFUser.UserName = loginName; modelIFUser.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; new BLL_TPIFUser().Add(modelIFUser); #endregion #region F_User Model_F_User modelFUser = new Model_F_User(); modelFUser.UserId = userId; modelFUser.UserName = loginName; modelFUser.TrueName = trueName; modelFUser.Password = DESEncryptLogin.EncryptString(Rc.Common.Config.Consts.DefaultPassword); modelFUser.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; new BLL_F_User().Add(modelFUser); #endregion iurl = string.Format("/RE_Register/PerfectInformation.aspx?userId={0}&schoolId={1}", userId, schoolId); #endregion } #endregion } else { #region 其他学校 if (modelIFUser != null)//用户已登录过 { #region 登录 Model_F_User loginModel = new BLL_F_User().GetModelByUserName(modelIFUser.School + modelIFUser.UserName); HttpContext.Current.Session["FLoginUser"] = loginModel; if (loginModel.UserIdentity == "T") { //是否带班 int classCount = new BLL_UserGroup().GetRecordCount(" UserGroup_AttrEnum='Class' and UserGroup_Id in(select UserGroup_Id from UserGroup_Member where USER_ID='" + loginModel.UserId + "' and User_ApplicationStatus='passed' and UserStatus='0') "); if (classCount > 0 && (Rc.Cloud.Web.Common.pfunction.GetWebMdlIsShow("cTeachPlan"))) { iurl = "/teacher/cTeachPlan.aspx"; } else { iurl = "/teacher/basicSetting.aspx"; } } else if (loginModel.UserIdentity == "S") { iurl = "/student/oHomework.aspx"; } else if (loginModel.UserIdentity == "P") { iurl = "/parent/student.aspx"; } string local_url = string.Empty; // 局域网地址 #region 学校配置URL DataTable dtUrl = new BLL_ConfigSchool().GetSchoolPublicUrl(loginModel.UserId).Tables[0]; if (dtUrl.Rows.Count > 0) { HttpContext.Current.Session["UserPublicUrl"] = dtUrl.Rows[0]["publicUrl"]; local_url = dtUrl.Rows[0]["apiUrlList"].ToString(); } #endregion string rurl = string.Format("/onlinecheck.aspx?iurl={0}&local_url={1}" , HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(iurl) , HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(local_url)); if (dtUrl.Rows.Count > 0) // 有局域网配置数据,验证是否局域网 { iurl = rurl; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(iurl)) { Model_TPSchoolIF modelSIF = new BLL_TPSchoolIF().GetModelBySchoolIF_Code(schoolCode); if (modelSIF != null) { schoolId = modelSIF.SchoolId; } iurl = string.Format("/RE_Register/PerfectInformation.aspx?SchoolId={0}&UserId={1}", schoolId, loginModel.UserId); } #endregion } else { #region 第一次登录,写入用户数据 Model_TPSchoolIF modelSIF = new BLL_TPSchoolIF().GetModelBySchoolIF_Code(schoolCode); if (modelSIF != null) { schoolId = modelSIF.SchoolId; } string userId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); #region TPIFUser modelIFUser = new Model_TPIFUser(); modelIFUser.ThirdPartyIFUser_Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); modelIFUser.School = schoolCode; modelIFUser.UserName = loginName; modelIFUser.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; new BLL_TPIFUser().Add(modelIFUser); #endregion #region F_User Model_F_User modelFUser = new Model_F_User(); modelFUser.UserId = userId; modelFUser.UserName = schoolCode + loginName; modelFUser.TrueName = trueName; modelFUser.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; new BLL_F_User().Add(modelFUser); #endregion iurl = "/RE_Register/PerfectInformation.aspx?userId=" + userId + "&schoolId=" + schoolId; #endregion } #endregion } return(iurl); }
public static string GetDataList(string Key, string Name, int PageIndex, int PageSize) { try { BLL_TPSchoolIF bll = new BLL_TPSchoolIF(); Key = Key.Filter(); Name = Name.Filter(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); List <object> listReturn = new List <object>(); string strWhere = " 1=1 "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Key)) { strWhere += string.Format(" and SchoolIF_Code like '%{0}%' ", Key); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) { strWhere += string.Format(" and (SchoolIF_Name like '%{0}%' or SchoolId like '%{0}%' or SchoolName like '%{0}%') ", Name); } string orderBy = "SchoolIF_Code"; dt = bll.GetListByPageSchool(strWhere, orderBy, ((PageIndex - 1) * PageSize + 1), (PageIndex * PageSize)).Tables[0]; int rCount = bll.GetRecordCountSchool(strWhere); foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows) { string strOperate = string.Empty; if (item["SchoolIF_Code"].ToString() == ThirdPartyEnum.ahjzvs.ToString()) { strOperate = string.Format("<a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"HandleUserData('{0}','{1}')\" >初始化用户</a>" , item["SchoolIF_Code"].ToString(), item["SchoolId"].ToString()); if (new BLL_FileSyncExecRecord().GetRecordCount("FileSyncExecRecord_Status='0' and FileSyncExecRecord_Type='初始化用户数据" + item["SchoolIF_Code"] + "'") > 0) { strOperate = "<a href=\"javascript:;\">正在初始化用户</a>"; } } listReturn.Add(new { SchoolIF_Id = item["SchoolIF_Id"].ToString(), SchoolIF_Code = item["SchoolIF_Code"].ToString(), SchoolIF_Name = item["SchoolIF_Name"].ToString(), SchoolId = item["SchoolId"].ToString(), SchoolName = item["SchoolName"].ToString(), Remark = item["Remark"].ToString(), Operate = strOperate }); } if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { err = "null", PageIndex = PageIndex, PageSize = PageSize, TotalCount = rCount, list = listReturn })); } else { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { err = "暂无数据" })); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { err = ex.Message.ToString() })); } }