Esempio n. 1
    public void BindJobsOverdueList(int JobOverDueid)
        BLL_PMS_Job_Status objJobStatus = new BLL_PMS_Job_Status();

        DataSet ds = objJobStatus.TecJobsOverdueList(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["Job_OverDue_ID"].ToString()));
        DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];

        txtDivJobTitle.Text                = dr["Job_Title"].ToString();
        txtDivOverDueReason.Text           = dr["Overdue_Reason"].ToString();
        txtDivTentativeCompletionDate.Text = dr["Tentative_Completion_Date"].ToString();

        if (dr["Modified_Completion_Date"].ToString() != "")
            txtDivModifiedCompletionDate.Text = dr["Modified_Completion_Date"].ToString();
            txtDivModifiedCompletionDate.Text = dr["Tentative_Completion_Date"].ToString();

        txtDivSuptdResponse.Text = dr["Suptd_Response"].ToString();

        if (dr["MODIFIEDCOMPLETIONDATEFLAG"].ToString() == "1")
            btnDivSave.Enabled = true;
            btnDivSave.Enabled = false;
Esempio n. 2
    //private void BindJobIndividualDetails()

    //    BLL_PMS_Library_Jobs objJobs = new BLL_PMS_Library_Jobs();
    //    DataSet ds = objJobs.LibraryJobIndividualDetails(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["JobID"].ToString()));

    //    //if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
    //    //{

    //    //    DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];

    //    //    txtJobCode.Text = dr["JobCode"].ToString();
    //    //    txtVessel.Text = dr["Vessel_Name"].ToString();
    //    //    txtMachinery.Text = dr["Machinery"].ToString();

    //    //    txtSubsystem.Text = dr["Vessel_Name"].ToString();
    //    //    txtJobTitle.Text = dr["Job_Title"].ToString();
    //    //    txtJobDescription.Text = dr["Job_Description"].ToString();
    //    //    txtDepartment.Text = dr["DepartmentName"].ToString();
    //    //    txtRank.Text = dr["RankShortName"].ToString();
    //    //    txtcms.Text = dr["CMS"].ToString();

    //    //    if (dr["CMS"].ToString() == "Y")
    //    //        txtcms.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.RosyBrown;

    //    //    if (dr["CRITICAL"].ToString() == "Y")
    //    //        txtCritical.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.RosyBrown;

    //    //    txtCritical.Text = dr["CRITICAL"].ToString();
    //    //    txtFrequencyName.Text = dr["FrequencyName"].ToString();
    //    //    txtFrequencyType.Text = dr["Frequency"].ToString();

    //    //}

    //    //if (ds.Tables[1].Rows.Count > 0)
    //    //{

    //    //    DataRow dr = ds.Tables[1].Rows[0];
    //    //    txtLocation.Text = dr["Location"].ToString();
    //    //    txtDateOriginallyDue.Text = dr["DateOriginallyDue"].ToString();
    //    //    txtDateNextDue.Text = dr["DateNextDue"].ToString();
    //    //    txtDateJobDone.Text = dr["DateJobDone"].ToString();
    //    //    txtRhrsWhenJobDone.Text = dr["RhrsWhenJobDone"].ToString();
    //    //    txtJobRemark.Text = dr["History"].ToString();

    //    //    lbnCreatedBy.Text = dr["Created_By_Name"].ToString();
    //    //    txtCreatedOn.Text = dr["Created_On"].ToString();
    //    //    lbnVerifiedBy.Text = dr["Verified_By_Name"].ToString();
    //    //    txtVerifiedOn.Text = dr["Verified_On"].ToString();
    //    //    ViewState["CreatedByID"] = dr["CreatedByID"].ToString();
    //    //    ViewState["VerifiedByID"] = dr["VerifierID"].ToString();

    //    //}


    public void BindSparesItemUsed()
        BLL_PMS_Job_Status objJobStatus = new BLL_PMS_Job_Status();

        int rowcount = ucCustomPagerItems.isCountRecord;

        int?vesselid = null;

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["Vessel_ID"]))
            vesselid = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["Vessel_ID"].ToString());

        int?jobid = null;

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["JobID"]))
            jobid = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["JobID"].ToString());

        int?jobhistoryid = null;

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["JobHistoryID"]))
            jobhistoryid = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["JobHistoryID"].ToString());

        string sortbycoloumn = (ViewState["SORTBYCOLOUMN"] == null) ? null : (ViewState["SORTBYCOLOUMN"].ToString());
        int?   sortdirection = null; if (ViewState["SORTDIRECTION"] != null)
            sortdirection = Int32.Parse(ViewState["SORTDIRECTION"].ToString());

        DataSet ds = objJobStatus.TecJobsSparesItemUsedSearch(vesselid, jobid, jobhistoryid, null, null, txtSearchtext.Text.Trim(), sortbycoloumn, sortdirection
                                                              , ucCustomPagerItems.CurrentPageIndex, ucCustomPagerItems.PageSize, ref rowcount);

        if (ucCustomPagerItems.isCountRecord == 1)
            ucCustomPagerItems.CountTotalRec = rowcount.ToString();

        if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
            gvSpareItemUsed.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
            gvSpareItemUsed.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
Esempio n. 3
    protected void btnDivSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        BLL_PMS_Job_Status objJobStatus = new BLL_PMS_Job_Status();

        objJobStatus.TecJobsOverdueResponse(Convert.ToInt32(Session["userid"].ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["Job_OverDue_ID"].ToString())
                                            , Convert.ToDateTime(txtDivModifiedCompletionDate.Text)
                                            , txtDivSuptdResponse.Text, Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["Vessel_ID"].ToString()));

        ViewState["Jobid"] = null;

        DivSuptdResponse.Visible = false;
        // UpdPnlJobHistoryGrid.Update();
    private void BindJobDoneAttachments()
        BLL_PMS_Job_Status objJob = new BLL_PMS_Job_Status();

        //  DataTable dt = objJob.TecJobGetJobDoneAttachment(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["JobHistoryID"].ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["Vessel_ID"].ToString()));

        DataTable dt = objBLLPurc.GET_JOB_DONE_ATTACHMENT(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["Vessel_ID"].ToString())
                                                          , null
                                                          , Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["JobHistoryID"].ToString()), UDFLib.ConvertToInteger(Request.QueryString["OFFICE_ID"]));

        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            //Bind the header

            txtVessel.Text   = dt.Rows[0]["Vessel_Name"].ToString();
            txtJobTitle.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Job_Title"].ToString();
            txtJobDesc.Text  = dt.Rows[0]["Job_Description"].ToString();

            txtFrequency.Text  = dt.Rows[0]["FrequencyName"].ToString();
            txtDateDone.Text   = dt.Rows[0]["JOB_DONE"].ToString();
            txtRHoursDone.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Rhrs_Done"].ToString();
            txtRemark.Text     = dt.Rows[0]["Remarks"].ToString();

            DataView dvImage = dt.DefaultView;
            dvImage.RowFilter = "Is_Image='1' ";

            ListView1.DataSource = dvImage;
            ListView2.DataSource = dvImage;
            hidenTotalrecords.Value = dvImage.Count.ToString();
            HCurrentIndex.Value     = "0";
            if (dvImage.Count == 0)
                tdg.Visible = false;
                tdg.Visible = true;

            dt.DefaultView.RowFilter  = "Is_Image='0'  ";
            rptDrillImages.DataSource = dt.DefaultView;
Esempio n. 5
    public void BindJobsOverdueHistory(int?Jobid)
        BLL_PMS_Job_Status objJobStatus = new BLL_PMS_Job_Status();

        mergeheadgvOverdueHistory = new MergeGridviewHeader_Info();
        mergeheadgvOverdueHistory.AddMergedColumns(new int[] { 6, 7 }, "Frequency", "PMSGridHeaderStyle-css");

        //mergeheadgvJobHistory = new MergeGridviewHeader_Info();
        //mergeheadgvOverdueHistory.AddMergedColumns(new int[] { 6, 7 }, "Frequency", "PMSGridHeaderStyle-css");

        int rowcount = ucCustomPagerItems.isCountRecord;

        int?jobid = null; if (ViewState["Jobid"] != null)
            jobid = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["Jobid"].ToString());

        DataSet ds = objJobStatus.TecJobsOverdueHistorySearch(jobid, null
                                                              , null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null
                                                              , null, null, null, null, null, null
                                                              , null, null, ref rowcount);

        if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
            gvOverDueJobHistory.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];

            //mergeheadgvJobHistory.AddMergedColumns(new int[] { 6, 7 }, "Frequency", "PMSGridHeaderStyle-css");

            gvJobHistory.DataSource = ds.Tables[1];
            gvOverDueJobHistory.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];

            // mergeheadgvJobHistory.AddMergedColumns(new int[] { 6, 7 }, "Frequency", "PMSGridHeaderStyle-css");
            gvJobHistory.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
Esempio n. 6
    protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
            BLL_PMS_Job_Status objJobStatus = new BLL_PMS_Job_Status();
            int    rowcount       = ucCustomPagerItems.isCountRecord;
            int    odjobcount     = 1;
            int    critodjobcount = 1;
            int    totaljobcount  = 1;
            string sortbycoloumn  = (ViewState["SORTBYCOLOUMN"] == null) ? null : (ViewState["SORTBYCOLOUMN"].ToString());
            int?   sortdirection  = null; if (ViewState["SORTDIRECTION"] != null)
                sortdirection = Int32.Parse(ViewState["SORTDIRECTION"].ToString());
            string duedateflagesearch = (ViewState["OverDueSearchFlage"] == null) ? null : (ViewState["OverDueSearchFlage"].ToString());
            string QueryFlage = ViewState["Qflag"].ToString();
            int?   SafetyAlarm = null;
            int?   Calibration = null;
            int    JobStatus = 0;
            int    IsPendingOfcVerify = 0, PostponeJob = 0, FollowupAdded = 0, JobWithMandateRAssess = 0, JobWithSubRAssess = 0, JobDiffToDDock = 0;
            JobStatus = UDFLib.ConvertToInteger(rbtDueType.SelectedValue);
            if (chkAdvSafetyAlarm.Checked == true)
                SafetyAlarm = 1;
            if (chkAdvCalibration.Checked == true)
                Calibration = 1;

            int isCritical = 0;
            int isCMS = 0;

            int?Is_RAMandatory = null;      //Added by reshma for RA: For Filtering RA mandatory jobs
            int?Is_RASubmitted = null;      //Added by reshma for RA :For Filtering RA form submitted jobs

            if (rbtnMRA.SelectedItem.Value == "YES")
                Is_RAMandatory = 1;
            else if (rbtnMRA.SelectedItem.Value == "NO")
                Is_RAMandatory = 2;

            if (rbtnRASubmitted.SelectedItem.Value == "YES")
                Is_RASubmitted = 1;
            else if (rbtnRASubmitted.SelectedItem.Value == "NO")
                Is_RASubmitted = 2;

            DataTable dtVessel = new DataTable();
            if (rbtDueType.Items[0].Selected && rbtDueType.Items[1].Selected) // This will filter job history with all due and overdue job based on the date specified. If date between is not specified the default date is taken as current date
                JobStatus = 3;

                txtFromDate.Enabled = true;
                txtToDate.Enabled   = true;
            else if (rbtDueType.Items[0].Selected || rbtDueType.Items[1].Selected)// This will filter job history with either due or overdue job based on the date specified. If date between is not specified the default date is taken as current date
                JobStatus = UDFLib.ConvertToInteger(rbtDueType.SelectedValue);
            else if (rbtDueType.Items[0].Selected == false && rbtDueType.Items[1].Selected == false)/* This will display all the job  */
                JobStatus        = 0;
                txtFromDate.Text = "";
                txtToDate.Text   = "";
            foreach (DataRow dr in DDLVessel.SelectedValues.Rows)

            if (chkOfcVerify.Checked == true)
                IsPendingOfcVerify = 1;

            if (chkAdvSafetyAlarm.Checked == true)
                SafetyAlarm = 1;
            if (chkAdvCalibration.Checked == true)
                Calibration = 1;
            int?jobid = null; if (ViewState["Jobid"] != null)
                jobid = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["Jobid"].ToString());

            DataSet ds = objJobStatus.PMS_Get_OverdueJobs(jobid, UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(DDLFleet.SelectedValue), dtVessel, UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlFunction.SelectedValue), UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlSystem_location.SelectedValue.Split(',')[1]), UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlSystem_location.SelectedValue.Split(',')[0]), UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlSubSystem_location.SelectedValue.Split(',')[1]), UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlSubSystem_location.SelectedValue.Split(',')[0]),
                                                          ucf_DDLRank.SelectedValues, null, txtSearchJobTitle.Text != "" ? txtSearchJobTitle.Text.Trim() : null, isCritical, isCMS,
                                                          UDFLib.ConvertDateToNull(txtFromDate.Text), UDFLib.ConvertDateToNull(txtToDate.Text), 1, JobStatus, duedateflagesearch, IsPendingOfcVerify, SafetyAlarm, Calibration,
                                                          UDFLib.ConvertDateToNull(txtActFrmDate.Text), UDFLib.ConvertDateToNull(txtActToDate.Text), PostponeJob, FollowupAdded,
                                                          JobWithMandateRAssess, JobWithSubRAssess, JobDiffToDDock, Is_RAMandatory, Is_RASubmitted, sortbycoloumn, sortdirection, null, null,
                                                          ref rowcount, ref totaljobcount, ref odjobcount, ref critodjobcount);

            string[] HeaderCaptions  = { "Vessel", "System Location", "Sub-System Location", "Job Code", "Job Title", "Job Description", "Frequency", "Frequency Name", "Due Date", "Done", "OD.Days", "Next Due", "Rhrs", "Rem Rhrs", "CMS", "Critical", "Mandatory Risk Assessment", "Department", "Rank", "Remarks" };
            string[] DataColumnsName = { "Vessel_Name", "Location", "SUBLocation", "Job_Code", "JOB_TITLE", "Job_Description", "FREQUENCY", "Frequency_Name", "DUE_DATE", "NEXT_DONE", "OD_DAYS", "DATE_NEXT_DUE", "RHRS_DONE", "RemRhrs", "CMS", "Critical", "IsRAMandatory", "Department", "RankName", "FullRemarks" };

            string FileName           = "PMSJobHistory" + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + ".xls";
            string FilePath           = Server.MapPath(@"~/Uploads\\Temp\\");
            string ExportTempFilePath = Server.MapPath(@"~/Uploads\\ExportTemplete\\");

            if ((sender as ImageButton).CommandArgument == "ExportFrom_IE")
                GridViewExportUtil.ShowExcel(ds.Tables[0], HeaderCaptions, DataColumnsName, "PMS Job History", "PMS Job History", "");
                GridViewExportUtil.Export_To_Excel_Interop(ds.Tables[0], HeaderCaptions, DataColumnsName, "PMS Job History", FilePath + FileName, ExportTempFilePath, @"~\\Uploads\\Temp\\" + FileName);
        catch (Exception ex)
            string js = "alert('" + UDFLib.GetException("SystemError/ GeneralMessage") + "');";
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "error", js, true);
Esempio n. 7
    /// <summary>
    /// Function to Bind Job Status to grid
    /// </summary>
    public void BindJobStatus()
            BLL_PMS_Job_Status objJobStatus = new BLL_PMS_Job_Status();
            DataSet            ds           = new DataSet();

            BLL_Infra_VesselLib objVsl = new BLL_Infra_VesselLib();
            int    rowcount            = ucCustomPagerItems.isCountRecord;
            int    odjobcount          = 1;
            int    critodjobcount      = 1;
            int    totaljobcount       = 1;
            string vesselcode          = (ViewState["VesselCode"] == null) ? null : (ViewState["VesselCode"].ToString());
            string sortbycoloumn       = (ViewState["SORTBYCOLOUMN"] == null) ? null : (ViewState["SORTBYCOLOUMN"].ToString());
            int?   sortdirection       = null; if (ViewState["SORTDIRECTION"] != null)
                sortdirection = Int32.Parse(ViewState["SORTDIRECTION"].ToString());
            int       isCritical = 0;
            int       isCMS = 0;
            int       JobStatus = 0;
            string    duedateflagesearch = (ViewState["OverDueSearchFlage"] == null) ? null : (ViewState["OverDueSearchFlage"].ToString());
            string    QueryFlage = ViewState["Qflag"].ToString();
            DataTable dtVessel = new DataTable();
            int       IsPendingOfcVerify = 0, PostponeJob = 0, FollowupAdded = 0, JobWithMandateRAssess = 0, JobWithSubRAssess = 0, JobDiffToDDock = 0;

            if (rbtDueType.Items[0].Selected && rbtDueType.Items[1].Selected) // This will filter job history with all due and overdue job based on the date specified. If date between is not specified the default date is taken as current date
                JobStatus = 3;

                txtFromDate.Enabled = true;
                txtToDate.Enabled   = true;
            else if (rbtDueType.Items[0].Selected || rbtDueType.Items[1].Selected)// This will filter job history with either due or overdue job based on the date specified. If date between is not specified the default date is taken as current date
                JobStatus = UDFLib.ConvertToInteger(rbtDueType.SelectedValue);
            else if (rbtDueType.Items[0].Selected == false && rbtDueType.Items[1].Selected == false)/* This will display all the job  */
                JobStatus        = 0;
                txtFromDate.Text = "";
                txtToDate.Text   = "";

            if (chkOfcVerify.Checked == true)
                IsPendingOfcVerify = 1;

            int?jobid = null;
            int?isHistory = 0;

            if (QueryFlage != "S")
                isHistory = 1;

                if (QueryFlage == "H" && rbtnJobTypes.SelectedValue == "NONPMS")
                    isHistory = 3;

                jobid = null; if (ViewState["Jobid"] != null)
                    jobid = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["Jobid"].ToString());
            else if (QueryFlage == "S" && rbtnJobTypes.SelectedValue == "NONPMS")
                isHistory = 2;
            int?SafetyAlarm = null;
            int?Calibration = null;

            if (chkAdvSafetyAlarm.Checked == true)
                SafetyAlarm = 1;

            if (chkAdvCalibration.Checked == true)
                Calibration = 1;

            if (chkCritical.Checked == true)
                isCritical = 1;
                isCritical = 0;
            if (chkCMS.Checked == true)
                isCMS = 1;
                isCMS = 0;

            int?Is_RAMandatory = null;       //Added by reshma for RA :For Filtering RA form Mandatory jobs
            int?Is_RASubmitted = null;       //Added by reshma for RA :For Filtering RA form submitted jobs

            if (rbtnMRA.SelectedItem.Value == "YES")
                Is_RAMandatory = 1;
            else if (rbtnMRA.SelectedItem.Value == "NO")
                Is_RAMandatory = 2;

            if (rbtnRASubmitted.SelectedItem.Value == "YES")
                Is_RASubmitted = 1;
            else if (rbtnRASubmitted.SelectedItem.Value == "NO")
                Is_RASubmitted = 2;

            /* Call Webservice to get JobsCount  */
            List <string> wVessel = new List <string>();
            List <string> wRank   = new List <string>();

            foreach (DataRow dr in DDLVessel.SelectedValues.Rows)

            foreach (DataRow dr in ucf_DDLRank.SelectedValues.Rows)

            string searchjobtitle = txtSearchJobTitle.Text != "" ? txtSearchJobTitle.Text.Trim() : "";

            String GetJobCount = "PMs_Get_OverdueJobsCount('" + jobid + "','" + UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(DDLFleet.SelectedValue) + "'," + getArrayString(wVessel.ToArray()) + ",'" + UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlFunction.SelectedValue) + "','" + UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlSystem_location.SelectedValue.Split(',')[1]) + "','" + UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlSystem_location.SelectedValue.Split(',')[0]) + "','" + UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlSubSystem_location.SelectedValue.Split(',')[1]) + "','" + UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlSubSystem_location.SelectedValue.Split(',')[0]) + "'," + getArrayString(wRank.ToArray()) + ",'" + null + "','" + UDFLib.ConvertStringToNull(searchjobtitle) + "','" + isCritical + "','" + isCMS + "','" + UDFLib.ConvertDateToNull(txtFromDate.Text) + "','" + UDFLib.ConvertDateToNull(txtToDate.Text) + "','" + isHistory + "','" + JobStatus + "','" + duedateflagesearch + "','" + IsPendingOfcVerify + "','" + SafetyAlarm + "','" + Calibration + "','" + UDFLib.ConvertDateToNull(txtActFrmDate.Text) + "','" + UDFLib.ConvertDateToNull(txtActToDate.Text) + "','" + PostponeJob + "','" + FollowupAdded + "','" + JobWithMandateRAssess + "','" + JobWithSubRAssess + "','" + JobDiffToDDock + "','" + Is_RAMandatory + "','" + Is_RASubmitted + "');";
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "GetJobCount", GetJobCount, true);

            /* Call Webservice to get JobsCount */

            ds = objJobStatus.PMS_Get_OverdueJobs(jobid, UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(DDLFleet.SelectedValue), DDLVessel.SelectedValues, UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlFunction.SelectedValue),
                                                  UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlSystem_location.SelectedValue.Split(',')[1]), UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlSystem_location.SelectedValue.Split(',')[0]),
                                                  UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlSubSystem_location.SelectedValue.Split(',')[1]), UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlSubSystem_location.SelectedValue.Split(',')[0]),
                                                  ucf_DDLRank.SelectedValues, null, txtSearchJobTitle.Text != "" ? txtSearchJobTitle.Text.Trim() : null, isCritical, isCMS,
                                                  UDFLib.ConvertDateToNull(txtFromDate.Text), UDFLib.ConvertDateToNull(txtToDate.Text), isHistory, JobStatus, duedateflagesearch, IsPendingOfcVerify, SafetyAlarm, Calibration,
                                                  UDFLib.ConvertDateToNull(txtActFrmDate.Text), UDFLib.ConvertDateToNull(txtActToDate.Text), PostponeJob, FollowupAdded,
                                                  JobWithMandateRAssess, JobWithSubRAssess, JobDiffToDDock, Is_RAMandatory, Is_RASubmitted, sortbycoloumn, sortdirection, ucCustomPagerItems.CurrentPageIndex, ucCustomPagerItems.PageSize,
                                                  ref rowcount, ref totaljobcount, ref odjobcount, ref critodjobcount);

            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

            if (ucCustomPagerItems.isCountRecord == 1)
                ucCustomPagerItems.CountTotalRec = rowcount.ToString();

            gvStatus.DataSource = dt;

        catch (Exception ex)
            throw ex;
Esempio n. 8
    protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
            BLL_PMS_Job_Status objJobStatus = new BLL_PMS_Job_Status();
            int rowcount = ucCustomPagerItems.isCountRecord;

            string sortbycoloumn = (ViewState["SORTBYCOLOUMN"] == null) ? null : (ViewState["SORTBYCOLOUMN"].ToString());
            int?   sortdirection = null; if (ViewState["SORTDIRECTION"] != null)
                sortdirection = Int32.Parse(ViewState["SORTDIRECTION"].ToString());
            string duedateflagesearch = (ViewState["OverDueSearchFlage"] == null) ? null : (ViewState["OverDueSearchFlage"].ToString());
            string QueryFlage = ViewState["Qflag"].ToString();
            int    IsPendingOfcVerify = 0, PostponeJob = 0, FollowupAdded = 0, JobWithMandateRAssess = 0, JobWithSubRAssess = 0, JobDiffToDDock = 0;
            int?   SafetyAlarm = null;
            int?   Calibration = null;
            int?   isCritical  = 0;
            int?   isCMS = 0;
            if (chkAdvSftyAlarm.Checked == true)
                SafetyAlarm = 1;
            if (chkAdvCalibration.Checked == true)
                Calibration = 1;

            if (chkCritical.Checked == true)/* For Filtering Critical jobs */
                isCritical = 1;

            if (chkCMS.Checked == true)/* For Filtering CMS jobs */
                isCMS = 1;

            if (chkOfcVerify.Checked == true) /* For Filtering jobs pending for office verification */
                IsPendingOfcVerify = 1;

            if (chkAdvSftyAlarm.Checked == true) /* For Filtering Safety alarm jobs*/
                SafetyAlarm = 1;
            if (chkAdvCalibration.Checked == true)/* For Filtering Calibration jobs */
                Calibration = 1;

            int?Is_RAMandatory = null;     //Added by reshma for RA: For Filtering RA mandatory jobs
            int?Is_RASubmitted = null;     //Added by reshma for RA :For Filtering RA form submitted jobs

            if (rbtnMRA.SelectedItem.Value == "YES")
                Is_RAMandatory = 1;

            if (rbtnMRA.SelectedItem.Value == "NO")
                Is_RAMandatory = 2;
            if (rbtnRASubmitted.SelectedItem.Value == "YES")
                Is_RASubmitted = 1;
            if (rbtnRASubmitted.SelectedItem.Value == "NO")
                Is_RASubmitted = 2;

            /* Below Filters will be added in next phase of development*/
            //if (chkAdvPPJobs.Checked == true)
            //    PostponeJob = 1;

            //if (chkAdvJWMRA.Checked == true)
            //    JobWithMandateRAssess = 1;
            //if (chkAdvJWSRA.Checked == true)
            //    JobWithSubRAssess = 1;
            //if (chkAdvJDTDD.Checked == true)
            //    JobDiffToDDock = 1;
            /* upto this Filters will be added in next phase of development*/

            if (QueryFlage == "S")
                DataSet ds = objJobStatus.TecJobStatusIndex(null, UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(DDLFleet.SelectedValue), UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(DDLVessel.SelectedValue), UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlFunction.SelectedValue), UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlSystem_location.SelectedValue.Split(',')[1]), UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlSystem_location.SelectedValue.Split(',')[0]), UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlSubSystem_location.SelectedValue.Split(',')[1]), UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlSubSystem_location.SelectedValue.Split(',')[0])
                                                            , ucf_DDLRank.SelectedValues, null, txtSearchJobTitle.Text != "" ? txtSearchJobTitle.Text.Trim() : null
                                                            , isCritical, isCMS, UDFLib.ConvertDateToNull(txtFromDate.Text), UDFLib.ConvertDateToNull(txtToDate.Text), UDFLib.ConvertDateToNull(txtActFrmDate.Text), UDFLib.ConvertDateToNull(txtActToDate.Text), 0, duedateflagesearch,
                                                            IsPendingOfcVerify, SafetyAlarm, Calibration, PostponeJob, FollowupAdded, JobWithMandateRAssess, JobWithSubRAssess, JobDiffToDDock, sortbycoloumn, sortdirection, null, null, RHDone, Is_RAMandatory, Is_RASubmitted, ref rowcount);

                string[] HeaderCaptions  = { "Vessel", "System Location", "Sub-System Location", "Job Code", "Job Title", "Job Description", "Frequency", "Frequency Name", "Done", "Next Due", "Rhrs", "Rem. Rhrs", "CMS", "Critical", "Mandatory Risk Assessment", "Department", "Rank", "Remarks" };
                string[] DataColumnsName = { "Vessel_Name", "Location", "SUBLocation", "Job_Code", "JOB_TITLE", "Job_Description", "FREQUENCY", "Frequency_Name", "LAST_DONE", "DATE_NEXT_DUE", "RHRS_DONE", "RemRhrs", "CMS", "Critical", "IsRAMandatory", "Department", "RankName", "FullRemarks" };

                string FileName = "PMSStatus" + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + ".xls";
                string FilePath = Server.MapPath(@"~/Uploads\\Temp\\"); string ExportTempFilePath = Server.MapPath(@"~/Uploads\\ExportTemplete\\");

                if ((sender as ImageButton).CommandArgument == "ExportFrom_IE")
                    GridViewExportUtil.ShowExcel(ds.Tables[0], HeaderCaptions, DataColumnsName, "PMS Status", "PMS Status", "");
                    GridViewExportUtil.Export_To_Excel_Interop(ds.Tables[0], HeaderCaptions, DataColumnsName, "PMS Status", FilePath + FileName, ExportTempFilePath, @"~\\Uploads\\Temp\\" + FileName);
                    //GridViewExportUtil.Show_CSV_TO_Excel(ds.Tables[0], HeaderCaptions, DataColumnsName, "PMS Status", "PMS Status", "");
                if (chkAdvSftyAlarm.Checked == true)
                    SafetyAlarm = 1;
                if (chkAdvCalibration.Checked == true)
                    Calibration = 1;
                int?jobid = null; if (ViewState["Jobid"] != null)
                    jobid = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["Jobid"].ToString());

                DataSet ds = objJobStatus.TecJobStatusIndex(jobid, UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(DDLFleet.SelectedValue), UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(DDLVessel.SelectedValue), UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlFunction.SelectedValue), UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlSystem_location.SelectedValue.Split(',')[1]), UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlSystem_location.SelectedValue.Split(',')[0]), UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlSubSystem_location.SelectedValue.Split(',')[1]), UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlSubSystem_location.SelectedValue.Split(',')[0])
                                                            , ucf_DDLRank.SelectedValues, null, txtSearchJobTitle.Text != "" ? txtSearchJobTitle.Text.Trim() : null
                                                            , isCritical, isCMS, UDFLib.ConvertDateToNull(txtFromDate.Text), UDFLib.ConvertDateToNull(txtToDate.Text), UDFLib.ConvertDateToNull(txtActFrmDate.Text), UDFLib.ConvertDateToNull(txtActToDate.Text), 1, duedateflagesearch,
                                                            IsPendingOfcVerify, SafetyAlarm, Calibration, PostponeJob, FollowupAdded, JobWithMandateRAssess, JobWithSubRAssess, JobDiffToDDock, sortbycoloumn, sortdirection, null, null, RHDone, Is_RAMandatory, Is_RASubmitted, ref rowcount);

                string[] HeaderCaptions  = { "Job History ID", "Vessel", "Location", "SubSystem", "Job Code", "Job Title", "Job Description", "Frequency", "Frequency Name", "Last Done", "Rhrs", "Rem. Rhrs", "Next Due", "CMS", "Critical", "Mandatory Risk Assessment", "Department", "Rank", "Remarks" };
                string[] DataColumnsName = { "JobHistoryID", "Vessel_Name", "Location", "SubSystem", "Job_Code", "JOB_TITLE", "Job_Description", "FREQUENCY", "Frequency_Name", "LAST_DONE", "RHRS_DONE", "RemRhrs", "DATE_NEXT_DUE", "CMS", "Critical", "IsRAMandatory", "Department", "RankName", "FullRemarks" };

                string FileName = "PMSJobHistory" + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + ".xls";
                string FilePath = Server.MapPath(@"~/Uploads\\Temp\\"); string ExportTempFilePath = Server.MapPath(@"~/Uploads\\ExportTemplete\\");

                if ((sender as ImageButton).CommandArgument == "ExportFrom_IE")
                    GridViewExportUtil.ShowExcel(ds.Tables[0], HeaderCaptions, DataColumnsName, "PMS Job History", "PMS Job History", "");
                    GridViewExportUtil.Export_To_Excel_Interop(ds.Tables[0], HeaderCaptions, DataColumnsName, "PMS Job History", FilePath + FileName, ExportTempFilePath, @"~\\Uploads\\Temp\\" + FileName);
                    //GridViewExportUtil.Show_CSV_TO_Excel(ds.Tables[0], HeaderCaptions, DataColumnsName, "PMS Job History", "PMS Job History", "");
        catch (Exception ex)
            string js = "alert('" + UDFLib.GetException("SystemError/ GeneralMessage") + "');";
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "error", js, true);
Esempio n. 9
    /// <summary>
    /// Bind jobs status
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="VesselId">Vessel Id</param>
    /// <param name="LocationId">location Id</param>
    /// <param name="SystemLocation">system location of system</param>
    /// <param name="SubSystemLocation">sub system location of system</param>
    /// <param name="DepartmentID">Department Id for system</param>
    /// <param name="RankID">Rank Id</param>
    /// <param name="SearchText">Search text like job code or title</param>
    /// <param name="critical">Check for critical jobs</param>
    /// <param name="cms">Check for CMS jobs</param>
    /// <param name="fromdate">from date</param>
    /// <param name="todate">To date</param>
    /// <param name="DueDateFlageSearch">For filter like "This Month","Overdue"</param>
    /// <param name="VerifyFlag">Check for job is verifie or not</param>
    /// <param name="JobFreq">Set frequency for job</param>
    /// <param name="IsSafetyAlarm">check IsSafetyAlarm for job</param>
    /// <param name="IsCalibration">check IsCalibration for job</param>
    /// <param name="sortby">for sorting </param>
    /// <param name="sortdirection">for sortdirection</param>
    /// <param name="pagenumber">used for page number</param>
    /// <param name="pagesize">used for page size</param>
    /// <param name="RHDone">for search RunHours done</param>
    /// <param name="isfetchcount"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public void BindJobStatus()
            BLL_PMS_Job_Status objJobStatus = new BLL_PMS_Job_Status();
            DataSet            ds           = new DataSet();

            int    rowcount      = ucCustomPagerItems.isCountRecord;
            string vesselcode    = (ViewState["VesselCode"] == null) ? null : (ViewState["VesselCode"].ToString());
            string sortbycoloumn = (ViewState["SORTBYCOLOUMN"] == null) ? null : (ViewState["SORTBYCOLOUMN"].ToString());
            int?   sortdirection = null; if (ViewState["SORTDIRECTION"] != null)
                sortdirection = Int32.Parse(ViewState["SORTDIRECTION"].ToString());

            string duedateflagesearch = (ViewState["OverDueSearchFlage"] == null) ? null : (ViewState["OverDueSearchFlage"].ToString());
            int    IsPendingOfcVerify = 0, PostponeJob = 0, FollowupAdded = 0, JobWithMandateRAssess = 0, JobWithSubRAssess = 0, JobDiffToDDock = 0;
            string QueryFlage = ViewState["Qflag"].ToString();
            int    isCritical = 0;
            int    isCMS = 0;
            int?jobid     = null;
            int?isHistory = 0;

            if (QueryFlage != "S")
                isHistory = 1;

                if (QueryFlage == "H" && rbtnJobTypes.SelectedValue == "NONPMS")
                    isHistory = 3;

                jobid = null; if (ViewState["Jobid"] != null)
                    jobid = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["Jobid"].ToString());
            else if (QueryFlage == "S" && rbtnJobTypes.SelectedValue == "NONPMS")
                isHistory = 2;

            if (chkCritical.Checked == true)/* For Filtering Critical jobs */
                isCritical = 1;

            if (chkCMS.Checked == true)/* For Filtering CMS jobs */
                isCMS = 1;

            if (chkOfcVerify.Checked == true) /* For Filtering jobs pending for office verification */
                IsPendingOfcVerify = 1;

            int?SafetyAlarm = null;
            int?Calibration = null;

            if (chkAdvSftyAlarm.Checked == true) /* For Filtering Safety alarm jobs*/
                SafetyAlarm = 1;
            if (chkAdvCalibration.Checked == true)/* For Filtering Calibration jobs */
                Calibration = 1;

            int?Is_RAMandatory = null;     //Added by reshma for RA:  For Filtering RA mandatory jobs
            int?Is_RASubmitted = null;     //Added by reshma for RA : For Filtering RA form submitted jobs

            if (rbtnMRA.SelectedItem.Value == "YES")
                Is_RAMandatory = 1;
            else if (rbtnMRA.SelectedItem.Value == "NO")
                Is_RAMandatory = 2;

            if (rbtnRASubmitted.SelectedItem.Value == "YES")
                Is_RASubmitted = 1;
            else if (rbtnRASubmitted.SelectedItem.Value == "NO")
                Is_RASubmitted = 2;

            /* Below Filters will be added in next phase of development*/
            //if (chkAdvPPJobs.Checked == true)
            //    PostponeJob = 1;

            //if (chkAdvJWMRA.Checked == true)
            //    JobWithMandateRAssess = 1;
            //if (chkAdvJWSRA.Checked == true)
            //    JobWithSubRAssess = 1;
            //if (chkAdvJDTDD.Checked == true)
            //    JobDiffToDDock = 1;
            /* upto this Filters will be added in next phase of development*/

            ds = objJobStatus.TecJobStatusIndex(jobid, UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(DDLFleet.SelectedValue), UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(DDLVessel.SelectedValue), UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlFunction.SelectedValue), UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlSystem_location.SelectedValue.Split(',')[1]), UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlSystem_location.SelectedValue.Split(',')[0]), UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlSubSystem_location.SelectedValue.Split(',')[1]), UDFLib.ConvertIntegerToNull(ddlSubSystem_location.SelectedValue.Split(',')[0])
                                                , ucf_DDLRank.SelectedValues, null, txtSearchJobTitle.Text != "" ? txtSearchJobTitle.Text.Trim() : null
                                                , isCritical, isCMS, UDFLib.ConvertDateToNull(txtFromDate.Text), UDFLib.ConvertDateToNull(txtToDate.Text), UDFLib.ConvertDateToNull(txtActFrmDate.Text), UDFLib.ConvertDateToNull(txtActToDate.Text), isHistory, duedateflagesearch,
                                                IsPendingOfcVerify, SafetyAlarm, Calibration, PostponeJob, FollowupAdded, JobWithMandateRAssess, JobWithSubRAssess, JobDiffToDDock, sortbycoloumn, sortdirection, ucCustomPagerItems.CurrentPageIndex, ucCustomPagerItems.PageSize, RHDone, Is_RAMandatory, Is_RASubmitted, ref rowcount);

            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

            DataColumnCollection columns = dt.Columns;
            if (columns.Contains("RemRhrs"))
                for (int k = 0; k < dt.Rows.Count; k++)
                    if (dt.Rows[k]["FREQUENCY_TYPE"] == "2484" || dt.Rows[k]["FREQUENCY_TYPE"] == "2485")
                        dt.Rows[k]["RemRhrs"] = System.DBNull.Value;

            if (ucCustomPagerItems.isCountRecord == 1)
                ucCustomPagerItems.CountTotalRec = rowcount.ToString();
            if (ds != null)
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    gvStatus.DataSource = dt;
                    gvStatus.DataSource = dt;

        catch (Exception ex)
            throw ex;