public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { bll = new BLLJIMP.BLL(""); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Expires = 0; string action = context.Request["Action"]; string result = "false"; if (!bll.GetCurrentUserInfo().UserType.Equals(1)) { return; } switch (action) { case "Add": result = Add(context); break; case "Edit": result = Edit(context); break; case "Delete": result = Delete(context); break; case "Query": result = GetAllByAny(context); break; } context.Response.Write(result); }
private static string websiteOwner;//设定该站点所有者 public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { websiteOwner = DataLoadTool.GetWebsiteInfoModel().WebsiteOwner; context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; //BLLMenuPermission perbll = new BLLMenuPermission(""); //_isedit = perbll.CheckUserAndPms(DataLoadTool.GetCurrUserID(), 258); //_isview = perbll.CheckUserAndPms(DataLoadTool.GetCurrUserID(), 253); bll = new BLLJIMP.BLL(""); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Expires = 0; string action = context.Request["Action"]; string result = "false"; switch (action) { case "Add": result = Add(context); break; case "Edit": result = Edit(context); break; case "Delete": result = Delete(context); break; case "Query": result = GetAllByAny(context); break; } context.Response.Write(result); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var bll = new BLLJIMP.BLL(); BLLJIMP.BLLWebSite bllCompanyConfig = new BLLJIMP.BLLWebSite(); string curPath = this.Request.FilePath; if (curPath == "/" || curPath.Contains("/login")) { if ((bll.WebsiteOwner == "hailan" || bll.WebsiteOwner == "hailandev") && bll.IsWeiXinBrowser) { this.Response.Redirect("/customize/comeoncloud/Index.aspx?key=MallHome", true); } var companyConfig = bllCompanyConfig.GetCompanyWebsiteConfig(); if (companyConfig.IsEnableCustomizeLoginPage == 1) { Response.Redirect("/AdminLogin.html"); } if (bll.WebsiteOwner.ToLower() == "stockplayer") { this.Response.Redirect("/customize/StockPlayer/Src/Index/Index.aspx", true); } if (bll.WebsiteOwner.ToLower() == "songhe") { this.Response.Redirect("/customize/comeoncloud/Index.aspx?key=MallHome", true); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { uinfo = DataLoadTool.GetCurrUserModel(); bllUserScore = new BLLJIMP.BLLUserScore(uinfo.UserID); BLLJIMP.BLL bll = new BLLJIMP.BLL(); txtCount.Text = bll.GetCount <BLLJIMP.Model.ForwardingRecord>(string.Format(" FUserID='{0}' and TypeName = '分享'", uinfo.UserID)).ToString(); IsShowRed = bll.GetCount <BLLJIMP.Model.ReviewInfo>(string.Format("ForeignkeyId='{0}' and IsRead <> 1", uinfo.UserID)) > 0 ? true : false; UserLevel = bllUserScore.GetUserLevelByTotalScore(uinfo.HistoryTotalScore); FlowerCount = bllUser.GetUserFlowerCount(uinfo.UserID); AttentionCount = bllUser.GetUserAttentionCount(uinfo.UserID); IsHaveUnReadMessage = bllNotice.IsHaveUnReadMessage(bll.GetCurrentUserInfo().UserID).ToString(); IsTutor = bllUser.IsTutor(uinfo); } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { bll = new BLLJIMP.BLL(""); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Expires = 0; string Action = context.Request["Action"]; string result = "false"; switch (Action) { case "Delete": result = Delete(context); break; case "Query": result = GetAllByAny(context); break; case "getmorelist": result = GetMoreList(context); break; } context.Response.Write(result); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { // BLLMenuPermission perbll = new BLLMenuPermission(""); //_isedit = perbll.CheckUserAndPms(Comm.DataLoadTool.GetCurrUserID(), 255); //_isview = perbll.CheckUserAndPms(Comm.DataLoadTool.GetCurrUserID(), 250); bll = new BLL(""); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Expires = 0; string Action = context.Request["Action"]; string result = "false"; switch (Action) { case "Add": result = Add(context); break; case "Edit": result = Edit(context); break; case "Delete": result = Delete(context); break; case "Query": result = GetAllByAny(context); break; case "MoveStep": result = MoveStep(context); break; } context.Response.Write(result); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { try { userInfo = Comm.DataLoadTool.GetCurrUserModel(); bll = new BLLJIMP.BLL(""); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Expires = 0; string Action = context.Request["Action"]; string result = "false"; switch (Action) { case "Add": result = Add(context); break; case "Edit": result = Edit(context); break; case "Delete": result = Delete(context); break; case "Query": result = GetAllByAny(context); break; } context.Response.Write(result); } catch (Exception ex) { context.Response.Write(ex.Message); return; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { bll = new BLLJIMP.BLL(); AutoId = Request["id"]; GetPartnerInfo(AutoId); try { BLLJIMP.Model.ForwardingRecord frecord = bll.Get <BLLJIMP.Model.ForwardingRecord>(string.Format(" FUserID='{0}' AND RUserID='{1}' AND websiteOwner='{2}' AND TypeName='五伴会赞'", bll.GetCurrentUserInfo().UserID, int.Parse(Request["id"]), bll.WebsiteOwner)); if (frecord != null) { zan = true; } } catch (Exception) { } } catch (Exception) { Response.End(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { bll = new BLLJIMP.BLL(); //alyModel = bll.GetAnalyticsViewModel(); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { try { bll = new BLLJIMP.BLL(""); context.Response.ContentType = "text/html"; context.Response.Expires = 0; string Action = context.Request["Action"]; string result = "false"; switch (Action) { case "Add": result = Add(context); break; case "Edit": result = Edit(context); break; case "Delete": result = Delete(context); break; case "Query": result = GetAllByAny(context); break; case "GetRemindList": result = GetRemindList(); break; case "UpdateRemindState": result = UpdateRemindState(context); break; case "GetSingleRemindInfo": result = GetSingleRemindInfo(context); break; case "GetRemindByTime": result = GetRemindByTime(); break; case "BatChangState": result = BatChangState(context); break; case "GetWeiBoEventDetailsInfoRemind": //微博事件点击提醒 result = GetWeiBoEventDetailsInfoRemind(context); break; case "GetEmailEventDetailsInfoRemind": // 邮件打开提醒 result = GetEmailEventDetailsInfoRemind(context); break; } context.Response.Write(result); } catch (Exception ex) { context.Response.Write(ex.Message); return; } }