private void BindData() { BLL.wx_qp_img imgBLl = new BLL.wx_qp_img(); BLL.wx_qp_base actBll = new BLL.wx_qp_base(); BLL.wx_qp_users usersBll = new BLL.wx_qp_users(); Model.wx_qp_base baseModel = actBll.GetModelList(" id=" + aid)[0]; IList <Model.wx_qp_users> userList = usersBll.GetModelList(string.Format(" openid='{0}' and bId={1}", openid, aid)); //判断活动是否过期 if (baseModel.actEnd < DateTime.Now || baseModel.actBegin > DateTime.Now) { ErrLevel = 1; ErrorInfo = "此活动时间不对,很遗憾!"; return; } if (userList.Count > 0) { ErrLevel = 1; ErrorInfo = "你已参加过活动,每人只能参加一次!"; return; } //轮播图片 this.rptImglist.DataSource = imgBLl.GetList(" bId=" + aid + " and iType=3 "); if (imgBLl.GetList(" bId=" + aid + " and iType=3 ").Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 0) { mark = "no"; } this.rptImglist.DataBind(); this.rptNum.DataSource = imgBLl.GetList(" bId=" + aid + " and iType=3 "); this.rptNum.DataBind(); this.Page.Title = baseModel.bName; this.ltrUserxz.Text = baseModel.qpRemark; }
private void ckState() { BLL.wx_qp_base actBll = new BLL.wx_qp_base(); BLL.wx_qp_users userBll = new BLL.wx_qp_users(); Model.wx_qp_base baseModel = actBll.GetModel(aid); IList <Model.wx_qp_users> userList = userBll.GetModelList(" openid='" + openid + "' and bId=" + aid); Model.wx_qp_users userModel = null; string gpTime = DateTime.Parse(baseModel.yyGouPiaoBeginDate.ToString()).ToString("MM月dd日-HH:mm") + "~" + DateTime.Parse(baseModel.yyGouPiaoEndDate.ToString()).ToString("MM月dd日-HH:mm"); if (userList != null && userList.Count > 0) { userModel = userList[0]; } string Fulltext = "<h1><i class=\"text-icon\">✔</i>已有" + baseModel.maxPersonNum + "人抢到票啦!</h1>" + "<dl class=\"list\">" + "<dd class=\"dd-padding\">特价票已售完即止!</dd>" + "<dd class=\"dd-padding\">请抓紧时间购票把!</dd>" + "<dd class=\"dd-padding\">购票时间:" + gpTime + "</dd></dl><br />"; //活动人数已满 if (baseModel.cyPersonNum > baseModel.maxPersonNum) { this.litFull.Text = Fulltext; return; } //非法用户 if (userModel == null) { if (baseModel.cyPersonNum == baseModel.maxPersonNum)//最后一个用户 { this.litFull.Text = Fulltext; } else { Response.Redirect(string.Format("index.aspx?wid={0}&aid={1}&openid={2}", wid, aid, openid)); } return; } //第一次参与活动 if (joined == "true") { string snNum =; this.litShow.Text = "<h1><i class=\"text-icon\">✔</i>您是第" + baseModel.cyPersonNum + "位参加本次抢票!</h1>" + "<dl class=\"list\">" + "<dd class=\"dd-padding\">您的sn码:" + snNum + " </dd>" + "<dd class=\"dd-padding\">购票时间:" + gpTime + "</dd></dl><br />"; return; }//已参与过本次活动,不可以再参加 else if (joined == "false") { string snNum =; this.litJoined.Text = "<h1><i class=\"text-icon\">✔</i>您已成功参加本次抢票!</h1>" + "<dl class=\"list\">" + "<dd class=\"dd-padding\">您的sn码:" + snNum + " </dd>" + "<dd class=\"dd-padding\">购票时间:" + gpTime + "</dd></dl><br />"; return; } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/json"; int aid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("aid"); int wid = MyCommFun.RequestWid(); string openid = MyCommFun.RequestOpenid(); string _action = MXRequest.GetQueryString("mycat"); BLL.wx_qp_base actBll = new wx_qp_base(); BLL.wx_qp_users userBll = new BLL.wx_qp_users(); //验证码 if (_action == "sendCardCheckCode") { Model.wx_qp_base actModel = actBll.GetModel(aid); string actName = actModel.bName; smsMgr smgr = null; string Number = string.Empty; string smsStatus = string.Empty; string telephone = MXRequest.GetQueryString("telephone"); #region 验证码 Dictionary <string, string> jsonDict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); IList <Model.wx_qp_users> userList = userBll.GetModelList(string.Format(" (openid='{0}'and bId={2}) or (uTel='{1}' and bId={2})", openid, telephone, aid)); try { if (Regexlib.IsValidMobile(telephone)) { //判断是否超过活动最大人数 if (actModel.cyPersonNum >= actModel.maxPersonNum) { jsonDict.Add("errno", "sys"); jsonDict.Add("content", "活动人数已满!"); context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.getJsonStr(jsonDict)); return; } if (userList.Count > 0)//已参加过本次活动,不发送验证码 { jsonDict.Add("errno", "sys"); jsonDict.Add("content", "你已参加过本次活动!"); context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.getJsonStr(jsonDict)); return; } smgr = new smsMgr(wid); Number = Utils.Number(6, true); smsStatus = smgr.SendSMS(telephone, Number + "(动态验证码),您于" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日 hh点mm分") + "参与\"" + actName + "\"抢票活动,请在10分钟内输入该验证码!", Number, actName, aid); if (smsStatus == "成功") { //获取验证码 jsonDict.Add("errno", "0"); jsonDict.Add("content", "获取验证码成功"); context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.getJsonStr(jsonDict)); return; } else { jsonDict.Add("errno", "sys"); jsonDict.Add("content", "发送验证码失败!"); context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.getJsonStr(jsonDict)); return; } } else { jsonDict.Add("errno", "sys"); jsonDict.Add("content", "手机格式错误!"); context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.getJsonStr(jsonDict)); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { jsonDict.Add("errno", "sys"); jsonDict.Add("content", "发送验证码失败!"); context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.getJsonStr(jsonDict)); return; } #endregion } //index页面抢票时判断是否已参加过活动 if (_action == "qp_ckJoined") { Dictionary <string, string> jsonDict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); //判断此人是否已参与过活动 bool joined = userBll.GetModelList(string.Format(" bId={0} and openid='{1}'", aid, openid)).Count > 0; if (joined)//已参与,跳转结果显示页面 { string goUrl = string.Format("order_Result.aspx?wid={0}&aid={1}&openid={2}&join=false", wid, aid, openid); jsonDict.Add("errno", "0"); jsonDict.Add("content", goUrl); context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.getJsonStr(jsonDict)); return; } else//还未参与,跳转订单页面 { string goUrl = string.Format("order.aspx?wid={0}&aid={1}&openid={2}", wid, aid, openid); jsonDict.Add("errno", "0"); jsonDict.Add("content", goUrl); context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.getJsonStr(jsonDict)); return; } } //抢票得到订单 if (_action == "qp_ckOrder") { string identCode = MyCommFun.QueryString("identCode"); string telephone = MyCommFun.QueryString("telephone"); BLL.wx_sms_info smsBll = new BLL.wx_sms_info(); Dictionary <string, string> jsonDict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); string goUrl = ""; //判断用户是否已经参与过活动 IList <Model.wx_qp_users> userList = userBll.GetModelList(string.Format(" (openid='{0}'and bId={2}) or (uTel='{1}' and bId={2}) ", openid, telephone, aid)); //判断验证码 bool ckIdentcode = smsBll.ExistsYzm(telephone, identCode); Model.wx_qp_base actModel = actBll.GetModel(aid); //判断是否超过活动最大人数 if (actModel.cyPersonNum >= actModel.maxPersonNum) { jsonDict.Add("errno", "sys"); jsonDict.Add("content", "活动人数已满!"); context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.getJsonStr(jsonDict)); return; } if (userList.Count > 0) { jsonDict.Add("errno", "sys"); jsonDict.Add("content", "你已参加过活动,每人只能参加一次!"); context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.getJsonStr(jsonDict)); return; } if (!Regexlib.IsValidMobile(telephone)) { jsonDict.Add("errno", "sys"); jsonDict.Add("content", "手机格式错误!"); context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.getJsonStr(jsonDict)); return; } if (!ckIdentcode) { jsonDict.Add("errno", "sys"); jsonDict.Add("content", "验证码错误!"); context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.getJsonStr(jsonDict)); return; } Model.wx_qp_users model = new Model.wx_qp_users(); model.bId = aid; model.openid = openid; model.uTel = telephone; model.createDate = DateTime.Now; = "sn_" + Utils.Number(6, true); //添加参与活动用户并给递加活动人数 int res = userBll.Add(model); actModel.cyPersonNum = actModel.cyPersonNum + 1; actModel.yingyuanlist = null; actBll.Update(actModel); //判断该活动是否发送SN码通知用户 if (actModel.isSnSendsms && res > 0)//发送 { smsMgr smgr = new smsMgr(wid); string smsStatus = smgr.SendSMS("您于" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日 hh点mm分") + "参与\"" + actModel.bName + "\"抢票活动!恭喜你,抢票成功!(SN码)" + telephone,,, actModel.bName, aid); } goUrl = string.Format("order_Result.aspx?wid={0}&aid={1}&openid={2}&join=true", wid, aid, openid); jsonDict.Add("errno", "0"); jsonDict.Add("content", goUrl); context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.getJsonStr(jsonDict)); } }