Esempio n. 1
        public List <SQLAutoDocLib.BLL.Table> ListAllTablesInDatabase(Guid DBID)
            List <SQLAutoDocLib.BLL.Table> oList = new List <SQLAutoDocLib.BLL.Table>();

            DataTable oIDs = m_DBFactory.AllTables(DBID: DBID);

            foreach (DataRow oID in oIDs.Rows)
                BLL.Table oTable = new BLL.Table(DBID: DBID, TableID: (Guid)oID["TableID"]);

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Scan the database associated with a given connection string.
        /// If no data exists in the current sqlautodoc database for this
        /// server and database, then records are created, otherwise
        /// the current records are used.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sConnectionString"></param>
        public void Scan(string sConnectionString)
            DBL.DBTable_Factory oFactory = new DBL.DBTable_Factory();

            //Delete any table history records associated with incomplete versions.
            //These records would be left over from a previously uncompleted scan.
            oFactory.DeleteIncompleteHistory(DBID: m_DBID);

            //Indicate that all known tables (in the database) are being re-verified, in case a table has been dropped.
            oFactory.MarkScanningInProgress(DBID: m_DBID);

            //Get list of tables from database
            using (AGENT.DBTableAgent_Factory oTableAgent = new AGENT.DBTableAgent_Factory(sConnectionString: sConnectionString))
                DataTable oAllTables = oTableAgent.GetList();
                ScanCount(SQLAutoDocLib.UTIL.Constants.TABLENODE, oAllTables.Rows.Count);

                //For each table...
                foreach (DataRow oTable in oAllTables.Rows)
                    string sTableName = oTable[0].ToString();

                    //Alert that we're beginning the scan
                    ScanBegin(SQLAutoDocLib.UTIL.Constants.TABLENODE, sTableName);

                    //Open a connection to the target server

                    //Create temporary stored procedures
                    //  These will go away when the connection is closed

                    //Get an xml summary of table schema
                    string sXML = oTableAgent.GetTableSchema(sTableName);

                    //Close the connection to the target server

                    //Record with same name and xml summary already exists in database?
                    bool bIsMatch = false;

                    Guid oFoundTable = oFactory.FindWithSchemaMatch(
                        DBID: m_DBID,
                        sName: sTableName,
                        sSchemaXML: sXML,
                        IsMatch: out bIsMatch);

                    if (oFoundTable == Guid.Empty)
                        // table not found

                        // create new table record
                        BLL.Table oNewTable = new BLL.Table(DBID: m_DBID);
                        oNewTable.Name              = sTableName;
                        oNewTable.Configuration     = sXML;
                        oNewTable.FindFirstVersion  = m_VersionID;
                        oNewTable.FindLastVersion   = m_VersionID;
                        oNewTable.ScanInProgress    = false;
                        oNewTable.ChangedInLastScan = true;

                        // create new table version record
                        BLL.TableHistory oNewTableHistory = new BLL.TableHistory(TableID: oNewTable.TableID, VersionID: m_VersionID);
                        oNewTableHistory.Configuration   = sXML;
                        oNewTableHistory.CurrentlyExists = true;

                        this.ChangesFound = true;

                        ScanNotFound(SQLAutoDocLib.UTIL.Constants.TABLENODE, sTableName);
                    else if (bIsMatch == false)
                        // table found but schema has changed

                        // update table record
                        BLL.Table oNewTable = new BLL.Table(DBID: m_DBID, TableID: oFoundTable);

                        oNewTable.Configuration     = sXML;
                        oNewTable.FindLastVersion   = m_VersionID;
                        oNewTable.ScanInProgress    = false;
                        oNewTable.ChangedInLastScan = true;


                        // create new table version record
                        BLL.TableHistory oNewTableHistory = new BLL.TableHistory(TableID: oNewTable.TableID, VersionID: m_VersionID);
                        oNewTableHistory.Configuration   = sXML;
                        oNewTableHistory.CurrentlyExists = true;

                        this.ChangesFound = true;

                        ScanChanged(SQLAutoDocLib.UTIL.Constants.TABLENODE, sTableName);
                        // table found and schema is the same.

                        // update table record
                        BLL.Table oNewTable = new BLL.Table(DBID: m_DBID, TableID: oFoundTable);

                        oNewTable.FindLastVersion   = m_VersionID;
                        oNewTable.ScanInProgress    = false;
                        oNewTable.ChangedInLastScan = false;


            //After scan is complete...
            //Note that any tables not found have been dropped
            DataTable oDT = oFactory.FindUnfound(DBID: m_DBID);

            foreach (DataRow oDroppedTable in oDT.Rows)
                Guid oTableID = (Guid)oDroppedTable["tableid"];

                // update table record
                BLL.Table oNewTable = new BLL.Table(DBID: m_DBID, TableID: oTableID);

                oNewTable.FindLastVersion   = m_VersionID;
                oNewTable.ScanInProgress    = false;
                oNewTable.ChangedInLastScan = true;
                oNewTable.CurrentlyExists   = false;


                // create new table version record
                BLL.TableHistory oNewTableHistory = new BLL.TableHistory(TableID: oNewTable.TableID, VersionID: m_VersionID);
                oNewTableHistory.Configuration   = "";
                oNewTableHistory.CurrentlyExists = false;

                this.ChangesFound = true;

                ScanDeleted(SQLAutoDocLib.UTIL.Constants.TABLENODE, oNewTable.Name);