private void ShowInfo(string _oid) { rptEmployee0.Visible = false; liemployee0.Visible = false; BLL.Order bll = new BLL.Order(); DataSet ds = bll.GetList(0, "o_id='" + _oid + "'", "o_addDate desc"); if (ds == null || ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { JscriptMsg("订单不存在!", ""); return; } DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]; labOwner.Text = new MettingSys.BLL.department().getAreaText(dr["op_area"].ToString()) + "," + dr["op_number"] + "," + dr["op_name"]; txtCusName.Text = dr["c_name"].ToString(); hCusId.Value = dr["c_id"].ToString(); List <Model.Contacts> contactlist = new BLL.Contacts().getList("co_cid=" + hCusId.Value + "", " co_flag desc,co_id asc"); if (contactlist != null) { ddlcontact.DataSource = contactlist; ddlcontact.DataTextField = "co_name"; ddlcontact.DataValueField = "co_id"; ddlcontact.DataBind(); } ddlcontact.SelectedValue = dr["o_coid"].ToString(); txtPhone.Text = dr["co_number"].ToString(); ddlcontractPrice.SelectedValue = dr["o_contractPrice"].ToString(); txtsDate.Text = ConvertHelper.toDate(dr["o_sdate"]).Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); txteDate.Text = ConvertHelper.toDate(dr["o_edate"]).Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); txtAddress.Text = dr["o_address"].ToString(); txtContent.Text = dr["o_content"].ToString(); txtContract.Text = dr["o_contractContent"].ToString(); txtRemark.Text = dr["o_remarks"].ToString(); ddlfStatus.SelectedValue = dr["o_status"].ToString(); //ddldstatus.SelectedValue = dr["o_dstatus"].ToString(); ddlpushStatus.SelectedValue = dr["o_isPush"].ToString(); labFlag.Text = Common.BusinessDict.checkStatus()[Utils.ObjToByte(dr["o_flag"])]; ddlflag.SelectedValue = dr["o_flag"].ToString(); labLockStatus.Text = Common.BusinessDict.lockStatus()[Utils.ObjToByte(dr["o_lockStatus"])]; labfinanceCost.Text = dr["o_financeCust"].ToString(); txtCost.Text = dr["o_financeCust"].ToString(); finCost = Utils.StrToDecimal(dr["o_financeCust"].ToString(), 0); ddllockstatus.SelectedValue = dr["o_lockStatus"].ToString(); labFinRemarks.Text = dr["o_finRemarks"].ToString(); txtFinRemark.Text = dr["o_finRemarks"].ToString(); labStatusTime.Text = Utils.ObjectToStr(dr["o_statusTime"]) == "" ? "" : Utils.StrToDateTime(Utils.ObjectToStr(dr["o_statusTime"])).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); #region 归属地 string placeStr = dr["o_place"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(placeStr)) { Dictionary <string, string> areaDic = new BLL.department().getAreaDict(); Dictionary <string, string> orderAreaDic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); string[] list = placeStr.Split(','); foreach (string item in list) { if (areaDic.ContainsKey(item)) { orderAreaDic.Add(item, areaDic[item]); } } rptAreaList.DataSource = orderAreaDic; rptAreaList.DataBind(); } #endregion #region 人员 DataTable pdt = bll.GetPersonList(0, "op_oid='" + _oid + "'", "op_id asc").Tables[0]; if (pdt != null && pdt.Rows.Count > 0) { rptEmployee1.DataSource = pdt.Select("op_type=2"); rptEmployee1.DataBind(); rptEmployee2.DataSource = pdt.Select("op_type=3"); rptEmployee2.DataBind(); rptEmployee3.DataSource = pdt.Select("op_type=4"); rptEmployee3.DataBind(); rptEmployee4.DataSource = pdt.Select("op_type=5"); rptEmployee4.DataBind(); liplace.Visible = false; liemployee1.Visible = false; liemployee2.Visible = false; liemployee3.Visible = false; liemployee4.Visible = false; uploadDiv.Visible = false; uploadDiv2.Visible = false; btnSave.Visible = false; btnDstatus.Visible = false; btnFlag.Visible = false; btnLockstatus.Visible = false; btnUpdateCost.Visible = false; btnUnBusinessPay.Visible = false; btnReceiptPay.Visible = false; btnFinRemark.Visible = false; //btnPay.Visible = false; btnInvoince.Visible = false; //btnExcelIn.Visible = false; btnSharing.Visible = false; trFile.Visible = false; #region 根据当前登录账户显示不同按钮 DataRow[] drs1 = pdt.Select("op_type=1 and op_number='" + manager.user_name + "'"); //业务员 DataRow[] drs2 = pdt.Select("op_type=2 and op_number='" + manager.user_name + "'"); //业务报账人员 DataRow[] drs3 = pdt.Select("op_type=3 and op_number='" + manager.user_name + "'"); //业务策划人员 DataRow[] drs4 = pdt.Select("op_type=4 and op_number='" + manager.user_name + "'"); //业务执行人员 DataRow[] drs6 = pdt.Select("op_type=5 and op_number='" + manager.user_name + "'"); //业务设计人员 bool showDetail = false; if (drs4.Length > 0) { isExecutiver = true; showDetail = true; uploadDiv.Visible = true; btnUnBusinessPay.Visible = true; btnReceiptPay.Visible = true; //btnPay.Visible = true; btnInvoince.Visible = true; //btnExcelIn.Visible = true; } if (drs3.Length > 0 || drs6.Length > 0) { showDetail = true; uploadDiv.Visible = true; uploadDiv2.Visible = true; btnDstatus.Visible = true; trFile.Visible = true; if (drs3.Length > 0) { ddldstatus.SelectedValue = drs3[0]["op_dstatus"].ToString(); } else if (drs6.Length > 0) { ddldstatus.SelectedValue = drs6[0]["op_dstatus"].ToString(); } } if (drs2.Length > 0) { isExecutiver = false; showDetail = true; liplace.Visible = true; liemployee2.Visible = true; liemployee3.Visible = true; liemployee4.Visible = true; uploadDiv.Visible = true; uploadDiv2.Visible = true; btnUnBusinessPay.Visible = true; btnReceiptPay.Visible = true; btnSave.Visible = true; //btnPay.Visible = true; btnInvoince.Visible = true; //btnExcelIn.Visible = true; trFile.Visible = true; } if (drs1.Length > 0) { isExecutiver = false; showDetail = true; liplace.Visible = true; liemployee1.Visible = true; liemployee2.Visible = true; liemployee3.Visible = true; liemployee4.Visible = true; uploadDiv.Visible = true; uploadDiv2.Visible = true; btnSave.Visible = true; btnUnBusinessPay.Visible = true; btnReceiptPay.Visible = true; //btnPay.Visible = true; btnInvoince.Visible = true; //btnExcelIn.Visible = true; trFile.Visible = true; } DataRow[] drs5 = pdt.Select("op_type=1"); //判断是否含有查看本区域数据的权限 if (new BLL.permission().checkHasPermission(manager, "0602") && (drs5[0]["op_area"].ToString() == manager.area || Utils.ObjectToStr(dr["o_place"]).IndexOf(manager.area) > -1)) { showDetail = true; trFile.Visible = true; } string groupArea = new BLL.department().getGroupArea();//总部 //判断是否是本区域,且含有财务基本权限 if ((drs5[0]["op_area"].ToString() == manager.area || groupArea == manager.area) && new BLL.permission().checkHasPermission(manager, "0401")) { showDetail = true; trFile.Visible = true; btnUnBusinessPay.Visible = true; btnReceiptPay.Visible = true; uploadDiv2.Visible = true; //btnPay.Visible = true; btnInvoince.Visible = true; //btnExcelIn.Visible = true; } //判断是否含有查看本区域审批权限 if (drs5[0]["op_area"].ToString() == manager.area && new BLL.permission().checkHasPermission(manager, "0603")) { trFile.Visible = true; showDetail = true; btnFlag.Visible = true; } // if (groupArea == manager.area) { if (new BLL.permission().checkHasPermission(manager, "0401")) { showDetail = true; trFile.Visible = true; } if (new BLL.permission().checkHasPermission(manager, "0405")) { showDetail = true; btnLockstatus.Visible = true; btnUpdateCost.Visible = true; trFile.Visible = true; } } if (new BLL.permission().checkHasPermission(manager, "0401")) { btnFinRemark.Visible = true; if (!Utils.StrToBool(dr["o_lockStatus"].ToString(), false)) { btnSharing.Visible = true; } } //以上都没有权限的,不能查看订单详细 if (!showDetail) { string msgbox = "parent.jsdialog(\"错误提示\", \"您没有管理该页面的权限,请勿非法进入!\", \"back\")"; Response.Write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">" + msgbox + "</script>"); Response.End(); } #endregion } #endregion if (dr["o_lockStatus"].ToString() == "1") { liplace.Visible = false; liemployee1.Visible = false; liemployee2.Visible = false; liemployee3.Visible = false; liemployee4.Visible = false; uploadDiv.Visible = false; uploadDiv2.Visible = false; btnSave.Visible = false; btnDstatus.Visible = false; btnFlag.Visible = false; btnUpdateCost.Visible = false; btnUnBusinessPay.Visible = false; btnReceiptPay.Visible = false; //btnPay.Visible = false; btnInvoince.Visible = true; //btnExcelIn.Visible = false; } #region 活动文件 DataTable fdt = bll.GetFileList(0, "f_oid='" + _oid + "'", "f_addDate asc,f_id asc").Tables[0]; if (fdt != null && fdt.Rows.Count > 0) { rptAlbumList.DataSource = fdt.Select("f_type=1"); rptAlbumList.DataBind(); rptAlbumList2.DataSource = fdt.Select("f_type=2"); rptAlbumList2.DataBind(); } #endregion string sqlwhere = ""; #region 执行备用金借款明细 if (isExecutiver) { sqlwhere = " and uba_PersonNum='" + manager.user_name + "'"; } DataSet unBusinessData = new BLL.unBusinessApply().GetList(0, "uba_oid='" + _oid + "' " + sqlwhere + "", "uba_addDate desc,uba_id desc"); if (unBusinessData != null && unBusinessData.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { rptunBusinessList.DataSource = unBusinessData; rptunBusinessList.DataBind(); } #endregion #region 应收付 DataTable natureData = new, isExecutiver ? manager.user_name : ""); if (natureData != null && natureData.Rows.Count > 0) { rptNature.DataSource = natureData; rptNature.DataBind(); } #endregion #region 发票 if (isExecutiver) { sqlwhere = " and inv_personNum='" + manager.user_name + "'"; } DataTable invoiceData = new BLL.invoices().GetList(0, "inv_oid='" + _oid + "' " + sqlwhere + "", "inv_addDate desc,inv_id desc").Tables[0]; if (invoiceData != null && invoiceData.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow inv in invoiceData.Rows) { if (inv["inv_flag1"].ToString() != "1" && inv["inv_flag2"].ToString() != "1" && inv["inv_flag3"].ToString() != "1") { requestMoney += Utils.StrToDecimal(inv["inv_money"].ToString(), 0); } if (Utils.StrToBool(inv["inv_isConfirm"].ToString(), false)) { confirmMoney += Utils.StrToDecimal(inv["inv_money"].ToString(), 0); } } rptInvoiceList.DataSource = invoiceData; rptInvoiceList.DataBind(); } #endregion #region 已收付款 if (isExecutiver) { sqlwhere = " and rpd_personNum='" + manager.user_name + "'"; } DataTable rpData = new BLL.ReceiptPayDetail().GetList(0, "rpd_oid='" + _oid + "'", "rpd_type desc,rpd_adddate desc,rpd_id desc").Tables[0]; if (rpData != null && rpData.Rows.Count > 0) { rptList.DataSource = rpData; rptList.DataBind(); } #endregion #region 结算汇总 if (!isExecutiver)//执行人员不可查看 { DataTable collectData = bll.getOrderCollect(_oid); if (collectData != null && collectData.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow inv in collectData.Rows) { finProfit += Utils.StrToDecimal(inv["profit"].ToString(), 0); if (inv["fin_type"].ToString() == "True") { fin1 += Utils.StrToDecimal(inv["finMoney"].ToString(), 0); } else { fin0 += Utils.StrToDecimal(inv["finMoney"].ToString(), 0); } } rptCollect.DataSource = collectData; rptCollect.DataBind(); } } #endregion }