/// <summary> /// 获得前几行数据 /// </summary> public DataSet GetListCRM(int Top, string strWhere, string filedOrder, string strEmp_id, string strFactoryId) { DataSet ds = dal.GetListCRM(Top, strWhere, filedOrder, strEmp_id, strFactoryId); BLL.CRM_Customer customer = new BLL.CRM_Customer(); if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { //全部客户(权限内) string strTemp = customer.GetCount("dataAllCus", " Factory_Id='" + strFactoryId + "'" + " and privatecustomer='私客'" + " and isDelete=0 " + DataAuth(strEmp_id.ToString(), strFactoryId)).ToString();// //本月未联系(权限内) string sqlMonth = " lastfollow<DATE_ADD(curdate(),interval -day(curdate())+1 day)" + DataAuth(strEmp_id.ToString(), strFactoryId) + " and Factory_Id='" + strFactoryId + "' and privatecustomer='私客' and isDelete=0"; string strTemp1 = customer.GetCount("dataAllCus", sqlMonth).ToString();// //当天联系(权限内) string sqlDay = " date_format(lastfollow,'%Y-%m-%d')=curdate()" + DataAuth(strEmp_id.ToString(), strFactoryId) + " and Factory_Id='" + strFactoryId + "' and privatecustomer='私客' and isDelete=0"; string strTemp2 = customer.GetCount("dataAllCus", sqlDay).ToString(); foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { switch (item["Menu_name"].ToString()) { case "全部客户(权限内)": item["count1"] = strTemp; break; case "本月未联系(权限内)": item["count1"] = strTemp1; break; case "当天联系(权限内)": item["count1"] = strTemp2; break; default: break; } } } return(ds); }