private void Read_User_PKI() { try { BIO bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer(); var keys = File.ReadAllLines(KMS_Client_UC.Private_key_file); if (keys.Length > 25) { byte[] bytes; for (int i = 0; i < 28; i++) { if (i == 0) { User = keys[i]; } else { string temp = keys[i] + "\n"; bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(temp); bio.Write(bytes, bytes.Length); } } user_priv_key = RSA.FromPrivateKey(bio); } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public SslStreamServer( Stream stream, bool ownStream, string pskCiphers, byte[] pskPsk) : base(stream, ownStream) { this.pskCiphers = pskCiphers; this.pskPsk = pskPsk; this.internalPskServerCallback = new PskServerCallbackHandler(InternalPskServerCallback); // Initialize the SslContext object InitializeServerContextUsingPsk(this.pskCiphers); // Initalize the Ssl object ssl = new Ssl(sslContext); // Initialze the read/write bio read_bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer(false); write_bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer(false); // Set the read/write bio's into the the Ssl object ssl.SetBIO(read_bio, write_bio); read_bio.SetClose(BIO.CloseOption.Close); write_bio.SetClose(BIO.CloseOption.Close); // Set the Ssl object into server mode ssl.SetAcceptState(); }
/// <summary>Create a DtlsFilter.</summary> /// <param name="key">A CryptoKey initialized by the OpenSSL.NET library.</param> /// <param name="cert">The path to the certificate to use.</param> /// <param name="ca_cert">The path to the ca certificate to use.</param> /// <param name="client">Use client initialization parameters.</param> public DtlsAssociation(ISender sender, CertificateHandler ch, PType ptype, Ssl ssl, bool client) : base(sender, ch) { _ip = new IdentifierPair(); PType = ptype; _ssl = ssl; _client = client; _ssl.SetReadAhead(1); // Buggy SSL versions have issue with compression and dtls _ssl.SetOptions((int)SslOptions.SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION); if (client) { _ssl.SetConnectState(); } else { _ssl.SetAcceptState(); } // The ssl object will take control _read = BIO.MemoryBuffer(false); _read.NonBlocking = true; _write = BIO.MemoryBuffer(false); _write.NonBlocking = true; _ssl.SetBIO(_read, _write); _ssl.DoHandshake(); _buffer = new byte[Int16.MaxValue]; _buffer_sync = new object(); _fe_lock = 0; }
public SslStreamServer( Stream stream, bool ownStream, X509Certificate serverCertificate, bool clientCertificateRequired, X509Chain caCerts, SslProtocols enabledSslProtocols, SslStrength sslStrength, bool checkCertificateRevocation, RemoteCertificateValidationHandler remote_callback) : base(stream, ownStream) { checkCertificateRevocationStatus = checkCertificateRevocation; remoteCertificateSelectionCallback = remote_callback; // Initialize the SslContext object InitializeServerContext(serverCertificate, clientCertificateRequired, caCerts, enabledSslProtocols, sslStrength, checkCertificateRevocation); // Initalize the Ssl object ssl = new Ssl(sslContext); sniCb = sniExt.ServerSniCb; sniExt.AttachSniExtensionServer(ssl.Handle, sslContext.Handle, sniCb); // Initialze the read/write bio read_bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer(false); write_bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer(false); // Set the read/write bio's into the the Ssl object ssl.SetBIO(read_bio, write_bio); read_bio.SetClose(BIO.CloseOption.Close); write_bio.SetClose(BIO.CloseOption.Close); // Set the Ssl object into server mode ssl.SetAcceptState(); }
public override PrivateKey ImportPrivateKey <PK>(EncodingFormat fmt, Stream source) { if (typeof(PK) == typeof(RsaPrivateKey)) { using (BIO keyBio = BIO.MemoryBuffer()) { using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { source.CopyTo(ms); keyBio.Write(ms.ToArray()); } using (var key = CryptoKey.FromPrivateKey(keyBio, null)) { var rsa = key.GetRSA(); return(new RsaPrivateKey(rsa.Size, rsa.PrivateExponent.ToHexString(), rsa.PrivateKeyAsPEM)); } } } else { throw new NotSupportedException("unsupported private key type"); } }
protected void InitializeClientContextUsingPsk(string pskCiphers) { // Initialize the context with the specified ssl version //sslContext = new SslContext(SslMethod.SSLv23_client_method); sslContext = new SslContext(SslMethod.TLSv1_client_method); //sslContext = new SslContext(SslMethod.SSLv3_client_method); // Remove support for protocols that should not be supported sslContext.Options |= SslOptions.SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2; sslContext.Options |= SslOptions.SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3; // Set the enabled cipher list // WARNING: Using PSK ciphers requires that the PSK callback be set and initialize the identity and psk value. // Failure to do this will cause the PSK ciphers to be skipped when picking a shared cipher. // The result will be an error because of "no shared ciphers". // sslContext.SetCipherList("PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA:PSK-3DES-EDE-CBC-SHA:PSK-AES128-CBC-SHA:PSK-RC4-SHA"); sslContext.SetCipherList(pskCiphers); // Set the PSK callbacks sslContext.SetPskClientCallback(this.internalPskClientCallback); // Set up the read/write bio's read_bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer(false); write_bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer(false); ssl = new Ssl(sslContext); ssl.SetBIO(read_bio, write_bio); read_bio.SetClose(BIO.CloseOption.Close); write_bio.SetClose(BIO.CloseOption.Close); ssl.SetConnectState(); }
public void LoadCA(String PKCS12Filename) { FileInfo caPkcs12 = new FileInfo(PKCS12Filename); if (caPkcs12.Exists) { try { Byte[] bPKCS12 = File.ReadAllBytes(caPkcs12.FullName); // You need to write the CSR string to a BIO object as shown below. BIO pkcs12BIO = BIO.MemoryBuffer(); pkcs12BIO.Write(bPKCS12); X509Certificate cert = X509Certificate.FromPKCS12(pkcs12BIO, this.caPassword); if (RootCA != null) { RootCA.Dispose(); } RootCA = new X509CertificateAuthority(cert, cert.PrivateKey, new SimpleSerialNumber(1), cfg); } catch (Exception ex) { RootCA = null; } } }
public void TestGenRSA() { BigNumber e = null; //if (options.IsSet("3")) // e = 3; //else if (options.IsSet("f4")) // e = 0x10001; e = 0x10001; var rsagen = new RSA(); rsagen.GenerateKeys(2048, e, GeneratorHandler, null); Cipher enc = null; //if (options.IsSet("des")) // enc = Cipher.DES_CBC; //else if (options.IsSet("des3")) // enc = Cipher.DES_EDE3_CBC; //else if (options.IsSet("idea")) // enc = Cipher.Idea_CBC; //else if (options.IsSet("aes128")) // enc = Cipher.AES_128_CBC; //else if (options.IsSet("aes192")) // enc = Cipher.AES_192_CBC; //else if (options.IsSet("aes256")) // enc = Cipher.AES_256_CBC; string passwd = null; using (var bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer()) { rsagen.WritePrivateKey(bio, enc, OnPassword, passwd); var outfile = "openssl-rsagen-privatekey.txt"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(outfile)) { Console.WriteLine(bio.ReadString()); } else { File.WriteAllText(outfile, bio.ReadString()); } } using (var bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer()) { rsagen.WritePublicKey(bio); var outfile = "openssl-rsagen-publickey.txt"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(outfile)) { Console.WriteLine(bio.ReadString()); } else { File.WriteAllText(outfile, bio.ReadString()); } } }
public static BIO GetInFile(string infile) { BIO bio; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(infile)) { bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer(); var cin = Console.OpenStandardInput(); var buf = new byte[1024]; while (true) { var len = cin.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length); if (len == 0) { break; } bio.Write(buf, len); } return(bio); } return(BIO.File(infile, "r")); }
public static X509Certificate GetX509CertFromPKCS12(Byte[] PKCS12Data, String password) { BIO pkcs12BIO = BIO.MemoryBuffer(); pkcs12BIO.Write(PKCS12Data); X509Certificate cert1 = X509Certificate.FromPKCS12(pkcs12BIO, password); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { using (BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(ms)) using (BIO bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer()) { cert1.Write(bio); Byte[] certData = bio.ReadBytes((Int32)bio.NumberWritten).Array; bw.Write(certData); bw.Close(); } BIO certBio = BIO.MemoryBuffer(); certBio.Write(ms.ToArray()); return(new X509Certificate(certBio)); } }
public static X509Certificate CloneCertificate(X509Certificate cert) { BIO bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer(); cert.Write(bio); return(new X509Certificate(bio)); }
public void Bug3017248() { CryptoKey key = new CryptoKey(new DSA(true)); BIO output = BIO.MemoryBuffer(); key.WritePrivateKey(output, Cipher.Null, "password"); output.SetClose(BIO.CloseOption.Close); Console.WriteLine(output.ReadString()); }
public void Bug2993305() { BIO mb = BIO.MemoryBuffer(); mb.Write("Some junk"); ArraySegment <byte> result = mb.ReadBytes(0); Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Count); }
public static ox509.X509Certificate MonoX509ToOpenSsl(mx509.X509Certificate cert) { BIO bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer(true); bio.Write(cert.RawData); var ocert = ox509.X509Certificate.FromDER(bio); bio.Dispose(); return(ocert); }
public static X509Certificate LoadCert(Byte[] X509Data) { BIO x509BIO = BIO.MemoryBuffer(); x509BIO.Write(X509Data); X509Certificate cert = new X509Certificate(x509BIO); return(cert); }
public static X509Certificate LoadCert(Byte[] PKCS12Data, String password) { BIO pkcs12BIO = BIO.MemoryBuffer(); pkcs12BIO.Write(PKCS12Data); X509Certificate cert = X509Certificate.FromPKCS12(pkcs12BIO, password); return(cert); }
public static mx509.X509Certificate OpenSslX509ToMonoX509(ox509.X509Certificate cert) { BIO bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer(true); cert.Write(bio); byte[] raw = new byte[bio.BytesPending]; bio.Read(raw, raw.Length); bio.Dispose(); return(new mx509.X509Certificate(raw)); }
public void ExportAsDer(Stream s) { using (var xr = new X509Request(Pem)) { using (var bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer()) { xr.Write_DER(bio); var arr = bio.ReadBytes((int)bio.BytesPending); s.Write(arr.Array, arr.Offset, arr.Count); } } }
public static Byte[] X509ToByte(X509Certificate cert) { Byte[] ret = null; using (BIO bio2 = BIO.MemoryBuffer()) { cert.Write(bio2); ret = bio2.ReadBytes((Int32)bio2.NumberWritten).Array; } return(ret); }
protected void InitializeClientContext(X509List certificates, SslProtocols enabledSslProtocols, SslStrength sslStrength, bool checkCertificateRevocation) { // Initialize the context with the specified SSL version // Initialize the context sslContext = new SslContext(SslMethod.SSLv23_client_method); // Remove support for protocols not specified in the enabledSslProtocols if ((enabledSslProtocols & SslProtocols.Ssl2) != SslProtocols.Ssl2) { sslContext.Options |= SslOptions.SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2; } if ((enabledSslProtocols & SslProtocols.Ssl3) != SslProtocols.Ssl3 && ((enabledSslProtocols & SslProtocols.Default) != SslProtocols.Default)) { // no SSLv3 support sslContext.Options |= SslOptions.SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3; } if ((enabledSslProtocols & SslProtocols.Tls) != SslProtocols.Tls && (enabledSslProtocols & SslProtocols.Default) != SslProtocols.Default) { sslContext.Options |= SslOptions.SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1; } // Set the Local certificate selection callback sslContext.SetClientCertCallback(internalCertificateSelectionCallback); // Set the enabled cipher list sslContext.SetCipherList(GetCipherString(false, enabledSslProtocols, sslStrength)); // Set the callbacks for remote cert verification and local cert selection if (remoteCertificateSelectionCallback != null) { sslContext.SetVerify(VerifyMode.SSL_VERIFY_PEER | VerifyMode.SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT, remoteCertificateSelectionCallback); } // Set the CA list into the store if (caCertificates != null) { var store = new X509Store(caCertificates); sslContext.SetCertificateStore(store); } // Set up the read/write bio's read_bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer(false); write_bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer(false); ssl = new Ssl(sslContext); ssl.SetBIO(read_bio, write_bio); read_bio.SetClose(BIO.CloseOption.Close); write_bio.SetClose(BIO.CloseOption.Close); // Set the Ssl object into Client mode ssl.SetConnectState(); }
public override void ExportArchive(PrivateKey pk, IEnumerable <Crt> certs, ArchiveFormat fmt, Stream target, string password = "") { var rsaPk = pk as RsaPrivateKey; if (rsaPk == null) { throw new NotSupportedException("unsupported private key type"); } if (fmt == ArchiveFormat.PKCS12) { var x509Arr = certs.Select(x => { using (var bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer()) { bio.Write(x.Pem); return(new X509Certificate(bio)); } }).ToArray(); using (var key = CryptoKey.FromPrivateKey(rsaPk.Pem, null)) { var caStack = new OpenSSL.Core.Stack <X509Certificate>(); for (int i = 1; i < x509Arr.Length; ++i) { caStack.Add(x509Arr[i]); } using (var pfx = new PKCS12(password == string.Empty ? null : password, key, x509Arr[0], caStack)) { using (var bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer()) { pfx.Write(bio); var count = (int)bio.BytesPending; var array = bio.ReadBytes(count); target.Write(array.Array, 0, count); } } } foreach (var x in x509Arr) { x.Dispose(); } } else { throw new NotSupportedException("unsupported archive format"); } }
public static void ConvertPemToDer(Stream source, Stream target) { using (var ts = new StreamReader(source)) { using (var xr = new X509Request(ts.ReadToEnd())) { using (var bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer()) { xr.Write_DER(bio); var arr = bio.ReadBytes((int)bio.BytesPending); target.Write(arr.Array, arr.Offset, arr.Count); } } } }
public static void ConvertDerToPem(Stream source, Stream target) { using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { source.CopyTo(ms); using (var bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer()) { bio.Write(ms.ToArray()); using (var crt = X509Certificate.FromDER(bio)) { var pemBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(crt.PEM); target.Write(pemBytes, 0, pemBytes.Length); } } } }
public FileInfo SignCertFromRequest(Byte[] requestData, Boolean ca) { FileInfo file = null; using (BIO bio = new BIO(requestData)) using (X509Request request = new X509Request(bio)) { file = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(certDir.FullName, request.Subject.Common + ".cer")); using (X509Certificate certificate = RootCA.ProcessRequest(request, DateTime.Now.AddHours(-24), DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromDays(365), MessageDigest.SHA1)) { if (ca) { certificate.AddExtension(new X509Extension(RootCA.Certificate, certificate, "basicConstraints", true, "CA:true")); certificate.AddExtension(new X509Extension(RootCA.Certificate, certificate, "keyUsage", true, "critical, cRLSign, keyCertSign, digitalSignature")); certificate.AddExtension(new X509Extension(RootCA.Certificate, certificate, "certificatePolicies", true, "")); } else { certificate.AddExtension(new X509Extension(RootCA.Certificate, certificate, "basicConstraints", true, "CA:false")); } certificate.AddExtension(new X509Extension(RootCA.Certificate, certificate, "issuerAltName", true, "issuer:copy")); certificate.AddExtension(new X509Extension(RootCA.Certificate, certificate, "nsComment", true, "IAM Tester Generated Certificate")); certificate.AddExtension(new X509Extension(RootCA.Certificate, certificate, "subjectKeyIdentifier", true, "hash")); certificate.AddExtension(new X509Extension(RootCA.Certificate, certificate, "authorityKeyIdentifier", true, "keyid,issuer:always")); certificate.AddExtension(new X509Extension(RootCA.Certificate, certificate, "subjectAltName", true, "DNS:" + request.Subject.Common)); certificate.Sign(RootCA.Key, MessageDigest.SHA1); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(file.FullName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) using (BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs)) using (BIO bio2 = BIO.MemoryBuffer()) { certificate.Write(bio2); Byte[] certData = bio2.ReadBytes((Int32)bio2.NumberWritten).Array; bw.Write(certData); bw.Close(); } //Para atualizar com o tamanho e outros dados do arquivo file = new FileInfo(file.FullName); } } return(file); }
public static RsaKeyPair GenerateRsaPrivateKey(int bits = 2048, BigNumber e = null, RsaKeyGeneratorCallback cb = null, object cbArg = null) { if (e == null) { e = E_F4; } using (var rsa = new RSA()) { BigNumber.GeneratorHandler cbWrapper = null; if (cb != null) { cbWrapper = (x, y, z) => cb(x, y, z); } Cipher enc = null; string pwd = null; PasswordHandler pwdCb = null; // If we choose to encrypt: // Cipher.DES_CBC; // Cipher.DES_EDE3_CBC; // Cipher.Idea_CBC; // Cipher.AES_128_CBC; // Cipher.AES_192_CBC; // Cipher.AES_256_CBC; // and pwd != null || pwdCb != null // We can use a pwdCb to get a password interactively or we can // simply pass in a fixed password string (no cbPwd, just pwd) if (pwd != null) { pwdCb = DefaultPasswordHandler; } // Ref: rsa.GenerateKeys(bits, e, cbWrapper, cbArg); using (var bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer()) { // Ref: rsa.WritePrivateKey(bio, enc, pwdCb, pwd); return(new RsaKeyPair(bits, e.ToHexString(), bio.ReadString())); } } }
/// <summary> /// Converts a certificate and private key to a PKCS#12 (.PFX) file. /// </summary> public static void ConvertToPfx(Stream keyPemSource, Stream crtPemSource, Stream isrPemSource, Stream pfxTarget) { using (BIO keyBio = BIO.MemoryBuffer(), crtBio = BIO.MemoryBuffer(), isrBio = BIO.MemoryBuffer()) { using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { keyPemSource.CopyTo(ms); keyBio.Write(ms.ToArray()); } using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { crtPemSource.CopyTo(ms); crtBio.Write(ms.ToArray()); } using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { isrPemSource.CopyTo(ms); isrBio.Write(ms.ToArray()); } using (var key = CryptoKey.FromPrivateKey(keyBio, null)) { using (var crt = new X509Certificate(crtBio)) { using (var isr = new X509Certificate(isrBio)) { var isrStack = new OpenSSL.Core.Stack <X509Certificate>(); isrStack.Add(isr); using (var pfx = new PKCS12(null, key, crt, isrStack)) { using (var pfxBio = BIO.MemoryBuffer()) { pfx.Write(pfxBio); var arr = pfxBio.ReadBytes((int)pfxBio.BytesPending); pfxTarget.Write(arr.Array, arr.Offset, arr.Count); } } } } } } }
public void WriteChain(X509Certificate cert, X509Chain chain) { FileInfo p7b = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(certDir.FullName, cert.Subject.Common + ".chain")); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(p7b.FullName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) using (BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs)) { BIO bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer(); foreach (X509Certificate c in chain) { c.Write(bio); } Byte[] certData = bio.ReadBytes((Int32)bio.NumberWritten).Array; bw.Write(certData); bw.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// Supports importing certificates from <see cref="EncodingFormat.PEM">PEM</see> /// and <see cref="EncodingFormat.DER">DER</see> formats. /// </summary> public override Crt ImportCertificate(EncodingFormat fmt, Stream source) { if (fmt == EncodingFormat.DER) { using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { source.CopyTo(ms); using (var bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer()) { bio.Write(ms.ToArray()); using (var x509 = X509Certificate.FromDER(bio)) { return(new Crt { Pem = x509.PEM }); } } } } else if (fmt == EncodingFormat.PEM) { using (var r = new StreamReader(source)) { using (var bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer()) { bio.Write(r.ReadToEnd()); using (var x509 = new X509Certificate(bio)) { return(new Crt { Pem = x509.PEM }); } } } } else { throw new NotSupportedException("encoding format has not been implemented"); } }
public static X509Certificate LoadCert(String X509Filename) { FileInfo certFile = new FileInfo(X509Filename); if (certFile.Exists) { Byte[] bX509 = File.ReadAllBytes(certFile.FullName); BIO x509BIO = BIO.MemoryBuffer(); x509BIO.Write(bX509); X509Certificate cert = X509Certificate.FromDER(x509BIO); return(cert); } else { return(null); } }
private String BuildPKCS12AndSave(String filename, String password, CryptoKey key, X509Certificate cert) { String retCert = ""; retCert = BuildPKCS12(password, key, cert); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) using (BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs)) using (BIO bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer()) { Byte[] certData = Convert.FromBase64String(retCert); bw.Write(certData); bw.Close(); } /* * using (PKCS12 pfx = new PKCS12(password, key, cert, new OpenSSL.Core.Stack<X509Certificate>())) * using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) * using (BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs)) * using (BIO bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer()) * { * pfx.Write(bio); * Byte[] certData = bio.ReadBytes((Int32)bio.NumberWritten).Array; * bw.Write(certData); * bw.Close(); * }*/ using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename.Replace(".pfx", ".cer"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) using (BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs)) using (BIO bio = BIO.MemoryBuffer()) { cert.Write(bio); Byte[] certData = bio.ReadBytes((Int32)bio.NumberWritten).Array; bw.Write(certData); bw.Close(); } return(retCert); }