private static void AdjustMath(BGCurveSettings settings, BGCurveBaseMath math) { if (settings.Sections != math.Configuration.Parts || (settings.ShowTangents && !math.IsCalculated(BGCurveBaseMath.Field.Tangent)) || (!settings.ShowTangents && math.IsCalculated(BGCurveBaseMath.Field.Tangent))) { math.Init(NewConfig(settings)); } }
private void PointButtons(BGCurvePointI point, int index, BGCurveSettings settings) { if (!settings.ShowPointMenu) { return; } var curve = point.Curve; //================== Copy if (BGEditorUtility.ButtonWithIcon(copyTexture, PointCopyPaste.Instance.CopyTooltip)) { PointCopyPaste.Instance.Copy(point); } GUILayout.Space(2); //================== Paste if (BGEditorUtility.ButtonWithIcon(pasteTexture, PointCopyPaste.Instance.PasteTooltip)) { PointCopyPaste.Instance.Paste(point); } GUILayout.Space(2); //================== Add before if (BGEditorUtility.ButtonWithIcon(addBeforeTexture, "Insert a point before this point")) { BGCurveEditor.AddPoint(curve, BGNewPointPositionManager.InsertBefore(curve, index, settings.ControlType, settings.Sections), index); } GUILayout.Space(2); //=========================== Move Up if (index > 0 && BGEditorUtility.ButtonWithIcon(moveUpTexture, "Move the point up")) { curve.Swap(index - 1, index); } GUILayout.Space(2); //=========================== Move Down if (index < curve.PointsCount - 1 && BGEditorUtility.ButtonWithIcon(moveDownTexture, "Move the point down")) { curve.Swap(index, index + 1); } GUILayout.Space(2); //=========================== Delete if (BGEditorUtility.ButtonWithIcon(deleteTexture, "Delete the point")) { BGCurveEditor.DeletePoint(curve, index); if (editorSelection != null) { editorSelection.Remove(point); } GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } }
protected static void PreviewControl(BGCurveSettings settings, Vector3 position, Vector3 controlWorld) { var size = BGEditorUtility.GetHandleSize(position, ScalePreviewPoint * .8f); #if UNITY_5_6_OR_NEWER Handles.SphereHandleCap(0, controlWorld, Quaternion.identity, size, EventType.Repaint); #else Handles.SphereCap(0, controlWorld, Quaternion.identity, size); #endif Handles.DrawLine(position, controlWorld); }
private BGCurvePoint CreatePoint(BGCurve curve, BGCurveSettings settings) { var math = overlay.Editor.Editor.Math; var from = curve[pointIndex]; var to = pointIndex == curve.PointsCount - 1 ? curve[0] : curve[pointIndex + 1]; var ratio = (splineIntersectionDistance - math[pointIndex].DistanceFromStartToOrigin) / math[pointIndex].Distance; var tangent = BGEditorUtility.CalculateTangent(@from, to, ratio); var point = BGNewPointPositionManager.CreatePointBetween(curve, @from, to, settings.Sections, settings.ControlType, intersectPosition, tangent); return(point); }
private void ShowControlLabel(BGCurveSettings settings, Plane[] frustum, Vector3 positionWorld, Vector3 positionLocal, string label) { BGEditorUtility.Assign(ref controlLabelStyle, () => new GUIStyle("Label") { normal = new GUIStyleState { textColor = settings.LabelControlColor } }); if (GeometryUtility.TestPlanesAABB(frustum, new Bounds(positionWorld, { Handles.Label(positionWorld, label + (settings.ShowControlPositions ? " " + positionLocal : ""), controlLabelStyle); } }
public void OnSceneGUIStart(BGCurveSettings settings) { positionLabelStyle = new GUIStyle("Label") { normal = new GUIStyleState { textColor = settings.LabelColor } }; selectedPositionLabelStyle = new GUIStyle("Label") { normal = new GUIStyleState { textColor = settings.LabelColorSelected } }; controlLabelStyle = new GUIStyle("Label") { normal = new GUIStyleState { textColor = settings.LabelControlColor } }; }
public SystemFieldControls(BGCurveSettings settings) : base(settings, new GUIContent("#2. Controls", "Point's Bezier control positions")) { }
protected SystemVectorField(BGCurveSettings settings, GUIContent title) : base(settings, title) { }
public SystemFieldPosition(BGCurveSettings settings) : base(settings, new GUIContent("#1. Positions", "Point's positions")) { }
public void OnSceneGUI(BGCurvePointI point, int index, BGCurveSettings settings, Quaternion rotation, Plane[] frustum) { var math = mathProvider(); var positionWorld = math == null ? point.Curve[index].PositionWorld : math.GetPosition(index); //adjust rotation if (point.PointTransform != null) { rotation = BGCurveEditorPoints.GetRotation(point.PointTransform); } else if (point.Curve.PointsMode == BGCurve.PointsModeEnum.GameObjectsTransform) { rotation = BGCurveEditorPoints.GetRotation(((BGCurvePointGO)point).transform); } var isShowingGizmoz = settings.RestrictGizmozSettings.IsShowing(index); if (settings.ShowControlHandles && settings.ShowCurve && (editorSelection == null || !editorSelection.HasSelected() || editorSelection.SingleSelected(point))) { // ============================================== Controls Handles if (point.ControlType != BGCurvePoint.ControlTypeEnum.Absent) { if (isShowingGizmoz) { var controlFirstWorld = math == null ? point.Curve[index].ControlFirstWorld : math.GetControlFirst(index); var controlSecondWorld = math == null ? point.Curve[index].ControlSecondWorld : math.GetControlSecond(index); BGEditorUtility.SwapHandlesColor(settings.ControlHandlesColor, () => { Handles.DrawLine(positionWorld, controlFirstWorld); Handles.DrawLine(positionWorld, controlSecondWorld); if (ShowingHandles) { // control handles different types var newPositionFirst = BGEditorUtility.Handle(GetUniqueNumber(index) - 1, settings.ControlHandlesType, controlFirstWorld, rotation, settings.ControlHandlesSettings); var newPositionSecond = BGEditorUtility.Handle(GetUniqueNumber(index) - 2, settings.ControlHandlesType, controlSecondWorld, rotation, settings.ControlHandlesSettings); if (BGEditorUtility.AnyChange(controlFirstWorld, newPositionFirst)) { point.ControlFirstWorld = newPositionFirst; } if (BGEditorUtility.AnyChange(controlSecondWorld, newPositionSecond)) { point.ControlSecondWorld = newPositionSecond; } } }); if (settings.ShowControlLabels) { ShowControlLabel(settings, frustum, controlFirstWorld, point.ControlFirstLocal, "1"); ShowControlLabel(settings, frustum, controlSecondWorld, point.ControlSecondLocal, "2"); } } } } //if only one point is selected and this is the selected point- do not print anything further if (editorSelection != null && editorSelection.HasSelected() && editorSelection.SingleSelected(point)) { return; } // ============================================== Move Handles if ((editorSelection == null || !editorSelection.HasSelected()) && settings.ShowCurve && settings.ShowHandles && ShowingHandles && isShowingGizmoz) { var newPos = BGEditorUtility.Handle(GetUniqueNumber(index), settings.HandlesType, positionWorld, rotation, settings.HandlesSettings); if (BGEditorUtility.AnyChange(positionWorld, newPos)) { point.PositionWorld = newPos; } } }
protected override BGCurvePoint CreatePointForPreview(Vector3 position, BGCurve curve, out float toLast, out float toFirst, BGCurveSettings settings) { toLast = toFirst = 0; return(CreatePoint(curve, settings)); }
public static BGCurveBaseMath NewMath(BGCurve curve, BGCurveSettings settings) { return(new BGCurveBaseMath(curve, NewConfig(settings))); }
//--------------------------------------- Settings public static void SetSettings(BGCurve curve, BGCurveSettings settings) { Set(curve, "settings", settings); }
public static bool SaveDefault(BGCurveSettings settings) { return(Save(settings, DefaultFileName)); }
private static BGCurveBaseMath.Config NewConfig(BGCurveSettings settings) { return new BGCurveBaseMath.Config(settings.ShowTangents ? BGCurveBaseMath.Fields.PositionAndTangent : BGCurveBaseMath.Fields.Position) {Parts = settings.Sections}; }
protected override void BeforeDrawingSpheres(BGCurveSettings settings) { tempColorBeforeSpheresDraw = Handles.color; Handles.color = settings.SphereColor; }
internal Vector3 GetLabelPosition(BGCurveSettings settings, Vector3 positionWorld) { return(settings.ShowSpheres ? positionWorld + Vector3.up * settings.SphereRadius : positionWorld + Vector3.up * 0.2f); }
public override void DrawSphere(BGCurveSettings settings, Vector3 pos, float sphereRadius) { Handles.SphereCap(0, pos, Quaternion.identity, sphereRadius * 2); }
protected virtual BGCurvePoint CreatePointForPreview(Vector3 position, BGCurve curve, out float toLast, out float toFirst, BGCurveSettings settings) { return(BGNewPointPositionManager.CreatePoint(position, curve, settings.ControlType, settings.Sections, out toLast, out toFirst, false)); }
protected override void AddPoint(BGCurve curve, Vector3 intersectionPosition, BGCurveSettings settings) { BGCurveEditor.AddPoint(curve, CreatePoint(curve, settings), pointIndex + 1); }
public SystemFieldControlsType(BGCurveSettings settings) : base(settings, new GUIContent("#3. Control Type", "Point's control type (Absent, Bezier)")) { }
public SystemFieldControlsType(BGCurveSettings settings) : base(settings, "Control Type") { }
public SystemFieldTransform(BGCurveSettings settings) : base(settings, new GUIContent("#4. Transform", "Transform to use as point's position")) { }
public virtual void DrawSphere(BGCurveSettings settings, Vector3 pos, float sphereRadius) { Gizmos.DrawSphere(pos, sphereRadius); }
public void Reset() { Changed = false; settings = BGPrivateField.GetSettings(curve); }
public static void OnSceneGui(Plane[] frustum, BGCurve curve, BGCurveSettings settings, BGCurveEditorPointsSelection editorSelection) { Array.Resize(ref visiblePoints, curve.PointsCount); curve.ForEach((point, i, count) => visiblePoints[i] = GeometryUtility.TestPlanesAABB(frustum, new Bounds(point.PositionWorld,; var fieldsCount = curve.FieldsCount; var fields = curve.Fields; var showPointsNumbers = settings.ShowLabels; var fieldsWithHandlesCount = 0; var fieldsWithLabelCount = 0; if (fieldsCount > 0) { fieldsWithHandlesCount = fields.Count(FieldWithHandlesPredicate); if (fieldsWithHandlesCount > 0) { Array.Resize(ref handlesColor, fieldsWithHandlesCount); var cursor = 0; for (var i = 0; i < fieldsCount; i++) { var f = fields[i]; if (!FieldWithHandlesPredicate(f)) { continue; } if (FieldWithLabelPredicate(f)) { fieldsWithLabelCount++; } handlesColor[cursor++] = BGPrivateField.GetHandlesColor(f); } } } // nothing to show if (!showPointsNumbers && fieldsWithHandlesCount == 0) { return; } if (fieldsWithHandlesCount > 0) { //not a label curve.ForEach((point, i, length) => { if (!visiblePoints[i] || !settings.RestrictGizmozSettings.IsShowing(i)) { return; } var pos = point.PositionWorld; var quanterionShown = false; var fieldCursor = 0; for (var j = 0; j < fields.Length; j++) { var field = fields[j]; var handlesType = (HandlesType)BGPrivateField.GetHandlesType(field); if (handlesType == 0) { continue; } if (handlesType == HandlesType.Label) { fieldCursor++; continue; } var color = handlesColor[fieldCursor++]; switch (handlesType) { case HandlesType.DistanceFromPoint: BGEditorUtility.SwapHandlesColor(color, () => { #if UNITY_5_6_OR_NEWER Handles.CircleHandleCap(0, pos, Quaternion.LookRotation( - pos), point.GetField <float>(field.FieldName), EventType.Repaint); #else Handles.CircleCap(0, pos, Quaternion.LookRotation( - pos), point.GetField <float>(field.FieldName)); #endif } ); break; case HandlesType.BoundsAroundPoint: Bounds bounds; switch (field.Type) { case BGCurvePointField.TypeEnum.Bounds: bounds = point.GetField <Bounds>(field.FieldName); = pos; break; default: //vector3 var vector3 = point.GetField <Vector3>(field.FieldName); bounds = new Bounds(pos, vector3); break; } BGEditorUtility.DrawBound(bounds, new Color(color.r, color.g, color.b, 0.05f), color); break; case HandlesType.Bounds: var boundsValue = point.GetField <Bounds>(field.FieldName); if (boundsValue.extents != { BGEditorUtility.DrawBound(boundsValue, new Color(color.r, color.g, color.b, 0.05f), color); BGEditorUtility.SwapHandlesColor(color, () => Handles.DrawDottedLine(, pos, 4)); } break; case HandlesType.Direction: var vector3Value = point.GetField <Vector3>(field.FieldName); if (vector3Value != { BGEditorUtility.SwapHandlesColor(color, () => { #if UNITY_5_6_OR_NEWER Handles.ArrowHandleCap(0, pos, Quaternion.LookRotation(vector3Value), vector3Value.magnitude, EventType.Repaint); #else Handles.ArrowCap(0, pos, Quaternion.LookRotation(vector3Value), vector3Value.magnitude); #endif }); } break; case HandlesType.Rotation: if (quanterionShown) { break; } quanterionShown = true; var quaternionValue = point.GetField <Quaternion>(field.FieldName); if (quaternionValue.x < BGCurve.Epsilon && quaternionValue.y < BGCurve.Epsilon && quaternionValue.z < BGCurve.Epsilon && quaternionValue.w < BGCurve.Epsilon) { quaternionValue = Quaternion.identity; } var newValue = Handles.RotationHandle(quaternionValue, pos); point.SetField(field.FieldName, newValue); BGEditorUtility.SwapHandlesColor(color, () => { var rotated = newValue * Vector3.forward * BGEditorUtility.GetHandleSize(pos, 2); var toPos = pos + rotated; #if UNITY_5_6_OR_NEWER Handles.ArrowHandleCap(0, toPos, newValue, 1, EventType.Repaint); #else Handles.ArrowCap(0, toPos, newValue, 1); #endif Handles.DrawDottedLine(pos, toPos, 10); }); break; case HandlesType.Link: switch (field.Type) { case BGCurvePointField.TypeEnum.GameObject: var go = point.GetField <GameObject>(field.FieldName); if (go != null) { BGEditorUtility.SwapHandlesColor(color, () => Handles.DrawDottedLine(go.transform.position, pos, 4)); } break; case BGCurvePointField.TypeEnum.BGCurve: var bgCurve = point.GetField <BGCurve>(field.FieldName); if (bgCurve != null) { BGEditorUtility.SwapHandlesColor(color, () => Handles.DrawDottedLine(bgCurve.transform.position, pos, 4)); } break; case BGCurvePointField.TypeEnum.BGCurvePointComponent: var pointComponent = point.GetField <BGCurvePointComponent>(field.FieldName); if (pointComponent != null) { BGEditorUtility.SwapHandlesColor(color, () => Handles.DrawDottedLine(pointComponent.PositionWorld, pos, 4)); } break; case BGCurvePointField.TypeEnum.BGCurvePointGO: var pointGO = point.GetField <BGCurvePointGO>(field.FieldName); if (pointGO != null) { BGEditorUtility.SwapHandlesColor(color, () => Handles.DrawDottedLine(pointGO.PositionWorld, pos, 4)); } break; } break; } } }); } // nothing more to show if (!showPointsNumbers && fieldsWithLabelCount == 0) { return; } //=============================== Labels //styles var labelColor = settings.LabelColor; var selectedColor = settings.LabelColorSelected; var backColor = BGCurveSettingsForEditor.I.Get <Color32>(BGCurveSettingsForEditor.ColorForLabelBackgroundKey); if (labelStyle == null || labelStyle.normal.textColor != labelColor || labelStyle.normal.background == null || latestLabelBackColor.r != backColor.r || latestLabelBackColor.g != backColor.g || latestLabelBackColor.b != backColor.b || latestLabelBackColor.a != backColor.a) { latestLabelBackColor = backColor; labelStyle = new GUIStyle("Label") { richText = true, border = new RectOffset(2, 2, 2, 2), clipping = TextClipping.Overflow, wordWrap = false, normal = { background = BGEditorUtility.TextureWithBorder(8, 1, backColor, new Color32(backColor.r, backColor.g, backColor.b, 255)), textColor = labelColor } }; selectedlabelStyle = new GUIStyle(labelStyle) { normal = { background = BGEditorUtility.TextureWithBorder(8, 1, new Color(selectedColor.r, selectedColor.g, selectedColor.b, .1f), selectedColor), textColor = selectedColor } }; } curve.ForEach((point, i, length) => { if (!visiblePoints[i]) { return; } var pos = point.PositionWorld; var style = !editorSelection.Contains(point) ? labelStyle : selectedlabelStyle; var text = ""; //point numbers and pos if (showPointsNumbers) { text += "# : " + i + "\r\n"; if (settings.ShowPositions) { text += "P : " + pos + "\r\n"; } } //fields if (fieldsWithLabelCount > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < fieldsCount; j++) { var field = fields[j]; if (!FieldWithHandlesPredicate(field) || !FieldWithLabelPredicate(field)) { continue; } text += BGEditorUtility.ColorIt(field.FieldName + " : " + point.GetField(field.FieldName, BGCurvePoint.FieldTypes.GetType(field.Type)), BGEditorUtility.ToHex(BGPrivateField.GetHandlesColor(field))) + "\r\n"; } } var normalized = ( - pos).normalized; var handleSize = BGEditorUtility.GetHandleSize(pos, .25f); var shiftLeft = -Vector3.Cross(normalized, Vector3.up); var shiftBottom = Vector3.Cross(normalized, Vector3.right) * .3f; Handles.Label(pos + handleSize * shiftLeft + handleSize * shiftBottom, text.Substring(0, text.Length - 2), style); }); }
internal void OnInspectorGui(BGCurvePointI point, int index, BGCurveSettings settings) { var mode2D = point.Curve.Mode2D; //point transform if (point.Curve.PointsMode != BGCurve.PointsModeEnum.Inlined && point.PointTransform != null) { var referenceToPoint = BGCurveReferenceToPoint.GetReferenceToPoint(point); if (referenceToPoint == null) { point.PointTransform.gameObject.AddComponent <BGCurveReferenceToPoint>().Point = point; } } BGEditorUtility.HorizontalBox(() => { if (editorSelection != null) { editorSelection.InspectorSelectionRect(point); } BGEditorUtility.VerticalBox(() => { BGEditorUtility.SwapLabelWidth(60, () => { if (!settings.ShowPointPosition && !settings.ShowPointControlType) { BGEditorUtility.Horizontal(() => { //nothing to show- only label EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Point " + index); PointButtons(point, index, settings); }); BGEditorUtility.StartIndent(1); } else { //control type if (settings.ShowPointControlType) { BGEditorUtility.Horizontal(() => { point.ControlType = (BGCurvePoint.ControlTypeEnum)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Point " + index, point.ControlType); PointButtons(point, index, settings); }); BGEditorUtility.StartIndent(1); } //position if (settings.ShowPointPosition) { if (!settings.ShowPointControlType) { BGEditorUtility.Horizontal(() => { PositionField("Point " + index, point, mode2D, index); PointButtons(point, index, settings); }); BGEditorUtility.StartIndent(1); } else { PositionField("Pos", point, mode2D, index); } } } }); // control positions if (point.ControlType != BGCurvePoint.ControlTypeEnum.Absent && settings.ShowPointControlPositions) { // 1st ControlField(point, mode2D, 1); // 2nd ControlField(point, mode2D, 2); } //transform if (settings.ShowTransformField) { BGEditorUtility.ComponentField("Transform", point.PointTransform, transform => { if (transform != null) { Undo.RecordObject(transform, "Object moved"); if (point.Curve.PointsMode != BGCurve.PointsModeEnum.Inlined) { Undo.AddComponent <BGCurveReferenceToPoint>(transform.gameObject).Point = point; } } if (point.PointTransform != null) { var referenceToPoint = BGCurveReferenceToPoint.GetReferenceToPoint(point); if (referenceToPoint != null) { Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate(referenceToPoint); } } point.PointTransform = transform; }); } //fields if (point.Curve.FieldsCount > 0) { ShowFields(point); } BGEditorUtility.EndIndent(1); }); }); }
protected SystemField(BGCurveSettings settings, GUIContent title) { this.title = title; Settings = settings; }
protected virtual void BeforeDrawingSpheres(BGCurveSettings settings) { }
//default implementation adds a point to the spline's end protected virtual void AddPoint(BGCurve curve, Vector3 intersectionPosition, BGCurveSettings settings) { BGCurveEditor.AddPoint(curve, BGNewPointPositionManager.CreatePoint(intersectionPosition, curve, settings.ControlType, settings.Sections, true), curve.PointsCount); }