Esempio n. 1
 public BroadcastEventArgs(Node sender, int ttl, string cmd, BDict message)
     Sender  = sender;
     TTL     = ttl;
     Command = cmd;
     Message = message;
Esempio n. 2
        public void BDictSetNullValue()
            BDict dict = new BDict();

            dict.Add("a", new BInt(0));
            dict["a"] = null;
        private void ProcessExtended(IPeerWireClient client, int commandLength, byte[] payload)
            Int32 msgId = payload[0];

            byte[] buffer = payload.GetBytes(1, commandLength - 1);

            if (msgId == 0)
                BDict extendedHandshake = (BDict)BencodingUtils.Decode(buffer);

                BDict mDict = (BDict)extendedHandshake["m"];
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IBencodingType> pair in mDict)
                    BInt i = (BInt)pair.Value;
                    this._extIncoming.Add(new ClientProtocolIDMap(client, pair.Key, (byte)i));

                    IBTExtension ext = this.FindIBTExtensionByProtocol(pair.Key);

                    if (ext != null)
                        ext.OnHandshake(client, buffer);
                string       protocol = this.FindIBTProtocolByMessageID(msgId);
                IBTExtension ext      = this.FindIBTExtensionByProtocol(protocol);

                if (ext != null)
                    ext.OnExtendedMessage(client, buffer);
Esempio n. 4
        public void SendMessage(IPeerWireClient peerWireClient, IPEndPoint[] addedEndPoints, byte[] flags, IPEndPoint[] droppedEndPoints)
            if (addedEndPoints == null && droppedEndPoints == null) return;

            BDict d = new BDict();

            if (addedEndPoints != null)
                byte[] added = new byte[addedEndPoints.Length * 6];
                for (int x = 0; x < addedEndPoints.Length; x++)
                    addedEndPoints[x].Address.GetAddressBytes().CopyTo(added, x * 6);
                    BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)addedEndPoints[x].Port).CopyTo(added, (x * 6)+4);

                d.Add("added", new BString { ByteValue = added });

            if (droppedEndPoints != null)
                byte[] dropped = new byte[droppedEndPoints.Length * 6];
                for (int x = 0; x < droppedEndPoints.Length; x++)
                    droppedEndPoints[x].Address.GetAddressBytes().CopyTo(dropped, x * 6);

                    dropped.SetValue((ushort)droppedEndPoints[x].Port, (x * 6) + 2);

                d.Add("dropped", new BString { ByteValue = dropped });

            _parent.SendExtended(peerWireClient, _parent.GetOutgoingMessageID(peerWireClient, this), BencodingUtils.EncodeBytes(d));
Esempio n. 5
        private BDict ParseDict()
            var dict    = new BDict();
            var largest = (BString)null;

                var key = ParseString();

                if (dict.Value.ContainsKey(key))
                    var msg = $"Key '{key}' is already present in the dictionary.";
                    throw new BParserException(msg);

                if (dict.Value.Comparer.Compare(largest, key) > 0)
                    var msg = $"Key '{key}' is not lexicographically larger than preceding keys.";
                    throw new BParserException(msg);

                largest = key;
                dict.Value.Add(key, ParseAnyType());
            }while (!IsAtEnd() && !Match(BLiteral.End));

Esempio n. 6
 public LocalRequest(ulong index, BDict request, TimeSpan time)
     Response = new TaskCompletionSource <RemoteResponse>();
     Index    = index;
     Request  = request;
     Time     = time;
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the InfoHash from a torrent. You must supply the "info" dictionary from the torrent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="torrentInfoDict">The "info" dictionary.</param>
        /// <example>
        /// This example, will load a torrent, take the "info" dictionary out of the root dictionary and hash this.
        /// <code>
        /// BDict torrent = BencodingUtils.DecodeFile(@"torrentFile.torrent") as BDict;
        /// byte[] infoHash = BencodingUtils.CalculateTorrentInfoHash(torrent["info"] as BDict);
        /// </code>
        /// The "infoHash" byte array now contains 20 bytes with the SHA-1 infoHash.
        /// </example>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static byte[] CalculateTorrentInfoHash(BDict torrentInfoDict)
            // Take the "info" dictionary provided, and encode it
            byte[] infoBytes = EncodeBytes(torrentInfoDict);

            // Hash the encoded dictionary
            return new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider().ComputeHash(infoBytes);
Esempio n. 8
        public void BDictSetValue()
            BDict dict = new BDict();

            dict.Add("a", new BInt(0));
            BInt newInt = new BInt(1);
            dict["a"] = newInt;

            Assert.AreEqual(newInt, dict["a"]);
Esempio n. 9
        public void DecodeDict_Empty()
            const string testString = "de";

            BDict testExpected = new BDict();

            IBencodingType testResult = BencodingUtils.Decode(testString);

            Assert.AreEqual(testExpected, testResult);
Esempio n. 10
        public void DecodeDict()
            const string testString = "d1:a11:Hello Worlde";

            BDict testExpected = new BDict();
            testExpected.Add("a", new BString("Hello World"));

            IBencodingType testResult = BencodingUtils.Decode(testString);

            Assert.AreEqual(testExpected, testResult);
Esempio n. 11
        public void OnHandshake(IPeerWireClient peerWireClient, byte[] handshake)
            BDict dict = (BDict)BencodingUtils.Decode(handshake);

            if (dict.ContainsKey("metadata_size"))
                BInt size = (BInt)dict["metadata_size"];
                this._metadataSize = size;
                this._pieceCount   = (Int64)Math.Ceiling((double)this._metadataSize / 16384);

Esempio n. 12
        public void EncodeDictionary()
            BDict testDict = new BDict();
            BString testString = new BString("Hello World");
            BInt testInt = new BInt(5);

            testDict.Add("a", testString);
            testDict.Add("b", testInt);

            string test = BencodingUtils.EncodeString(testDict);

            Assert.AreEqual("d1:a11:Hello World1:bi5ee", test);
Esempio n. 13
        public object VisitBDict(BDict node)

            foreach (var pair in node.Value)

Esempio n. 14
            public LocalRequest NewRequest(BDict dict, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
                LocalRequest result;

                lock (requests) {
                    result = new LocalRequest(autoIndex++, dict, requestTimeout, cancellationToken);
                result.CancellationTokenSource.Token.Register(() => {
        public void OnExtendedMessage(IPeerWireClient peerWireClient, byte[] bytes)
            BDict dict = (BDict)BencodingUtils.Decode(bytes);

            if (dict.ContainsKey("added"))
                var trackerList = (BList)dict["added"];

                foreach (var tracker in trackerList)
                    TrackerAdded?.Invoke(peerWireClient, this, tracker.ToString());
Esempio n. 16
 public LocalRequest(ulong index, BDict request, TimeSpan timeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
     Index    = index;
     DateTime = DateTime.Now;
     Request  = request;
     if (cancellationToken.CanBeCanceled)
         CancellationTokenSource = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(new CancellationTokenSource(timeout).Token, cancellationToken);
         CancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(timeout);
Esempio n. 17
        private async void HandleClient(Socket client)
            try {
                using var stream = new NetworkStream(client, ownsSocket: true)
                          ReadTimeout  = 5000,
                          WriteTimeout = 5000,

                BDict dict = (BDict)await Bencode.DecodeAsync(stream, this.client.NetworkPrefix);

                await this.client.P2P.TcpServer_GetValue(stream, dict);
            } catch {
Esempio n. 18
        public static Torrent ReadTorrent(string filename)
            // Читаем файл торрента и берем необходимый словарь info
            List <LostFile> files    = new List <LostFile>();
            BDict           torrent  = (BDict)BencodingUtils.DecodeFile(filename, Encoding.UTF8);
            BDict           fileInfo = (BDict)torrent["info"];

            string name        = ((BString)fileInfo["name"]).Value;
            int    pieceLength = (int)((BInt)fileInfo["piece length"]).Value;

            // Перечитываем торрент еще раз, чтобы взять хеш в нужном виде
            torrent = (BDict)BencodingUtils.DecodeFile(filename, Encoding.GetEncoding(437));
            char[] pieces = ((BString)((BDict)torrent["info"])["pieces"]).Value.ToCharArray();

            if (fileInfo.ContainsKey("files")) // Multifile torrent
                BList filesData = (BList)fileInfo["files"];
                long  begin     = 0;

                foreach (BDict file in filesData)
                    BList filePaths = (BList)file["path"];
                    long  length    = ((BInt)file["length"]).Value;

                    string fullPath = name;
                    foreach (BString partOfPath in filePaths)
                        fullPath += @"\" + partOfPath.Value;
                    files.Add(new LostFile(fullPath, length, begin));

                    begin += length;
            else // Singlefile torrent
                long Length = ((BInt)fileInfo["length"]).Value;
                files.Add(new LostFile(name, Length, 0));

            return(new Torrent(name, files, pieceLength, pieces, filename));
        public void OnExtendedMessage(IPeerWireClient peerWireClient, byte[] bytes)
            BDict d = (BDict)BencodingUtils.Decode(bytes);

            if (d.ContainsKey("added") && d.ContainsKey("added.f"))
                BString pexList  = (BString)d["added"];
                BString pexFlags = (BString)d["added.f"];

                for (int i = 0; i < pexList.ByteValue.Length / 6; i++)
                    UInt32 ip    = Unpack.UInt32(pexList.ByteValue, i * 6, Unpack.Endianness.Little);
                    UInt16 port  = Unpack.UInt16(pexList.ByteValue, (i * 6) + 4, Unpack.Endianness.Big);
                    byte   flags = pexFlags.ByteValue[i];

                    IPEndPoint ipAddr = new IPEndPoint(ip, port);

                    if (Added != null)
                        Added(peerWireClient, this, ipAddr, flags);

            if (d.ContainsKey("dropped"))
                BString pexList = (BString)d["dropped"];

                for (int i = 0; i < pexList.ByteValue.Length / 6; i++)
                    UInt32 ip   = Unpack.UInt32(pexList.ByteValue, i * 6, Unpack.Endianness.Little);
                    UInt16 port = Unpack.UInt16(pexList.ByteValue, (i * 6) + 4, Unpack.Endianness.Big);

                    IPEndPoint ipAddr = new IPEndPoint(ip, port);

                    if (Dropped != null)
                        Dropped(peerWireClient, this, ipAddr);
Esempio n. 20
        static Torrent Parse(BDict dict)
            var info = dict["info"] as BDict;
            var torrent = new Torrent();

            if(info.ContainsKey("files")) {
                var files = info["files"] as BList;

                torrent.Files.AddRange(files.Cast<BDict>().Select(f => new TorrentInfoFile {
                    Path = ((f["path"] as BList).First() as BString).Value,
                    Length = (f["length"] as BInt).Value
            } else {
                torrent.Files.Add(new TorrentInfoFile {
                    Path = (info["name"] as BString).Value,
                    Length = (info["length"] as BInt).Value

            return torrent;
Esempio n. 21
        public void OnExtendedMessage(IPeerWireClient peerWireClient, byte[] bytes)
            BDict dictionary = (BDict)BencodingUtils.Decode(bytes);

            if (!dictionary.ContainsKey(ADDED_KEY) && !dictionary.ContainsKey(ADDED_FLAGS_KEY) && !dictionary.ContainsKey(DROPPED_KEY))

            if (dictionary.ContainsKey(ADDED_KEY) && dictionary.ContainsKey(ADDED_FLAGS_KEY))
                var pexList  = (BString)dictionary[ADDED_KEY];
                var pexFlags = (BString)dictionary[ADDED_FLAGS_KEY];

                for (int i = 0; i < pexList.ByteValue.Length / 6; i++)
                    var ip    = Unpack.UInt32(pexList.ByteValue, i * 6, Unpack.Endianness.Little);
                    var port  = Unpack.UInt16(pexList.ByteValue, (i * 6) + 4, Unpack.Endianness.Big);
                    var flags = pexFlags.ByteValue[i];

                    var ipAddr = new IPEndPoint(ip, port);

                    Added?.Invoke(peerWireClient, this, ipAddr, flags);
            else //if (d.ContainsKey(DROPPED_KEY))
                BString pexList = (BString)dictionary[DROPPED_KEY];

                for (int i = 0; i < pexList.ByteValue.Length / 6; i++)
                    var ip   = Unpack.UInt32(pexList.ByteValue, i * 6, Unpack.Endianness.Little);
                    var port = Unpack.UInt16(pexList.ByteValue, (i * 6) + 4, Unpack.Endianness.Big);

                    var ipAddr = new IPEndPoint(ip, port);

                    Dropped?.Invoke(peerWireClient, this, ipAddr);
Esempio n. 22
        public void SendMessage(IPeerWireClient peerWireClient, IPEndPoint[] addedEndPoints, byte[] flags, IPEndPoint[] droppedEndPoints)
            if (addedEndPoints == null && droppedEndPoints == null)

            BDict d = new BDict();

            if (addedEndPoints != null)
                byte[] added = new byte[addedEndPoints.Length * 6];
                for (int x = 0; x < addedEndPoints.Length; x++)
                    addedEndPoints[x].Address.GetAddressBytes().CopyTo(added, x * 6);
                    BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)addedEndPoints[x].Port).CopyTo(added, (x * 6) + 4);

                d.Add("added", new BString {
                    ByteValue = added

            if (droppedEndPoints != null)
                byte[] dropped = new byte[droppedEndPoints.Length * 6];
                for (int x = 0; x < droppedEndPoints.Length; x++)
                    droppedEndPoints[x].Address.GetAddressBytes().CopyTo(dropped, x * 6);

                    dropped.SetValue((ushort)droppedEndPoints[x].Port, (x * 6) + 2);

                d.Add("dropped", new BString {
                    ByteValue = dropped

            _parent.SendExtended(peerWireClient, _parent.GetOutgoingMessageID(peerWireClient, this), BencodingUtils.EncodeBytes(d));
        public bool OnHandshake(IPeerWireClient client)
            BDict handshakeDict = new BDict();
            BDict mDict = new BDict();
            byte i = 1;
            foreach (IBTExtension extension in _protocolExtensions)
                _extOutgoing.Add(new ClientProtocolIDMap(client, extension.Protocol, i));
                mDict.Add(extension.Protocol, new BInt(i));

            handshakeDict.Add("m", mDict);

            String handshakeEncoded = BencodingUtils.EncodeString(handshakeDict);
            byte[] handshakeBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(handshakeEncoded);
            Int32 length = 2 + handshakeBytes.Length;

            client.SendBytes((new byte[0]).Cat(Pack.Int32(length, Pack.Endianness.Big).Cat(new[] { (byte)20 }).Cat(new[] { (byte)0 }).Cat(handshakeBytes)));

            return true;
Esempio n. 24
        public void OnExtendedMessage(IPeerWireClient peerWireClient, byte[] bytes)
            Int32 startAt = 0;

            BencodingUtils.Decode(bytes, ref startAt);
            this._piecesReceived += 1;

            if (this._pieceCount >= this._piecesReceived)
                this._metadataBuffer = this._metadataBuffer.Concat(bytes.Skip(startAt)).ToArray();

            if (this._pieceCount == this._piecesReceived)
                BDict metadata = (BDict)BencodingUtils.Decode(this._metadataBuffer);

                if (MetaDataReceived != null)
                    MetaDataReceived(peerWireClient, this, metadata);
Esempio n. 25
        public void EqualityDict()
            // Make initial dict
            BDict testDict = new BDict();
            BString testString = new BString("Hello World");
            BInt testInt = new BInt(5);

            testDict.Add("a", testString);
            testDict.Add("b", testInt);

            // Make test dict
            BDict testDict2 = new BDict();
            BString testString2 = new BString("Hello World");
            BInt testInt2 = new BInt(5);

            testDict2.Add("a", testString2);
            testDict2.Add("b", testInt2);

            // Test equality recursive
            Assert.AreEqual(testDict, testDict2);

            // Test null dict
            BDict nullDict = null;

            // Test different counts
            testDict2.Add("c", new BInt(10));

            // Test different values
            testDict.Add("c", new BInt(9));

            // Test missing keys
            testDict2.Add("d", new BInt(9));

Esempio n. 26
        public float GetTorrentSize(string p)
            long  length      = 0;
            BDict torrentFile = null;
            BList b;

                torrentFile = BencodingUtils.DecodeFile(p) as BDict;
            catch (Exception e)
                Tool.MoveFile("decodeErr", p);
            if (torrentFile == null)
                Tool.MoveFile("decodeErr", p);
            if ((torrentFile["info"] as BDict).ContainsKey("files"))
                b = (BList)(torrentFile["info"] as BDict)["files"];

                for (int i = 0; i < b.Count; i++)
                    BDict bd = (BDict)b[i];
                    length = length + ((BInt)bd["length"]).Value;
                length = ((BInt)(torrentFile["info"] as BDict)["length"]).Value;
            return(length / 1024 / 1024);
        public bool OnHandshake(IPeerWireClient client)
            var  handshakeDict = new BDict();
            var  mDict         = new BDict();
            byte i             = 1;

            foreach (var extension in _protocolExtensions)
                _extOutgoing.Add(new ClientProtocolIDMap(client, extension.Protocol, i));
                mDict.Add(extension.Protocol, new BInt(i));

            handshakeDict.Add("m", mDict);

            var handshakeEncoded = BencodingUtils.EncodeString(handshakeDict);
            var handshakeBytes   = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(handshakeEncoded);
            var length           = 2 + handshakeBytes.Length;

            client.SendBytes((new byte[0]).Cat(Pack.Int32(length, Pack.Endianness.Big).Cat(new[] { (byte)20 }).Cat(new[] { (byte)0 }).Cat(handshakeBytes)));

        public bool OnHandshake(IPeerWireClient client)
            BDict handshakeDict = new BDict();
            BDict mDict         = new BDict();
            byte  i             = 1;

            foreach (IBTExtension extension in this._protocolExtensions)
                this._extOutgoing.Add(new ClientProtocolIDMap(client, extension.Protocol, i));
                mDict.Add(extension.Protocol, new BInt(i));

            handshakeDict.Add("m", mDict);

            string handshakeEncoded = BencodingUtils.EncodeString(handshakeDict);

            byte[] handshakeBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(handshakeEncoded);
            Int32  length         = 2 + handshakeBytes.Length;

            client.SendBytes((new byte[0]).Cat(PackHelper.Int32(length).Cat(new[] { (byte)20 }).Cat(new[] { (byte)0 }).Cat(handshakeBytes)));

Esempio n. 29
        public void RequestMetaData(IPeerWireClient peerWireClient)
            byte[] sendBuffer = new byte[0];

            for (Int32 i = 0; i < _pieceCount; i++)
                BDict masterBDict = new BDict
                    {"msg_type", (BInt) 0}, 
                    {"piece", (BInt) i}

                String encoded = BencodingUtils.EncodeString(masterBDict);

                byte[] buffer = Pack.Int32(2 + encoded.Length, Pack.Endianness.Big);
                buffer = buffer.Concat(new byte[] {20}).ToArray();
                buffer = buffer.Concat(new[] { _parent.GetOutgoingMessageID(peerWireClient, this) }).ToArray();
                buffer = buffer.Concat(Encoding.GetEncoding(1252).GetBytes(encoded)).ToArray();

                sendBuffer = sendBuffer.Concat(buffer).ToArray();

Esempio n. 30
        public void RequestMetaData(IPeerWireClient peerWireClient)
            byte[] sendBuffer = new byte[0];

            for (Int32 i = 0; i < this._pieceCount; i++)
                BDict masterBDict = new BDict
                    { "msg_type", (BInt)0 },
                    { "piece", (BInt)i }

                string encoded = BencodingUtils.EncodeString(masterBDict);

                byte[] buffer = PackHelper.Int32(2 + encoded.Length);
                buffer = buffer.Concat(new byte[] { 20 }).ToArray();
                buffer = buffer.Concat(new[] { this._parent.GetOutgoingMessageID(peerWireClient, this) }).ToArray();
                buffer = buffer.Concat(Encoding.GetEncoding(1252).GetBytes(encoded)).ToArray();

                sendBuffer = sendBuffer.Concat(buffer).ToArray();

Esempio n. 31
        public void RequestMetaData(IPeerWireClient peerWireClient)
            var sendBuffer = new byte[0];

            for (Int32 i = 0; i < _pieceCount; i++)
                var masterBDict = new BDict
                    { MESSAGE_TYPE_KEY, (BInt)0 },
                    { PIECE_KEY, (BInt)i }

                var encoded = BencodingUtils.EncodeString(masterBDict);

                var buffer = Pack.Int32(2 + encoded.Length, Pack.Endianness.Big);
                buffer = buffer.Concat(new byte[] { 20 }).ToArray();
                buffer = buffer.Concat(new[] { _parent.GetOutgoingMessageID(peerWireClient, this) }).ToArray();
                buffer = buffer.Concat(Encoding.GetEncoding(1252).GetBytes(encoded)).ToArray();

                sendBuffer = sendBuffer.Concat(buffer).ToArray();

Esempio n. 32
        public bool Load(Stream stream)
            _root = BencodingUtils.Decode(stream);
            if (_root == null)

            BDict dictRoot = (_root as BDict);

            if (dictRoot == null)

            if (dictRoot.ContainsKey("announce"))
                Announce = (BString)dictRoot["announce"];

            if (dictRoot.ContainsKey("announce-list"))
                BList announceList = (BList)dictRoot["announce-list"];
                foreach (IBencodingType type in announceList)
                    if (type is BString)
                        AnnounceList.Add(type as BString);
                        BList list = type as BList;
                        if (list == null)

                        BList listType = list;
                        foreach (IBencodingType bencodingType in listType)
                            BString s = (BString)bencodingType;

            if (dictRoot.ContainsKey("comment"))
                Comment = (BString)dictRoot["comment"];

            if (dictRoot.ContainsKey("created by"))
                CreatedBy = (BString)dictRoot["created by"];

            if (dictRoot.ContainsKey("creation date"))
                long ts = (BInt)dictRoot["creation date"];
                CreationDate = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).AddSeconds(ts);

            if (dictRoot.ContainsKey("info"))
                BDict infoDict = (BDict)dictRoot["info"];

                using (SHA1Managed sha1 = new SHA1Managed())
                    byte[] str = BencodingUtils.EncodeBytes(infoDict);
                    Hash = sha1.ComputeHash(str);

                if (infoDict.ContainsKey("files"))
                    //multi file mode
                    BList fileList = (BList)infoDict["files"];
                    foreach (IBencodingType bencodingType in fileList)
                        BDict fileDict = (BDict)bencodingType;

                        String filename = string.Empty;
                        Int64  filesize = default(Int64);

                        if (fileDict.ContainsKey("path"))
                            BList filenameList = (BList)fileDict["path"];
                            foreach (IBencodingType type in filenameList)
                                filename += (BString)type;
                                filename += "\\";
                            filename = filename.Trim('\\');

                        if (fileDict.ContainsKey("length"))
                            filesize = (BInt)fileDict["length"];

                        Files.Add(filename, filesize);

                if (infoDict.ContainsKey("name"))
                    Name = (BString)infoDict["name"];
                    if (Files.Count == 0 && infoDict.ContainsKey("length"))
                        Files.Add(Name, (BInt)infoDict["length"]);

                if (infoDict.ContainsKey("private"))
                    BInt isPrivate = (BInt)infoDict["private"];
                    Private = isPrivate != 0;

                if (infoDict.ContainsKey("pieces"))
                    BString pieces = (BString)infoDict["pieces"];
                    for (int x = 0; x < pieces.ByteValue.Length; x += 20)
                        byte[] hash = pieces.ByteValue.GetBytes(x, 20);

                if (infoDict.ContainsKey("piece length"))
                    PieceSize = (BInt)infoDict["piece length"];

Esempio n. 33
        private string getName(string torrentPath)
            BDict torrentFile = BencodingUtils.DecodeFile(torrentPath) as BDict;

            return(((BString)((torrentFile["info"] as BDict)["name"])).Value);
Esempio n. 34
 internal RemoteRequest(BDict request, IPEndPoint remote, in Bytes <Address> senderAddress)
Esempio n. 35
 internal RemoteRequest(BDict request, IPEndPoint remote, in Address senderAddress)
Esempio n. 36
        public static IBencodingType Decode(BinaryReader inputStream, ref int bytesConsumed)
            IBencodingType returnValue = null;

            char next = (char)inputStream.PeekChar();

            switch (next)
                case 'i':
                    // Integer
                    returnValue = new BInt(0);

                case 'l':
                    // List
                    returnValue = new BList();

                case 'd':
                    // Dictionary
                    returnValue = new BDict();

                case '0':
                case '1':
                case '2':
                case '3':
                case '4':
                case '5':
                case '6':
                case '7':
                case '8':
                case '9':
                    // String
                    returnValue = new BString();

            return returnValue.Decode(inputStream, ref bytesConsumed);
Esempio n. 37
        public IDictionary <string, ScrapeInfo> Scrape(string url, string[] hashes)
            Dictionary <String, ScrapeInfo> returnVal = new Dictionary <string, ScrapeInfo>();

            String realUrl = url.Replace("announce", "scrape") + "?";

            String hashEncoded = "";

            foreach (String hash in hashes)
                byte[] hashBytes = Pack.Hex(hash);

                hashEncoded = hashBytes.Aggregate(hashEncoded, (current, b) => current + String.Format("%{0:X2}", b));

                realUrl += "info_hash=" + hashEncoded + "&";

            HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(realUrl);

            webRequest.Accept    = "*/*";
            webRequest.UserAgent = "System.Net.Torrent";
            webRequest.Timeout   = this.Timeout * 1000;
            HttpWebResponse webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse();

            Stream stream = webResponse.GetResponseStream();

            if (stream == null)

            BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(stream);

            byte[] bytes = new byte[0];

            while (true)
                    byte[] b = new byte[1];
                    b[0]  = binaryReader.ReadByte();
                    bytes = bytes.Concat(b).ToArray();
                catch (Exception)

            BDict decoded = (BDict)BencodingUtils.Decode(bytes);

            if (decoded.Count == 0)

            if (!decoded.ContainsKey("files"))

            BDict bDecoded = (BDict)decoded["files"];

            foreach (String k in bDecoded.Keys)
                BDict d = (BDict)bDecoded[k];

                if (d.ContainsKey("complete") && d.ContainsKey("downloaded") && d.ContainsKey("incomplete"))
                    String rk = Unpack.Hex(BencodingUtils.ExtendedASCIIEncoding.GetBytes(k));
                    returnVal.Add(rk, new ScrapeInfo((uint)((BInt)d["complete"]).Value, (uint)((BInt)d["downloaded"]).Value, (uint)((BInt)d["incomplete"]).Value, ScraperType.HTTP));

Esempio n. 38
 public SuperEventArgs(NetworkStream stream, BDict dict, SuperNode node)
     Stream = stream;
     Dict   = dict;
     Node   = node;
Esempio n. 39
 public GetValueEventArgs(BDict dict, NetworkStream?stream)
     Dict   = dict;
     Stream = stream;
Esempio n. 40
        public void BDictAddNullKey()
            BDict dict = new BDict();

            dict.Add(null, new BInt(0));
Esempio n. 41
        public void BDictAddNullValue()
            BDict dict = new BDict();

            dict.Add("a", null);
Esempio n. 42
        /// <summary>
        /// Background thread handling all incoming traffic
        /// </summary>
        private void ReceivePackets()
            while (true)
                    // Get a datagram
                    receiveFrom = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, localPort);
                    // Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
                    // sw.Start();
                    byte[] data = udpClientReceive.Receive(ref receiveFrom);
                    //if (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds > 10) { Console.WriteLine(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); }

                    // Decode the message
                    Stream         stream      = new MemoryStream(data);
                    IBencodingType receivedMsg = BencodingUtils.Decode(stream);
                    string         decoded     = BencodingUtils.ExtendedASCIIEncoding.GetString(data.ToArray());
                    //Log("Received message!");

                    // t is transaction id
                    // y is e for error, r for reply, q for query
                    if (receivedMsg is BDict) // throws error.. todo: fix
                        BDict dictMsg = (BDict)receivedMsg;
                        if (dictMsg.ContainsKey("y"))
                            if (dictMsg["y"].Equals(new BString("e")))
                                //Log("Received error! (ignored)");
                            else if (dictMsg["y"].Equals(new BString("r")))
                                // received reply
                                if (dictMsg.ContainsKey("r"))
                                    if (dictMsg["r"] is BDict)
                                        BDict dictMsg2 = (BDict)dictMsg["r"];
                                        if (dictMsg2.ContainsKey("values"))
                                            //Log("Received list of peers for torrent!");
                                        else if (dictMsg2.ContainsKey("nodes"))
                                            // could be an answer to find node or get peers
                                            //Log("Received list of nodeID & IP & port!");
                                            BString nodeIDString = (BString)dictMsg2["nodes"];
                                            // no values and no nodes, assuming its a ping,
                                            // at least some form of response
                            else if (dictMsg["y"].Equals(new BString("q")))
                                // received query
                                //Log("Received query! (ignored)");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //Log("Error receiving data: " + ex.ToString());
Esempio n. 43
        /// <summary>
        /// Background thread handling all incoming traffic
        /// </summary>
        private void ReceivePackets()
            while (true)
                    // Get a datagram
                    receiveFrom = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, localPort);
                    byte[] data = udpClient.Receive(ref receiveFrom);

                    // Decode the message
                    Stream         stream      = new MemoryStream(data);
                    IBencodingType receivedMsg = BencodingUtils.Decode(stream);
                    string         decoded     = BencodingUtils.ExtendedASCIIEncoding.GetString(data.ToArray());
                    Log("Received message!");

                    // t is transaction id : todo: check, since ports are reused
                    // y is e for error, r for reply, q for query
                    if (receivedMsg is BDict) // throws error.. todo: fix
                        BDict dictMsg = (BDict)receivedMsg;
                        if (dictMsg.ContainsKey("y"))
                            if (dictMsg["y"].Equals(new BString("e")))
                                // received error
                                Log("Received error! (ignored)");
                            else if (dictMsg["y"].Equals(new BString("r")))
                                // received reply
                                if (dictMsg.ContainsKey("r"))
                                    if (dictMsg["r"] is BDict)
                                        BDict dictMsg2 = (BDict)dictMsg["r"];
                                        if (dictMsg2.ContainsKey("values") && dictMsg.ContainsKey("t"))
                                            Log("Received list of peers for torrent!");
                                            BList peerAdrs = (BList)dictMsg2["values"];
                                            UpdateTorrentPeerList(peerAdrs, (BString)dictMsg["t"]);
                                        else if (dictMsg2.ContainsKey("nodes") && dictMsg.ContainsKey("t"))
                                            // could be an answer to find node or get peers
                                            Log("Received list of nodeID & IP & port!");
                                            BString nodeIDString = (BString)dictMsg2["nodes"];
                                            UpdateContactList(nodeIDString, (BString)dictMsg["t"]);
                            else if (dictMsg["y"].Equals(new BString("q")))
                                // received query
                                Log("Received query! (ignored)");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log("Error receiving data: " + ex.ToString());
Esempio n. 44
        public AnnounceInfo Announce(string url, string hash, string peerId, long bytesDownloaded, long bytesLeft, long bytesUploaded,
                                     int eventTypeFilter, int ipAddress, int numWant, int listenPort, int extensions)
            byte[] hashBytes   = Pack.Hex(hash);
            byte[] peerIdBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(peerId);

            String realUrl = url.Replace("scrape", "announce") + "?";

            String hashEncoded = "";

            foreach (byte b in hashBytes)
                hashEncoded += String.Format("%{0:X2}", b);

            String peerIdEncoded = "";

            foreach (byte b in peerIdBytes)
                peerIdEncoded += String.Format("%{0:X2}", b);

            realUrl += "info_hash=" + hashEncoded;
            realUrl += "&peer_id=" + peerIdEncoded;
            realUrl += "&port=" + listenPort;
            realUrl += "&uploaded=" + bytesUploaded;
            realUrl += "&downloaded=" + bytesDownloaded;
            realUrl += "&left=" + bytesLeft;
            realUrl += "&event=started";
            realUrl += "&compact=1";

            HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(realUrl);

            webRequest.Accept    = "*/*";
            webRequest.UserAgent = "System.Net.Torrent";
            HttpWebResponse webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse();

            Stream stream = webResponse.GetResponseStream();

            if (stream == null)

            BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(stream);

            byte[] bytes = new byte[0];

            while (true)
                    byte[] b = new byte[1];
                    b[0]  = binaryReader.ReadByte();
                    bytes = bytes.Concat(b).ToArray();
                catch (Exception)

            BDict decoded = (BDict)BencodingUtils.Decode(bytes);

            if (decoded.Count == 0)

            if (!decoded.ContainsKey("peers"))

            if (!(decoded["peers"] is BString))
                throw new NotSupportedException("Dictionary based peers not supported");

            Int32 waitTime = 0;
            Int32 seeders  = 0;
            Int32 leachers = 0;

            if (decoded.ContainsKey("interval"))
                waitTime = (BInt)decoded["interval"];

            if (decoded.ContainsKey("complete"))
                seeders = (BInt)decoded["complete"];

            if (decoded.ContainsKey("incomplete"))
                leachers = (BInt)decoded["incomplete"];

            BString peerBinary = (BString)decoded["peers"];

            return(new AnnounceInfo(GetPeers(peerBinary.ByteValue), waitTime, seeders, leachers));