Esempio n. 1
        private void AllTransactionsToGui(DateTime?from, DateTime?to)
            lbAllBoughtItems.DisplayMember = "Text";
            if (Configuration.Instance.UserBaseProfile.IsValid())
                Result <List <Transaction> > transactionsResult = blendleParser.FetchAllTransactions();
                if (transactionsResult.Succeeded && transactionsResult.Data != null)
                    bool validInput = false;
                    Func <Transaction, bool> transactionFilter = (t) => true;

                    //if and selection is made
                    if (from != null && to != null && to.Value > from.Value)
                        transactionFilter = (t) => t.CreatedAtLocal >= from.Value && t.CreatedAtLocal <= to.Value;
                        validInput        = true;

                    List <Transaction> filteredTransactions = transactionsResult.Data.Where(transactionFilter).ToList();

                    foreach (var transaction in filteredTransactions)
                        if (transaction.Embedded.Item != null)
                            if (transaction.Embedded.Item.IsValid())
                                BA_Body headLine = transaction.Embedded.Item.Embedded.TaManifest.Body.FirstOrDefault(b => b.BodyContentType == BodyContentType.Hl1);
                                if (headLine != null)
                                    lbAllBoughtItems.Items.Add(new ComboboxItem(GeneralUtils.StripHTML(headLine.content), transaction));
                        else if (transaction.Embedded.PayItem != null)

                    if (validInput == false)
                        List <DateTime> dateList = filteredTransactions.Select(t => t.CreatedAt).ToList();
                        dtpAllBoughtItemsFilterFrom.Value = dateList.Min(d => d);
                        dtpAllBoughtItemsFilterTo.Value   = dateList.Max(d => d);
Esempio n. 2
        //based on: webpack:///./src/js/app/helpers/itemContent.js --> getImagePositions()
        //the one before needs to be a paragraph and the current item cannot be an image or streamer
        public static List <int> AvaliableImagePositions(this List <BA_Body> bodyPositions)
            List <int> avaliableImagePositions = new List <int>();

            for (var i = 1; i < bodyPositions.Count; i++)
                BA_Body current   = bodyPositions[i];
                BA_Body oneBefore = bodyPositions[i - 1];
                if (oneBefore.BodyContentType == BodyContentType.P &&
                    current.BodyContentType != BodyContentType.Image &&
                    current.BodyContentType != BodyContentType.Streamer)
        public Result CreatePdfFromItems(List <BlendleItem> items, string fullCoverImagePath, string fullOutputPath, int mainFontSize = 25)
            Result result = new Result();

            if (items != null && items.Any() == false)
                result.Message   = "Invalid month issues!";
                result.Succeeded = false;

            List <Tuple <string, int> > tocItems = new List <Tuple <string, int> >();
            //Initialize PDF writer
            PdfWriter writer = new PdfWriter(fullOutputPath);
            //Initialize PDF document
            PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(writer);
            // Initialize document
            Document document = new Document(pdf, defaultPageSize);

            document.SetMargins(60, 75, 60, 75); //ration: * 1.25
            int locationToStartTOC = 1;

            //Add cover
            if (fullCoverImagePath.IsNullOrEmpty() == false && File.Exists(fullCoverImagePath))
                locationToStartTOC = 2;
                var documentWidth  = defaultPageSize.GetWidth();
                var documentHeight = defaultPageSize.GetHeight();
                var leftMargin     = document.GetLeftMargin();
                var righttMargin   = document.GetRightMargin();
                var topMargin      = document.GetTopMargin();
                var bottomMargin   = document.GetBottomMargin();
                iText.Layout.Element.Image coverImage = new Image(ImageDataFactory.Create(fullCoverImagePath));
                //coverImage.ScaleToFit(documentWidth - leftMargin - righttMargin, documentHeight - topMargin - bottomMargin);
                coverImage.ScaleToFit(documentWidth, documentHeight);
                Paragraph coverParagraph = new Paragraph().SetMargins(0, 0, 0, 0).Add(coverImage);
                document.Add(new AreaBreak());

            //loop through each article
            foreach (BlendleItem item in items)
                if (item.IsValid())
                    int bodyCounter = 0;
                    //the order of the bodies is always right
                    var                    bodyItemList            = item._embedded.content.body ?? new List <BA_Body>();
                    List <int>             avaliableImagePositions = bodyItemList.AvaliableImagePositions();
                    List <CustomImageItem> imagesToPlace           = new List <CustomImageItem>();

                    //these are the separated sub articles, whitin the main issue
                    //the will be placed after the normal body
                    var itemItemList = item._embedded.content._embedded?.items ?? new List <BA_Item>();

                    var bodyItemsToInsertAfter = new List <Tuple <BA_Body, BA_Body> >();

                    //if there are normal images, then they are the same as the media set images
                    #region non mediaset images (the ones whitout index)
                    if (item.HasNonMediaSetImages())
                        var images = item._embedded.content.images;
                        foreach (var iImage in images)
                            if (iImage != null && iImage.IsValid())
                                var image = iImage.GetBestImage();

                                if (image.IsValid())
                                    string imageFullPath = image.GetFullPath(item.BaseLocationPath);
                                    if (File.Exists(imageFullPath))
                                        imagesToPlace.Add(new CustomImageItem()
                                            href     = image.href,
                                            path     = imageFullPath,
                                            height   = image.height,
                                            width    = image.width,
                                            featured = iImage.featured,
                    #endregion non mediaset images (the ones whitout index)

                    //if both streams exist, they contain the same images
                    #region mediaset images
                    else if (item.HasMediaSetImages())
                        //reorder so we can insert it from the highest first, so the postitions will be right
                        var mediaSets = item._embedded.content._embedded.mediasets.OrderByDescending(ms => ms.position);
                        var first     = mediaSets.First();
                        foreach (var imageContainer in mediaSets)
                            if (imageContainer != null && imageContainer.IsValid())
                                var image = imageContainer._embedded.GetBestImage();
                                if (image.IsValid())
                                    string imageFullPath = image.GetFullPath(item.BaseLocationPath);
                                    if (File.Exists(imageFullPath))
                                        //position can be null, to hard to follow the exact placement in the blendle code
                                        if (imageContainer.position == null)
                                            //bodyItemList.Insert(random.Next(0, bodyItemList.Count-1), imageBodyItem);
                                            //insert after random item
                                            imagesToPlace.Add(new CustomImageItem()
                                                href   = image._links.file.href,
                                                path   = imageFullPath,
                                                height = image.height,
                                                width  = image.width,
                                                //can only be one featured
                                                featured = imagesToPlace.FirstOrDefault(i => i.featured) == null && first == imageContainer,
                                        } //if the placement is known, we can place it
                                        else if (imageContainer.position <= bodyItemList.Count)
                                            var imageBodyItem = new BA_Body()
                                                content = imageFullPath, type = BodyContentType.Image.ToString(),
                                            //insert after pre determined item
                                            bodyItemsToInsertAfter.Add(new Tuple <BA_Body, BA_Body>(bodyItemList[imageContainer.position.Value], imageBodyItem));
                    #endregion mediaset images

                    #region calculates the position of the images
                    //the issue leading image in the beginning
                    var featuredImage = imagesToPlace.FirstOrDefault(i => i.featured);
                    if (featuredImage != null)
                        int posToPlace = random.Next(0, bodyItemList.Count - 1);
                        //featured images are the header image
                        //logic how to place: webpack:///./src/js/app/helpers/itemContent.js --> getFeaturedImagePosition()
                        //get first p and ph item, then get the smallest position

                        var firstP      = bodyItemList.FirstOrDefault(i => i.BodyContentType == BodyContentType.P);
                        var firstPH     = bodyItemList.FirstOrDefault(i => i.BodyContentType == BodyContentType.Ph);
                        int firstPIndex = firstP != null?bodyItemList.IndexOf(firstP) : bodyItemList.Count - 1;

                        int firstPHIndex = firstPH != null?bodyItemList.IndexOf(firstPH) : bodyItemList.Count - 1;

                        int lowestNumber = GeneralUtils.Lowest(firstPIndex, firstPHIndex);
                        //if they are both not there, use the random number
                        if (lowestNumber != (bodyItemList.Count - 1))
                            posToPlace = lowestNumber;
                            //if the featured image takes a place in the avaliable positions, remove that one from that list
                            if (avaliableImagePositions.Contains(posToPlace))
                        bodyItemsToInsertAfter.Add(new Tuple <BA_Body, BA_Body>(bodyItemList[posToPlace], new BA_Body()
                            content = featuredImage.path, type = BodyContentType.Image.ToString(),

                    //not not featured images that are unpositioned
                    List <CustomImageItem> unpositionedImages = imagesToPlace.Where(i => i.featured == false).ToList();
                    //get the loop information for the placement
                    Tuple <int, int> loopInformation = GetLoopInformation(avaliableImagePositions.Count, unpositionedImages.Count());
                    for (var i = 0; i < unpositionedImages.Count; i++)
                        CustomImageItem customImageItem = unpositionedImages[i];
                        int             spot            = ((loopInformation.Item1 * i) + loopInformation.Item2);
                        bodyItemsToInsertAfter.Add(new Tuple <BA_Body, BA_Body>(bodyItemList[avaliableImagePositions[spot]], new BA_Body()
                            content = customImageItem.path, type = BodyContentType.Image.ToString(),
                    #endregion calculates the position of the images

                    #region streamers
                    //insert streamers, the text parts in an article that are fat and add some exta
                    if (item._embedded.content.streamers != null && item._embedded.content.streamers.Any())
                        foreach (var streamer in item._embedded.content.streamers)
                            var streamerBodyItem = new BA_Body()
                                content = streamer.content,
                                type    = BodyContentType.Streamer.ToString(),
                            if (streamer.position == null)
                                //insert after random item
                                bodyItemsToInsertAfter.Add(new Tuple <BA_Body, BA_Body>(bodyItemList[random.Next(0, bodyItemList.Count - 1)], streamerBodyItem));
                            else if (streamer.position <= bodyItemList.Count)
                                //insert after pre determined item
                                bodyItemsToInsertAfter.Add(new Tuple <BA_Body, BA_Body>(bodyItemList[streamer.position.Value], streamerBodyItem));

                    //now we can insert all the items after another from the last to the first, so the exact locations keep preserved
                    foreach (var bodyItemToInsertAfter in bodyItemsToInsertAfter)
                        //insert them in the list at the valid order
                        bodyItemList.Insert(bodyItemList.IndexOf(bodyItemToInsertAfter.Item1), bodyItemToInsertAfter.Item2);
                    //insert the body items in the pdf document
                    if (bodyItemList.Any())
                        ParseBodiesListResult parsedBodyListResult = ParseBodiesList(ref document, bodyItemList, mainFontSize, true);
                        if (parsedBodyListResult.TOCItems != null && parsedBodyListResult.TOCItems.Any())
                    #endregion streamers

                    #region items (sub article parts)
                    if (itemItemList.Any())
                        //resets the body item list
                        //after the body, an nested part of the article can be there
                        foreach (var itemItem in itemItemList)
                            bodyItemList = itemItem.body;
                            //the image needs to be on top of the sub article, after the title, normally 1 image

                            foreach (BA_Image2 itemItemImage in itemItem.images)
                                if (itemItemImage._links != null)
                                    var image = itemItemImage._links.GetBestImage();
                                    if (image.IsValid())
                                        string imageFullPath = image.GetFullPath(item.BaseLocationPath);
                                        if (File.Exists(imageFullPath))
                                            var imageBodyItem = new BA_Body()
                                                content = imageFullPath,
                                                type    = BodyContentType.Image.ToString(),

                                            bodyItemList.Insert(1, imageBodyItem);
                            ParseBodiesListResult parsedBodyListResult = ParseBodiesList(ref document, bodyItemList, mainFontSize, false);
                            if (parsedBodyListResult.TOCItems != null && parsedBodyListResult.TOCItems.Any())
                    #endregion items (sub article parts)

                //new page
                document.Add(new AreaBreak());

            //adds the TOC
            AddTOC(ref pdf, tocItems, locationToStartTOC);

            //Close document
            result.Succeeded = true;
