public static B5dProjectNode Convert(IIfcObjectDefinition ifcObject)
            var ifcObjectGuid = ifcObject.GlobalId.Value.ToString();
            var node          = B5dProjectNode.GetNodeWithIfcGuid(ifcObjectGuid);

            if (node != null)

            B5dProjectNode b5dNode = new B5dProjectNode()
                TypeSpecifier = ifcObject.GetType().Name,
                Name          = ifcObject.Name,
                WhatIs        = new B5dPhysical()
                    TypeSpecifier = ifcObject.GetType().Name,
                    Name          = ifcObject.Name

            IfcRoot b5dIfcObject = new IfcRoot()
                ExternalIfcGlobalId = ifcObjectGuid,
                B5dObject           = b5dNode

Esempio n. 2
        public static GltfRef TryCreatingGltfRef(string ifcObjectGuid, B5dProjectNode project, B5dObject b5dObject)
            var existingRef = DbLinq.Objects <GltfRef>().FirstOrDefault(o => o.BelongsTo == b5dObject);

            if (existingRef != null)

            string documentsDirectory = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
            string conversionPath     = $"{documentsDirectory}\\Conversions";

            var projectName   = project.Name;
            var b5dObjectType = b5dObject.TypeSpecifier.ToLower();

            b5dObjectType = b5dObjectType.Replace("ifc", "");
            // The ifcTo3DTiles conversion renames WallStandardCase to Wall
            b5dObjectType = b5dObjectType.Replace("wallstandardcase", "wall");

            var ifcDirectory = $"{conversionPath}\\Conversion_{projectName}\\IFCs";
            var files        = Directory.GetFiles(ifcDirectory);
            var ifcFiles     = files.Where(f => f.ToLower().Contains(b5dObjectType));

            if (ifcFiles.Count() == 0)

            foreach (string ifcFilePath in ifcFiles)
                var ifcModel  = IfcStore.Open(ifcFilePath);
                var ifcObject = ifcModel.Instances.FirstOrDefault() as IIfcObject;
                if (ifcObject.GlobalId == ifcObjectGuid)
                    var        gltfFilepath = ifcFilePath.Replace("IFCs", "GLTFs").Replace(".ifc", ".gltf");
                    FileStream gltfFile     = File.Open(gltfFilepath, FileMode.Open);
                    var        filename     = Path.GetFileName(gltfFilepath);

                    if (ifcObject != null && gltfFile != null)
                        var fileRef = new GltfRef()
                            BelongsTo = b5dObject,
                            Extension = "gltf",
                            FileId    = ifcObjectGuid,
                            FileName  = filename,
                            MimeType  = "model/gltf+json",
                            FileSize  = gltfFilepath.Length,

Esempio n. 3
        public B5dProjectNode BuildTree(B5dObject b5dParent, IIfcObjectDefinition ifcParent, IIfcObjectDefinition ifcChild)
            B5dProjectNode b5dChild = IfcObjectConverter.Convert(ifcChild);

            if (ifcChild is IIfcProject)
                currentProject = b5dChild;
                GltfRef.TryCreatingGltfRef(ifcChild.GlobalId.ToString(), currentProject, b5dChild);

            if (b5dParent != null)
                B5dProjectNodeChild ChildRelationship = B5dProjectNodeChild.CreateNodeChildRelation(b5dParent, b5dChild);

            if (ifcChild is IIfcObject ifcObject)
                // Use containsElements to recursively create nodes for Window, Door, Slab, Wall etc
                foreach (var ifcSpatialElement in RelContainedInSpatialStructure.GetElementsIn(ifcObject))
                    BuildTree(b5dChild, ifcChild, ifcSpatialElement);

                // Use isDecomposedy to recursively create nodes for Project, Site, Building, Story and Space
                foreach (var ifcSpatialStructure in RelAggregates.GetSpatialStructuresIn(ifcObject))
                    BuildTree(b5dChild, ifcChild, ifcSpatialStructure);

                // Use isDefinedBy to convert all of the ifcProperties
                PropertyConverter.ConvertProperties(ifcObject, b5dChild);
