/// <summary>
        /// Creates or updates a volume. In this process, notice that we need to create two mandatory objects, one as the export rule list and the voluome body itself before
        /// we request the volume creation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">Azure NetApp Files Management Client</param>
        /// <param name="resourceGroup">Resource Group name where volume will be created</param>
        /// <param name="account">Account object generated from information contained at the appsettings.json file at Accounts section</param>
        /// <param name="pool">ModelCapacityPool object that describes the capacity pool to be created, this information comes from appsettings.json</param>
        /// <param name="volume">ModelVolume object that represents the volume to be created that is defined in appsettings.json</param>
        /// <returns>Volume object</returns>
        public static async Task <Volume> CreateOrUpdateVolumeAsync(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient client, string resourceGroup, ModelNetAppAccount account, ModelCapacityPool pool, ModelVolume volume)
            List <ExportPolicyRule> ruleList = new List <ExportPolicyRule>();

            foreach (ModelExportPolicyRule rule in volume.ExportPolicies)
                ruleList.Add(new ExportPolicyRule()
                    AllowedClients = rule.AllowedClients,
                    Cifs           = rule.Cifs,
                    Nfsv3          = rule.Nfsv3,
                    Nfsv4          = rule.Nfsv4,
                    RuleIndex      = rule.RuleIndex,
                    UnixReadOnly   = rule.UnixReadOnly,
                    UnixReadWrite  = rule.UnixReadWrite

            VolumePropertiesExportPolicy exportPolicies = new VolumePropertiesExportPolicy()
                Rules = ruleList

            Volume volumeBody = new Volume()
                ExportPolicy   = exportPolicies,
                Location       = account.Location.ToLower(),
                ServiceLevel   = pool.ServiceLevel,
                CreationToken  = volume.CreationToken,
                SubnetId       = volume.SubnetId,
                UsageThreshold = volume.UsageThreshold

            return(await client.Volumes.CreateOrUpdateAsync(volumeBody, resourceGroup, account.Name, pool.Name, volume.Name));
        public static void CreateSnapshot(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient netAppMgmtClient, string snapshotName = snapshotName1, string volumeName = volumeName1, string poolName = poolName1, string accountName = accountName1, string resourceGroup = resourceGroup, string location = location, bool snapshotOnly = false)
            Volume volume   = null;
            var    snapshot = new Snapshot();

            if (!snapshotOnly)
                volume = CreateVolume(netAppMgmtClient, volumeName, poolName, accountName);

                snapshot = new Snapshot
                    Location = location,
                // for those tests where snapshotOnly is true, no filesystem id will be available
                // use this opportunity to test snapshot creation with no filesystem id provided
                // for these cases it should use the name in the resource id
                snapshot = new Snapshot
                    Location = location,
            if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_TEST_MODE") == "Record")
                Thread.Sleep(delay); // some robustness against ARM caching
            var resource = netAppMgmtClient.Snapshots.Create(snapshot, resourceGroup, accountName, poolName, volumeName, snapshotName);

            Assert.Equal(resource.Name, accountName + '/' + poolName + '/' + volumeName + '/' + snapshotName);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates or retrieves volume
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">Project Configuration file which contains the resource group needed</param>
        /// <param name="client">Azure NetApp Files Management Client</param>
        /// <param name="account">ModelNetAppAccount object that contains the data configured in the appsettings.json file for the ANF account</param>
        /// <returns>NetAppCount object</returns>
        private static async Task <Volume> CreateOrRetrieveVolumeAsync(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient client, string resourceGroup, ModelNetAppAccount account, ModelCapacityPool pool, ModelVolume volume)
            // Creating or retrieving a volume
            Volume anfVolume;

                // Checking if resource already exists
                anfVolume = await client.Volumes.GetAsync(resourceGroup, account.Name, pool.Name, volume.Name);

                Console.WriteLine($"{level1}Volume already exists, resource id: {anfVolume.Id}");
            catch (Exception ex)
                // If volume does not exist, create one
                if (ex.HResult == -2146233088)
                    anfVolume = await CreateOrUpdateVolumeAsync(client, resourceGroup, account, pool, volume);

                    Console.WriteLine($"{level1}Volume Pool successfully created, resource id: {anfVolume.Id}");

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates or retrieves a Capacity Pool
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">Azure NetApp Files Management Client</param>
        /// <param name="resourceGroup">Resource Group name where the capacity pool will be created</param>
        /// <param name="account">ModelNetAppAccount object that contains the data configured in the appsettings.json file for the ANF account</param>
        /// <param name="pool">ModelCapacityPool object that describes the capacity pool to be created, this information comes from appsettings.json</param>
        /// <returns>CapacityPool object</returns>
        private static async Task <CapacityPool> CreateOrRetrieveCapacityPoolAsync(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient client, string resourceGroup, ModelNetAppAccount account, ModelCapacityPool pool)
            // Creating the ANF Account
            CapacityPool anfCapacityPool;

                // Checking if resource already exists
                anfCapacityPool = await client.Pools.GetAsync(resourceGroup, account.Name, pool.Name);

                Console.WriteLine($"{level1}Capacity Pool already exists, resource id: {anfCapacityPool.Id}");
            catch (Exception ex)
                // If account does not exist, create one
                if (ex.HResult == -2146233088)
                    anfCapacityPool = await CreateOrUpdateCapacityPoolAsync(client, resourceGroup, account, pool);

                    Console.WriteLine($"{level1}Capacity Pool successfully created, resource id: {anfCapacityPool.Id}");

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates or Updates Azure NetApp Files Account
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="anfClient">ANF client object</param>
        /// <param name="resourceGroupName">Resource group name</param>
        /// <param name="location">Azure location</param>
        /// <param name="accountName">Azure NetApp Files Account name</param>
        /// <param name="domainUserName">Active Directory Username</param>
        /// <param name="domainPassword">Active Directory Password</param>
        /// <param name="dnsList">DNS IP list</param>
        /// <param name="domainName">Domain Name</param>
        /// <param name="smbServerName">SMB Server Name</param>
        /// <param name="encodedCertContent">Encoded Certification content</param>
        /// <returns>NetApp Account object</returns>
        public static async Task <NetAppAccount> CreateOrUpdateANFAccountAsync(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient anfClient,
                                                                               string resourceGroupName,
                                                                               string location,
                                                                               string accountName,
                                                                               string domainUserName,
                                                                               string domainPassword,
                                                                               string dnsList,
                                                                               string domainName,
                                                                               string smbServerName,
                                                                               string encodedCertContent)
            ActiveDirectory activeDirectory = new ActiveDirectory()
                Username                = domainUserName,
                Password                = domainPassword,
                Dns                     = dnsList,
                Domain                  = domainName,
                SmbServerName           = smbServerName,
                ServerRootCACertificate = encodedCertContent

            NetAppAccount anfAccountBody = new NetAppAccount(location, null, accountName, null, null, null, new List <ActiveDirectory>()

            return(await anfClient.Accounts.CreateOrUpdateAsync(anfAccountBody, resourceGroupName, accountName));
        public static CapacityPool CreatePool(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient netAppMgmtClient, string poolName = poolName1, string accountName = accountName1, string resourceGroup = resourceGroup, string location = location, IDictionary <string, string> tags = default(IDictionary <string, string>), bool poolOnly = false, string serviceLevel = "Premium", long poolSize = 4398046511104)
            if (!poolOnly)
                CreateAccount(netAppMgmtClient, accountName, resourceGroup: resourceGroup, location: location, tags: tags);

            var pool = new CapacityPool
                Location     = location,
                Size         = poolSize,
                ServiceLevel = serviceLevel,
                Tags         = tags

            CapacityPool resource;

                resource = netAppMgmtClient.Pools.CreateOrUpdate(pool, resourceGroup, accountName, poolName);
                // try one more time
                resource = netAppMgmtClient.Pools.CreateOrUpdate(pool, resourceGroup, accountName, poolName);
            Assert.Equal(resource.Name, accountName + '/' + poolName);

            if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_TEST_MODE") == "Record")
                Thread.Sleep(delay); // some robustness against ARM caching

        public static Volume CreateVolume(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient netAppMgmtClient, string volumeName = volumeName1, string poolName = poolName1, string accountName = accountName1, string resourceGroup = resourceGroup, string location = location, object tags = null, VolumePropertiesExportPolicy exportPolicy = null, bool volumeOnly = false, string snapshotId = null)
            if (!volumeOnly)
                CreatePool(netAppMgmtClient, poolName, accountName);

            var volume = new Volume
                Location       = location,
                UsageThreshold = 100 * gibibyte,
                ServiceLevel   = "Premium",
                CreationToken  = volumeName,
                SubnetId       = "/subscriptions/" + subsId + "/resourceGroups/" + resourceGroup + "/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/" + vnet + "/subnets/default",
                Tags           = tags,
                ExportPolicy   = exportPolicy,
                SnapshotId     = snapshotId

            var resource = netAppMgmtClient.Volumes.CreateOrUpdate(volume, resourceGroup, accountName, poolName, volumeName);

            Assert.Equal(resource.Name, accountName + '/' + poolName + '/' + volumeName);

            Thread.Sleep(delay); // some robustness against ARM caching

        public static Volume CreateVolume(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient netAppMgmtClient, string volumeName = volumeName1, string poolName = poolName1, string accountName = accountName1, string resourceGroup = resourceGroup, string location = location, List <string> protocolTypes = null, IDictionary <string, string> tags = default(IDictionary <string, string>), VolumePropertiesExportPolicy exportPolicy = null, string vnet = vnet, bool volumeOnly = false, string snapshotId = null)
            if (!volumeOnly)
                CreatePool(netAppMgmtClient, poolName, accountName, resourceGroup: resourceGroup, location: location);
            var defaultProtocolType = new List <string>()
            var volumeProtocolTypes = protocolTypes == null ? defaultProtocolType : protocolTypes;
            var volume = new Volume
                Location       = location,
                UsageThreshold = 100 * gibibyte,
                ProtocolTypes  = volumeProtocolTypes,
                CreationToken  = volumeName,
                SubnetId       = "/subscriptions/" + netAppMgmtClient.SubscriptionId + "/resourceGroups/" + resourceGroup + "/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/" + vnet + "/subnets/default",
                Tags           = tags,
                ExportPolicy   = exportPolicy,
                SnapshotId     = snapshotId

            var resource = netAppMgmtClient.Volumes.CreateOrUpdate(volume, resourceGroup, accountName, poolName, volumeName);

            Assert.Equal(resource.Name, accountName + '/' + poolName + '/' + volumeName);

            Thread.Sleep(delay); // some robustness against ARM caching

        public static void CreateSnapshot(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient netAppMgmtClient, string snapshotName = snapshotName1, string volumeName = volumeName1, string poolName = poolName1, string accountName = accountName1, string resourceGroup = resourceGroup, string location = location, bool snapshotOnly = false)
            Volume volume   = null;
            var    snapshot = new Snapshot();

            if (!snapshotOnly)
                volume = CreateVolume(netAppMgmtClient, volumeName, poolName, accountName);

                snapshot = new Snapshot
                    Location     = location,
                    FileSystemId = volume?.FileSystemId
                // for those tests where snapshotOnly is true, no filesystem id will be available
                // use this opportunity to test snapshot creation with no filesystem id provided
                // for these cases it should use the name in the resource id
                snapshot = new Snapshot
                    Location = location,

            var resource = netAppMgmtClient.Snapshots.Create(snapshot, resourceGroup, accountName, poolName, volumeName, snapshotName);

            Assert.Equal(resource.Name, accountName + '/' + poolName + '/' + volumeName + '/' + snapshotName);
        public static NetAppAccount CreateAccount(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient netAppMgmtClient, string accountName = accountName1, string resourceGroup = resourceGroup, string location = location, object tags = null, ActiveDirectory activeDirectory = null)
            // request reference example
            // az netappfiles account update -g --account-name cli-lf-acc2  --active-directories '[{"username": "******", "password": "******", "smbservername": "SMBSERVER", "dns": "", "domain": "westcentralus"}]' -l westus2

            var activeDirectories = new List <ActiveDirectory> {

            var netAppAccount = new NetAppAccount()
                Location = location,
                Tags     = tags,
                // current limitations of active directories make this problematic
                // omitting tests on active directory properties for now
                //ActiveDirectories = activeDirectories
                ActiveDirectories = null

            var resource = netAppMgmtClient.Accounts.CreateOrUpdate(netAppAccount, resourceGroup, accountName);

            Assert.Equal(resource.Name, accountName);

            Thread.Sleep(delay); // some robustness against ARM caching

        public static void DeletePool(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient netAppMgmtClient, string poolName = poolName1, string accountName = accountName1, string resourceGroup = resourceGroup, bool deep = false)
            bool retry = true;
            int  co    = 0;

            if (deep)
                // find and delete all nested resources - not implemented

            // now delete the pool - with retry for test robustness due to
            //   - ARM caching (ARM continues to tidy up even after the awaited async op
            //     has returned)
            //   - other async actions in RP/SDE/NRP
            // e.g. snapshot deletion might not be complete and therefore pool has child resource
            while (retry == true)

                    netAppMgmtClient.Pools.Delete(resourceGroup, accountName, poolName);
                    retry = false;
                    if (co > retryAttempts)
                        retry = false;
Esempio n. 12
        private void WaitForReplicationStatus(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient netAppMgmtClient, string targetState)
            ReplicationStatus replicationStatus;
            int attempts = 0;

                replicationStatus = netAppMgmtClient.Volumes.ReplicationStatusMethod(ResourceUtils.remoteResourceGroup, ResourceUtils.remoteAccountName1, ResourceUtils.remotePoolName1, ResourceUtils.remoteVolumeName1);
            } while (replicationStatus.MirrorState != targetState);
            //sometimes they dont sync up right away
            if (!replicationStatus.Healthy.Value)
                    replicationStatus = netAppMgmtClient.Volumes.ReplicationStatusMethod(ResourceUtils.remoteResourceGroup, ResourceUtils.remoteAccountName1, ResourceUtils.remotePoolName1, ResourceUtils.remoteVolumeName1);
                    if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_TEST_MODE") == "Record")
                } while (replicationStatus.Healthy.Value || attempts == 5);
        /// <summary>
        /// Waits for replication to become in status "Mirrored"
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">ANF Client</param>
        /// <param name="resourceId">Resource Id of the resource being waited for being deleted</param>
        /// <param name="intervalInSec">Time in seconds that the sample will poll to check if the resource got deleted or not. Defaults to 10 seconds.</param>
        /// <param name="retries">How many retries before exting the wait for no resource function. Defaults to 60 retries.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static public async Task WaitForCompleteReplicationStatus(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient client, string resourceId, int intervalInSec = 10, int retries = 60)
            using AzureEventSourceListener listener = AzureEventSourceListener.CreateTraceLogger(EventLevel.Verbose);
            for (int i = 0; i < retries; i++)
                    var status = await client.Volumes.ReplicationStatusMethodAsync(ResourceUriUtils.GetResourceGroup(resourceId),

                    if (status.MirrorState.ToLower().Equals("mirrored"))
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (!(ex.Message.ToLower().Contains("creating") && ex.Message.ToLower().Contains("replication")))
        public static CapacityPool CreatePool(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient netAppMgmtClient, string poolName = poolName1, string accountName = accountName1, string resourceGroup = resourceGroup, string location = location, object tags = null, bool poolOnly = false)
            if (!poolOnly)
                CreateAccount(netAppMgmtClient, accountName);

            var pool = new CapacityPool
                Location     = location,
                Size         = 4398046511104,
                ServiceLevel = "Premium",
                Tags         = tags

            CapacityPool resource;

                resource = netAppMgmtClient.Pools.CreateOrUpdate(pool, resourceGroup, accountName, poolName);
                // try one more time
                resource = netAppMgmtClient.Pools.CreateOrUpdate(pool, resourceGroup, accountName, poolName);
            Assert.Equal(resource.Name, accountName + '/' + poolName);

            Thread.Sleep(delay); // some robustness against ARM caching

        public static void DeleteSnapshot(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient netAppMgmtClient, string snapshotName = snapshotName1, string volumeName = volumeName1, string poolName = poolName1, string accountName = accountName1, string resourceGroup = resourceGroup, string location = location, bool deep = false)
            bool retry = true;
            int  co    = 0;

            if (deep)
                // find and delete all nested resources - not implemented

            // now delete the snapshot - with retry for test robustness due to ARM caching
            // (arm continues to tidy up even after the awaited async op has returned)
            while (retry == true)

                    netAppMgmtClient.Snapshots.Delete(resourceGroup, accountName, poolName, volumeName, snapshotName);
                    retry = false;
                    if (co > retryAttempts)
                        retry = false;
        public static void DeleteSnapshot(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient netAppMgmtClient, string snapshotName = snapshotName1, string volumeName = volumeName1, string poolName = poolName1, string accountName = accountName1, string resourceGroup = resourceGroup, string location = location, bool deep = false)
            bool retry = true;
            int  co    = 0;

            if (deep)
                // find and delete all nested resources - not implemented

            // now delete the snapshot - with retry for test robustness due to
            //   - ARM caching (ARM continues to tidy up even after the awaited async op
            //     has returned)
            //   - other async actions in RP/SDE/NRP
            // e.g. snapshot deletion might fail if the actual creation is not complete at
            // all levels
            while (retry == true)

                    netAppMgmtClient.Snapshots.Delete(resourceGroup, accountName, poolName, volumeName, snapshotName);
                    retry = false;
                    if (co > retryAttempts)
                        retry = false;
Esempio n. 17
        public static NetAppAccount CreateAccount(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient netAppMgmtClient, string accountName = accountName1, string resourceGroup = resourceGroup, string location = location, IDictionary <string, string> tags = default(IDictionary <string, string>), ActiveDirectory activeDirectory = null)
            // request reference example
            // az netappfiles account update -g --account-name cli-lf-acc2  --active-directories '[{"username": "******", "password": "******", "smbservername": "SMBSERVER", "dns": "", "domain": "westcentralus"}]' -l westus2

            var activeDirectories = activeDirectory != null ? new List <ActiveDirectory> {
            } : new List <ActiveDirectory>();

            var netAppAccount = new NetAppAccount()
                Location          = location,
                Tags              = tags,
                ActiveDirectories = activeDirectories

            var resource = netAppMgmtClient.Accounts.CreateOrUpdate(netAppAccount, resourceGroup, accountName);

            Assert.Equal(resource.Name, accountName);

            if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_TEST_MODE") == "Record")
                Thread.Sleep(delay); // some robustness against ARM caching

 /// <summary>
 /// Performs pool change for given volume
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="anfClient">ANF object</param>
 /// <param name="resourceGroupName">Resource group name</param>
 /// <param name="accountName">Azure NetApp Files Account name</param>
 /// <param name="poolName">Azure NetApp Files Capacity Pool name</param>
 /// <param name="volumeName">Azure NetApp Files Volume name</param>
 /// <param name="newPoolResourceId">New Capacity Pool resource Id</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static async Task ChangeVolumeCapacityPoolAsync(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient anfClient, string resourceGroupName, string accountName, string poolName, string volumeName, string newPoolResourceId)
     PoolChangeRequest changeRequestBody = new PoolChangeRequest()
         NewPoolResourceId = newPoolResourceId
     await anfClient.Volumes.PoolChangeAsync(resourceGroupName, accountName, poolName, volumeName, changeRequestBody);
Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates or Updates Azure NetApp Files Account
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="anfClient">ANF client object</param>
        /// <param name="resourceGroupName">Resource group name</param>
        /// <param name="location">Azure location</param>
        /// <param name="accountName">Azure NetApp Files Account name</param>
        /// <returns>NetApp Account object</returns>
        public static async Task <NetAppAccount> CreateOrUpdateANFAccountAsync(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient anfClient,
                                                                               string resourceGroupName,
                                                                               string location,
                                                                               string accountName)
            NetAppAccount anfAccountBody = new NetAppAccount(location, null, accountName);

            return(await anfClient.Accounts.CreateOrUpdateAsync(anfAccountBody, resourceGroupName, accountName));
Esempio n. 20
        private void WaitForBackupPolicyDeleted(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient netAppMgmtClient, string resourceGroup = ResourceUtils.resourceGroup, string accountName = ResourceUtils.accountName1)
            int count = 0;

                count = netAppMgmtClient.BackupPolicies.List(resourceGroup, accountName).Count();
            } while (count > 0);
Esempio n. 21
        private void WaitForSucceeded(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient netAppMgmtClient, Volume sourceVolume, Volume dpVolume)
                sourceVolume = netAppMgmtClient.Volumes.Get(ResourceUtils.repResourceGroup, ResourceUtils.accountName1, ResourceUtils.poolName1, ResourceUtils.volumeName1);
                dpVolume     = netAppMgmtClient.Volumes.Get(ResourceUtils.remoteResourceGroup, ResourceUtils.remoteAccountName1, ResourceUtils.remotePoolName1, ResourceUtils.remoteVolumeName1);

            } while ((sourceVolume.ProvisioningState != "Succeeded") || (dpVolume.ProvisioningState != "Succeeded"));
Esempio n. 22
        public static void DeleteAccount(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient netAppMgmtClient, string accountName = accountName1, string resourceGroup = resourceGroup, bool deep = false)
            if (deep)
                // find and delete all nested resources - not implemented

            // now delete the account
            netAppMgmtClient.Accounts.Delete(resourceGroup, accountName);
Esempio n. 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates or Updates Azure NetApp Files Capacity Pool
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="anfClient">ANF client object</param>
        /// <param name="resourceGroupName">Resource group name</param>
        /// <param name="location">Azure location</param>
        /// <param name="accountName">Azure NetApp Files Account name</param>
        /// <param name="poolName">Azure NetApp Files Capacity Pool name</param>
        /// <param name="poolSize">Azure NetApp Files Capacity Pool size</param>
        /// <param name="serviceLevel">Service Level</param>
        /// <returns>Azure NetApp Files Capacity Pool</returns>
        public static async Task <CapacityPool> CreateOrUpdateANFCapacityPoolAsync(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient anfClient, string resourceGroupName, string location, string accountName, string poolName, long poolSize, string serviceLevel)
            CapacityPool primaryCapacityPoolBody = new CapacityPool()
                Location     = location.ToLower(), // Important: location needs to be lower case
                ServiceLevel = serviceLevel,       //Service level can be one of three levels -> { Standard, Premium, Ultra }
                Size         = poolSize

            return(await anfClient.Pools.CreateOrUpdateAsync(primaryCapacityPoolBody, resourceGroupName, accountName, poolName));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates or updates a capacity pool
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">Azure NetApp Files Management Client</param>
        /// <param name="resourceGroup">Resource Group name where capacity pool will be created</param>
        /// <param name="account">Account object generated from information contained at the appsettings.json file at Accounts section</param>
        /// <param name="pool">ModelCapacityPool object that describes the capacity pool to be created, this information comes from appsettings.json</param>
        /// <returns>CapacityPool object</returns>
        public static async Task <CapacityPool> CreateOrUpdateCapacityPoolAsync(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient client, string resourceGroup, ModelNetAppAccount account, ModelCapacityPool pool)
            CapacityPool capacityPoolBody = new CapacityPool()
                Location     = account.Location.ToLower(),
                ServiceLevel = pool.ServiceLevel,
                Size         = pool.Size

            return(await client.Pools.CreateOrUpdateAsync(capacityPoolBody, resourceGroup, account.Name, pool.Name));
Esempio n. 25
        protected void SetupManagementClients(MockContext context)
            ResourceManagementClient    = GetResourceManagementClient(context);
            NetAppFilesManagementClient = GetNetAppFilesManagementClient(context);
            SDKNetworkClient            = GetSDKNetworkClient(context);

Esempio n. 26
        private void WaitForReplicationStatus(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient netAppMgmtClient, string targetState)
            var replicationStatus = netAppMgmtClient.Volumes.ReplicationStatusMethod(ResourceUtils.remoteResourceGroup, ResourceUtils.remoteAccountName1, ResourceUtils.remotePoolName1, ResourceUtils.remoteVolumeName1);

            while (replicationStatus.MirrorState != targetState)
                replicationStatus = netAppMgmtClient.Volumes.ReplicationStatusMethod(ResourceUtils.remoteResourceGroup, ResourceUtils.remoteAccountName1, ResourceUtils.remotePoolName1, ResourceUtils.remoteVolumeName1);

Esempio n. 27
        public static void CreateAccount(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient netAppMgmtClient, string accountName = accountName1, string resourceGroup = resourceGroup, string location = location)
            var netAppAccount = new NetAppAccount()
                Location = location,

            var resource = netAppMgmtClient.Accounts.CreateOrUpdate(netAppAccount, resourceGroup, accountName);

            Assert.Equal(resource.Name, accountName);

            Thread.Sleep(delay); // some robustness against ARM caching
        private void WaitForVolumesDeleted(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient netAppMgmtClient, string resourceGroup = ResourceUtils.resourceGroup, string accountName = ResourceUtils.accountName1, string poolName = ResourceUtils.poolName1)
            int count = 0;

                var volumes     = netAppMgmtClient.Volumes.List(resourceGroup, accountName, poolName);
                var volumesList = ListNextLink <Volume> .GetAllResourcesByPollingNextLink(volumes, netAppMgmtClient.Volumes.ListNext);

                count = volumesList.Count;
            } while (count > 0);
        private void WaitForPoolsDeleted(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient netAppMgmtClient, string resourceGroup = ResourceUtils.resourceGroup, string accountName = ResourceUtils.accountName1)
            int count = 0;

                var pools    = netAppMgmtClient.Pools.List(resourceGroup, accountName);
                var poolList = ListNextLink <CapacityPool> .GetAllResourcesByPollingNextLink(pools, netAppMgmtClient.Pools.ListNext);

                count = poolList.Count;
            } while (count > 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Function used to wait for a specific ANF resource complete its deletion and ARM caching gets cleared
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">Resource Types as Snapshot, Volume, CapacityPool, and NetAppAccount</typeparam>
        /// <param name="client">ANF Client</param>
        /// <param name="resourceId">Resource Id of the resource being waited for being deleted</param>
        /// <param name="intervalInSec">Time in seconds that the sample will poll to check if the resource got deleted or not. Defaults to 10 seconds.</param>
        /// <param name="retries">How many retries before exting the wait for no resource function. Defaults to 60 retries.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static public async Task WaitForAnfResource <T>(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient client, string resourceId, int intervalInSec = 10, int retries = 60)
            bool isFound = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < retries; i++)

                    if (typeof(T) == typeof(NetAppAccount))
                        await client.Accounts.GetAsync(ResourceUriUtils.GetResourceGroup(resourceId),
                    else if (typeof(T) == typeof(CapacityPool))
                        await client.Pools.GetAsync(ResourceUriUtils.GetResourceGroup(resourceId),
                    else if (typeof(T) == typeof(Volume))
                        await client.Volumes.GetAsync(ResourceUriUtils.GetResourceGroup(resourceId),
                    else if (typeof(T) == typeof(Snapshot))
                        await client.Snapshots.GetAsync(ResourceUriUtils.GetResourceGroup(resourceId),
                    isFound = true;
            if (!isFound)
                throw new Exception($"Resource: {resourceId} is not found");