public static AxesInputDelayControl getInstance() { if( Instance == null ) Instance = new AxesInputDelayControl(); return Instance; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { // Start Start. if( Instance == null ) { Instance = this; Initialize(); DontDestroyOnLoad(transform.gameObject); DontDestroyOnLoad( Instance ); } }
void Initialize() { // Getting Game system refrecnces: if( _gameData == null ) _gameData = GameData.getInstance(); if( axesInputDelayControl == null ) axesInputDelayControl = AxesInputDelayControl.getInstance(); // Preseting data here since UNITY seems to ignore anything global: MapWidth = (int)MazeGlobals.SMALL_MAP_SIZE.x; MapHeight = (int)MazeGlobals.SMALL_MAP_SIZE.y; // XML/Saving data: isSavable = true; //Globals.defaultIsSavable; xmlElementName = MazeGlobals.mazeXMLlElementNameDefault; xmlNamespace = MazeGlobals.mazeXMLNamespaceDefault; savePathAndName = MazeGlobals.mazeSavePathAndNameDefault; // Initalizing the list to hold the maps: if( _mapList == null ) _mapList = new GenericManager<int, Map>( isSavable, xmlElementName, xmlNamespace, savePathAndName ); // Loading a floor if needed: if( FloorObj == null ) { FloorObj = GameObject.CreatePrimitive( PrimitiveType.Cube ); = GameGlobals.FLOOR_BLOCK_NAME; FloorObj.tag = GameGlobals.FLOOR_BLOCK_TAG; FloorObj.renderer.material = Resources.Load( GameGlobals.FLOOR_BLOCK_MAT, typeof(Material)) as Material;; FloorObj.renderer.material.shader = Shader.Find( GameGlobals.floorShaderList[ (int) SettingsData.getInstance().GameDifficulty ] ); FloorObj.transform.localScale = GameGlobals.floorSize; } // Loading a wall if needed: if( WallObj == null ) { WallObj = GameObject.CreatePrimitive( PrimitiveType.Cube ); = GameGlobals.WALL_BLOCK_NAME; WallObj.tag = GameGlobals.WALL_BLOCK_TAG; WallObj.renderer.material = Resources.Load( ( GameGlobals.WALL_BLOCK_RANDOM_MAT + Random.Range( 2, 13).ToString() ), typeof(Material)) as Material;; //WallObj.renderer.material.shader = Shader.Find( GameGlobals.wallShaderList[ (int) _gameData.settings.GameDifficulty ] ); WallObj.transform.localScale = GameGlobals.wallSize; } // If the wal or floor are null then exit: if( FloorObj == null || WallObj == null ) { Debug.Log("Error wall and/or floor are not initalized"); return; } #region Creating the light // Creating the light: if( AreaLight == null ) { //AreaLight = new GameObject("The Light"); //AreaLight.AddComponent<Light>(); //AreaLight.light.color = AreaLightColor; //AreaLight.light.type = LightType.Directional; //AreaLight.light.intensity = 0.5f; //AreaLight.transform.localRotation = new Quaternion( 90, 0, 0, 0 ); //AreaLight.transform.position = new Vector3( ( MapWidth * FloorSize.x ) / GameGlobals.HALF, ( FloorSize.y + WallSize.y ) * 10, ( MapHeight * FloorSize.z ) / GameGlobals.HALF ); } #endregion #region Map Loading/Gernerating Generator = new MazeGenerator(); // Attempting to laod an XML file and make the first maze, // If this does not work then we load the default maze: if( !_mapList.loadObjectList( false, Path.Combine( Application.dataPath, savePathAndName ), xmlElementName, xmlNamespace ) ) { // Creating the default raw map data: MainMap = new Map(); MainMap.initalizeDefaultMap(false); // Transforming the default raw map data into Unity objects: Generator.genrate( ref MainMap, ref MapWidth, ref MapHeight, ref FloorObj, ref WallObj ); _mapList.addObject( _mapList.Listcount, MainMap ); // Adding aditional raw map data as needed: AddingMazeHelper.mazeListToAdd( ref _mapList ); // Use this to add lots of maps. // Saving the raw map data to xml: _mapList.saveObjectList( Path.Combine( Application.dataPath, savePathAndName ), xmlElementName, xmlNamespace ); } else { MainMap = _mapList.getObject(0); MainMap.initalizeLoadedMap( false ); Generator.genrate( ref MainMap, ref MapWidth, ref MapHeight, ref FloorObj, ref WallObj ); } #endregion #region Creating Start and End Positions // Creating the Start Position Marker: if( StartPoint == null ) { StartVector = MainMap.playerStartPoint; StartVector.x = (StartVector.x) * FloorObj.transform.localScale.x; StartVector.z = (StartVector.z) * FloorObj.transform.localScale.z; StartPoint = GameObject.CreatePrimitive( PrimitiveType.Cube ); = GameGlobals.START_POSITION_NAME; StartPoint.tag = GameGlobals.START_POSITION_TAG; StartPoint.transform.localScale = GameGlobals.startAndEndMarkerSize; StartPoint.transform.position = new Vector3( StartVector.x, StartPoint.transform.localScale.y, StartVector.z); StartMat = Resources.Load( GameGlobals.START_BLOCK_MAT, typeof(Material)) as Material; StartPoint.renderer.material = StartMat; } // Creating the End Position Marker: if( EndPoint == null ) { EndVector = MainMap.playerEndPoint; EndVector.x = EndVector.x * FloorObj.transform.localScale.x; EndVector.z = EndVector.z * FloorObj.transform.localScale.z; EndPoint = GameObject.CreatePrimitive( PrimitiveType.Sphere ); = GameGlobals.END_POSITION_NAME; EndPoint.tag = GameGlobals.END_POSITION_TAG; EndPoint.transform.localScale = GameGlobals.startAndEndMarkerSize; EndPoint.transform.position = new Vector3( EndVector.x, EndPoint.transform.localScale.y, EndVector.z ); ; EndMat = Resources.Load( GameGlobals.END_BLOCK_MAT, typeof(Material)) as Material; EndPoint.renderer.material = EndMat; EndPoint.collider.isTrigger = true; EndPoint.AddComponent<EndPointScript>(); } #endregion #region Creating the Player // Creating the Player and puting it in the game: //Player = Instantiate( Resources.Load( "Player" , typeof(GameObject)) ) as GameObject; Player = Instantiate( Resources.Load( "Prefabs/FPSPlayer" , typeof(GameObject)) ) as GameObject; = "FPSPlayer"; Player.transform.position = new Vector3 ( StartVector.x, 2, StartVector.z ); playerScript = Player.GetComponent<vp_FPSPlayer>(); #endregion // Setting up gameplay variables: gameState = GameGlobals.GameState.running; // Interface Variables _playTime = 0.0f; _playTimePosition = new Rect( Screen.width - 50, 20, 50, 50 ); #region Pause Button // Seting up the pause Button: //_pauseTextureList = new Texture[ GUIGlobals.numberOfButtonStates ]; //_pauseButtonPosition = new Rect( 0, Screen.height - 50, 100, 50 ); //listCount = _pauseTextureList.Length; //for( i = 0; i < listCount; i++ ) //_pauseTextureList[i] = (Texture2D)Resources.Load( GUIGlobals.pauseButtonPathList[i], typeof(Texture2D)); #endregion #region Pause Menu // Creating the Pause Menu: pauseMenu = new GameObject(); = PauseMenuGlobals.PAUSE_MENU_NAME; pauseMenu.tag = PauseMenuGlobals.PAUSE_MENU_TAG; pauseMenu.AddComponent<MenuBase>(); pauseMenu.GetComponent<MenuBase>().initialize( GUIGlobals.menuTypeDefs.PAUSE, PauseMenuGlobals.PAUSE_MENU_BACKGROUND_PATH, PauseMenuGlobals.PAUSE_MENU_BUTTON_TEXTURES, PauseMenuGlobals.PAUSE_MENU_TOOL_TIPS, PauseMenuGlobals.PAUSE_MENU_BUTTON_POSITIONS ); pauseMenu.SetActive( false ); #endregion // Cleaning up the origanal wall and floor objects: Destroy(WallObj); Destroy(FloorObj); }
// Use this for initialization public void initialize( GUIGlobals.menuTypeDefs menuType, string backgroundPath, string[] buttonPathList, string[] toolTipList, Rect[] buttonPositionList ) { // Start Constructor. // Misc: _nothingActive = GUIGlobals.NOTHING; // Setting the menuType and name: _menuType = menuType; _menuName = GUIGlobals.menuNameList[ (int)menuType ]; // Tool Tip Settings: _toolTipList = toolTipList; _toolTipTimmer = 0.0f; ToolTipDelay = GUIGlobals.toolTipDelay; // Setting the active button to null just in case: _currentActiveButtonTexture = null; _currentActiveButtonIndex = _nothingActive; // Axis input related variables: if( axesInputDelayControl == null ) axesInputDelayControl = AxesInputDelayControl.getInstance(); _mouseInputSecondary = false; // Keyboard Input Variables: menuHardCodedOkButton = KeyCode.Return; // Loading the background: _backgroundTexture = (Texture2D)Resources.Load( backgroundPath, typeof(Texture2D)); // Loading the button Graphics and calculating the number of buttons seprate of states: listCount = buttonPathList.Length; _buttonTextureList = new List<Texture2D>(); for( i = 0; i < listCount; i++ ) { if( buttonPathList[i] != null ) _buttonTextureList.Add( (Texture2D)Resources.Load( buttonPathList[i], typeof(Texture2D)) ); } _numberOfButtons = ( _buttonTextureList.Count / GUIGlobals.numberOfButtonStates ); // Setting the button positions: listCount = _numberOfButtons; _buttonRectList = new List<Rect>(); for( i = 0; i < listCount; i++ ) { // No need for null checking since we alerady know how many buttons there are. _buttonRectList.Add( buttonPositionList[i] ); } // Grabing Game Object Refernces: //if( gameData == null ) //gameData = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameData").GetComponent<GameData>(); if( menuGenerator == null && menuType != GUIGlobals.menuTypeDefs.PAUSE ) menuGenerator = MenuGenerator.getInstance(); // Setting Menu draw size and order: if( menuType == GUIGlobals.menuTypeDefs.PAUSE || menuType == GUIGlobals.menuTypeDefs.TROPHIES_WARNING || menuType == GUIGlobals.menuTypeDefs.SCORE_WARNING ) { MenuRectangle = new Rect( ( 1280 - _backgroundTexture.width ) / 2, ( 720 - _backgroundTexture.height ) / 2, _backgroundTexture.width, _backgroundTexture.height ); guiDepth = 0; } else { MenuRectangle = new Rect( 0, 0, 1280, 720 ); guiDepth = 1; } // Misc variables: bool overlay; // Calling the Initalize on the inheriting class: OnInitialize(); }