Esempio n. 1
 public AvroConsumerStrategy(ConsumerConfig config, AvroSerdeProviderConfig avroConfig)
     _serdeProvider = new AvroSerdeProvider(avroConfig);
     _consumer      = new Consumer <TKey, TValue>(config,
                                                  _serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <TKey>(),
                                                  _serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <TValue>());
Esempio n. 2
        public AvroKafkaConsumer(IOptions <MessagingOptions> options,
                                 ILogger <AvroKafkaConsumer> logger) : base(options, logger)
            var avroConfig = new AvroSerdeProviderConfig {
                SchemaRegistryUrl = options.Value.SchemeRegistry

            _avroProvider = new AvroSerdeProvider(avroConfig);
Esempio n. 3
        private static AvroSerdeProviderConfig CreateAvroSerdeProviderConfig()
            var config = new AvroSerdeProviderConfig();

            if (!File.Exists("beta.producer.schemaregistry.json"))

            var content = File.ReadAllText("beta.producer.schemaregistry.json");
            var json    = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(content);

            if (json.ContainsKey(AvroSerdeProviderConfig.PropertyNames.AvroSerializerAutoRegisterSchemas))
                if (bool.TryParse(json[AvroSerdeProviderConfig.PropertyNames.AvroSerializerAutoRegisterSchemas], out var value))
                    config.AvroSerializerAutoRegisterSchemas = value;

            if (json.ContainsKey(AvroSerdeProviderConfig.PropertyNames.AvroSerializerBufferBytes))
                if (int.TryParse(json[AvroSerdeProviderConfig.PropertyNames.AvroSerializerBufferBytes], out var value))
                    config.AvroSerializerBufferBytes = value;

            if (json.ContainsKey(SchemaRegistryConfig.PropertyNames.SchemaRegistryMaxCachedSchemas))
                if (int.TryParse(json[SchemaRegistryConfig.PropertyNames.SchemaRegistryMaxCachedSchemas], out var value))
                    config.SchemaRegistryMaxCachedSchemas = value;

            if (json.ContainsKey(SchemaRegistryConfig.PropertyNames.SchemaRegistryRequestTimeoutMs))
                if (int.TryParse(json[SchemaRegistryConfig.PropertyNames.SchemaRegistryRequestTimeoutMs], out var value))
                    config.SchemaRegistryRequestTimeoutMs = value;

            if (json.ContainsKey(SchemaRegistryConfig.PropertyNames.SchemaRegistryUrl))
                config.SchemaRegistryUrl = json[SchemaRegistryConfig.PropertyNames.SchemaRegistryUrl];

            config.ToList().ForEach(i => Log.Information("{0}[{1}]: {2}", nameof(AvroSerdeProviderConfig), i.Key, i.Value));

        public static void ProduceGenericMultipleTopics(string bootstrapServers, string schemaRegistryServers)
            var s = (RecordSchema)Schema.Parse(
                    ""namespace"": ""Confluent.Kafka.Examples.AvroSpecific"",
                    ""type"": ""record"",
                    ""name"": ""User"",
                    ""fields"": [
                        {""name"": ""name"", ""type"": ""string""},
                        {""name"": ""favorite_number"",  ""type"": [""int"", ""null""]},
                        {""name"": ""favorite_color"", ""type"": [""string"", ""null""]}

            var config = new ProducerConfig {
                BootstrapServers = bootstrapServers
            var serdeProviderConfig = new AvroSerdeProviderConfig {
                SchemaRegistryUrl = schemaRegistryServers

            var topic  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var topic2 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            DeliveryReport <Null, GenericRecord> dr;
            DeliveryReport <Null, GenericRecord> dr2;

            using (var serdeProvider = new AvroSerdeProvider(serdeProviderConfig))
                using (var p = new Producer <Null, GenericRecord>(config, null, serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <GenericRecord>()))
                    var record = new GenericRecord(s);
                    record.Add("name", "my name 2");
                    record.Add("favorite_number", 44);
                    record.Add("favorite_color", null);
                    dr = p.ProduceAsync(topic, new Message <Null, GenericRecord> {
                        Key = null, Value = record
                    dr2 = p.ProduceAsync(topic2, new Message <Null, GenericRecord> {
                        Key = null, Value = record


Esempio n. 5
        public override IConsumerStrategy <TKey, TValue> CreateConsumerStrategy()
            var config = new ConsumerConfig
                BootstrapServers = BrokerUrls,
                GroupId          = ConsumerGroupId,
                EnableAutoCommit = true,
                AutoOffsetReset  = AutoOffsetResetType.Latest

            var avroConfig = new AvroSerdeProviderConfig
                // Note: you can specify more than one schema registry url using the
                // schema.registry.url property for redundancy (comma separated list).
                // The property name is not plural to follow the convention set by
                // the Java implementation.
                SchemaRegistryUrl = SchemaRegistryUrls,
                // optional schema registry client properties:
                SchemaRegistryRequestTimeoutMs = 5000,
                SchemaRegistryMaxCachedSchemas = 10

            return(new AvroConsumerStrategy <TKey, TValue>(config, avroConfig));
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length != 3)
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: .. bootstrapServers schemaRegistryUrl topicName");

            string bootstrapServers  = args[0];
            string schemaRegistryUrl = args[1];
            string topicName         = args[2];

            var producerConfig = new ProducerConfig {
                BootstrapServers = bootstrapServers

            var avroConfig = new AvroSerdeProviderConfig
                // Note: you can specify more than one schema registry url using the
                // schema.registry.url property for redundancy (comma separated list).
                // The property name is not plural to follow the convention set by
                // the Java implementation.
                SchemaRegistryUrl = schemaRegistryUrl,
                // optional schema registry client properties:
                SchemaRegistryRequestTimeoutMs = 5000,
                SchemaRegistryMaxCachedSchemas = 10,
                // optional avro serializer properties:
                AvroSerializerBufferBytes         = 50,
                AvroSerializerAutoRegisterSchemas = true

            var consumerConfig = new ConsumerConfig
                BootstrapServers = bootstrapServers,
                GroupId          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

            // Note: The User class in this project was generated using the Confluent fork of the avrogen.exe tool
            // (avaliable from: which includes modifications
            // that prevent namespace clashes with user namespaces that include the identifier 'Avro'. AvroSerializer
            // and AvroDeserializer are also compatible with classes generated by the official avrogen.exe tool
            // (available from:, with the above limitation.

            CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var consumeTask             = Task.Run(() =>
                using (var serdeProvider = new AvroSerdeProvider(avroConfig))
                    using (var consumer = new Consumer <string, User>(consumerConfig, serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <string>(), serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <User>()))
                        consumer.OnError += (_, e)
                                            => Console.WriteLine($"Error: {e.Reason}");


                        while (!cts.Token.IsCancellationRequested)
                                var consumeResult = consumer.Consume(cts.Token);
                                Console.WriteLine($"user key name: {consumeResult.Message.Key}, user value favorite color: {consumeResult.Value.favorite_color}");
                            catch (ConsumeException e)
                                Console.WriteLine("Consume error: " + e.Error.Reason);

            }, cts.Token);

            using (var serdeProvider = new AvroSerdeProvider(avroConfig))
                using (var producer = new Producer <string, User>(producerConfig, serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <string>(), serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <User>()))
                    Console.WriteLine($"{producer.Name} producing on {topicName}. Enter user names, q to exit.");

                    int    i = 0;
                    string text;
                    while ((text = Console.ReadLine()) != "q")
                        User user = new User {
                            name = text, favorite_color = "green", favorite_number = i++
                        .ProduceAsync(topicName, new Message <string, User> {
                            Key = text, Value = user
                        .ContinueWith(task => task.IsFaulted
                            ? $"error producing message: {task.Exception.Message}"
                            : $"produced to: {task.Result.TopicPartitionOffset}");

Esempio n. 7
        public static void ProduceConsumeGeneric(string bootstrapServers, string schemaRegistryServers)
            var s = (RecordSchema)Schema.Parse(
                    ""namespace"": ""Confluent.Kafka.Examples.AvroSpecific"",
                    ""type"": ""record"",
                    ""name"": ""User"",
                    ""fields"": [
                        {""name"": ""name"", ""type"": ""string""},
                        {""name"": ""favorite_number"",  ""type"": [""int"", ""null""]},
                        {""name"": ""favorite_color"", ""type"": [""string"", ""null""]}

            var config = new ProducerConfig {
                BootstrapServers = bootstrapServers
            var serdeProviderConfig = new AvroSerdeProviderConfig {
                SchemaRegistryUrl = schemaRegistryServers

            var topic = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            DeliveryReport <Null, GenericRecord> dr;

            using (var serdeProvider = new AvroSerdeProvider(serdeProviderConfig))
                using (var p = new Producer <Null, GenericRecord>(config, null, serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <GenericRecord>()))
                    var record = new GenericRecord(s);
                    record.Add("name", "my name 2");
                    record.Add("favorite_number", 44);
                    record.Add("favorite_color", null);
                    dr = p.ProduceAsync(topic, new Message <Null, GenericRecord> {
                        Value = record

            // produce a specific record (to later consume back as a generic record).
            using (var serdeProvider = new AvroSerdeProvider(serdeProviderConfig))
                using (var p = new Producer <Null, User>(config, null, serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <User>()))
                    var user = new User
                        name            = "my name 3",
                        favorite_number = 47,
                        favorite_color  = "orange"
                    p.ProduceAsync(topic, new Message <Null, User> {
                        Value = user

            dr.Message.Value.TryGetValue("name", out object name);
            dr.Message.Value.TryGetValue("favorite_number", out object number);
            dr.Message.Value.TryGetValue("favorite_color", out object color);

            Assert.IsType <string>(name);
            Assert.IsType <int>(number);

            Assert.Equal("my name 2", name);
            Assert.Equal(44, number);

            var cconfig = new ConsumerConfig {
                GroupId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), BootstrapServers = bootstrapServers

            using (var serdeProvider = new AvroSerdeProvider(serdeProviderConfig))
                using (var consumer = new Consumer <Null, GenericRecord>(cconfig, null, serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <GenericRecord>()))
                    // consume generic record produced as a generic record.
                    consumer.Assign(new List <TopicPartitionOffset> {
                        new TopicPartitionOffset(topic, 0, dr.Offset)
                    var record = consumer.Consume(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20));
                    record.Message.Value.TryGetValue("name", out object msgName);
                    record.Message.Value.TryGetValue("favorite_number", out object msgNumber);
                    record.Message.Value.TryGetValue("favorite_color", out object msgColor);

                    Assert.IsType <string>(msgName);
                    Assert.IsType <int>(msgNumber);

                    Assert.Equal("my name 2", msgName);
                    Assert.Equal(44, msgNumber);

                    // consume generic record produced as a specific record.
                    record = consumer.Consume(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20));
                    record.Message.Value.TryGetValue("name", out msgName);
                    record.Message.Value.TryGetValue("favorite_number", out msgNumber);
                    record.Message.Value.TryGetValue("favorite_color", out msgColor);

                    Assert.IsType <string>(msgName);
                    Assert.IsType <int>(msgNumber);
                    Assert.IsType <string>(msgColor);

                    Assert.Equal("my name 3", msgName);
                    Assert.Equal(47, msgNumber);
                    Assert.Equal("orange", msgColor);

            using (var serdeProvider = new AvroSerdeProvider(serdeProviderConfig))
                using (var consumer = new Consumer <Null, User>(cconfig, null, serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <User>()))
                    consumer.Assign(new List <TopicPartitionOffset> {
                        new TopicPartitionOffset(topic, 0, dr.Offset)
                    var record = consumer.Consume(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20));
                    Assert.Equal("my name 2",;
                    Assert.Equal(44, record.Message.Value.favorite_number);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length != 3)
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: .. bootstrapServers schemaRegistryUrl topicName");

            string bootstrapServers  = args[0];
            string schemaRegistryUrl = args[1];
            string topicName         = args[2];

            var producerConfig = new ProducerConfig {
                BootstrapServers = bootstrapServers

            var avroConfig = new AvroSerdeProviderConfig
                // Note: you can specify more than one schema registry url using the
                // schemaRegistryUrl property for redundancy (comma separated list).
                SchemaRegistryUrl = schemaRegistryUrl,
                // optional schema registry client properties:
                // SchemaRegistryRequestTimeoutMs = 5000,
                // SchemaRegistryMaxCachedSchemas = 10,
                // optional avro serializer properties:
                // AvroSerializerBufferBytes = 50,
                // AvroSerializerAutoRegisterSchemas = true

            var consumerConfig = new ConsumerConfig
                BootstrapServers = bootstrapServers,
                GroupId          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

            // var s = (RecordSchema)Schema.Parse(File.ReadAllText("my-schema.json"));
            var s = (RecordSchema)Schema.Parse(
                    ""namespace"": ""Confluent.Kafka.Examples.AvroSpecific"",
                    ""type"": ""record"",
                    ""name"": ""User"",
                    ""fields"": [
                        {""name"": ""name"", ""type"": ""string""},
                        {""name"": ""favorite_number"",  ""type"": [""int"", ""null""]},
                        {""name"": ""favorite_color"", ""type"": [""string"", ""null""]}

            CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var consumeTask             = Task.Run(() =>
                using (var serdeProvider = new AvroSerdeProvider(avroConfig))
                    using (var consumer = new Consumer <string, GenericRecord>(consumerConfig, serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <string>(), serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <GenericRecord>()))
                        consumer.OnError += (_, e)
                                            => Console.WriteLine($"Error: {e.Reason}");


                        while (!cts.Token.IsCancellationRequested)
                                var consumeResult = consumer.Consume(cts.Token);
                                Console.WriteLine($"Key: {consumeResult.Message.Key}\nValue: {consumeResult.Value}");
                            catch (ConsumeException e)
                                Console.WriteLine("Consume error: " + e.Error.Reason);

            }, cts.Token);

            using (var serdeProvider = new AvroSerdeProvider(avroConfig))
                using (var producer = new Producer <string, GenericRecord>(producerConfig, serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <string>(), serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <GenericRecord>()))
                    Console.WriteLine($"{producer.Name} producing on {topicName}. Enter user names, q to exit.");

                    int    i = 0;
                    string text;
                    while ((text = Console.ReadLine()) != "q")
                        var record = new GenericRecord(s);
                        record.Add("name", text);
                        record.Add("favorite_number", i++);
                        record.Add("favorite_color", "blue");

                        .ProduceAsync(topicName, new Message <string, GenericRecord> {
                            Key = text, Value = record
                        .ContinueWith(task => task.IsFaulted
                            ? $"error producing message: {task.Exception.Message}"
                            : $"produced to: {task.Result.TopicPartitionOffset}");

        public static void ProduceConsume(string bootstrapServers, string schemaRegistryServers)
            string topic = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            var producerConfig = new ProducerConfig {
                BootstrapServers = bootstrapServers

            var consumerConfig = new ConsumerConfig
                BootstrapServers = bootstrapServers,
                GroupId          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                SessionTimeoutMs = 6000,
                AutoOffsetReset  = AutoOffsetResetType.Earliest

            var serdeProviderConfig = new AvroSerdeProviderConfig {
                SchemaRegistryUrl = schemaRegistryServers

            using (var serdeProvider = new AvroSerdeProvider(serdeProviderConfig))
                using (var producer = new Producer <string, User>(producerConfig, serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <string>(), serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <User>()))
                    for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
                        var user = new User
                            name            = i.ToString(),
                            favorite_number = i,
                            favorite_color  = "blue"
                        producer.ProduceAsync(topic, new Message <string, User> {
                            Key =, Value = user
                    Assert.Equal(0, producer.Flush(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)));

            using (var serdeProvider = new AvroSerdeProvider(serdeProviderConfig))
                using (var consumer = new Consumer <string, User>(consumerConfig, serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <string>(), serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <User>()))
                    bool consuming = true;
                    consumer.OnPartitionEOF += (_, topicPartitionOffset)
                                               => consuming = false;

                    consumer.OnError += (_, e)
                                        => Assert.True(false, e.Reason);


                    int i = 0;
                    while (consuming)
                        var record = consumer.Consume(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100));
                        if (record != null)
                            Assert.Equal(i.ToString(), record.Message.Key);
                            Assert.Equal(i, record.Message.Value.favorite_number);
                            Assert.Equal("blue", record.Message.Value.favorite_color);
                            i += 1;

                    Assert.Equal(100, i);

        public static void AutoRegisterSchemaDisabled(string bootstrapServers, string schemaRegistryServers)
            string topic = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            var producerConfig = new ProducerConfig {
                BootstrapServers = bootstrapServers
            var avroConfig = new AvroSerdeProviderConfig {
                SchemaRegistryUrl = schemaRegistryServers, AvroSerializerAutoRegisterSchemas = false

            var consumerConfig = new ConsumerConfig
                BootstrapServers = bootstrapServers,
                GroupId          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                SessionTimeoutMs = 6000,
                AutoOffsetReset  = AutoOffsetResetType.Earliest

            using (var serdeProvider = new AvroSerdeProvider(avroConfig))
                using (var producer = new Producer <string, int>(producerConfig, serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <string>(), serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <int>()))
                    Assert.Throws <SchemaRegistryException>(() =>
                            producer.ProduceAsync(topic, new Message <string, int> {
                                Key = "test", Value = 112
                        catch (AggregateException e)
                            throw e.InnerException;

            var producerConfig2 = new ProducerConfig {
                BootstrapServers = bootstrapServers
            var avroConfig2 = new AvroSerdeProviderConfig {
                SchemaRegistryUrl = schemaRegistryServers

            using (var serdeProvider = new AvroSerdeProvider(avroConfig2))
                using (var producer = new Producer <string, int>(producerConfig2, serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <string>(), serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <int>()))
                    producer.ProduceAsync(topic, new Message <string, int> {
                        Key = "test", Value = 112

            var producerConfig3 = new ProducerConfig {
                BootstrapServers = bootstrapServers
            var avroConfig3 = new AvroSerdeProviderConfig {
                SchemaRegistryUrl = schemaRegistryServers, AvroSerializerAutoRegisterSchemas = false

            // config with == false should work now.
            using (var serdeProvider = new AvroSerdeProvider(avroConfig3))
                using (var producer = new Producer <string, int>(producerConfig3, serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <string>(), serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <int>()))
                    producer.ProduceAsync(topic, new Message <string, int> {
                        Key = "test", Value = 112
Esempio n. 11
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int messages = 1;

            if (args.Length > 0)
                messages = int.Parse(args[0]);

            var config = new ProducerConfig
                BootstrapServers = "broker1:9092",

            var avroConfig = new AvroSerdeProviderConfig
                // Note: you can specify more than one schema registry url using the
                // schema.registry.url property for redundancy (comma separated list).
                // The property name is not plural to follow the convention set by
                // the Java implementation.
                SchemaRegistryUrl = "http://*****:*****",
                            Value = httpRequest

        public static void ProduceIncompatibleTypes(string bootstrapServers, string schemaRegistryServers)
            var producerConfig = new ProducerConfig {
                BootstrapServers = bootstrapServers
            var consumerConfig = new ConsumerConfig
                BootstrapServers = bootstrapServers,
                GroupId          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                SessionTimeoutMs = 6000,
                AutoOffsetReset  = AutoOffsetResetType.Earliest,
            var serdeProviderConfig = new AvroSerdeProviderConfig {
                SchemaRegistryUrl = schemaRegistryServers

            var topic = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            using (var serdeProvider = new AvroSerdeProvider(serdeProviderConfig))
                using (var producer = new Producer <string, string>(producerConfig, serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <string>(), serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <string>()))
                    producer.ProduceAsync(topic, new Message <string, string> {
                        Key = "hello", Value = "world"
                    Assert.Equal(0, producer.Flush(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)));

            using (var serdeProvider = new AvroSerdeProvider(serdeProviderConfig))
                using (var producer = new Producer <int, string>(producerConfig, serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <int>(), serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <string>()))
                    Assert.Throws <SchemaRegistryException>(() =>
                            producer.ProduceAsync(topic, new Message <int, string> {
                                Key = 42, Value = "world"
                        catch (AggregateException e)
                            throw e.InnerException;

            using (var serdeProvider = new AvroSerdeProvider(serdeProviderConfig))
                using (var producer = new Producer <string, int>(producerConfig, serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <string>(), serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <int>()))
                    Assert.Throws <SchemaRegistryException>(() =>
                            producer.ProduceAsync(topic, new Message <string, int> {
                                Key = "world", Value = 42
                        catch (AggregateException e)
                            throw e.InnerException;
Esempio n. 13
        public static void ConsumeIncompatibleTypes(string bootstrapServers, string schemaRegistryServers)
            string topic = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            var producerConfig = new ProducerConfig {
                BootstrapServers = bootstrapServers

            var consumerConfig = new ConsumerConfig
                BootstrapServers = bootstrapServers,
                GroupId          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                SessionTimeoutMs = 6000,
                AutoOffsetReset  = AutoOffsetResetType.Earliest

            var serdeProviderConfig = new AvroSerdeProviderConfig {
                SchemaRegistryUrl = schemaRegistryServers

            using (var serdeProvider = new AvroSerdeProvider(serdeProviderConfig))
                using (var producer = new Producer <string, User>(producerConfig, serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <string>(), serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <User>()))
                    var user = new User
                        name            = "username",
                        favorite_number = 107,
                        favorite_color  = "orange"
                    producer.ProduceAsync(topic, new Message <string, User> {
                        Key =, Value = user
                    Assert.Equal(0, producer.Flush(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)));

            using (var serdeProvider = new AvroSerdeProvider(serdeProviderConfig))
                using (var consumer = new Consumer <User, User>(consumerConfig, serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <User>(), serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <User>()))
                    consumer.Assign(new List <TopicPartitionOffset> {
                        new TopicPartitionOffset(topic, 0, 0)

                    bool hadError = false;
                    catch (ConsumeException e)
                        if (e.Error.Code == ErrorCode.Local_KeyDeserialization)
                            hadError = true;


            using (var serdeProvider = new AvroSerdeProvider(serdeProviderConfig))
                using (var consumer = new Consumer <string, string>(consumerConfig, serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <string>(), serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <string>()))
                    consumer.Assign(new List <TopicPartitionOffset> {
                        new TopicPartitionOffset(topic, 0, 0)

                    bool hadError = false;
                    catch (ConsumeException e)
                        if (e.Error.Code == ErrorCode.Local_ValueDeserialization)
                            hadError = true;

        public static void PrimitiveTypes(string bootstrapServers, string schemaRegistryServers)
            var serdeProviderConfig = new AvroSerdeProviderConfig {
                SchemaRegistryUrl = schemaRegistryServers

            using (var serdeProvider = new AvroSerdeProvider(serdeProviderConfig))
                var producerConfig = new ProducerConfig {
                    BootstrapServers = bootstrapServers

                var consumerConfig = new ConsumerConfig
                    BootstrapServers = bootstrapServers,
                    GroupId          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                    SessionTimeoutMs = 6000,
                    AutoOffsetReset  = AutoOffsetResetType.Earliest

                var stringTopic = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                using (var producer = new Producer <string, string>(producerConfig, serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <string>(), serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <string>()))
                    producer.ProduceAsync(stringTopic, new Message <string, string> {
                        Key = "hello", Value = "world"
                    Assert.Equal(0, producer.Flush(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)));

                var bytesTopic = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                using (var producer = new Producer <byte[], byte[]>(producerConfig, serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <byte[]>(), serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <byte[]>()))
                    producer.ProduceAsync(bytesTopic, new Message <byte[], byte[]> {
                        Key = new byte[] { 1, 4, 11 }, Value = new byte[] {}
                    Assert.Equal(0, producer.Flush(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)));

                var intTopic = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                using (var producer = new Producer <int, int>(producerConfig, serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <int>(), serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <int>()))
                    producer.ProduceAsync(intTopic, new Message <int, int> {
                        Key = 42, Value = 43
                    Assert.Equal(0, producer.Flush(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)));

                var longTopic = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                using (var producer = new Producer <long, long>(producerConfig, serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <long>(), serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <long>()))
                    producer.ProduceAsync(longTopic, new Message <long, long> {
                        Key = -32, Value = -33
                    Assert.Equal(0, producer.Flush(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)));

                var boolTopic = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                using (var producer = new Producer <bool, bool>(producerConfig, serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <bool>(), serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <bool>()))
                    producer.ProduceAsync(boolTopic, new Message <bool, bool> {
                        Key = true, Value = false
                    Assert.Equal(0, producer.Flush(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)));

                var floatTopic = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                using (var producer = new Producer <float, float>(producerConfig, serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <float>(), serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <float>()))
                    producer.ProduceAsync(floatTopic, new Message <float, float> {
                        Key = 44.0f, Value = 45.0f
                    Assert.Equal(0, producer.Flush(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)));

                var doubleTopic = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                using (var producer = new Producer <double, double>(producerConfig, serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <double>(), serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <double>()))
                    producer.ProduceAsync(doubleTopic, new Message <double, double> {
                        Key = 46.0, Value = 47.0
                    Assert.Equal(0, producer.Flush(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)));

                var nullTopic = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                using (var producer = new Producer <Null, Null>(producerConfig, serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <Null>(), serdeProvider.GetSerializerGenerator <Null>()))
                    producer.ProduceAsync(nullTopic, new Message <Null, Null>());
                    Assert.Equal(0, producer.Flush(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)));

                using (var consumer = new Consumer <string, string>(consumerConfig, serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <string>(), serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <string>()))
                    consumer.Assign(new List <TopicPartitionOffset> {
                        new TopicPartitionOffset(stringTopic, 0, 0)
                    var result = consumer.Consume(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
                    Assert.Equal("hello", result.Message.Key);
                    Assert.Equal("world", result.Message.Value);

                using (var consumer = new Consumer <byte[], byte[]>(consumerConfig, serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <byte[]>(), serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <byte[]>()))
                    consumer.Assign(new List <TopicPartitionOffset> {
                        new TopicPartitionOffset(bytesTopic, 0, 0)
                    var result = consumer.Consume(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
                    Assert.Equal(new byte[] { 1, 4, 11 }, result.Message.Key);
                    Assert.Equal(new byte[] { }, result.Message.Value);

                using (var consumer = new Consumer <int, int>(consumerConfig, serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <int>(), serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <int>()))
                    consumer.Assign(new List <TopicPartitionOffset> {
                        new TopicPartitionOffset(intTopic, 0, 0)
                    var result = consumer.Consume(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
                    Assert.Equal(42, result.Message.Key);
                    Assert.Equal(43, result.Message.Value);

                using (var consumer = new Consumer <long, long>(consumerConfig, serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <long>(), serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <long>()))
                    consumer.Assign(new List <TopicPartitionOffset> {
                        new TopicPartitionOffset(longTopic, 0, 0)
                    var result = consumer.Consume(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
                    Assert.Equal(-32, result.Message.Key);
                    Assert.Equal(-33, result.Message.Value);

                using (var consumer = new Consumer <bool, bool>(consumerConfig, serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <bool>(), serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <bool>()))
                    consumer.Assign(new List <TopicPartitionOffset> {
                        new TopicPartitionOffset(boolTopic, 0, 0)
                    var result = consumer.Consume(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));

                using (var consumer = new Consumer <float, float>(consumerConfig, serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <float>(), serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <float>()))
                    consumer.Assign(new List <TopicPartitionOffset> {
                        new TopicPartitionOffset(floatTopic, 0, 0)
                    var result = consumer.Consume(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
                    Assert.Equal(44.0f, result.Message.Key);
                    Assert.Equal(45.0f, result.Message.Value);

                using (var consumer = new Consumer <double, double>(consumerConfig, serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <double>(), serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <double>()))
                    consumer.Assign(new List <TopicPartitionOffset> {
                        new TopicPartitionOffset(doubleTopic, 0, 0)
                    var result = consumer.Consume(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
                    Assert.Equal(46.0, result.Message.Key);
                    Assert.Equal(47.0, result.Message.Value);

                using (var consumer = new Consumer <Null, Null>(consumerConfig, serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <Null>(), serdeProvider.GetDeserializerGenerator <Null>()))
                    consumer.Assign(new List <TopicPartitionOffset> {
                        new TopicPartitionOffset(nullTopic, 0, 0)
                    var result = consumer.Consume(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));