public IAvidMark AddMark(int categoryId, string text, bool visible, bool underlined, AvidWindow position)
     var newMark = new AvidMarkViewModel(this, text, visible, underlined, categoryId, -1, position);
     return newMark;
 private void ProcessLaunchWindowSelection(AvidWindow result)
     if (result != null)
         // Overwriting all previous launch windows.
         PrepareWindowList(new[] { result });
Esempio n. 3
        public int GetCourseOffset(AvidWindow targetVector, AvidWindow crossingVector)
            if (AvidWindow.IsNullOrZero(targetVector) || AvidWindow.IsNullOrZero(crossingVector))

            return(CountWindows(targetVector, crossingVector));
        public void UpdateVector(AvidVector vector, bool isVisible)
            IsVisible = !AvidWindow.IsNullOrZero(vector) && isVisible;
            Magnitude = vector != null ? vector.Magnitude : 0;
            Window    = vector;

Esempio n. 5
 public AvidMarkViewModel(IMarkArranger markArranger, string text, bool visible, bool underlined, int categoryId, int sharingPosition, AvidWindow window)
     _markArranger   = markArranger;
     Text            = text;
     Underlined      = underlined;
     Visible         = visible;
     CategoryId      = categoryId;
     SharingPosition = sharingPosition;
     Window          = window;
        private double CalculateWindowCenter(AvidWindow window)
            double angle = _avidCalculator.DirectionToAngle(window.Direction);
            var length = (int)(RingWidth * GetAvidRingProjectionNumber(window.Ring));
            double coordinate = Axis == ConversionAxis.AxisY ?
                              CanvasSize / 2d - (length * Math.Sin(angle)) :
                              CanvasSize / 2d + (length * Math.Cos(angle));

            return coordinate;
        public LaunchWindowViewModel(AvidWindow window)
            if (window == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.LaunchWindowViewModel_WindowMustBeValid, "window");

            _window            = window;
            ReferenceDirection = AvidDirection.Undefined;
Esempio n. 8
 public AvidMarkViewModel(IMarkArranger markArranger, string text, bool visible, bool underlined, int categoryId, int sharingPosition, AvidWindow window)
     _markArranger = markArranger;
     Text = text;
     Underlined = underlined;
     Visible = visible;
     CategoryId = categoryId;
     SharingPosition = sharingPosition;
     Window = window;
        private double CalculateCoordinate(AvidWindow window)
            double angle = _avidCalculator.DirectionToAngle(window.Direction);
            int length = RingRadius * GetAvidRingProjectionNumber(window.Ring);
            double coordinate = Axis == ConversionAxis.AxisY ?
                              CanvasSize / 2d - (length * Math.Sin(angle)) :
                              CanvasSize / 2d + (length * Math.Cos(angle));

            return coordinate - ElementRadius / 2d;
        private double CalculateCoordinate(AvidWindow window)
            double angle      = _avidCalculator.DirectionToAngle(window.Direction);
            int    length     = RingRadius * GetAvidRingProjectionNumber(window.Ring);
            double coordinate = Axis == ConversionAxis.AxisY ?
                                CanvasSize / 2d - (length * Math.Sin(angle)) :
                                CanvasSize / 2d + (length * Math.Cos(angle));

            return(coordinate - ElementRadius / 2d);
Esempio n. 11
        private double CalculateWindowCenter(AvidWindow window)
            double angle      = _avidCalculator.DirectionToAngle(window.Direction);
            var    length     = (int)(RingWidth * GetAvidRingProjectionNumber(window.Ring));
            double coordinate = Axis == ConversionAxis.AxisY ?
                                CanvasSize / 2d - (length * Math.Sin(angle)) :
                                CanvasSize / 2d + (length * Math.Cos(angle));

        public LaunchWindowViewModel(AvidWindow window)
            if (window == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.LaunchWindowViewModel_WindowMustBeValid, "window");

            _window = window;
            ReferenceDirection = AvidDirection.Undefined;
Esempio n. 13
        private AvidWindow Vector3ToAvid(Vector3 vector)
            var result = new AvidWindow
                Ring = CoordinateToRing(vector.Z)

            result.Direction  = result.Ring != AvidRing.Magenta ? GetDirection(vector) : AvidDirection.Undefined;
            result.AbovePlane = vector.Z >= 0 || result.Ring == AvidRing.Ember;
        public void Initialize(IUnitModel target, IShellstarModel shellstar, AvidWindow[] launchWindows)
            _target = target;
            _shellstar = shellstar;
            CanAttach = GetCanAttachShellstar();
            Caption = GetCaption();
            IsDataAvailable = GetIsDataAvailable();

            string targetName = _target != null ? _target.Name : string.Empty;
            _shellstarViewModel.Initialize(shellstar, targetName);
            _launchWindowControlViewModel.Initialize(_shellstar != null ? _shellstar.EvasionInfo : null, launchWindows);
Esempio n. 15
        public AvidOrientation GetOrientationWithoutRoll(AvidWindow nose, AvidDirection referenceDirection)
            Vector3 vectorX = WindowToVector3(nose);
            var     axis    = _vectorLibrary.GetLocalAxis(vectorX, 0d, DirectionToAngle(referenceDirection));
            var     result  = new AvidOrientation
                Nose      = Vector3ToAvid(axis[0]),
                Starboard = Vector3ToAvid(axis[1]),
                Top       = Vector3ToAvid(axis[2]),

            result.Aft    = GetOppositeWindow(result.Nose);
            result.Port   = GetOppositeWindow(result.Starboard);
            result.Bottom = GetOppositeWindow(result.Top);
Esempio n. 16
        private void CreateOrUpdateVector(AvidVector originalVector, ref IAvidMark targetVector, int categoryId, bool underlined)
            string markText = originalVector != null?originalVector.Magnitude.ToString("D") : string.Empty;

            AvidWindow position = originalVector ?? new AvidWindow();

            if (targetVector == null)
                targetVector = _elementBoard.AddMark(categoryId, markText, originalVector != null, underlined, position);
                targetVector.Text    = markText;
                targetVector.Window  = position;
                targetVector.Visible = !AvidWindow.IsNullOrZero(position);
        public void RotationRingCalculationTest4()
            var axis = new AvidWindow(AvidDirection.B, AvidRing.Blue, true);

            var result = ServiceFactory.Library.AvidCalculator.GetRotationCircleFromNormal(axis);
            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result[0], AvidDirection.E, AvidRing.Green, true);
            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result[1], AvidDirection.D, AvidRing.Green, true);
            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result[2], AvidDirection.CD, AvidRing.Blue, true);
            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result[3], AvidDirection.CD, AvidRing.Ember, true);
            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result[4], AvidDirection.CD, AvidRing.Blue, false);
            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result[5], AvidDirection.C, AvidRing.Green, false);
            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result[6], AvidDirection.B, AvidRing.Green, false);
            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result[7], AvidDirection.A, AvidRing.Green, false);
            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result[8], AvidDirection.FA, AvidRing.Blue, false);
            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result[9], AvidDirection.FA, AvidRing.Ember, true);
            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result[10], AvidDirection.FA, AvidRing.Blue, true);
            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result[11], AvidDirection.F, AvidRing.Green, true);
Esempio n. 18
        public void UpdateDirections(AvidWindow launchWindow, AvidDirection referenceDirection)
            if (AvidWindow.IsNullOrZero(launchWindow) ||
                (launchWindow.Ring == AvidRing.Magenta && referenceDirection == AvidDirection.Undefined))

            var impactWindow = _avidCalculator.GetOppositeWindow(launchWindow);
            var axis = _avidCalculator.GetOrientationWithoutRoll(impactWindow, referenceDirection);
            ImpactWindow = axis.Nose;
            EvasionUp = axis.Top;
            EvasionDown = axis.Bottom;
            EvasionLeft = axis.Port;
            EvasionRight = axis.Starboard;
Esempio n. 19
        public void SubmitBearingVerificationResult(AvidWindow verificationResult)
            if (verificationResult == null)

            var vectorResult = verificationResult as AvidVector;

            int magnitude = vectorResult != null ? vectorResult.Magnitude : 0;

            TargetDistance = new AvidVector(verificationResult.Direction, verificationResult.Ring, verificationResult.AbovePlane, magnitude);
            CourseOffset   = _avidCalculator.GetCourseOffset(TargetDistance, CrossingVector);

            UpdateFiringSolution(null, null, null);
Esempio n. 20
        public void RotationRingCalculationTest5()
            var axis = new AvidWindow(AvidDirection.CD, AvidRing.Blue, false);

            var result = ServiceFactory.Library.AvidCalculator.GetRotationCircleFromNormal(axis);

            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result[0], AvidDirection.CD, AvidRing.Green, true);
            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result[1], AvidDirection.DE, AvidRing.Green, true);
            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result[2], AvidDirection.E, AvidRing.Blue, true);
            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result[3], AvidDirection.E, AvidRing.Ember, true);
            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result[4], AvidDirection.E, AvidRing.Blue, false);
            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result[5], AvidDirection.EF, AvidRing.Green, false);
            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result[6], AvidDirection.FA, AvidRing.Green, false);
            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result[7], AvidDirection.AB, AvidRing.Green, false);
            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result[8], AvidDirection.B, AvidRing.Blue, false);
            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result[9], AvidDirection.B, AvidRing.Ember, true);
            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result[10], AvidDirection.B, AvidRing.Blue, true);
            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result[11], AvidDirection.BC, AvidRing.Green, true);
Esempio n. 21
        public void UpdateDirections(AvidWindow launchWindow, AvidDirection referenceDirection)
            if (AvidWindow.IsNullOrZero(launchWindow) ||
                (launchWindow.Ring == AvidRing.Magenta && referenceDirection == AvidDirection.Undefined))

            var impactWindow = _avidCalculator.GetOppositeWindow(launchWindow);
            var axis         = _avidCalculator.GetOrientationWithoutRoll(impactWindow, referenceDirection);

            ImpactWindow = axis.Nose;
            EvasionUp    = axis.Top;
            EvasionDown  = axis.Bottom;
            EvasionLeft  = axis.Port;
            EvasionRight = axis.Starboard;
Esempio n. 22
        public void OppositeWindowTest()
            var window = new AvidWindow(AvidDirection.A, AvidRing.Ember, true);

            var result = ServiceFactory.Library.AvidCalculator.GetOppositeWindow(window);

            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result, AvidDirection.D, AvidRing.Ember, true);

            window.Direction = AvidDirection.Undefined;
            window.Ring      = AvidRing.Magenta;
            result           = ServiceFactory.Library.AvidCalculator.GetOppositeWindow(window);
            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result, AvidDirection.Undefined, AvidRing.Magenta, false);

            window.Direction  = AvidDirection.BC;
            window.Ring       = AvidRing.Blue;
            window.AbovePlane = false;
            result            = ServiceFactory.Library.AvidCalculator.GetOppositeWindow(window);
            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result, AvidDirection.EF, AvidRing.Blue, true);
        private object AcquireReferenceDirectionContext()
            if (_selectedWindow == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Direction selection was called while the window is not yet selected.");

            string comment = string.Format("Please select reference direction for the launch window {0}.{1}Per F1.253, this direction should be the same as the direction of the target's top marker, or nose marker if the former is in the magenta ring.", _selectedWindow.Name, Environment.NewLine);

            var window = new AvidWindow(_selectedWindow.ReferenceDirection != AvidDirection.Undefined ? _selectedWindow.ReferenceDirection : AvidDirection.A, AvidRing.Ember, true);

            return(new WindowSelectionContext
                CanSelectDirection = true,
                CanSelectRing = false,
                InitialWindow = window,
                Caption = "Select reference direction",
                Message = comment
Esempio n. 24
        public AvidWindow[] GetRotationCircleFromNormal(AvidWindow rotationAxis)
            bool adjustmentNeeded = rotationAxis.Ring == AvidRing.Blue || rotationAxis.Ring == AvidRing.Green;

            Vector3 axisVector = WindowToVector3(rotationAxis);
            var     localAxis  = _vectorLibrary.GetLocalAxis(axisVector, adjustmentNeeded ? Consts.RotationAdjustmentAngle : 0d, 0d);

            axisVector = localAxis[0];
            Vector3 upVector = localAxis[2];
            var     result   = new AvidWindow[12];

            //There are always 12 windows if the rotation circle is continuous.
            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                //Rotation is always clockwise.
                Vector3 rotatedAxis = _vectorLibrary.RotateVectorAroundAxis(upVector, axisVector, -i * Math.PI / 6d);
                result[i] = Vector3ToAvid(rotatedAxis);
Esempio n. 25
        public AvidPathfindingResult GetShortestPaths(AvidModel model, AvidWindow start, AvidWindow destination, AvidPathingOptions options)
            AvidModelWindow startWnd       = model.ProjectWindow(start);
            AvidModelWindow destinationWnd = model.ProjectWindow(destination);

            InitializeNodes(model, startWnd, destinationWnd);

            var validLeaves = BuildTree(startWnd, destinationWnd, options);

            var result = new AvidPathfindingResult
                PathExists = validLeaves.Length > 0

            if (result.PathExists)
                result.MinimalDistance = validLeaves[0].NodeDistance;
                result.AllShortestPaths.AddRange(validLeaves.Select(lf => TracePath(lf, startWnd, destinationWnd)));
Esempio n. 26
        public AvidPathfindingResult GetShortestPaths(AvidModel model, AvidWindow start, AvidWindow destination, AvidPathingOptions options)
            AvidModelWindow startWnd = model.ProjectWindow(start);
            AvidModelWindow destinationWnd = model.ProjectWindow(destination);

            InitializeNodes(model, startWnd, destinationWnd);

            var validLeaves = BuildTree(startWnd, destinationWnd, options);

            var result = new AvidPathfindingResult
                PathExists = validLeaves.Length > 0

            if (result.PathExists)
                result.MinimalDistance = validLeaves[0].NodeDistance;
                result.AllShortestPaths.AddRange(validLeaves.Select(lf => TracePath(lf, startWnd, destinationWnd)));
            return result;
Esempio n. 27
        public int CountWindows(AvidWindow start, AvidWindow destination)
            if (start.Equals(destination) || AvidWindow.IsNullOrZero(start) || AvidWindow.IsNullOrZero(destination))

            var pathingResult = _avidPathfinder.GetShortestPaths(_avidModel, start, destination, AvidPathingOptions.DiagonalTransitionsLimitWithPolar);

            if (!pathingResult.PathExists)
                throw new Exception("Failed to find path from start to destination. That must be the problem with the algorithm.");

            if (Math.Abs(pathingResult.MinimalDistance - GetDistanceFromAngle(start, destination) * 2) > 1)
                //throw new Exception("Distance inconsistent.");

            // Since all normal transitions on the avid are two points, we need to halve the result.
            return(pathingResult.MinimalDistance / 2);
Esempio n. 28
        public AvidWindow GetOppositeWindow(AvidWindow window)
            var oppositeDirection = window.Direction == AvidDirection.Undefined ? window.Direction : (AvidDirection)((((byte)window.Direction) + 5) % 12 + 1);

            return(new AvidWindow(oppositeDirection, window.Ring, window.Ring == AvidRing.Ember || !window.AbovePlane));
Esempio n. 29
 public AvidOrientation GetOrientation(AvidWindow nose, AvidWindow top)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Esempio n. 30
 public AvidOrientation GetOrientation(AvidWindow nose, AvidWindow top)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Esempio n. 31
        public AvidWindow[] GetPossibleLaunchWindows(int courseOffset, AvidWindow targetWindow, AvidWindow crossingVector)
            if (AvidWindow.IsNullOrZero(targetWindow))
                return(new[] { GetOppositeWindow(crossingVector) }); //This may still result in undefined vector if both are zero.
                // This is fine. If both ships aren't moving and sit in the same hex, launch window can't be determined. This situation should
                // not arise in any real scenario, but we still need to handle it.

            if (courseOffset == 0 || targetWindow.Equals(crossingVector) || AvidWindow.IsNullOrZero(crossingVector))
                return(new [] { targetWindow });

            var pathingResult = _avidPathfinder.GetShortestPaths(_avidModel, targetWindow, crossingVector, AvidPathingOptions.DiagonalTransitionsLimitWithPolar);

            if (!pathingResult.PathExists)
                return(new AvidWindow[] { });

            return(pathingResult.AllShortestPaths.Select(pi => pi.PathNodes[courseOffset])
                   .Where(lan => lan.Window.MinDistance >= lan.NodeDistance) // This is to exclude windows, that could be reached through diagonal transition
                   // but can also reached by two non-diagonal transitions. So, in the final result for course offset = 2, it would look like two windows
                   .Select(lan => (AvidWindow)lan.Window).Distinct().ToArray());
 /// <summary>
 /// This method is needed because we have to ignore position relative to the plane of AVID when calculating shering.
 /// Ex. F+ and F- are still in the same window on AVID.
 /// </summary>
 private int GetWindowCode(AvidWindow window)
     return(10 * (byte)window.Direction + (byte)window.Ring);
        private static void CreateLoadSitRepMappings()
            Mapper.CreateMap <HexVectorComponentSto, HexVectorComponent>()
            .ForMember(hvc => hvc.Direction, ac => ac.MapFrom(vcs => Enum.Parse(typeof(HexAxis), vcs.Direction)))
            .ForMember(hvc => hvc.Magnitude, ac => ac.MapFrom(vcs => vcs.Value));

            Mapper.CreateMap <HexVectorSto, RawHexVector>()
            .ForMember(hvc => hvc.Components, ac => ac.Ignore())
            .AfterMap((hvs, rhv) => rhv.AddComponents(Mapper.Map <IEnumerable <HexVectorComponentSto>, IEnumerable <HexVectorComponent> >(hvs.Components)));

            Mapper.CreateMap <ImpulseRecordSto, ImpulseTrackElement>()
            .ForMember(ite => ite.Impulse, ac => ac.MapFrom(irs => TurnData.Parse(irs.Impulse)));

            Mapper.CreateMap <ShellstarSto, ShellstarInfo>();

            Mapper.CreateMap <UnitSto, UnitModel>()
            .ForMember(um => um.Position, ac => ac.MapFrom(uns => HexGridCoordinate.Parse(uns.Position)))
            .ForMember(um => um.Vectors, ac => ac.MapFrom(uns => uns.Velocity))
            .AfterMap((uns, um) => uns.IncomingProjectiles.ForEach(st =>
                var evasionInfo    = new EvasionInfoModel(AvidWindow.Parse(st.EvasionInfo.ImpactWindow), AvidWindow.Parse(st.EvasionInfo.EvasionUp).Direction);
                var shellstarModel = new ShellstarModel(Mapper.Map <ShellstarSto, ShellstarInfo>(st), TurnData.Parse(st.SegmentOfLaunch), evasionInfo);
                shellstarModel.Tag = st.Tag;
 private void ProcessLaunchWindowSelection(AvidWindow result)
     if (result != null)
         // Overwriting all previous launch windows.
         PrepareWindowList(new[] { result });
Esempio n. 35
        public void OppositeWindowTest()
            var window = new AvidWindow(AvidDirection.A, AvidRing.Ember, true);

            var result = ServiceFactory.Library.AvidCalculator.GetOppositeWindow(window);
            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result, AvidDirection.D, AvidRing.Ember, true);

            window.Direction = AvidDirection.Undefined;
            window.Ring = AvidRing.Magenta;
            result = ServiceFactory.Library.AvidCalculator.GetOppositeWindow(window);
            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result, AvidDirection.Undefined, AvidRing.Magenta, false);

            window.Direction = AvidDirection.BC;
            window.Ring = AvidRing.Blue;
            window.AbovePlane = false;
            result = ServiceFactory.Library.AvidCalculator.GetOppositeWindow(window);
            TestChecksUtility.CheckAvidWindow(result, AvidDirection.EF, AvidRing.Blue, true);
Esempio n. 36
        public int CountWindows(AvidWindow start, AvidWindow destination)
            if (start.Equals(destination) || AvidWindow.IsNullOrZero(start) || AvidWindow.IsNullOrZero(destination))
                return 0;

            var pathingResult = _avidPathfinder.GetShortestPaths(_avidModel, start, destination, AvidPathingOptions.DiagonalTransitionsLimitWithPolar);

            if (!pathingResult.PathExists)
                throw new Exception("Failed to find path from start to destination. That must be the problem with the algorithm.");

            if (Math.Abs(pathingResult.MinimalDistance - GetDistanceFromAngle(start, destination) * 2) > 1)
                //throw new Exception("Distance inconsistent.");

            // Since all normal transitions on the avid are two points, we need to halve the result.
            return pathingResult.MinimalDistance / 2;
Esempio n. 37
 public AvidMarkViewModel()
     _window = new AvidWindow();
Esempio n. 38
 public AvidModelWindow ProjectWindow(AvidWindow window)
     return Windows.Single(amw => amw.Equals(window));
Esempio n. 39
 public EvasionInfoModel(AvidWindow impactWindow, AvidDirection referenceDirection)
     _avidCalculator = ServiceFactory.Library.AvidCalculator;
     UpdateDirections(_avidCalculator.GetOppositeWindow(impactWindow), referenceDirection);
Esempio n. 40
        public void SubmitBearingVerificationResult(AvidWindow verificationResult)
            if (verificationResult == null)

            var vectorResult = verificationResult as AvidVector;

            int magnitude = vectorResult != null ? vectorResult.Magnitude : 0;

            TargetDistance = new AvidVector(verificationResult.Direction, verificationResult.Ring, verificationResult.AbovePlane, magnitude);
            CourseOffset = _avidCalculator.GetCourseOffset(TargetDistance, CrossingVector);

            UpdateFiringSolution(null, null, null);
        private object AcquireReferenceDirectionContext()
            if (_selectedWindow == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Direction selection was called while the window is not yet selected.");

            string comment = string.Format("Please select reference direction for the launch window {0}.{1}Per F1.253, this direction should be the same as the direction of the target's top marker, or nose marker if the former is in the magenta ring.", _selectedWindow.Name, Environment.NewLine);

            var window = new AvidWindow(_selectedWindow.ReferenceDirection != AvidDirection.Undefined ? _selectedWindow.ReferenceDirection : AvidDirection.A, AvidRing.Ember, true);

            return new WindowSelectionContext
                CanSelectDirection = true,
                CanSelectRing = false,
                InitialWindow = window,
                Caption = "Select reference direction",
                Message = comment
Esempio n. 42
 public AvidWindow GetOppositeWindow(AvidWindow window)
     var oppositeDirection = window.Direction == AvidDirection.Undefined ? window.Direction : (AvidDirection)((((byte)window.Direction) + 5) % 12 + 1);
     return new AvidWindow(oppositeDirection, window.Ring, window.Ring == AvidRing.Ember || !window.AbovePlane);
 private void ProcessReferenceDirectionSelection(AvidWindow result)
     _evasionInfo.UpdateDirections(SelectedWindow.Window, result.Direction);
     _selectedWindow.ReferenceDirection = result.Direction;
        public IAvidMark AddMark(int categoryId, string text, bool visible, bool underlined, AvidWindow position)
            var newMark = new AvidMarkViewModel(this, text, visible, underlined, categoryId, -1, position);

 public void Initialize(IEvasionInfoModel evasionInfo, AvidWindow[] availableWindows)
     _evasionInfo = evasionInfo;
Esempio n. 46
        public AvidOrientation GetOrientationWithoutRoll(AvidWindow nose, AvidDirection referenceDirection)
            Vector3 vectorX = WindowToVector3(nose);
            var axis = _vectorLibrary.GetLocalAxis(vectorX, 0d, DirectionToAngle(referenceDirection));
            var result = new AvidOrientation
                Nose = Vector3ToAvid(axis[0]),
                Starboard = Vector3ToAvid(axis[1]),
                Top = Vector3ToAvid(axis[2]),

            result.Aft = GetOppositeWindow(result.Nose);
            result.Port = GetOppositeWindow(result.Starboard);
            result.Bottom = GetOppositeWindow(result.Top);
            return result;
Esempio n. 47
 public AvidMarkViewModel()
     _window = new AvidWindow();
Esempio n. 48
 public EvasionInfoModel(AvidWindow impactWindow, AvidDirection referenceDirection)
     _avidCalculator = ServiceFactory.Library.AvidCalculator;
     UpdateDirections(_avidCalculator.GetOppositeWindow(impactWindow), referenceDirection);
Esempio n. 49
        public AvidWindow[] GetRotationCircleFromNormal(AvidWindow rotationAxis)
            bool adjustmentNeeded = rotationAxis.Ring == AvidRing.Blue || rotationAxis.Ring == AvidRing.Green;

            Vector3 axisVector = WindowToVector3(rotationAxis);
            var localAxis = _vectorLibrary.GetLocalAxis(axisVector, adjustmentNeeded ? Consts.RotationAdjustmentAngle : 0d, 0d);
            axisVector = localAxis[0];
            Vector3 upVector = localAxis[2];
            var result = new AvidWindow[12];
            //There are always 12 windows if the rotation circle is continuous.
            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                //Rotation is always clockwise.
                Vector3 rotatedAxis = _vectorLibrary.RotateVectorAroundAxis(upVector, axisVector, -i * Math.PI / 6d);
                result[i] = Vector3ToAvid(rotatedAxis);
            return result;
Esempio n. 50
 public int GetDistanceFromAngle(AvidWindow a, AvidWindow b)
     return((int)(6 * _vectorLibrary.GetAngleBetweenVectors(WindowToVector3(a), WindowToVector3(b)) / Math.PI));
Esempio n. 51
 private AvidWindow Vector3ToAvid(Vector3 vector)
     var result = new AvidWindow
         Ring = CoordinateToRing(vector.Z)
     result.Direction = result.Ring != AvidRing.Magenta ? GetDirection(vector) : AvidDirection.Undefined;
     result.AbovePlane = vector.Z >= 0 || result.Ring == AvidRing.Ember;
     return result;
Esempio n. 52
 public int GetDistanceFromAngle(AvidWindow a, AvidWindow b)
     return (int)(6 * _vectorLibrary.GetAngleBetweenVectors(WindowToVector3(a), WindowToVector3(b)) / Math.PI);
 /// <summary>
 /// This method is needed because we have to ignore position relative to the plane of AVID when calculating shering.
 /// Ex. F+ and F- are still in the same window on AVID.
 /// </summary>
 private int GetWindowCode(AvidWindow window)
     return 10 * (byte)window.Direction + (byte)window.Ring;
Esempio n. 54
        public int GetCourseOffset(AvidWindow targetVector, AvidWindow crossingVector)
            if (AvidWindow.IsNullOrZero(targetVector) || AvidWindow.IsNullOrZero(crossingVector))
                return 6;

            return CountWindows(targetVector, crossingVector);
Esempio n. 55
 private Vector3 WindowToVector3(AvidWindow rotationAxis)
     double angleA = DirectionToAngle(rotationAxis.Direction);
     double angleB = rotationAxis.AbovePlane ? RingToLatitude(rotationAxis.Ring) : 2 * Math.PI - RingToLatitude(rotationAxis.Ring);
     return new Vector3(Math.Cos(angleA) * Math.Cos(angleB), Math.Sin(angleA) * Math.Cos(angleB), Math.Sin(angleB));
Esempio n. 56
 public static bool IsNullOrZero(AvidVector vector)
     return(AvidWindow.IsNullOrZero(vector) || vector.Magnitude == 0);
Esempio n. 57
 public static void CheckAvidWindow(AvidWindow window, AvidDirection expectedDirection, AvidRing expectedRing, bool abovePlane)
 private void ProcessReferenceDirectionSelection(AvidWindow result)
     _evasionInfo.UpdateDirections(SelectedWindow.Window, result.Direction);
     _selectedWindow.ReferenceDirection = result.Direction;
Esempio n. 59
        public AvidWindow[] GetPossibleLaunchWindows(int courseOffset, AvidWindow targetWindow, AvidWindow crossingVector)
            if (AvidWindow.IsNullOrZero(targetWindow))
                return new[] { GetOppositeWindow(crossingVector) }; //This may still result in undefined vector if both are zero.
                // This is fine. If both ships aren't moving and sit in the same hex, launch window can't be determined. This situation should
                // not arise in any real scenario, but we still need to handle it.

            if (courseOffset == 0 || targetWindow.Equals(crossingVector) || AvidWindow.IsNullOrZero(crossingVector))
                return new [] { targetWindow };

            var pathingResult = _avidPathfinder.GetShortestPaths(_avidModel, targetWindow, crossingVector, AvidPathingOptions.DiagonalTransitionsLimitWithPolar);

            if (!pathingResult.PathExists)
                return new AvidWindow[] { };

            return pathingResult.AllShortestPaths.Select(pi => pi.PathNodes[courseOffset])
                .Where(lan => lan.Window.MinDistance >= lan.NodeDistance) // This is to exclude windows, that could be reached through diagonal transition
                // but can also reached by two non-diagonal transitions. So, in the final result for course offset = 2, it would look like two windows
                .Select(lan => (AvidWindow)lan.Window).Distinct().ToArray();