public static int ShowBoneMapping(int shownBodyView, AvatarControl.BodyPartFeedback bodyPartCallback, AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper[] bones, SerializedObject serializedObject, AvatarMappingEditor editor) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if ((bool) ((Object) AvatarControl.styles.Silhouettes[shownBodyView].image)) { Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(AvatarControl.styles.Silhouettes[shownBodyView], GUIStyle.none, new GUILayoutOption[1]{ GUILayout.MaxWidth((float) AvatarControl.styles.Silhouettes[shownBodyView].image.width) }); AvatarControl.DrawBodyParts(rect, shownBodyView, bodyPartCallback); for (int i = 0; i < bones.Length; ++i) AvatarControl.DrawBone(shownBodyView, i, rect, bones[i], serializedObject, editor); } else GUILayout.Label("texture missing,\nfix me!"); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); Rect lastRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); string[] strArray = new string[4]{ "Body", "Head", "Left Hand", "Right Hand" }; lastRect.x += 5f; lastRect.width = 70f; lastRect.yMin = lastRect.yMax - 69f; lastRect.height = 16f; for (int index = 0; index < strArray.Length; ++index) { if (GUI.Toggle(lastRect, shownBodyView == index, strArray[index], EditorStyles.miniButton)) shownBodyView = index; lastRect.y += 16f; } return shownBodyView; }
public static void DrawSkeleton(Transform reference, Dictionary<Transform, bool> actualBones, AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper[] bones) { if ((Object) reference == (Object) null || actualBones == null) return; AvatarSkeletonDrawer.sPoseError = false; Bounds bounds = new Bounds(); Renderer[] componentsInChildren = reference.root.GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>(); if (componentsInChildren != null) { foreach (Renderer renderer in componentsInChildren) { bounds.Encapsulate(renderer.bounds.min); bounds.Encapsulate(renderer.bounds.max); } } Quaternion orientation = Quaternion.identity; if (bones != null) orientation = AvatarSetupTool.AvatarComputeOrientation(bones); AvatarSkeletonDrawer.DrawSkeletonSubTree(actualBones, bones, orientation, reference, bounds); Camera current = Camera.current; if (!AvatarSkeletonDrawer.sPoseError || !((Object) current != (Object) null)) return; GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(; style.normal.textColor =; style.wordWrap = false; style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; style.fontSize = 20; GUIContent content = new GUIContent("Character is not in T pose"); Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(content, style); rect.x = 30f; rect.y = 30f; Handles.BeginGUI(); GUI.Label(rect, content, style); Handles.EndGUI(); }
internal static void BipedPose(GameObject go, AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper[] bones) { BipedPose(go.transform, true); Quaternion rotation = AvatarSetupTool.AvatarComputeOrientation(bones); go.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Inverse(rotation) * go.transform.rotation; AvatarSetupTool.MakeCharacterPositionValid(bones); }
protected void DebugPoseButtons() { if (GUILayout.Button("Default Pose", new GUILayoutOption[0]) && this.IsValidHuman()) { Animator component = base.gameObject.GetComponent <Animator>(); component.WriteDefaultPose(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Description Pose", new GUILayoutOption[0])) { AvatarSetupTool.TransferDescriptionToPose(base.serializedObject, base.root); } }
internal static void BipedPose(GameObject go, AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper[] bones) { BipedPose(go.transform, true); // Orient Biped Quaternion rot = AvatarSetupTool.AvatarComputeOrientation(bones); go.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Inverse(rot) * go.transform.rotation; // Move Biped feet to ground plane AvatarSetupTool.MakeCharacterPositionValid(bones); }
protected void TransferPoseIfChanged() { foreach (GameObject selected in Selection.gameObjects) { if (TransformChanged(selected.transform)) { AvatarSetupTool.TransferPoseToDescription(m_Skeleton, root); m_Inspector.Repaint(); break; } } }
protected void ClearMapping() { if (serializedObject != null) { Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(this, "Clear Mapping"); AvatarSetupTool.ClearHumanBoneArray(m_HumanBoneArray); ResetBones(); ValidateMapping(); m_AutoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified.boolValue = false; SceneView.RepaintAll(); } }
protected void ClearMapping() { if (this.serializedObject == null) { return; } Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo((UnityEngine.Object) this, "Clear Mapping"); AvatarSetupTool.ClearHumanBoneArray(this.serializedObject); this.ResetBones(); this.ValidateMapping(); SceneView.RepaintAll(); }
protected void TransferPoseIfChanged() { foreach (GameObject gameObject in Selection.gameObjects) { if (this.TransformChanged(gameObject.transform)) { AvatarSetupTool.TransferPoseToDescription(this.serializedObject, this.root); this.m_Inspector.Repaint(); break; } } }
protected void DebugPoseButtons() { if (GUILayout.Button("Default Pose") && this.IsValidHuman()) { this.gameObject.GetComponent <Animator>().WriteDefaultPose(); } if (!GUILayout.Button("Description Pose")) { return; } AvatarSetupTool.TransferDescriptionToPose(this.serializedObject, this.root); }
protected BoneState GetBoneState(int i, out string error) { error = string.Empty; AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper bone = this.m_Bones[i]; if (bone.bone == null) { return(BoneState.None); } AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper boneWrapper = this.m_Bones[AvatarSetupTool.GetFirstHumanBoneAncestor(this.m_Bones, i)]; if (i == 0 && bone.bone.parent == null) { error = bone.messageName + " cannot be the root transform"; return(BoneState.InvalidHierarchy); } if (boneWrapper.bone != null && !bone.bone.IsChildOf(boneWrapper.bone)) { error = bone.messageName + " is not a child of " + boneWrapper.messageName + "."; return(BoneState.InvalidHierarchy); } if (i != 23 && boneWrapper.bone != null && boneWrapper.bone != bone.bone && (bone.bone.position - boneWrapper.bone.position).sqrMagnitude < Mathf.Epsilon) { error = bone.messageName + " has bone length of zero."; return(BoneState.BoneLenghtIsZero); } IEnumerable <AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper> source = from f in this.m_Bones where f.bone == bone.bone select f; if (source.Count <AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper>() > 1) { error = bone.messageName + " is also assigned to "; bool flag = true; for (int j = 0; j < this.m_Bones.Length; j++) { if (i != j && this.m_Bones[i].bone == this.m_Bones[j].bone) { if (flag) { flag = false; } else { error += ", "; } error += ObjectNames.NicifyVariableName(this.m_Bones[j].humanBoneName); } } error += "."; return(BoneState.Duplicate); } return(BoneState.Valid); }
protected void DebugPoseButtons() { if (GUILayout.Button("Default Pose") && IsValidHuman()) { Animator animator = gameObject.GetComponent <Animator>(); animator.WriteDefaultPose(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Description Pose")) { AvatarSetupTool.TransferDescriptionToPose(serializedObject, root); } }
private static bool DrawSkeletonSubTree(Dictionary <Transform, bool> actualBones, AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper[] bones, Quaternion orientation, Transform tr, Bounds bounds) { if (!actualBones.ContainsKey(tr)) { return(false); } int num = 0; foreach (Transform tr1 in tr) { if (AvatarSkeletonDrawer.DrawSkeletonSubTree(actualBones, bones, orientation, tr1, bounds)) { ++num; } } if (!actualBones[tr] && num <= 1) { return(false); } int boneIndex = -1; if (bones != null) { for (int index = 0; index < bones.Length; ++index) { if ((Object)bones[index].bone == (Object)tr) { boneIndex = index; break; } } } bool flag = (double)AvatarSetupTool.GetBoneAlignmentError(bones, orientation, boneIndex) > 0.0; AvatarSkeletonDrawer.sPoseError |= flag; if (flag) { AvatarSkeletonDrawer.DrawPoseError(tr, bounds); Handles.color = AvatarSkeletonDrawer.kErrorColor; } else { Handles.color = boneIndex == -1 ? (actualBones[tr] ? AvatarSkeletonDrawer.kSkeletonColor : AvatarSkeletonDrawer.kDummyColor) : AvatarSkeletonDrawer.kHumanColor; } Handles.DoBoneHandle(tr, actualBones); if (Selection.activeObject == (Object)tr) { Handles.color = AvatarSkeletonDrawer.kSelectedColor; Handles.DoBoneHandle(tr, actualBones); } return(true); }
private void HandleUndoPerformed() { if (Event.current.type == EventType.ValidateCommand && Event.current.commandName == EventCommandNames.UndoRedoPerformed) { SetupInternalProperties(); AvatarSetupTool.TransferPoseToDescription(m_Skeleton, root); for (int i = 0; i < m_Bones.Length; i++) { m_Bones[i].Serialize(m_HumanBoneArray); } } }
internal void Initialize() { if (this.m_Bones == null) { this.m_Bones = AvatarSetupTool.GetHumanBones(base.serializedObject, base.modelBones); } this.m_FocusedMuscle = -1; this.m_MuscleBodyGroupToggle = new bool[this.m_Muscles.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < this.m_Muscles.Length; i++) { this.m_MuscleBodyGroupToggle[i] = false; } this.m_MuscleName = HumanTrait.MuscleName; for (int j = 0; j < this.m_MuscleName.Length; j++) { if (this.m_MuscleName[j].StartsWith("Right")) { this.m_MuscleName[j] = this.m_MuscleName[j].Substring(5).Trim(); } if (this.m_MuscleName[j].StartsWith("Left")) { this.m_MuscleName[j] = this.m_MuscleName[j].Substring(4).Trim(); } } this.m_MuscleCount = HumanTrait.MuscleCount; this.m_MuscleToggle = new bool[this.m_MuscleCount]; this.m_MuscleValue = new float[this.m_MuscleCount]; this.m_MuscleMin = new SerializedProperty[this.m_MuscleCount]; this.m_MuscleMax = new SerializedProperty[this.m_MuscleCount]; this.m_MuscleMinEdit = new float[this.m_MuscleCount]; this.m_MuscleMaxEdit = new float[this.m_MuscleCount]; for (int k = 0; k < this.m_MuscleCount; k++) { this.m_MuscleToggle[k] = false; this.m_MuscleValue[k] = 0f; this.m_MuscleMin[k] = null; this.m_MuscleMin[k] = null; } this.m_Modified = new SerializedProperty[this.m_Bones.Length]; for (int m = 0; m < this.m_Bones.Length; m++) { this.m_Modified[m] = null; } this.InitializeProperties(); this.ResetValuesFromProperties(); this.m_MuscleMasterValue = new float[this.m_MasterMuscle.Length]; for (int n = 0; n < this.m_MasterMuscle.Length; n++) { this.m_MuscleMasterValue[n] = 0f; } }
internal void Initialize() { if (this.m_Bones == null) { this.m_Bones = AvatarSetupTool.GetHumanBones(this.serializedObject, this.modelBones); } this.m_FocusedMuscle = -1; this.m_MuscleBodyGroupToggle = new bool[this.m_Muscles.Length]; for (int index = 0; index < this.m_Muscles.Length; ++index) { this.m_MuscleBodyGroupToggle[index] = false; } this.m_MuscleName = HumanTrait.MuscleName; for (int index = 0; index < this.m_MuscleName.Length; ++index) { if (this.m_MuscleName[index].StartsWith("Right")) { this.m_MuscleName[index] = this.m_MuscleName[index].Substring(5).Trim(); } if (this.m_MuscleName[index].StartsWith("Left")) { this.m_MuscleName[index] = this.m_MuscleName[index].Substring(4).Trim(); } } this.m_MuscleCount = HumanTrait.MuscleCount; this.m_MuscleToggle = new bool[this.m_MuscleCount]; this.m_MuscleValue = new float[this.m_MuscleCount]; this.m_MuscleMin = new SerializedProperty[this.m_MuscleCount]; this.m_MuscleMax = new SerializedProperty[this.m_MuscleCount]; this.m_MuscleMinEdit = new float[this.m_MuscleCount]; this.m_MuscleMaxEdit = new float[this.m_MuscleCount]; for (int index = 0; index < this.m_MuscleCount; ++index) { this.m_MuscleToggle[index] = false; this.m_MuscleValue[index] = 0.0f; this.m_MuscleMin[index] = (SerializedProperty)null; this.m_MuscleMin[index] = (SerializedProperty)null; } this.m_Modified = new SerializedProperty[this.m_Bones.Length]; for (int index = 0; index < this.m_Bones.Length; ++index) { this.m_Modified[index] = (SerializedProperty)null; } this.InitializeProperties(); this.ResetValuesFromProperties(); this.m_MuscleMasterValue = new float[this.m_MasterMuscle.Length]; for (int index = 0; index < this.m_MasterMuscle.Length; ++index) { this.m_MuscleMasterValue[index] = 0.0f; } }
protected void TransferPoseIfChanged() { GameObject[] gameObjects = Selection.gameObjects; for (int i = 0; i < gameObjects.Length; i++) { GameObject gameObject = gameObjects[i]; if (this.TransformChanged(gameObject.transform)) { AvatarSetupTool.TransferPoseToDescription(base.serializedObject, base.root); this.m_Inspector.Repaint(); break; } } }
internal void SwitchToEditMode() { this.m_EditMode = AvatarEditor.EditMode.Starting; this.ChangeInspectorLock(true); this.sceneSetup = EditorSceneManager.GetSceneManagerSetup(); EditorSceneManager.NewScene(NewSceneSetup.DefaultGameObjects).name = "Avatar Configuration"; this.m_GameObject = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate <GameObject>(this.prefab); if (base.serializedObject.FindProperty("m_OptimizeGameObjects").boolValue) { AnimatorUtility.DeoptimizeTransformHierarchy(this.m_GameObject); } Animator component = this.m_GameObject.GetComponent <Animator>(); if (component != null && component.runtimeAnimatorController == null) { AnimatorController animatorController = new AnimatorController(); animatorController.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; animatorController.AddLayer("preview"); animatorController.layers[0].stateMachine.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; component.runtimeAnimatorController = animatorController; } Dictionary <Transform, bool> modelBones = AvatarSetupTool.GetModelBones(this.m_GameObject.transform, true, null); AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper[] humanBones = AvatarSetupTool.GetHumanBones(base.serializedObject, modelBones); this.m_ModelBones = AvatarSetupTool.GetModelBones(this.m_GameObject.transform, false, humanBones); Selection.activeObject = this.m_GameObject; UnityEngine.Object[] array = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(SceneHierarchyWindow)); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { SceneHierarchyWindow sceneHierarchyWindow = (SceneHierarchyWindow)array[i]; sceneHierarchyWindow.SetExpandedRecursive(this.m_GameObject.GetInstanceID(), true); } this.CreateEditor(); this.m_EditMode = AvatarEditor.EditMode.Editing; this.m_SceneStates = new List <AvatarEditor.SceneStateCache>(); foreach (SceneView sceneView in SceneView.sceneViews) { this.m_SceneStates.Add(new AvatarEditor.SceneStateCache { state = new SceneView.SceneViewState(sceneView.m_SceneViewState), view = sceneView }); sceneView.m_SceneViewState.showFlares = false; sceneView.m_SceneViewState.showMaterialUpdate = false; sceneView.m_SceneViewState.showFog = false; sceneView.m_SceneViewState.showSkybox = false; sceneView.m_SceneViewState.showImageEffects = false; sceneView.FrameSelected(); } }
void CopyAvatarGUI() { GUILayout.Label( @"If you have already created an Avatar for another model with a rig identical to this one, you can copy its Avatar definition. With this option, this model will not create any avatar but only import animations.", EditorStyles.helpBox); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); Avatar previousAvatar = (Avatar)m_AvatarSource.objectReferenceValue; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(m_AvatarSource, typeof(Avatar), GUIContent.Temp("Source"), ValidateAvatarSource); var sourceAvatar = m_AvatarSource.objectReferenceValue as Avatar; if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { if (IsAvatarValid(sourceAvatar)) { AvatarSetupTool.ClearAll(m_HumanBoneArray, m_Skeleton); if (sourceAvatar != null) { CopyHumanDescriptionFromOtherModel(sourceAvatar); } } else { //Avatar is invalid so revert to the previous Avatar m_AvatarSource.objectReferenceValue = previousAvatar; } } if (sourceAvatar != null && !m_AvatarSource.hasMultipleDifferentValues && !AvatarCopyIsUpToDate()) { if (GUILayout.Button(Styles.UpdateMuscleDefinitionFromSource, EditorStyles.miniButton)) { if (IsAvatarValid(sourceAvatar)) { AvatarSetupTool.ClearAll(m_HumanBoneArray, m_Skeleton); CopyHumanDescriptionFromOtherModel(sourceAvatar); } } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }
public static void DrawSkeleton(Transform reference, Dictionary <Transform, bool> actualBones, AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper[] bones) { if ((Object)reference == (Object)null || actualBones == null) { return; } AvatarSkeletonDrawer.sPoseError = false; Bounds bounds = new Bounds(); Renderer[] componentsInChildren = reference.root.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(); if (componentsInChildren != null) { foreach (Renderer renderer in componentsInChildren) { bounds.Encapsulate(renderer.bounds.min); bounds.Encapsulate(renderer.bounds.max); } } Quaternion orientation = Quaternion.identity; if (bones != null) { orientation = AvatarSetupTool.AvatarComputeOrientation(bones); } AvatarSkeletonDrawer.DrawSkeletonSubTree(actualBones, bones, orientation, reference, bounds); Camera current = Camera.current; if (!AvatarSkeletonDrawer.sPoseError || !((Object)current != (Object)null)) { return; } GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(; style.normal.textColor =; style.wordWrap = false; style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; style.fontSize = 20; GUIContent content = new GUIContent("Character is not in T pose"); Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(content, style); rect.x = 30f; rect.y = 30f; Handles.BeginGUI(); GUI.Label(rect, content, style); Handles.EndGUI(); }
private void OnEnable() { EditorApplication.update = (EditorApplication.CallbackFunction)Delegate.Combine(EditorApplication.update, new EditorApplication.CallbackFunction(this.Update)); this.m_SwitchToEditMode = false; if (this.m_EditMode == AvatarEditor.EditMode.Editing) { this.m_ModelBones = AvatarSetupTool.GetModelBones(this.m_GameObject.transform, false, null); this.editor.Enable(this); } else if (this.m_EditMode == AvatarEditor.EditMode.NotEditing) { this.editor = null; if (AvatarEditor.s_EditImmediatelyOnNextOpen) { this.m_CameFromImportSettings = true; AvatarEditor.s_EditImmediatelyOnNextOpen = false; } } }
public static void DrawSkeleton(Transform reference, Dictionary<Transform, bool> actualBones, AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper[] bones) { if (reference == null || actualBones == null) { return; } AvatarSkeletonDrawer.sPoseError = false; Bounds bounds = default(Bounds); Renderer[] componentsInChildren = reference.root.GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>(); if (componentsInChildren != null) { Renderer[] array = componentsInChildren; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { Renderer renderer = array[i]; bounds.Encapsulate(renderer.bounds.min); bounds.Encapsulate(renderer.bounds.max); } } Quaternion orientation = Quaternion.identity; if (bones != null) { orientation = AvatarSetupTool.AvatarComputeOrientation(bones); } AvatarSkeletonDrawer.DrawSkeletonSubTree(actualBones, bones, orientation, reference, bounds); Camera current = Camera.current; if (AvatarSkeletonDrawer.sPoseError && current != null) { GUIStyle gUIStyle = new GUIStyle(; gUIStyle.normal.textColor =; gUIStyle.wordWrap = false; gUIStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; gUIStyle.fontSize = 20; GUIContent content = new GUIContent("Character is not in T pose"); Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(content, gUIStyle); rect.x = 30f; rect.y = 30f; Handles.BeginGUI(); GUI.Label(rect, content, gUIStyle); Handles.EndGUI(); } }
void OnEnable() { EditorApplication.update += Update; m_SwitchToEditMode = false; if (m_EditMode == EditMode.Editing) { m_ModelBones = AvatarSetupTool.GetModelBones(m_GameObject.transform, false, null); editor.Enable(this); } else if (m_EditMode == EditMode.NotEditing) { editor = null; if (s_EditImmediatelyOnNextOpen) { m_CameFromImportSettings = true; s_EditImmediatelyOnNextOpen = false; } } }
private static bool DrawSkeletonSubTree(Dictionary<Transform, bool> actualBones, AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper[] bones, Quaternion orientation, Transform tr, Bounds bounds) { if (!actualBones.ContainsKey(tr)) return false; int num = 0; foreach (Transform tr1 in tr) { if (AvatarSkeletonDrawer.DrawSkeletonSubTree(actualBones, bones, orientation, tr1, bounds)) ++num; } if (!actualBones[tr] && num <= 1) return false; int boneIndex = -1; if (bones != null) { for (int index = 0; index < bones.Length; ++index) { if ((Object) bones[index].bone == (Object) tr) { boneIndex = index; break; } } } bool flag = (double) AvatarSetupTool.GetBoneAlignmentError(bones, orientation, boneIndex) > 0.0; AvatarSkeletonDrawer.sPoseError |= flag; if (flag) { AvatarSkeletonDrawer.DrawPoseError(tr, bounds); Handles.color = AvatarSkeletonDrawer.kErrorColor; } else Handles.color = boneIndex == -1 ? (actualBones[tr] ? AvatarSkeletonDrawer.kSkeletonColor : AvatarSkeletonDrawer.kDummyColor) : AvatarSkeletonDrawer.kHumanColor; Handles.DoBoneHandle(tr, actualBones); if (Selection.activeObject == (Object) tr) { Handles.color = AvatarSkeletonDrawer.kSelectedColor; Handles.DoBoneHandle(tr, actualBones); } return true; }
public static void DrawSkeleton(Transform reference, Dictionary <Transform, bool> actualBones, AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper[] bones) { if (!(reference == null) && actualBones != null) { AvatarSkeletonDrawer.sPoseError = false; Bounds bounds = default(Bounds); Renderer[] componentsInChildren = reference.root.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(); if (componentsInChildren != null) { Renderer[] array = componentsInChildren; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { Renderer renderer = array[i]; bounds.Encapsulate(renderer.bounds.min); bounds.Encapsulate(renderer.bounds.max); } } Quaternion orientation = Quaternion.identity; if (bones != null) { orientation = AvatarSetupTool.AvatarComputeOrientation(bones); } AvatarSkeletonDrawer.DrawSkeletonSubTree(actualBones, bones, orientation, reference, bounds); Camera current = Camera.current; if (AvatarSkeletonDrawer.sPoseError && current != null) { GUIStyle gUIStyle = new GUIStyle(; gUIStyle.normal.textColor =; gUIStyle.wordWrap = false; gUIStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; gUIStyle.fontSize = 20; GUIContent content = new GUIContent("Character is not in T pose"); Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(content, gUIStyle); rect.x = 30f; rect.y = 30f; Handles.BeginGUI(); GUI.Label(rect, content, gUIStyle); Handles.EndGUI(); } } }
public static void DrawSkeleton(Transform reference, Dictionary <Transform, bool> actualBones, AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper[] bones) { if ((reference != null) && (actualBones != null)) { sPoseError = false; Bounds bounds = new Bounds(); Renderer[] componentsInChildren = reference.root.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(); if (componentsInChildren != null) { foreach (Renderer renderer in componentsInChildren) { bounds.Encapsulate(renderer.bounds.min); bounds.Encapsulate(renderer.bounds.max); } } Quaternion identity = Quaternion.identity; if (bones != null) { identity = AvatarSetupTool.AvatarComputeOrientation(bones); } DrawSkeletonSubTree(actualBones, bones, identity, reference, bounds); Camera current = Camera.current; if (sPoseError && (current != null)) { GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle( { normal = { textColor = }, wordWrap = false, alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, fontSize = 20 }; GUIContent content = new GUIContent("Character is not in T pose"); Rect position = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(content, style); position.x = 30f; position.y = 30f; Handles.BeginGUI(); GUI.Label(position, content, style); Handles.EndGUI(); } } }
protected void Init() { if (base.gameObject == null) { return; } if (this.m_Bones == null) { this.m_Bones = AvatarSetupTool.GetHumanBones(base.serializedObject, base.modelBones); } this.ValidateMapping(); if (this.m_CurrentTransformEditor != null) { UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(this.m_CurrentTransformEditor); this.m_CurrentTransformEditor = null; } this.m_CurrentTransformEditorFoldout = true; this.m_HasSkinnedMesh = (base.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>() != null); this.InitPose(); SceneView.RepaintAll(); }
public static void DrawSkeleton(Transform reference, Dictionary<Transform, bool> actualBones, AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper[] bones) { if ((reference != null) && (actualBones != null)) { sPoseError = false; Bounds bounds = new Bounds(); Renderer[] componentsInChildren = reference.root.GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>(); if (componentsInChildren != null) { foreach (Renderer renderer in componentsInChildren) { bounds.Encapsulate(renderer.bounds.min); bounds.Encapsulate(renderer.bounds.max); } } Quaternion identity = Quaternion.identity; if (bones != null) { identity = AvatarSetupTool.AvatarComputeOrientation(bones); } DrawSkeletonSubTree(actualBones, bones, identity, reference, bounds); Camera current = Camera.current; if (sPoseError && (current != null)) { GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle( { normal = { textColor = }, wordWrap = false, alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, fontSize = 20 }; GUIContent content = new GUIContent("Character is not in T pose"); Rect position = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(content, style); position.x = 30f; position.y = 30f; Handles.BeginGUI(); GUI.Label(position, content, style); Handles.EndGUI(); } } }
protected void Init() { if ((UnityEngine.Object) this.gameObject == (UnityEngine.Object)null) { return; } this.m_IsBiped = AvatarBipedMapper.IsBiped(this.gameObject.transform, (List <string>)null); if (this.m_Bones == null) { this.m_Bones = AvatarSetupTool.GetHumanBones(this.serializedObject, this.modelBones); } this.ValidateMapping(); if ((UnityEngine.Object) this.m_CurrentTransformEditor != (UnityEngine.Object)null) { UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate((UnityEngine.Object) this.m_CurrentTransformEditor); this.m_CurrentTransformEditor = (Editor)null; } this.m_CurrentTransformEditorFoldout = true; this.m_HasSkinnedMesh = (UnityEngine.Object) this.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>() != (UnityEngine.Object)null; this.InitPose(); SceneView.RepaintAll(); }
internal void SwitchToEditMode() { // Lock inspector ChangeInspectorLock(true); string assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(target); AvatarConfigurationStage stage = AvatarConfigurationStage.CreateStage(assetPath, this); StageUtility.GoToStage(stage, true); m_EditMode = EditMode.Starting; // Instantiate character m_GameObject = stage.gameObject; if (serializedAssetImporter.FindProperty("m_OptimizeGameObjects").boolValue) { AnimatorUtility.DeoptimizeTransformHierarchy(m_GameObject); } SerializedProperty humanBoneArray = serializedAssetImporter.FindProperty("m_HumanDescription.m_Human"); // First get all available modelBones Dictionary <Transform, bool> modelBones = AvatarSetupTool.GetModelBones(m_GameObject.transform, true, null); AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper[] humanBones = AvatarSetupTool.GetHumanBones(humanBoneArray, modelBones); m_ModelBones = AvatarSetupTool.GetModelBones(m_GameObject.transform, false, humanBones); // Unfold all nodes in hierarchy // TODO@MECANIM: Only expand actual bones foreach (SceneHierarchyWindow shw in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(SceneHierarchyWindow))) { shw.SetExpandedRecursive(m_GameObject.GetInstanceID(), true); } CreateEditor(); m_EditMode = EditMode.Editing; }
void CopyAvatarGUI() { GUILayout.Label( @"If you have already created an Avatar for another model with a rig identical to this one, you can copy its Avatar definition. With this option, this model will not create any avatar but only import animations.", EditorStyles.helpBox); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_AvatarSource, GUIContent.Temp("Source")); var sourceAvatar = m_AvatarSource.objectReferenceValue as Avatar; if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { CheckAvatar(sourceAvatar); AvatarSetupTool.ClearAll(serializedObject); if (sourceAvatar != null) { CopyHumanDescriptionFromOtherModel(sourceAvatar); } m_AvatarCopyIsUpToDate = true; } if (sourceAvatar != null && !m_AvatarSource.hasMultipleDifferentValues && !m_AvatarCopyIsUpToDate) { if (GUILayout.Button(styles.UpdateMuscleDefinitionFromSource, EditorStyles.miniButton)) { AvatarSetupTool.ClearAll(serializedObject); CopyHumanDescriptionFromOtherModel(sourceAvatar); m_AvatarCopyIsUpToDate = true; } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }
private bool TransformChanged(Transform tr) { SerializedProperty skeletonBone = AvatarSetupTool.FindSkeletonBone(this.serializedObject, tr, false, false); if (skeletonBone != null) { SerializedProperty propertyRelative1 = skeletonBone.FindPropertyRelative(AvatarSetupTool.sPosition); if (propertyRelative1 != null && propertyRelative1.vector3Value != tr.localPosition) { return(true); } SerializedProperty propertyRelative2 = skeletonBone.FindPropertyRelative(AvatarSetupTool.sRotation); if (propertyRelative2 != null && propertyRelative2.quaternionValue != tr.localRotation) { return(true); } SerializedProperty propertyRelative3 = skeletonBone.FindPropertyRelative(AvatarSetupTool.sScale); if (propertyRelative3 != null && propertyRelative3.vector3Value != tr.localScale) { return(true); } } return(false); }
private void OnEnable() { EditorApplication.update += new EditorApplication.CallbackFunction(this.Update); this.m_SwitchToEditMode = false; if (this.m_EditMode == AvatarEditor.EditMode.Editing) { this.m_ModelBones = AvatarSetupTool.GetModelBones(this.m_GameObject.transform, false, (AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper[])null); this.editor.Enable(this); } else { if (this.m_EditMode != AvatarEditor.EditMode.NotEditing) { return; } this.editor = (AvatarSubEditor)null; if (!AvatarEditor.s_EditImmediatelyOnNextOpen) { return; } this.m_CameFromImportSettings = true; AvatarEditor.s_EditImmediatelyOnNextOpen = false; } }
private bool TransformChanged(Transform tr) { SerializedProperty serializedProperty = AvatarSetupTool.FindSkeletonBone(base.serializedObject, tr, false, false); if (serializedProperty != null) { SerializedProperty serializedProperty2 = serializedProperty.FindPropertyRelative(AvatarSetupTool.sPosition); if (serializedProperty2 != null && serializedProperty2.vector3Value != tr.localPosition) { return(true); } SerializedProperty serializedProperty3 = serializedProperty.FindPropertyRelative(AvatarSetupTool.sRotation); if (serializedProperty3 != null && serializedProperty3.quaternionValue != tr.localRotation) { return(true); } SerializedProperty serializedProperty4 = serializedProperty.FindPropertyRelative(AvatarSetupTool.sScale); if (serializedProperty4 != null && serializedProperty4.vector3Value != tr.localScale) { return(true); } } return(false); }
protected static void DrawBone(int shownBodyView, int i, Rect rect, AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper bone, SerializedObject serializedObject, AvatarMappingEditor editor) { if (s_BonePositions[shownBodyView, i] != { Vector2 vector = s_BonePositions[shownBodyView, i]; vector.y *= -1f; vector.Scale(new Vector2(rect.width * 0.5f, rect.height * 0.5f)); vector = + vector; int num = 0x13; Rect rect2 = new Rect(vector.x - (num * 0.5f), vector.y - (num * 0.5f), (float) num, (float) num); bone.BoneDotGUI(rect2, i, true, true, serializedObject, editor); } }
public static int ShowBoneMapping(int shownBodyView, BodyPartFeedback bodyPartCallback, AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper[] bones, SerializedObject serializedObject, AvatarMappingEditor editor) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(new GUILayoutOption[0]); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (styles.Silhouettes[shownBodyView].image != null) { GUILayoutOption[] options = new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.MaxWidth((float) styles.Silhouettes[shownBodyView].image.width) }; Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(styles.Silhouettes[shownBodyView], GUIStyle.none, options); DrawBodyParts(rect, shownBodyView, bodyPartCallback); for (int j = 0; j < bones.Length; j++) { DrawBone(shownBodyView, j, rect, bones[j], serializedObject, editor); } } else { GUILayout.Label("texture missing,\nfix me!", new GUILayoutOption[0]); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); Rect lastRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); string[] strArray = new string[] { "Body", "Head", "Left Hand", "Right Hand" }; lastRect.x += 5f; lastRect.width = 70f; lastRect.yMin = lastRect.yMax - 69f; lastRect.height = 16f; for (int i = 0; i < strArray.Length; i++) { if (GUI.Toggle(lastRect, shownBodyView == i, strArray[i], EditorStyles.miniButton)) { shownBodyView = i; } lastRect.y += 16f; } return shownBodyView; }
protected BoneState GetBoneState(int i, out string error) { error = string.Empty; AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper bone = m_Bones[i]; if (bone.bone == null) { return(BoneState.None); } int ancestorIndex = AvatarSetupTool.GetFirstHumanBoneAncestor(m_Bones, i); AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper ancestor = m_Bones[ancestorIndex > 0 ? ancestorIndex : 0]; if (i == 0 && bone.bone.parent == null) { error = bone.messageName + " cannot be the root transform"; return(BoneState.InvalidHierarchy); } if (ancestor.bone != null && !bone.bone.IsChildOf(ancestor.bone)) { error = bone.messageName + " is not a child of " + ancestor.messageName + "."; return(BoneState.InvalidHierarchy); } if (i == (int)HumanBodyBones.UpperChest) { AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper chest = m_Bones[(int)HumanBodyBones.Chest]; if (chest.bone == null) { error = "Chest must be assigned before assigning UpperChest."; return(BoneState.InvalidHierarchy); } } // Hips bone is a special case, for hips GetFirstAnscestor return hips if (i != (int)HumanBodyBones.Jaw && ancestor.bone != null && ancestor.bone != bone.bone && (bone.bone.position - ancestor.bone.position).sqrMagnitude < Mathf.Epsilon) { error = bone.messageName + " has bone length of zero."; return(BoneState.BoneLenghtIsZero); } // Does this transfrom is already set //List<BoneWrapper> match = ArrayUtility.FindAll (m_BoneWrappers, delegate (Transform t) { return t == m_BoneWrappers[i].bone; }); IEnumerable <AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper> match = m_Bones.Where(f => f.bone == bone.bone); // when we search in the list we must add 1 because the bone is in this list if (match.Count() > 1) { error = bone.messageName + " is also assigned to "; bool first = true; for (int j = 0; j < m_Bones.Length; j++) { if (i != j && m_Bones[i].bone == m_Bones[j].bone) { if (first) { first = false; } else { error += ", "; } error += ObjectNames.NicifyVariableName(m_Bones[j].humanBoneName); } } error += "."; return(BoneState.Duplicate); } else { return(BoneState.Valid); } }
protected void MakePoseValid() { AvatarSetupTool.MakePoseValid(m_Bones); AvatarSetupTool.TransferPoseToDescription(m_Skeleton, root); m_Inspector.Repaint(); }
private static bool DrawSkeletonSubTree(Dictionary<Transform, bool> actualBones, AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper[] bones, Quaternion orientation, Transform tr, Bounds bounds) { if (!actualBones.ContainsKey(tr)) { return false; } int num = 0; IEnumerator enumerator = tr.GetEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { Transform current = (Transform) enumerator.Current; if (DrawSkeletonSubTree(actualBones, bones, orientation, current, bounds)) { num++; } } } finally { IDisposable disposable = enumerator as IDisposable; if (disposable == null) { } disposable.Dispose(); } if (!actualBones[tr] && (num <= 1)) { return false; } int boneIndex = -1; if (bones != null) { for (int i = 0; i < bones.Length; i++) { if (bones[i].bone == tr) { boneIndex = i; break; } } } bool flag = AvatarSetupTool.GetBoneAlignmentError(bones, orientation, boneIndex) > 0f; sPoseError |= flag; if (flag) { DrawPoseError(tr, bounds); Handles.color = kErrorColor; } else if (boneIndex != -1) { Handles.color = kHumanColor; } else if (!actualBones[tr]) { Handles.color = kDummyColor; } else { Handles.color = kSkeletonColor; } Handles.DoBoneHandle(tr, actualBones); if (Selection.activeObject == tr) { Handles.color = kSelectedColor; Handles.DoBoneHandle(tr, actualBones); } return true; }
private static bool DrawSkeletonSubTree(Dictionary<Transform, bool> actualBones, AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper[] bones, Quaternion orientation, Transform tr, Bounds bounds) { if (!actualBones.ContainsKey(tr)) { return false; } int num = 0; foreach (Transform tr2 in tr) { if (AvatarSkeletonDrawer.DrawSkeletonSubTree(actualBones, bones, orientation, tr2, bounds)) { num++; } } if (!actualBones[tr] && num <= 1) { return false; } int num2 = -1; if (bones != null) { for (int i = 0; i < bones.Length; i++) { if (bones[i].bone == tr) { num2 = i; break; } } } bool flag = AvatarSetupTool.GetBoneAlignmentError(bones, orientation, num2) > 0f; AvatarSkeletonDrawer.sPoseError |= flag; if (flag) { AvatarSkeletonDrawer.DrawPoseError(tr, bounds); Handles.color = AvatarSkeletonDrawer.kErrorColor; } else { if (num2 != -1) { Handles.color = AvatarSkeletonDrawer.kHumanColor; } else { if (!actualBones[tr]) { Handles.color = AvatarSkeletonDrawer.kDummyColor; } else { Handles.color = AvatarSkeletonDrawer.kSkeletonColor; } } } Handles.DoBoneHandle(tr, actualBones); if (Selection.activeObject == tr) { Handles.color = AvatarSkeletonDrawer.kSelectedColor; Handles.DoBoneHandle(tr, actualBones); } return true; }
protected static void DrawBone(int shownBodyView, int i, Rect rect, AvatarSetupTool.BoneWrapper bone, SerializedObject serializedObject, AvatarMappingEditor editor) { if (AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[shownBodyView, i] == return; Vector2 bonePosition = AvatarControl.s_BonePositions[shownBodyView, i]; bonePosition.y *= -1f; bonePosition.Scale(new Vector2(rect.width * 0.5f, rect.height * 0.5f)); Vector2 vector2 = + bonePosition; int num = 19; Rect rect1 = new Rect(vector2.x - (float) num * 0.5f, vector2.y - (float) num * 0.5f, (float) num, (float) num); bone.BoneDotGUI(rect1, i, true, true, serializedObject, editor); }