private AvailabilityResponse Dummy() { Random rnd = new Random(); var response = new AvailabilityResponse(); response.Rooms.Add(new Availability { Room = new Room { Description = "Minimalist room for the economist traveller.", Title = "Sleep Dorm", Id = "1", Rate = 1597 }, AvailableCount = rnd.Next(1, 10) }); response.Rooms.Add(new Availability { Room = new Room { Description = "Just the basics - bed and bathroom with shower.", Title = "RnR", Id = "2", Rate = 899 }, AvailableCount = rnd.Next(1, 10) }); response.Rooms.Add(new Availability { Room = new Room { Description = "Bedroom with workspace for the business traveller.", Title = "Working Suite", Id = "3", Rate = 2499 }, AvailableCount = rnd.Next(1, 10) }); response.Rooms.Add(new Availability { Room = new Room { Description = "Private office space with minimalist sleeping quarters.", Title = "Office Away", Id = "4", Rate = 1200 }, AvailableCount = rnd.Next(1, 10) }); response.Rooms.Add(new Availability { Room = new Room { Description = "Sleeping, living and dining accomodations.", Title = "Home Away", Id = "5", Rate = 4000 }, AvailableCount = rnd.Next(1, 10) }); return(response); }
public static void MapResponseToDB(AvailabilityRes value, string SessionID) { try { HotelBedEntities db = new HotelBedEntities(); AvailabilityResponse availability = new AvailabilityResponse(); availability.Currency = value.hotel.currency; availability.TotalPrice = value.hotel.totalNet; availability.response = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value.hotel); availability.SearchID = SessionID; var hotel = db.SearchHotelDatas.FirstOrDefault(a => a.SessionID == SessionID); availability.SearchHotelID = hotel.Id; db.AvailabilityResponses.Add(availability); db.SaveChanges(); foreach (var room in value.hotel.rooms) { foreach (var rate in room.rates) { SearchRoom searchRoom = new SearchRoom(); searchRoom.adults = rate.adults; searchRoom.boardCode = rate.boardCode; searchRoom.boardName = rate.boardName; searchRoom.children = rate.children; searchRoom.childrenAges = rate.childrenAges; searchRoom.hotelMandatory = rate.hotelMandatory.ToString(); searchRoom.netPrice =; searchRoom.packaging = rate.packaging.ToString(); searchRoom.paymentType = rate.paymentType; searchRoom.rateClass = rate.rateClass; searchRoom.rateKey = rate.rateKey; searchRoom.rateType = rate.rateType; searchRoom.ResponseType = "availability"; searchRoom.RoomCode = room.code; searchRoom.RoomName =; searchRoom.rooms = rate.rooms; searchRoom.SearchHotelID = availability.ID; searchRoom.sessionID = SessionID; searchRoom.sellingRate = rate.sellingRate; db.SearchRooms.Add(searchRoom); db.SaveChanges(); foreach (var p in rate.cancellationPolicies) { RoomPolicy policy = new RoomPolicy(); policy.amount = p.amount; policy.fromDate = p.from.ToString();; policy.RoomID = searchRoom.Id; policy.CallingType = "check"; db.RoomPolicies.Add(policy); } db.SaveChanges(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { var requestData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ex); LogData.WriteToFile("c:/HotelsB2C/Logs/HBLogs/AvailabilityException", "AvailabilityException_" + SessionID, "AvailabilityException", requestData); } }
public AvailabilityResponse ProcessAvailability(HotelAvailabilityResponse response) { var result = new AvailabilityResponse(); result.CheckIn = response.CheckIn; result.CheckOut = response.CheckOut; var availableHotels = new List <AvailableHotel>(); foreach (var hotels in response.AvailableHotels) { var hotel = new AvailableHotel(); hotel.Code = hotels.Code; var rooms = new List <AvailableRoom>(); foreach (var room in hotels.AvailableRooms) { var data = new AvailableRoom(); data.Id = room.Id; data.Code = room.Code; data.Price = room.Price; data.NewPrice = _pricingService.CalculatePrice(response.CheckIn, response.CheckOut, room.Price); rooms.Add(data); } hotel.AvailableRooms = rooms; availableHotels.Add(hotel); } result.AvailableHotels = availableHotels; return(result); }
protected bool DoesCloudServiceExist(string serviceName) { Func <string, AvailabilityResponse> func = null; bool result = false; using (OperationContextScope operationContextScope = new OperationContextScope((IContextChannel)base.Channel)) { try { NewAzureVMCommand newAzureVMCommand = this; if (func == null) { func = (string s) => base.Channel.IsDNSAvailable(s, serviceName); } AvailabilityResponse availabilityResponse = ((CmdletBase <IServiceManagement>)newAzureVMCommand).RetryCall <AvailabilityResponse>(func); base.WaitForOperation(base.CommandRuntime.ToString(), true); result = !availabilityResponse.Result; } catch (CommunicationException communicationException1) { CommunicationException communicationException = communicationException1; if (communicationException as EndpointNotFoundException == null) { this.WriteErrorDetails(communicationException); } else { result = false; } } } return(result); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Availability([FromQuery, BindRequired] AvailabilityReqeust request) { var pilot = await _mediator.Send(new AvailabilityQuery { Base = request.Base, DepartureDateTime = request.DepartureDateTime.Value, ReturnDateTime = request.ReturnDateTime.Value }); if (pilot == default) { return(NotFound("No pilots were available for the requested base and period.")); } var response = new AvailabilityResponse { Pilot = new Pilot { Id = pilot.Id, Name = pilot.Name }, Base = pilot.Base, DepartureDateTime = request.DepartureDateTime.Value.ToString("dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm tt"), ReturnDateTime = request.ReturnDateTime.Value.ToString("dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm tt") }; return(Ok(response)); }
protected bool DoesCloudServiceExist(string serviceName) { bool IsPresent = false; using (new OperationContextScope(Channel.ToContextChannel())) { try { WriteVerboseWithTimestamp(string.Format(Resources.QuickVMBeginOperation, CommandRuntime.ToString())); AvailabilityResponse response = this.RetryCall(s => this.Channel.IsDNSAvailable(s, serviceName)); WriteVerboseWithTimestamp(string.Format(Resources.QuickVMCompletedOperation, CommandRuntime.ToString())); IsPresent = !response.Result; } catch (ServiceManagementClientException ex) { if (ex.HttpStatus == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { IsPresent = false; } else { this.WriteErrorDetails(ex); } } } return(IsPresent); }
private bool StorageAccountExists() { ClientOutputMessageInspector messageInspector; IServiceManagement serviceProxy = ServiceInitializer.Get(this._cert, out messageInspector); AvailabilityResponse response = serviceProxy.CheckStorageAccountNameAvailability(this._subscriptionId, this.StorageAccount); if (response.Result == false) //If storage account already exists..verify if it is located in same location supplied in input parameter. { StorageService storageAcctProperties; try { storageAcctProperties = serviceProxy.GetStorageAccountProperties(this._subscriptionId, this.StorageAccount); } catch (EndpointNotFoundException) { throw new ApplicationFailedException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, Resources.StorageAccExistsForDiffSubscription, this.StorageAccount)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Location) == false && Location.Trim().ToUpperInvariant() != storageAcctProperties.StorageServiceProperties.Location.ToUpperInvariant()) { WriteWarning(Resources.StorageAccDiffLocationWarning); } } return(!response.Result); }
public AvailabilityResponse IsStorageServiceAvailable(string subscriptionId, string name) { AvailabilityResponse result = Channel.IsStorageServiceAvailable(subscriptionId, name); WriteObject(!result.Result); return(result); }
public IHttpActionResult Availability(AvailabilityRequest request) { List <AttendeeInfo> attendees = new List <AttendeeInfo>(); foreach (var user in request.Users) { attendees.Add(new AttendeeInfo() { SmtpAddress = user, AttendeeType = MeetingAttendeeType.Required }); } // Specify availability options. AvailabilityOptions myOptions = new AvailabilityOptions(); myOptions.MeetingDuration = request.DurationMinutes; myOptions.RequestedFreeBusyView = FreeBusyViewType.FreeBusy; // Return a set of free/busy times. var service = ExchangeServer.Open(); var startTime = DateTime.Parse(request.Start); var endTime = DateTime.Parse(request.End); GetUserAvailabilityResults freeBusyResults = service.GetUserAvailability(attendees, new TimeWindow(startTime, endTime), AvailabilityData.FreeBusy, myOptions); var response = new AvailabilityResponse { AvailabilityResult = new List <AvailabilityUser>() }; foreach (AttendeeAvailability availability in freeBusyResults.AttendeesAvailability) { var user = new AvailabilityUser(); var avail = new List <TimeBlock>(); foreach (CalendarEvent calendarItem in availability.CalendarEvents) { var block = new TimeBlock { Start = calendarItem.StartTime, End = calendarItem.EndTime, StatusEnum = calendarItem.FreeBusyStatus, Status = calendarItem.FreeBusyStatus.ToString() }; avail.Add(block); } user.Availability = avail; response.AvailabilityResult.Add(user); } return(Ok(response)); }
public IActionResult Get(DateTime date) { var response = new AvailabilityResponse() { Price = _rnd.Next(1) == 0 ? 120 : 150, RoomCount = _rnd.Next(3) }; return(Ok(response)); }
public BookingResponse SubmitBooking(int ordernumber, AvailabilityResponse availability, List <BookingTransactionDetail> bookingDetails) { var bookingRequest = new BookingRequest { AgentUID = _agentUiId, AgentCode = _agentCode, ApiKey = _apiKey, SupplierTranReference = ordernumber.ToString(), TransactionDetails = bookingDetails.ToArray(), TransactionReference = availability.TransactionReference }; var bookingResponse = _clientApi.Booking(bookingRequest); return(bookingResponse); }
public AvailabilityService() { = new AvailabilityRequest(); this.reg = new RegionalAvailabilityExtRequest(); this.cli = new AvailabilityServiceSoapClient(); this.og = new OGHeader(); this.origin = new EndPoint(); this.dest = new EndPoint(); this.segment = new AvailRequestSegment(); this.hotelSearch = new HotelSearchCriterion(); this.hotelRef = new HotelReference(); this.roomStay = new RoomStayCandidate(); this.request = new AvailabilityRequest(); this.packageRequest = new FetchAvailablePackagesRequest(); this.timeSpan = new Availability.TimeSpan(); this.rate = new MinMaxRate(); this.response = new AvailabilityResponse(); this.packageResponse = new FetchAvailablePackagesResponse(); this.ratePlan = new RatePlanCandidate(); this.tempObj = new Object(); }
public async Task <AvailabilityResponse> GetAvailability(AvailabilityRequest request) { var response = new AvailabilityResponse(); using (var client = new HttpClient()) { client.BaseAddress = new Uri(_url); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Clear(); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); HttpResponseMessage resp = await client.PostAsJsonAsync("/api/appointments/availability", request); if (resp.IsSuccessStatusCode) { response = await resp.Content.ReadAsAsync <AvailabilityResponse>(); return(response); } } return(response); }
private async Task <AvailabilityResponse> FetchAvailability(string date, string ticketId) { try { AvailabilityRequestModel input = new AvailabilityRequestModel(); = new Data(); input.request_type = "availabilities"; = _settings.GetConfigSetting <string>(SettingKeys.Integration.CitySightSeeing.DistributorId); AvailabilityResponse objData = new AvailabilityResponse(); = date; = date; = ticketId; objData = Mapper <AvailabilityResponse> .MapFromJson((await Get(input))); return(objData); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Log(LogCategory.Error, new Exception("Failed to Fetch CitySightSeeing Avaikability", ex)); return(null); } }
public Object GetAvailableRooms(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int numRoom = 1, int numAdult = 1, int numChild = 0, string rateType = "normal", string rateCode = "", string currencyCode = "PHP", string chainCode = "CHA", string hotelCode = "WCCH") { this._InitializeHeader(); this.request.summaryOnly = true; /** / * this.ratePlan.ratePlanCode = "OWCCH"; * this.roomStay.roomTypeCode = "SUPK"; * this.segment.RatePlanCandidates = new RatePlanCandidate[1]; * this.segment.RatePlanCandidates[0] = this.ratePlan; * /**/ this._InitializeTimeSpan(startDate, endDate); this.rate.currencyCode = currencyCode; this.rate.minimumRateSpecified = true; this.rate.maximumRateSpecified = true; this.rate.decimals = 2; this.rate.decimalsSpecified = true; this.rate.minimumRate = 1.00; this.rate.maximumRate = 1000000.00; this.segment.numberOfRooms = numRoom; this.segment.numberOfRoomsSpecified = true; this.segment.totalNumberOfGuests = numAdult; this.segment.totalNumberOfGuestsSpecified = true; this.segment.numberOfChildren = numChild; this.segment.numberOfChildrenSpecified = true; this.segment.availReqType = AvailRequestType.Room; this._InitializeHotelRef(chainCode, hotelCode); this.roomStay.invBlockCode = null; this.segment.HotelSearchCriteria = new HotelSearchCriterion[1]; this.segment.RoomStayCandidates = new RoomStayCandidate[1]; this.request.AvailRequestSegment = new AvailRequestSegment[1]; this.segment.HotelSearchCriteria[0] = this.hotelSearch; this.segment.RoomStayCandidates[0] = this.roomStay; this.segment.RateRange = this.rate; this.segment.StayDateRange = this.timeSpan; switch (rateType) { case "corporate": this.segment.RatePlanCandidates = new Availability.RatePlanCandidate[1]; this.segment.RatePlanCandidates[0] = new Availability.RatePlanCandidate(); this.segment.RatePlanCandidates[0].qualifyingIdType = "CORPORATE"; this.segment.RatePlanCandidates[0].qualifyingIdValue = rateCode; break; case "travelAgent": this.segment.RatePlanCandidates = new Availability.RatePlanCandidate[1]; this.segment.RatePlanCandidates[0] = new Availability.RatePlanCandidate(); this.segment.RatePlanCandidates[0].qualifyingIdType = "TRAVEL_AGENT"; this.segment.RatePlanCandidates[0].qualifyingIdValue = rateCode; break; case "promotion": this.segment.RatePlanCandidates = new Availability.RatePlanCandidate[1]; this.segment.RatePlanCandidates[0] = new Availability.RatePlanCandidate(); this.segment.RatePlanCandidates[0].promotionCode = rateCode; break; case "normal": default: break; } this.request.AvailRequestSegment[0] = this.segment; try { response = this.response = cli.Availability(ref this.og, this.request); } catch (Exception e) { this.errors = e; } if (response.Result.GDSError == null) { var temp_result = new { statusCode = 0, statusMessage = "", roomTypes = response.AvailResponseSegments[0].RoomStayList[0].RoomTypes, roomTypesCount = response.AvailResponseSegments[0].RoomStayList[0].RoomTypes.Count <RoomType>(), roomRates = response.AvailResponseSegments[0].RoomStayList[0].RoomRates, roomRatesCount = response.AvailResponseSegments[0].RoomStayList[0].RoomRates.Count <RoomRate>() }; this.tempObj = temp_result; } else { var temp_result = new { statusCode = response.Result.GDSError.errorCode, statusMessage = response.Result.GDSError.Value, roomTypes = "", roomTypesCount = "", roomRates = "", roomRatesCount = "" }; this.tempObj = temp_result; } this.finalResponse.Add(this.tempObj); //return this.finalResponse; return(this.tempObj); //return response; }
private static async Task GetAvailabilityAsync() { AvailabilityResponse availability = await _client.GetAvailabilityAsync(); PrintResponse(availability.Availability); }
//from, to, roomtype, city public AvailabilityResponse GetAvailableRoomList(AvailabilityRequest request) { var response = new AvailabilityResponse(); try { using (var context = new SpartanHotelsEntities()) { var aviRooms = from hr in context.HotelRooms join ht in context.Hotels on hr.HotelID equals ht.HotelID where ht.City == request.City select new { hr.HotelRoomID, hr.HotelID, ht.HotelName, hr.Rate, hr.TotalRoomCount, hr.RoomTypeID, ht.City, ht.Locality, ht.Address, }; var aviReservations = from rs in context.Reservations where (rs.FromDate >= request.FromDate && rs.FromDate <= request.ToDate && rs.BookStatusID == (int)BookingStatus.Confirmed) select rs; if (aviReservations.Any()) { var totalBooking = aviReservations.GroupBy(tb => new { tb.FromDate, tb.HotelRoomID }).Select(room => new { room.Key.HotelRoomID, room.Key.FromDate, Total = room.Count() }).AsQueryable().GroupBy(a => new { a.HotelRoomID }).Select(b => new { b.Key.HotelRoomID, TotalBookedRooms = b.Max(c => c.Total) }).AsQueryable(); foreach (var avi in aviRooms) { var filteredRoom = totalBooking.FirstOrDefault(a => a.HotelRoomID == avi.HotelRoomID); int roomsBooked = 0; if (filteredRoom != null) { roomsBooked = filteredRoom.TotalBookedRooms; } if (avi.TotalRoomCount > roomsBooked) { response.Rooms.Add(new Availability() { Room = new SpartanHotels.Entities.Room { Id = avi.HotelRoomID.ToString(), Title = avi.RoomTypeID.ToString(), Rate = (decimal)avi.Rate }, AvailableCount = (int)avi.TotalRoomCount - roomsBooked }); } } } else { foreach (var avi in aviRooms) { if (avi.TotalRoomCount > 0) { response.Rooms.Add(new Availability() { Room = new Entities.Room { Id = avi.HotelRoomID.ToString(), Title = avi.RoomTypeID.ToString(), Rate = (decimal)avi.Rate }, AvailableCount = (int)avi.TotalRoomCount }); } } } } } catch (Exception) { throw; } return(response); }
public AvailabilityResponse EndIsStorageServiceAvailable(IAsyncResult asyncResult) { AvailabilityResponse availabilityResponse = new AvailabilityResponse(); if (IsStorageServiceAvailableThunk != null) { SimpleServiceManagementAsyncResult result = asyncResult as SimpleServiceManagementAsyncResult; Assert.IsNotNull(result, "asyncResult was not SimpleServiceManagementAsyncResult!"); availabilityResponse = IsStorageServiceAvailableThunk(result); } else if (ThrowsIfNotImplemented) { throw new NotImplementedException("IsStorageServiceAvailableThunk is not implemented!"); } return availabilityResponse; }
public void Init() { instance = new AvailabilityResponse(); }