public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(false); } if (obj == this) { return(true); } return(obj is CreatePaymentRequest other && ((SourceId == null && other.SourceId == null) || (SourceId?.Equals(other.SourceId) == true)) && ((IdempotencyKey == null && other.IdempotencyKey == null) || (IdempotencyKey?.Equals(other.IdempotencyKey) == true)) && ((AmountMoney == null && other.AmountMoney == null) || (AmountMoney?.Equals(other.AmountMoney) == true)) && ((TipMoney == null && other.TipMoney == null) || (TipMoney?.Equals(other.TipMoney) == true)) && ((AppFeeMoney == null && other.AppFeeMoney == null) || (AppFeeMoney?.Equals(other.AppFeeMoney) == true)) && ((DelayDuration == null && other.DelayDuration == null) || (DelayDuration?.Equals(other.DelayDuration) == true)) && ((Autocomplete == null && other.Autocomplete == null) || (Autocomplete?.Equals(other.Autocomplete) == true)) && ((OrderId == null && other.OrderId == null) || (OrderId?.Equals(other.OrderId) == true)) && ((CustomerId == null && other.CustomerId == null) || (CustomerId?.Equals(other.CustomerId) == true)) && ((LocationId == null && other.LocationId == null) || (LocationId?.Equals(other.LocationId) == true)) && ((ReferenceId == null && other.ReferenceId == null) || (ReferenceId?.Equals(other.ReferenceId) == true)) && ((VerificationToken == null && other.VerificationToken == null) || (VerificationToken?.Equals(other.VerificationToken) == true)) && ((AcceptPartialAuthorization == null && other.AcceptPartialAuthorization == null) || (AcceptPartialAuthorization?.Equals(other.AcceptPartialAuthorization) == true)) && ((BuyerEmailAddress == null && other.BuyerEmailAddress == null) || (BuyerEmailAddress?.Equals(other.BuyerEmailAddress) == true)) && ((BillingAddress == null && other.BillingAddress == null) || (BillingAddress?.Equals(other.BillingAddress) == true)) && ((ShippingAddress == null && other.ShippingAddress == null) || (ShippingAddress?.Equals(other.ShippingAddress) == true)) && ((Note == null && other.Note == null) || (Note?.Equals(other.Note) == true)) && ((StatementDescriptionIdentifier == null && other.StatementDescriptionIdentifier == null) || (StatementDescriptionIdentifier?.Equals(other.StatementDescriptionIdentifier) == true))); }
void Start() { if (this.consoleFont == null) { this.consoleFont = Font.CreateDynamicFontFromOSFont("Courier New", 16); } this.commandText = ""; this.cachedCommandText = commandText; Assert.AreNotEqual(this.toggleKey, KeyCode.Return, "Return is not a valid console toggle hotkey."); SetupWindow(); SetupInput(); SetupLabels(); Shell.RegisterCommands(); if (IssuedError) { Log(TerminalLogType.ERROR, "Error: {0}", Shell.IssuedErrorMessage); } foreach (var cmd in Shell.Commands) { Autocomplete.Register(cmd.Key); } }
private bool EsTodoCorrecto() { bool resultado = true; DataSet ds = Autocomplete.ObtenerVisitantes(txtCedula.Text); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0 && hdnCedula.Value == "0") { resultado = false; messageBox.ShowMessage("La cédula ya esta registrada, debe seleccionar de la lista en el recuadro (CEDULA) el nombre de la persona."); } if (hdnPersonalID.Value == "0") { resultado = false; resultado = false; messageBox.ShowMessage("Debe buscar y seleccionar al personal a visitar, si no existe por favor consulte al area de recursos humanos."); } if (Convert.ToInt32(ddlAsunto.SelectedValue) == 0) { resultado = false; messageBox.ShowMessage("Debe seleccionar el motivo de la visita"); } return(resultado); }
private List <Autocomplete> _GetStatus(string query) { List <Autocomplete> status = new List <Autocomplete>(); try { var rs = db.complaint_history.Where(p => p.STATUS.Contains(query)).Select(p => new { p.STATUS }).Distinct().ToList(); //var results = (from p in db.complaint_history // where (p.STATUS).Contains(query) // orderby p.STATUS // select p.STATUS ).ToList().Distinct(); //Select(w => new { name = w.STATUS, Id = w.ID }).Distinct(); foreach (var r in rs) { // create objects Autocomplete statuss = new Autocomplete(); statuss.Name = r.STATUS; // statuss.Id = r.Id; status.Add(statuss); } } catch (Exception ex) { } return(status); }
//Place search auto complete public override void OnActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { base.OnActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); if (requestCode == 1) { takeAddressFromSearch = true; startRadio.Checked = false; endRadio.Checked = false; var place = Autocomplete.GetPlaceFromIntent(data); startDestinationText.Text = place.Address.ToString(); startLocationLatlng = place.LatLng; mainMap.AnimateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.NewLatLngZoom(place.LatLng, 18)); centreMarker.SetColorFilter(Color.DarkGreen); } if (requestCode == 2) { takeAddressFromSearch = true; startRadio.Checked = false; endRadio.Checked = false; var place = Autocomplete.GetPlaceFromIntent(data); endDestinationText.Text = place.Address.ToString(); endLocationLatlng = place.LatLng; mainMap.AnimateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.NewLatLngZoom(place.LatLng, 18)); centreMarker.SetColorFilter(Color.Red); //mapButtonStartSet(); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="synthesizerManager"></param> /// <param name="mailSender"></param> public MainWindowViewModel(SpeechSynthesizerManager synthesizerManager, MailSender mailSender) { this.synthesizerManager = synthesizerManager; this.mailSender = mailSender; CommonPhrasesViewModel = new CommonPhrasesViewModel(this.synthesizerManager); autocomplete = new Autocomplete("proverbs.txt"); }
void Start() { DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); if (ConsoleFont == null) { ConsoleFont = Font.CreateDynamicFontFromOSFont("Consolas", 16); } command_text = ""; cached_command_text = command_text; Assert.AreNotEqual(ToggleHotkey.ToLower(), "return", "Return is not a valid ToggleHotkey"); SetupWindow(); SetupInput(); SetupLabels(); Shell.RegisterCommands(); if (IssuedError) { Print(TerminalLogType.Error, "Error: {0}", Shell.IssuedErrorMessage); } foreach (var command in Shell.Commands) { Autocomplete.Register(command.Key); } }
public async override void OnActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { base.OnActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); try { var place = Autocomplete.GetPlaceFromIntent(data); //getting location of the searched place var loc = place.LatLng; //creating camera update options to move camera to the searched location CameraUpdate cam = CameraUpdateFactory.NewLatLngZoom(loc, 15); googleMap.AnimateCamera(cam); if (radioStart.Checked == true) { startCoardinates = googleMap.CameraPosition.Target; string startLoc = await mapFuncHelper.FindCordinateAddress(startCoardinates); char[] startLocArray = startLoc.ToCharArray(); startLocation.SetText(startLocArray, 0, startLocArray.Length); } else if (radioEnd.Checked == true) { endCoardinates = googleMap.CameraPosition.Target; string endLoc = await mapFuncHelper.FindCordinateAddress(endCoardinates); char[] endLocArray = endLoc.ToCharArray(); endLocation.SetText(endLocArray, 0, endLocArray.Length); } } catch (Exception e) { } }
public void BackSpace() { IAutocomplete ac = new Autocomplete(Data.EstacoesMetro.Select(s => s.ToCharArray()).ToArray()); //"~Qu..." var results = ac.Filter('\b', out char[] options); results = ac.Filter('Q', out options); results = ac.Filter('A', out options); results = ac.Filter('\b', out options); Assert.AreEqual('u', options[0]); results = ac.Filter('u', out options); Assert.AreEqual('i', options[0]); Assert.AreEqual("Quinta das Conchas", new string(results[0])); results = ac.Filter('\b', out options); results = ac.Filter('\b', out options); results = ac.Filter('\b', out options); Assert.AreEqual(50, options.Length); Assert.AreEqual(50, results.Length); }
void CompleteCommand() { string head = this.commandText; int formatWidth = 0; string[] completionBuffer = Autocomplete.Complete(ref head, ref formatWidth); int completionLength = completionBuffer.Length; if (completionLength != 0) { this.commandText = head; } if (completionLength > 1) { var logBuffer = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string completion in completionBuffer) { logBuffer.Append(completion.PadRight(formatWidth + 4)); } Log("{0}", logBuffer); this.scrollPosition.y = int.MaxValue; } }
void CompleteCommand() { string head_text = command_text; int format_width = 0; string[] completion_buffer = Autocomplete.Complete(ref head_text, ref format_width); int completion_length = completion_buffer.Length; if (completion_length != 0) { command_text = head_text; } if (completion_length > 1) { // Print possible completions var log_buffer = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string completion in completion_buffer) { log_buffer.Append(completion.PadRight(format_width + 4)); } Log("{0}", log_buffer); scroll_position.y = int.MaxValue; } }
public void Performance_SearchFor_AllCharacters_InAllWords() { char[] options; char[][] results; // Start the test IAutocomplete ac = new Autocomplete(Data.Cities.Select(s => s.ToCharArray()).ToArray()); Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); foreach (string s in Data.Cities) { //Get initial full results results = ac.Search(null, out options); //filter Char by Char foreach (char c in s) { results = ac.Filter(c, out options); } } sw.Stop(); var av = (double)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / Data.Cities.Length; var acceptedTime = (double)1.700; //milliseconds Assert.AreEqual(true, av < acceptedTime, av.ToString() + " > " + acceptedTime); }
private void Dispatcher_AcceleratorKeyActivated(CoreDispatcher sender, AcceleratorKeyEventArgs args) { if ((args.VirtualKey == VirtualKey.Enter || args.VirtualKey == VirtualKey.Tab) && args.EventType == CoreAcceleratorKeyEventType.KeyDown && FocusState != FocusState.Unfocused) { // Check if CTRL or Shift is also pressed in addition to Enter key. var ctrl = Window.Current.CoreWindow.GetKeyState(VirtualKey.Control); var shift = Window.Current.CoreWindow.GetKeyState(VirtualKey.Shift); var key = Window.Current.CoreWindow.GetKeyState(VirtualKey.Enter); if (Autocomplete != null && View.Autocomplete != null) { var send = key.HasFlag(CoreVirtualKeyStates.Down) && !ctrl.HasFlag(CoreVirtualKeyStates.Down) && !shift.HasFlag(CoreVirtualKeyStates.Down); if (send || args.VirtualKey == VirtualKey.Tab) { AcceptsReturn = false; var container = Autocomplete.ContainerFromIndex(Math.Max(0, Autocomplete.SelectedIndex)) as ListViewItem; if (container != null) { var peer = new ListViewItemAutomationPeer(container); var invokeProv = peer.GetPattern(PatternInterface.Invoke) as IInvokeProvider; invokeProv.Invoke(); } } else { AcceptsReturn = true; } return; } // If there is text and CTRL/Shift is not pressed, send message. Else allow new row. if (ViewModel.Settings.IsSendByEnterEnabled) { var send = key.HasFlag(CoreVirtualKeyStates.Down) && !ctrl.HasFlag(CoreVirtualKeyStates.Down) && !shift.HasFlag(CoreVirtualKeyStates.Down); if (send) { View?.Accept(); AcceptsReturn = false; } else { AcceptsReturn = true; } } else { var send = key.HasFlag(CoreVirtualKeyStates.Down) && ctrl.HasFlag(CoreVirtualKeyStates.Down) && !shift.HasFlag(CoreVirtualKeyStates.Down); if (send) { View?.Accept(); AcceptsReturn = false; } else { AcceptsReturn = true; } } } }
private List <Autocomplete> _GetPeople(string query) { List <Autocomplete> people = new List <Autocomplete>(); try { var results = (from p in db.People where (p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName).Contains(query) orderby p.FirstName, p.LastName select p).Take(10).ToList(); foreach (var r in results) { // create objects Autocomplete person = new Autocomplete(); person.Name = string.Format("{0} {1}", r.FirstName, r.LastName); person.Id = r.PersonId; people.Add(person); } } catch (EntityCommandExecutionException eceex) { if (eceex.InnerException != null) { throw eceex.InnerException; } throw; } catch { throw; } return(people); }
protected override void OnActivityResult(int requestCode, [GeneratedEnum] Android.App.Result resultCode, Intent data) { if (requestCode == 1) { if (resultCode == Android.App.Result.Ok) { takeAddressFromSearch = true; pickupRadio.Checked = false; destinationRadio.Checked = false; var place = Autocomplete.GetPlaceFromIntent(data); pickupLocationText.Text = place.Name.ToString(); pickupLocationLatLng = place.LatLng; pickupAddress = place.Name.ToString(); mainMap.AnimateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.NewLatLngZoom(place.LatLng, 15)); centerMaker.SetColorFilter(Color.DarkGreen); } } if (requestCode == 2) { if (resultCode == Android.App.Result.Ok) { takeAddressFromSearch = true; pickupRadio.Checked = false; destinationRadio.Checked = false; var place = Autocomplete.GetPlaceFromIntent(data); destiantionLocationText.Text = place.Name.ToString(); destinationLocationLatLng = place.LatLng; destinationAddress = place.Name.ToString(); mainMap.AnimateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.NewLatLngZoom(place.LatLng, 15)); centerMaker.SetColorFilter(Color.Red); TriplocationsSet(); } } }
public override void OnActivityResult(int requestCode, [GeneratedEnum] Result resultCode, Intent data) { try { base.OnActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); var place = Autocomplete.GetPlaceFromIntent(data); if (myCity == "true") { StaticOrder.Destination_address = place.Address; StaticOrder.Destination_lat = place.LatLng.Latitude.ToString(); StaticOrder.Destination_lng = place.LatLng.Longitude.ToString(); } else { StaticOrder.Inception_address = place.Address; StaticOrder.Inception_lat = place.LatLng.Latitude.ToString(); StaticOrder.Inception_lng = place.LatLng.Longitude.ToString(); } s_geo.Text = place.Address; } catch (Exception ex) { Toast.MakeText(Activity, ex.Message, ToastLength.Long).Show(); } }
protected virtual void Initialize() { name = "TERMINAL"; if (ConsoleFont == null) { ConsoleFont = Font.CreateDynamicFontFromOSFont("Courier New", 14); //Debug.LogWarning("Command Console Warning: Please assign a font."); } command_text = ""; cached_command_text = command_text; Assert.AreNotEqual(ToggleHotkey.ToLower(), "return", "Return is not a valid ToggleHotkey"); SetupWindow(); SetupInput(); SetupLabels(); Shell.RegisterCommands(); if (IssuedError) { Log(TerminalLogType.Error, "Error: {0}", Shell.IssuedErrorMessage); } foreach (var command in Shell.Commands) { Autocomplete.Register(command.Key); } Log("Press 'shift + ~' for bigger console"); Log("Type 'help commandName' for command description"); Log("Type 'help' for a list of commands"); }
private List <Autocomplete> _GetItemType(string query) { List <Autocomplete> item = new List <Autocomplete>(); try { var results = (from p in db.itemtype where (p.Item_Type).Contains(query) orderby p.Item_Type select p).Take(10).ToList(); foreach (var r in results) { // create objects Autocomplete itemtypes = new Autocomplete(); itemtypes.Name = r.Item_Type; itemtypes.Id = r.ID; item.Add(itemtypes); } } catch (EntityCommandExecutionException eceex) { if (eceex.InnerException != null) { throw eceex.InnerException; } throw; } return(item); }
public JsonResult GetUsuarios(string Prefix) { //Note : you can bind same list from database var usuarios = db.Historial.Where(a => a.Usuario.Contains(Prefix)).ToList(); List <Autocomplete> ObjList = new List <Autocomplete>(); for (int i = 0; i < usuarios.Count; i++) { bool f = false; for (int j = 0; j < ObjList.Count; j++) { if (usuarios[i].Usuario.ToLower() == ObjList[j].Name.ToLower()) { f = true; break; } } if (!f) { Autocomplete temp = new Autocomplete(); temp.Id = usuarios[i].Id; temp.Name = usuarios[i].Usuario; ObjList.Add(temp); } } //Searching records from list using LINQ query return(Json(ObjList, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> PutAutocomplete([FromRoute] int id, [FromBody] Autocomplete autocomplete) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != autocomplete.Id) { return(BadRequest()); } _context.Entry(autocomplete).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!AutocompleteExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(NoContent()); }
// Autocomplete for Location Add page to fill the textbox as a list with the type from database. #region Autocomplate textbox for room type private List <Autocomplete> _GetRoomType(string query) { List <Autocomplete> room = new List <Autocomplete>(); try { var rs = db.location.Where(p => p.TYPE.Contains(query)).Select(p => new { p.TYPE }).Distinct().ToList(); /**** In here we can use eatier linq or EF to bring data. You can implement it both of them for * ****/ //var results = (from p in db.location // where (p.TYPE).Contains(query) // orderby p.TYPE // select p).ToList(); foreach (var r in rs) { // create objects Autocomplete roomtype = new Autocomplete(); roomtype.Name = r.TYPE; //roomtype.Id = r.ID; room.Add(roomtype); } } catch (EntityCommandExecutionException eceex) { if (eceex.InnerException != null) { throw eceex.InnerException; } throw; } return(room); }
protected override void OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs e) { if (!AutocompletionEnabled) { return; } if (e.EqualsChar(')')) { Autocomplete.Hide(); } else if (MustRefresh || e.EqualsChar('(')) { var mis = GetCurrentMethod(); if (mis != null) { RefreshSuggestions(mis); } else if (!InStrOrDeclaring) { RefreshSuggestions(); } MustRefresh = false; } base.OnKeyUp(e); }
public void Performance_SearchBy_FullString() { //int quantity = 4000; char[] options; char[][] results; // Start the test IAutocomplete ac = new Autocomplete(Data.Cities.Select(s => s.ToCharArray()).ToArray()); Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); foreach (var c in ac.AllItems) { results = ac.Search(c, out options); } sw.Stop(); var av = (double)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / Data.Cities.Length; var acceptedTime = (double)0.300; //milliseconds Assert.AreEqual(true, av < acceptedTime, av.ToString() + " > " + acceptedTime); }
void Start() { if (ConsoleFont == null) { ConsoleFont = Font.CreateDynamicFontFromOSFont("Courier New", 16); Debug.LogWarning("Command Console Warning: Please assign a font."); } command_text = ""; cached_command_text = command_text; Assert.AreNotEqual(ToggleHotkey.ToLower(), "return", "Return is not a valid ToggleHotkey"); SetupWindow(); SetupInput(); SetupLabels(); Shell.RegisterCommands(); if (IssuedError) { Log(TerminalLogType.Error, "Error: {0}", Shell.IssuedErrorMessage); } foreach (var command in Shell.Commands) { Autocomplete.Register(command.Key); } }
public override void Focus() { Highlighter.Instance.RefreshStyles(TextBox); Autocomplete.SetAutoompleteMenu(TextBox); Autocomplete.Enabled = true; Update(TextBox.Range); }
protected override void OnActivityResult(int requestCode, [GeneratedEnum] Result resultCode, Intent data) { base.OnActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); try { var place = Autocomplete.GetPlaceFromIntent(data); //getting location of the searched place var loc = place.LatLng; //creating camera update options to move camera to the searched location CameraUpdate cam = CameraUpdateFactory.NewLatLngZoom(loc, 17); //create marker options MarkerOptions markerOption = new MarkerOptions(); markerOption.SetPosition(loc); markerOption.Draggable(true); int id0 = (int)typeof(Resource.Drawable).GetField("locationpoint").GetValue(null); BitmapDescriptor bmd0 = BitmapDescriptorFactory.FromResource(id0); markerOption.SetIcon(bmd0); //googleMap.Clear(); googleMap.AddMarker(markerOption); googleMap.MoveCamera(cam); googleMap.MarkerDragEnd += GoogleMap_MarkerDragEnd1; } catch (Exception e) { } }
private void Awake() { instance = this; cg = GetComponent <CanvasGroup>(); Time.timeScale = 1f; stock = FindObjectOfType <Stock>(); SetupGameRestartBtns(); ChangeVisibility(false); }
protected override void OnResize(EventArgs eventargs) { Scroll.InvalidateLines(InvalidateFlags.Force); //Styles.Restyle(); Invalidate(); Autocomplete.HideAutocomplete(); Search.UpdateSearchPanel(); base.OnResize(eventargs); }
public void SuggestsFetch() { // If this throws an exception due to a circular reference while building the schema from the // classes in fetch.cs, the file has probably been regenerated from the schema file and needs // the AnonymousType = true settings removing from the attributes on each class. var text = "<"; var suggestions = new Autocomplete <FetchType>().GetSuggestions(text, out _); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new[] { "fetch" }, suggestions.Cast <AutocompleteElementSuggestion>().Select(s => s.Name).ToArray()); }
protected override void OnClick(EventArgs e) { if (!AutocompletionEnabled) { return; } Autocomplete.Hide(); base.OnClick(e); }