public RealExRebateRequest(string secret, string merchantId, string account, string orderId, Amount amount, string pasRef, string authCode, string refundPassword, bool autoSettle, Comments comments)
     : base(secret, merchantId, account, orderId, pasRef, authCode, comments)
     SignatureProperties = () => new[] { Amount.Value.ToString(), Amount.Currency.CurrencyName() + "." };
     Type       = "rebate";
     AutoSettle = new AutoSettle(autoSettle);
     RefundHash = refundPassword.ComputeHash();
     Amount     = amount;
Esempio n. 2
 public RealExAuthRequest(string secret, string merchantId, string account, string orderId, Amount amount, Card card, TssInfo tssInfo, bool autoSettle, string custNum, string prodId, string varRef, Comments comments)
     : base(secret, merchantId, account, orderId, amount, card, comments)
     TssInfo    = tssInfo;
     CustNum    = custNum;
     ProdId     = prodId;
     VarRef     = varRef;
     Type       = "auth";
     AutoSettle = new AutoSettle(autoSettle);
Esempio n. 3
 public RealExAuthRequest(string secret, string merchantId, string account, string orderId, Amount amount, Card card, TssInfo tssInfo, bool autoSettle, string custNum, string prodId, string varRef, Comments comments)
     : base(secret, merchantId, account, orderId, amount, card, comments)
     TssInfo = tssInfo;
     CustNum = custNum;
     ProdId = prodId;
     VarRef = varRef;
     Type = "auth";
     AutoSettle = new AutoSettle(autoSettle);
Esempio n. 4
        public void PaymentRequestXmlSettersTest()
            Card card = new Card();

            card.ExpiryDate     = sx.CARD_EXPIRY_DATE;
            card.Number         = sx.CARD_NUMBER;
            card.Type           = CardType.VISA;
            card.CardHolderName = sx.CARD_HOLDER_NAME;
            card.IssueNumber    = sx.CARD_ISSUE_NUMBER;

            Cvn cvn = new Cvn();

            cvn.Number            = sx.CARD_CVN_NUMBER;
            cvn.PresenceIndicator = sx.CARD_CVN_PRESENCE;
            card.Cvn = cvn;

            PaymentRequest request = new PaymentRequest();

            request.Account    = sx.ACCOUNT;
            request.MerchantId = sx.MERCHANT_ID;
            request.Type       = PaymentType.AUTH;

            RxpAmount amount = new RxpAmount();

            amount.Amount   = sx.AMOUNT;
            amount.Currency = sx.CURRENCY;
            request.Amount  = amount;

            AutoSettle autoSettle = new AutoSettle();

            autoSettle.Flag = sx.AUTO_SETTLE_FLAG;

            request.AutoSettle = autoSettle;
            request.Card       = card;
            request.Timestamp  = sx.TIMESTAMP;
            request.Channel    = sx.CHANNEL;
            request.OrderId    = sx.ORDER_ID;
            request.Hash       = sx.REQUEST_HASH;

            List <RxpComment> comments = new List <RxpComment>();
            RxpComment        comment  = new RxpComment();

            comment.Id      = 1;
            comment.Comment = sx.COMMENT1;
            comment         = new RxpComment();
            comment.Id      = 2;
            comment.Comment = sx.COMMENT2;
            request.Comments = comments;

            request.PaymentsReference = sx.PASREF;
            request.AuthCode          = sx.AUTH_CODE;
            request.RefundHash        = sx.REFUND_HASH;
            request.FraudFilter       = sx.FRAUD_FILTER;

            Recurring recurring = new Recurring();

            recurring.Flag     = sx.RECURRING_FLAG;
            recurring.Sequence = sx.RECURRING_SEQUENCE;
            recurring.Type     = sx.RECURRING_TYPE;
            request.Recurring  = recurring;

            TssInfo tssInfo = new TssInfo();

            tssInfo.CustomerNumber    = sx.CUSTOMER_NUMBER;
            tssInfo.ProductId         = sx.PRODUCT_ID;
            tssInfo.VariableReference = sx.VARIABLE_REFERENCE;
            tssInfo.CustomerIpAddress = sx.CUSTOMER_IP;

            List <Address> addresses = new List <Address>();
            Address        address   = new Address();

            address.Type    = sx.ADDRESS_TYPE_BUSINESS;
            address.Code    = sx.ADDRESS_CODE_BUSINESS;
            address.Country = sx.ADDRESS_COUNTRY_BUSINESS;

            address         = new Address();
            address.Type    = sx.ADDRESS_TYPE_SHIPPING;
            address.Code    = sx.ADDRESS_CODE_SHIPPING;
            address.Country = sx.ADDRESS_COUNTRY_SHIPPING;

            tssInfo.Addresses = addresses;
            request.TssInfo   = tssInfo;

            Mpi mpi = new Mpi();

            mpi.Cavv    = sx.THREE_D_SECURE_CAVV;
            mpi.Xid     = sx.THREE_D_SECURE_XID;
            mpi.Eci     = sx.THREE_D_SECURE_ECI;
            request.Mpi = mpi;

            //convert to XML
            string xml = request.ToXml();

            //Convert from XML back to PaymentRequest
            PaymentRequest fromXmlRequest = new PaymentRequest().FromXml(xml);
