public ActionResult Publish(int id) //auction ID { User user = UserService.GetUserByEmail(User.Identity.Name); Auction auction = AuctionService.GetByID(id); if (auction == null || auction.Auto.UserID != user.ID) { return(HttpNotFound()); } ViewBag.currencies = CurrencyService.GetAllAsSelectList(); ViewBag.recommendedPrice = AuctionService.GetRecommendedPrice(auction.Auto.PriceUSD, auction.Auto.PriceUAH); AuctionCreateVM auctionCreateVM = auction; AutoDetailsVM autoVM = auction.Auto; List <AutoPhotoVM> orderedPhotos = autoVM.AutoPhotoes.OrderByDescending(p => p.IsMain).ToList(); AutoPhotoVM mainPhoto = orderedPhotos[0]; ViewBag.mainPhoto = mainPhoto; ViewBag.autoVM = autoVM; breadcrumbs.Add("#", Resource.AuctionCreate); ViewBag.breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs; int limit = 2000; int.TryParse(XCarsConfiguration.AutoDescriptionMaxLength, out limit); ViewBag.autoDescriptionMaxLength = limit; return(View("Create", auctionCreateVM)); }
public ActionResult Create(int id) //auto ID { User user = UserService.GetUserByEmail(User.Identity.Name); Auto auto = user?.Autoes.FirstOrDefault(a => a.ID == id && a.StatusID == 2); if (auto == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } Auction auction = new Auction() { AutoID = auto.ID, DateCreated = DateTime.Now, StartPrice = 0, CurrentPrice = 0, PriceUSDSearch = 0, PriceUAHSearch = 0, CurrencyID = 1, StatusID = 1, //draft Deadline = DateTime.Now }; AuctionService.Create(auction); //string jobID = HangfireService.CreateJobForAuctionDeletion(auction); //auction.DeletionJobID = jobID; //AuctionService.Edit(auction); ViewBag.currencies = CurrencyService.GetAllAsSelectList(); ViewBag.recommendedPrice = AuctionService.GetRecommendedPrice(auto.PriceUSD, auto.PriceUAH); AuctionCreateVM auctionCreateVM = auction; AutoDetailsVM autoVM = auto; List <AutoPhotoVM> orderedPhotos = autoVM.AutoPhotoes.OrderByDescending(p => p.IsMain).ToList(); AutoPhotoVM mainPhoto = orderedPhotos[0]; ViewBag.mainPhoto = mainPhoto; ViewBag.autoVM = autoVM; breadcrumbs.Add("#", Resource.AuctionCreate); ViewBag.breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs; int limit = 2000; int.TryParse(XCarsConfiguration.AutoDescriptionMaxLength, out limit); ViewBag.autoDescriptionMaxLength = limit; return(View(auctionCreateVM)); }
public ActionResult Details(int id) { //Auto auto = AutoService.GetPublishedByID(id); Auto auto = AutoService.GetByID(id); if (auto == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } auto.Views++; AutoService.Edit(auto); User currentUser = null; if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { currentUser = UserService.GetUserByEmail(User.Identity.Name); } //double dollarRate = CurrencyService.GetCurrencyRate(); AutoDetailsVM autoDetailsVM = auto; for (int i = 0; i < autoDetailsVM.AutoExchangesIncome.Count; i++) { autoDetailsVM.AutoExchangesIncome[i].DeleteButtonIsAvailable = (currentUser != null && (currentUser.ID == auto.UserID || currentUser.ID == autoDetailsVM.AutoExchangesIncome[i].Auto.Owner.UserID)); } List <AutoShortInfoVM> autosAvailableForExchangeOffer = null; if (currentUser != null) { List <Auto> tmp = currentUser.Autoes.Where(a => /*a.StatusID == 2 * &&*/a.AutoExchangesOutcome.FirstOrDefault(ex => ex.TargetAutoID == id) == null).ToList(); autosAvailableForExchangeOffer = new List <AutoShortInfoVM>(); foreach (var item in tmp) { autosAvailableForExchangeOffer.Add(item); } ViewBag.currencies = CurrencyService.GetAllAsSelectList(1); //ViewBag.showAddtoFavoriteButton = true; if (currentUser.AutoFavorites.FirstOrDefault(f => f.AutoID == id) != null) { ViewBag.isInFavorite = true; } if (currentUser.ID == autoDetailsVM.Owner.UserID) { ViewBag.isAbleToAnswerToOffers = true; } } ViewBag.autosAvailableForExchangeOffer = autosAvailableForExchangeOffer; //breadcrumbs.Add("/Auto/Index", Resource.Advertisements); breadcrumbs.Add("/Auto/Index", autoDetailsVM.Region); breadcrumbs.Add("/Auto", autoDetailsVM.Make); breadcrumbs.Add("#", autoDetailsVM.Make + " " + autoDetailsVM.Model + " " + autoDetailsVM.YearOfIssue); ViewBag.breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs; //create search model for getting related ExtendedSearchVM searchVM = new ExtendedSearchVM() { //MakeAndModels = new List<MakeAndModelVM>() { new MakeAndModelVM() { MakeID = auto.MakeID, ModelID = auto.ModelID, ModelToBeExcluded = false } }, MakeID = new int[1] { auto.MakeID }, ModelID = new int[1] { auto.ModelID }, MakeAndModels = new List <MakeAndModelVM>() { new MakeAndModelVM() { MakeID = auto.MakeID, ModelID = auto.ModelID } }, YearOfIssueFrom = auto.YearOfIssue, YearOfIssueTo = auto.YearOfIssue, IDsToBeExcluded = new int[1] { auto.ID } }; ViewBag.searchVM = searchVM; List <AutoPhotoVM> orderedPhotos = autoDetailsVM.AutoPhotoes.OrderByDescending(p => p.IsMain).ToList(); AutoPhotoVM mainPhoto = orderedPhotos[0]; ViewBag.orderedPhotos = orderedPhotos; //Open Graph (for fb share purposes) Dictionary <string, string> openGraph = new Dictionary <string, string>(); openGraph["url"] = "" + id; openGraph["type"] = "page"; openGraph["title"] = autoDetailsVM.Make + " " + autoDetailsVM.Model + (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(autoDetailsVM.Modification) ? autoDetailsVM.Modification : "") + " " + autoDetailsVM.YearOfIssue; openGraph["description"] = autoDetailsVM.Description; openGraph["image"] = XCarsConfiguration.BucketEndpoint + XCarsConfiguration.BucketName + "/" + XCarsConfiguration.AutoPhotosUploadUrl + (mainPhoto.ID != 0 ? (mainPhoto.ID + "_575x359") : XCarsConfiguration.AutoNoPhotoName) + XCarsConfiguration.PhotoExtension; ViewBag.openGraph = openGraph; return(View(autoDetailsVM)); }
//[Authorize] public ActionResult Details(int id) { Auction auction = AuctionService.GetByID(id); //should be just GetByID(id) if (auction == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } auction.Views++; AuctionService.Edit(auction); int userID = 0; bool currentUserIsOwner = false; bool isActive = false; bool auctionEnterIsPayed = false; if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { User user = UserService.GetUserByEmail(User.Identity.Name); userID = user.ID; if (auction.Auto.UserID == user.ID) { currentUserIsOwner = true; } if (user.AuctionFavorites.FirstOrDefault(f => f.AuctionID == id) != null) { ViewBag.isInFavorite = true; } //check if user enter auction the first time //if (user.AuctionAgreement == false && !currentUserIsOwner) // return RedirectToAction("TermsOfUse", new { id = id }); } else { string setting = $"{XCarsConfiguration.AllowUnauthenticatedUserToEnterAuction}"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(setting) && setting == "false") { return(HttpNotFound()); } } //try //{ if (auction.StatusID == 2 && auction.Deadline > DateTime.Now) { isActive = true; } if (!currentUserIsOwner && !isActive) { //return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); return(HttpNotFound()); } //если пользователь еще не оплатил вход в этот аукцион, то снимаем деньги //если денег недостаточно, то перенаправляем на страницу пополнения баланса if (userID > 0 && !currentUserIsOwner) { //User user = UserService.GetUserByEmail(User.Identity.Name); //if (user.Payments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Type == "AuctionEnter" && p.ObjectID == id) != null) // auctionEnterIsPayed = true; //else //{ // decimal auctionEnterPrice = 0; // string setting = $"{XCarsConfiguration.AuctionEnterPrice}"; // if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(setting)) // Decimal.TryParse(setting, out auctionEnterPrice); // if (user.Balance >= auctionEnterPrice) // { // user.Balance -= auctionEnterPrice; // user.Payments.Add(new Payment() // { // Amount = auctionEnterPrice, // ObjectID = id, // Type = "AuctionEnter", // Description = Resource.AuctionEnterPayment // }); // UserService.EditUser(user); // int eligiblePeriodInMinutes = 0; // string tmp = $"{XCarsConfiguration.XMinutesAuctionFinishEmailEligiblePeriod}"; // int.TryParse(tmp, out eligiblePeriodInMinutes); // ScheduledEmail scheduledEmail = new ScheduledEmail() // { // DateScheduled = DateTime.Now, // DateDue = auction.Deadline, // //StatusID = 1, // To = user.Email, // Subject = "Subject1", // Body = "Text1", // ObjectTypeID = 2, // ObjectID = auction.ID // }; // scheduledEmail.DateEligible = scheduledEmail.DateDue.AddMinutes(eligiblePeriodInMinutes); // ScheduledEmailService.Create(scheduledEmail); // int minutes = 0; // tmp = $"{XCarsConfiguration.XMinutesRemaingToAuctionDeadline}"; // int.TryParse(tmp, out minutes); // eligiblePeriodInMinutes = 0; // tmp = $"{XCarsConfiguration.XMinutesRemainingAuctionFinishEmailEligiblePeriod}"; // int.TryParse(tmp, out eligiblePeriodInMinutes); // ScheduledEmail scheduledEmail2 = new ScheduledEmail() // { // DateScheduled = DateTime.Now, // DateDue = auction.Deadline.AddMinutes(-1* minutes), // //StatusID = 1, // To = user.Email, // Subject = "Subject1", // Body = "Text1", // ObjectTypeID = 3, // ObjectID = auction.ID // }; // scheduledEmail2.DateEligible = scheduledEmail2.DateDue.AddMinutes(eligiblePeriodInMinutes); // ScheduledEmailService.Create(scheduledEmail2); // } // else // return RedirectToAction("Pay", "Payment"); //} } ViewBag.userID = userID; ViewBag.currentUserIsOwner = currentUserIsOwner; ViewBag.isActive = isActive; ViewBag.auctionEnterIsPayed = auctionEnterIsPayed; ViewBag.UserNoPhotoUrl = $"{XCarsConfiguration.UserNoPhotoUrl}"; ViewBag.ImageSourceType = $"{XCarsConfiguration.ImageSourceType}"; AuctionDetailsVM auctionVM = auction; breadcrumbs.Add("/Auto/Index", auctionVM.Auto.Region); breadcrumbs.Add("/Auto", auctionVM.Auto.Make); breadcrumbs.Add("#", auctionVM.Auto.Make + " " + auctionVM.Auto.Model + " " + auctionVM.Auto.YearOfIssue); ViewBag.breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs; //create search model for getting related ExtendedSearchVM auctionSearchVM = new ExtendedSearchVM() { //MakeAndModels = new List<MakeAndModelVM>() { new MakeAndModelVM() { MakeID = auto.MakeID, ModelID = auto.ModelID, ModelToBeExcluded = false } }, MakeID = new int[1] { auction.Auto.MakeID }, ModelID = new int[1] { auction.Auto.ModelID }, MakeAndModels = new List <MakeAndModelVM>() { new MakeAndModelVM() { MakeID = auction.Auto.MakeID, ModelID = auction.Auto.ModelID } }, YearOfIssueFrom = auction.Auto.YearOfIssue, YearOfIssueTo = auction.Auto.YearOfIssue, IDsToBeExcluded = new int[1] { auction.ID }, Type = "auction" }; ViewBag.auctionSearchVM = auctionSearchVM; List <AuctionPhotoVM> orderedPhotos = auctionVM.AuctionPhotoes.OrderByDescending(p => p.IsMain).ToList(); ViewBag.orderedPhotos = orderedPhotos; List <AutoPhotoVM> orderedAutoPhotos = auctionVM.Auto.AutoPhotoes.OrderByDescending(p => p.IsMain).ToList(); ViewBag.orderedAutoPhotos = orderedAutoPhotos; AutoPhotoVM mainPhoto = orderedAutoPhotos[0]; //Open Graph (for fb share purposes) Dictionary <string, string> openGraph = new Dictionary <string, string>(); openGraph["url"] = "" + id; openGraph["type"] = "page"; openGraph["title"] = auctionVM.Auto.Make + " " + auctionVM.Auto.Model + (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(auctionVM.Auto.Modification) ? auctionVM.Auto.Modification : "") + " " + auctionVM.Auto.YearOfIssue; openGraph["description"] = auctionVM.Auto.Description + " " + auctionVM.Description; openGraph["image"] = XCarsConfiguration.BucketEndpoint + XCarsConfiguration.BucketName + "/" + XCarsConfiguration.AutoPhotosUploadUrl + (mainPhoto.ID != 0 ? (mainPhoto.ID + "_1024x768") : XCarsConfiguration.AutoNoPhotoName) + XCarsConfiguration.PhotoExtension; ViewBag.openGraph = openGraph; ViewBag.deadlineZFormat = string.Format("{0}Z", auctionVM.Deadline.ToString("s")); return(View(auctionVM)); //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // return HttpNotFound(); //} }