static void InsertNewCars(AutoLotObjectsDataContext ctx)
            Console.WriteLine("***** Adding 2 Cars *****");
            int newCarID = 0;

            Console.Write("Enter ID for Betty: ");
            newCarID = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            // Add a new row using 'long hand' notation.
            Inventory newCar = new Inventory();

            newCar.Make    = "Yugo";
            newCar.Color   = "Pink";
            newCar.PetName = "Betty";
            newCar.CarID   = newCarID;

            // Late breaking RC1 change!
            // ctx.Inventories.Add(newCar);


            // Add another row using 'short hand' object init syntax.
            Console.Write("Enter ID for Henry: ");
            newCarID = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            newCar = new Inventory
                Make    = "BMW",
                Color   = "Silver",
                PetName = "Henry",
                CarID   = newCarID

            // Late breaking RC1 change!
            // ctx.Inventories.Add(newCar);

        static void UpdateCar(AutoLotObjectsDataContext ctx)
            Console.WriteLine("***** Updating color of 'Betty' *****");

            // Update betty's color to light pink.
            var betty = (from c in ctx.Inventories
                         where c.PetName == "Betty"
                         select c).First();

            betty.Color = "Green";
        static void DeleteCar(AutoLotObjectsDataContext ctx)
            int carToDelete = 0;

            Console.Write("Enter ID of car to delete: ");
            carToDelete = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            // Another late breaking RC1 change!!
            // Remove specified car.
            //ctx.Inventories.Remove((from c in ctx.Inventories
            //                        where c.CarID == carToDelete
            //                        select c).First());
            ctx.Inventories.DeleteOnSubmit((from c in ctx.Inventories
                                            where c.CarID == carToDelete
                                            select c).First());
