static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 1) { return; } if (!int.TryParse(args[0], out var dropDown)) { return; } new Process { StartInfo = { FileName = @"C:\Windows\System32\control.exe", Arguments = "/name Microsoft.Sound /page playback" } }.Start(); AutoItX.WinWait("Sound"); var winHandle = AutoItX.WinGetHandle("Sound"); var listView = AutoItX.ControlGetHandle(winHandle, "[CLASS:SysListView32; INSTANCE:1]"); var btnSetDefault = AutoItX.ControlGetHandle(winHandle, "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:2]"); var btnOk = AutoItX.ControlGetHandle(winHandle, "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:4]"); AutoItX.ControlFocus(winHandle, listView); AutoItX.ControlSend(winHandle, listView, "{UP}"); for (var i = 0; i < dropDown; i++) { AutoItX.ControlSend(winHandle, listView, "{DOWN}"); } AutoItX.ControlClick(winHandle, btnSetDefault); AutoItX.ControlClick(winHandle, btnOk); }
public static void LogIN() { Process[] isClud = Process.GetProcessesByName("THCludSuit"); // 主目錄 // 測試"看診清單"是否有打開 if (isClud.Length == 0) { AutoItX.Run(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\THESE\杏雲醫療資訊系統\THCloudStarter.exe", @"C:\Program Files (x86)\THESE\杏雲醫療資訊系統\"); //; Wait for the Notepad to become active. The classname "Notepad" Is monitored instead of the window title AutoItX.WinWaitActive("登入畫面"); //; Now that the Notepad window Is active type some text if (AutoItX.ControlGetText("登入畫面", "", "[NAME:txtHospitalExtensionCode]") != "A") { AutoItX.ControlClick("登入畫面", "", "[NAME:txtHospitalExtensionCode]", "LEFT", 2); AutoItX.ControlSend("登入畫面", "", "[NAME:txtHospitalExtensionCode]", "A"); } AutoItX.ControlSend("登入畫面", "", "[NAME:txtPassword]", "IlovePierce4926"); AutoItX.Sleep(500); // [NAME:btnLogin] //AutoItX.ControlClick("登入畫面", "", "[NAME:picLogin]"); AutoItX.ControlClick("登入畫面", "", "[NAME:btnLogin]"); AutoItX.WinActivate("杏雲雲端醫療服務"); AutoItX.WinWaitActive("杏雲雲端醫療服務"); AutoItX.Sleep(2000); } else { AutoItX.WinActivate("杏雲雲端醫療服務"); } }
/// <summary> /// Submit a new photo post. /// </summary> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <param name="description"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task SubmitPhoto(string path, string description) { try { Random rand = new Random(); //open feed submit and select photo var buttonFeedSubmit = WebDriver.FindElementByXPath(DomSelector.NAVIGATION_POST); buttonFeedSubmit.Click(); await Task.Delay(rand.Next(1000, 3000)); AutoItX.ControlSend("Open", "", "", path); await Task.Delay(rand.Next(1000, 3000)); AutoItX.ControlSend("Open", "", "", "{ENTER}"); await Task.Delay(rand.Next(500, 3000)); //click expand photo try { var expandButton = WebDriver.FindElementByXPath(DomSelector.CREATE_PHOTO_EXPAND); ExecuteJsClick(expandButton); Wait(5); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { //ignore expand } //click next button var nextButton = WebDriver.FindElementByXPath(DomSelector.CREATE_PHOTO_BUTTON_NEXT); //nextButton.Click(); ExecuteJsClick(nextButton); Wait(5); //insert photo description if (description != null) { var photoDescription = WebDriver.FindElementByXPath(DomSelector.CREATE_PHOTO_DESCSRIPTION); photoDescription.Clear(); photoDescription.SendKeys(description); Wait(1); } await Task.Delay(rand.Next(5000, 12000)); //share photo var shareButton = WebDriver.FindElementByXPath(DomSelector.CREATE_PHOTO_SHARE); //shareButton.Click(); ExecuteJsClick(shareButton); Wait(10); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException($"Finding element during submit photo failed - {e.Message}", e); } }
protected override bool SetTimingInternal(Timing timing, string value) { IntPtr hwnd = GetHandle("ComboBox", GetInstance(timing)); if (hwnd == IntPtr.Zero) { return(false); } AutoItX.WinActivate(process.MainWindowHandle); AutoItX.ControlClick(process.MainWindowHandle, hwnd); AutoItX.ControlSend(process.MainWindowHandle, hwnd, "{BACKSPACE}"); Thread.Sleep(50); foreach (var character in value.ToCharArray()) { AutoItX.ControlSend(process.MainWindowHandle, hwnd, $"{character}", 1); Thread.Sleep(20); } return(true); }
protected override bool SetTimingInternal(Timing timing, int value) { try { IntPtr hwnd = GetHandle("ComboBox", GetInstance(timing)); int currentTiming = GetTiming(timing); if (value < currentTiming) { while (value < currentTiming) { AutoItX.ControlSend(process.MainWindowHandle, hwnd, "{UP}"); currentTiming--; Thread.Sleep(20); } } else if (value > currentTiming) { while (value > currentTiming) { AutoItX.ControlSend(process.MainWindowHandle, hwnd, "{DOWN}"); currentTiming++; Thread.Sleep(20); } } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { if (Program.verboseLogging) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.Error.WriteLine(e); Console.WriteLine(); } return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Handles the Click event of the ServiceAccountChangeButton control. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private void ServiceAccountChangeButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // TODO: trivial to move out into a separate class. string fileName = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System), "mmc.exe"); string args = @"C:\Windows\system32\services.msc"; Process services = new Process(); services.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = fileName, Arguments = args }; services.Start(); //AutoItX.Run(string.Format("{0} \"{1}\"", fileName, args), AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory); AutoItX.WinWaitActive("Services"); int result = 0; int attempts = 5; while (result != 1) { result = AutoItX.ControlFocus("Services", "Services (Local)", "[CLASS:MMCOCXViewWindow; INSTANCE:1]"); if (result == 1) { AutoItX.ControlSend("Services", "Services (Local)", "[CLASS:SysHeader32; INSTANCE:1]", "{TAB}"); AutoItX.Send("SACS{ENTER}"); } else { Thread.Sleep(2000); if (attempts-- == 0) { result = 1; // pretend true; no need to break. } } } }
public int ControlSend(string sendText, int mode = 0, string control = "") { return(AutoItX.ControlSend(thiswindowHandle, ControlGetHandle(control), sendText, mode)); }
private Dictionary <string, object[, ]> RetrievePIJIA() { // 20200519 獨立成一個副程式 #region Declaration Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application MyExcel; Dictionary <string, object[, ]> output = new Dictionary <string, object[, ]>(); #endregion Declaration #region The Loop of 讀取檔案 // 20190609 今天竟然完成了最難的部分 // a FOR loop, LIST of A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M // Making a list // A 周孫元診所; B 聖愛; C 啟智; D 由根; E 方舟; F 景仁; G 香園; H 觀音; I 桃園; J 誠信; K 祥育; L 春暉; M 世美 // 20200319 新增 N 華光 string[] lArea = { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N" }; foreach (string a in lArea) { try { // 殺掉所有的EXCEL foreach (Process p in Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL")) { p.Kill(); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error($"ignore this {ex.Message}"); } // [NAME:cmbArea] // AutoItX.ControlFocus("日收入報表A", "", "[NAME:cmbArea]") // AutoItX.Send(a) AutoItX.Sleep(3000); //這裡等一下 AutoItX.ControlSend("日收入報表A", "", "[NAME:cmbArea]", a); log.Info($"現在處理{a}"); // execute AutoIT // 日收入報表A AutoItX.Sleep(500); // 這裡等一下 log.Info("Start to Click."); int timeout = 0; // 20 sec timeout do { AutoItX.ControlClick("日收入報表A", "", "[NAME:btnExcel]"); AutoItX.Sleep(3000); log.Info($"按下btnExcel {timeout + 1} time."); timeout++; } while (Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL").Length == 0 && timeout < 2); Process[] pr = Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL"); if (pr.Length > 0) { log.Info("Excel exists now."); // 有的話,excel.application, getobject, 存檔, 存檔案位置, 供匯入用 // winwait實驗可行, 可偵測excel已經完成 // AutoItX.WinWaitActive("活頁簿"), 實際測試失敗, 改用DO Loop // 後來發現process建立後, 一段時間才會建立windows do { AutoItX.Sleep(100); } while (AutoItX.WinExists("活頁簿") == 0); // AutoItX.Sleep(10000), 用等的,等10秒大多有效,但不能保證,且也許不用10秒,這樣就浪費了, 應該要個別化 // 好在發現visibility可以有效等到整個檔案製作完成 MyExcel = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application)Marshal.GetActiveObject("Excel.Application"); do { AutoItX.Sleep(100); } while (!MyExcel.Visible); // 現在開始excel 的處理 try { Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook wb = MyExcel.ActiveWorkbook; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet ws = wb.ActiveSheet; // 要刪除什麼欄位,合計等等資料 // ==================================================================================================================================== // 檢查欄位, 如果欄位不對, 就不要處理了, 一共要以下27欄位 string[] header = { "狀態", "收據號", "批價人員", "作廢日期", "看診日期", "午別", "診別", "科別", "醫師", "身分", "就醫序號", "優免", "部分負擔說明", "身分證號", "患者姓名", "醫療費用", "掛號費用", "部分負擔", "押金", "自付金額", "藥費加重", "欠收", "折扣", "應收金額", "實收金額", "收據說明", "說明" }; // excel檔有幾欄? int total_col_n = ws.UsedRange.Columns.Count; int last_row = ws.UsedRange.Rows.Count; // 刪除欄位 for (int idx = total_col_n; idx > 0; idx--) { if (!header.Contains((string)ws.Cells[1, idx].Value)) { ws.Columns[idx].delete(); } } if (header_order is null) { log.Info("Check header_order."); // 27欄位以上的都刪除掉 header_order = new int[header.Length + 1]; // 0不要用, 使用1 - 27 // 檢查格式, header.Length = 27 for (int i = 1; i <= header.Length; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= total_col_n; j++) { if ((string)ws.Cells[1, j].Value == header[i - 1]) { header_order[i] = j; break; } } // 只要任一header成員找不到ws相對應的文字, 那就是找不到 if (header_order[i] == 0) { // 寫入Error Log Logging.Record_error($"{a}輸入的批價檔案格式不對"); log.Error($"{a}輸入的批價檔案格式不對"); tb.ShowBalloonTip("錯誤", $"{a}檔案格式不對", BalloonIcon.Error); return(null); } } // 格式正確 Logging.Record_admin("讀取批價檔", $"{a}輸入的批價檔案格式正確"); log.Info($"{a}輸入的批價檔案格式正確"); } // 刪除最後一列, 存入檔案 ws.Rows[last_row].delete(); // ==================================================================================================================================== // 製作自動檔名, 並存檔 string temp_filepath = @"C:\vpn\bills"; // 20190609 因為不小心多一個空格, 搞了好久除錯, 很辛苦啊 // System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException // 發生例外狀況於 HRESULT: 0x800A03EC// // 存放目錄,不存在就要建立一個 if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(temp_filepath)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(temp_filepath); } // 自動產生名字 temp_filepath += $"\\bill_{a}_{BeginDate}_{EndDate}"; temp_filepath += $"_{DateTime.Now.Year}{(DateTime.Now.Month + 100).ToString().Substring(1)}{(DateTime.Now.Day + 100).ToString().Substring(1)}"; temp_filepath += DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString().Replace(":", "").Replace(".", ""); temp_filepath += ".csv"; // wb.SaveAs(temp_filepath, Excel.XlFileFormat.xlCSV, vbNull, vbNull, False, False, Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange, vbNull, vbNull, vbNull, vbNull, vbNull) wb.SaveAs(temp_filepath, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlFileFormat.xlCSV); //// 刪除第一列, 存入data //ws.Rows[1].delete(); output.Add(a, ws.UsedRange.Value2); try { // 殺掉所有的EXCEL foreach (Process p in Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL")) { p.Kill(); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error($"ignore this {ex.Message}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Record_error(ex.Message); log.Error(ex.Message); } } } // close windows // 日收入報表A // [NAME:Cancel_Button] AutoItX.ControlClick("日收入報表A", "", "[NAME:Cancel_Button]"); // [FrmMain] v1.0.0.67 // [NAME:btnExit] AutoItX.ControlClick("[FrmMain] v", "", "[NAME:btnExit]"); #endregion The Loop of 讀取檔案 return(output); }
public async Task Convert(Progress <ProgressReportModel> progress) { Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application MyExcel = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); #region Environment // 殺掉所有的EXCEL foreach (Process p in Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL")) { p.Kill(); } // 營造環境 Process[] isCust = Process.GetProcessesByName("THCustomerFilter"); // 處方清單 if (isCust.Length == 0) // 如果沒有打開 { // 測試"看診清單"是否有打開 Thesis.LogIN(); // 打開"各類特殊 追蹤與紀錄查詢" AutoItX.Run(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\THESE\杏雲醫療資訊系統\THCustomerFilter.exe", @"C:\Program Files (x86)\THESE\杏雲醫療資訊系統\"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); } // 準備好 AutoItX.WinActivate("各類特殊 追蹤與紀錄查詢"); AutoItX.WinWaitActive("各類特殊 追蹤與紀錄查詢"); AutoItX.ControlClick("各類特殊 追蹤與紀錄查詢", "", "[NAME:chk允許完整筆數呈現]"); AutoItX.Sleep(1000); // [NAME:btn病歷號查詢] AutoItX.ControlClick("各類特殊 追蹤與紀錄查詢", "", "[NAME:btn病歷號查詢]"); AutoItX.Sleep(1000); // 病歷號查詢 // [NAME:TextBox] // [NAME:OKButton] AutoItX.ControlSend("病歷號查詢", "", "[NAME:TextBox]", "0000000001~9999999999"); AutoItX.ControlClick("病歷號查詢", "", "[NAME:OKButton]"); log.Info("Click inquiry."); //AutoItX.WinWaitActive("各類特殊 追蹤與紀錄查詢"); //AutoItX.WinWaitActive("各類特殊 追蹤與紀錄查詢"); //log.Info("WinWait ends."); //AutoItX.Sleep(20000); // 20190610 模仿昨天成功的經驗 // [NAME:btn匯出EXCEL] // aut.WinWait("[dlgPrintMethodAsk]",, 1000) // aut.ControlClick("[dlgPrintMethodAsk]", "", "[NAME:OK_Button]") log.Info("Start to Click."); do { AutoItX.ControlClick("各類特殊 追蹤與紀錄查詢", "", "[NAME:btn匯出EXCEL]"); AutoItX.Sleep(10000); log.Info("Click export one time."); } while (Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL").Length == 0); log.Info("Excel exists now."); // aut.Sleep(10000), 用等的,等10秒大多有效,但不能保證,且也許不用10秒,這樣就浪費了, 應該要個別化 // 好在發現visibility可以有效等到整個檔案製作完成 MyExcel = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application)Marshal.GetActiveObject("Excel.Application"); do { AutoItX.Sleep(100); } while (!MyExcel.Visible); log.Info("Excel appears now."); #endregion Environment #region Saving XLSX files // ==================================================================================================================================== // 製作自動檔名 string temp_filepath = @"C:\vpn\pt"; // 20190609 因為不小心多一個空格, 搞了好久除錯, 很辛苦啊 // System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException '發生例外狀況於 HRESULT: 0x800A03EC' // 存放目錄,不存在就要建立一個 if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(temp_filepath)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(temp_filepath); } // 自動產生名字 string temp_file = $"\\pt_{DateTime.Now.Year}{(DateTime.Now.Month + 100).ToString().Substring(1)}"; temp_file += $"{(DateTime.Now.Day + 100).ToString().Substring(1)}_{DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay}"; temp_file = temp_file.Replace(":", "").Replace(".", ""); temp_filepath += $"{temp_file}.xlsx"; // wb.SaveAs(temp_filepath, Excel.XlFileFormat.xlCSV, vbNull, vbNull, False, False, Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange, vbNull, vbNull, vbNull, vbNull, vbNull) Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook wb = MyExcel.ActiveWorkbook; wb.SaveAs(temp_filepath, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlFileFormat.xlOpenXMLWorkbook); Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet ws = wb.ActiveSheet; #endregion Saving XLSX files // 丟出的是一個object [,] PTconvert pt = new PTconvert(ws.UsedRange.Value2); await pt.Transform(progress); #region Ending // 殺掉所有的EXCEL foreach (Process p in Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL")) { p.Kill(); } AutoItX.WinClose("各類特殊 追蹤與紀錄查詢"); #endregion Ending }
/// <summary> /// Sends text to file name control of browser open file GUI dialog window and /// presses {Enter} key. Supports single and multiple (from the same folder) /// file(s) upload. Checks whether the dialog was closed afterwards. /// </summary> /// <param name="paths">File(s) with full path</param> public static void Upload(params string[] paths) { if (paths == null || paths.Length == 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(paths[0])) { throw new ArgumentException( @"Got null or empty parameter(s). Nothing to upload.", nameof(paths)); } // is it multiple files upload? var isMultipleFilesUpload = paths.Length > 1; // waits for dialog window appearance if (AutoItX.WinWait(WindowTitle, string.Empty, 5) == 0) { throw new AggregateException($@"AutoItX: '{WindowTitle}' dialog window not found"); } // get handles of dialog window, OK button, and File Name input controls _windowHandle = AutoItX.WinGetHandle(WindowTitle); _okControlHandle = AutoItX.ControlGetHandle(_windowHandle, OkControlName); _fileNameControlHandle = AutoItX.ControlGetHandle(_windowHandle, FileNameControlName); if ((int)_windowHandle <= 0 || (int)_okControlHandle <= 0) { throw new AggregateException("AutoItX: Cannot get window or/and control handle(s)"); } // activate dialog window (just in case) AutoItX.WinActivate(_windowHandle); // set uploaded files folder as current folder in case of multiple files selection var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(paths[0])?.Replace(@"\\", @"\"); if (isMultipleFilesUpload && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dir)) { // change path // mode: 1 -> no control symbols processing, send text "as is" AutoItX.ControlSend( _windowHandle, AutoItX.ControlGetHandle(_windowHandle, FileNameControlName), dir, mode: 1); // press OK button AutoItX.ControlClick(_windowHandle, _okControlHandle); Thread.Sleep(1000); } // create input string for file name control var path1 = string.Empty; foreach (var path in paths) { path1 += (isMultipleFilesUpload ? "\"" + Path.GetFileName(path) + "\" " : path) .Replace(@"\\", @"\"); // check if dialog is still active and activate it if needed if (AutoItX.WinActive(_windowHandle) != 0) { continue; } if (AutoItX.WinActivate(_windowHandle) == 0) { throw new AggregateException( $@"AutoItX: Cannot activate '{WindowTitle}' dialog window. " + "Is it closed, overlapped or desktop is locked?"); } } // due to upper/lower case AutoIt input typos, following workaround is implemented: // input path to File Name control and verify it afterwards; if wrong, input it // over and over until succeed or timed out var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); while (AutoItX.ControlGetText(_windowHandle, _fileNameControlHandle) != path1 && sw.Elapsed < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60)) { AutoItX.ControlSetText(_windowHandle, _fileNameControlHandle, string.Empty); AutoItX.ControlSend(_windowHandle, _fileNameControlHandle, path1, mode: 1); } sw.Stop(); // if input is timed out, throw exception if (sw.Elapsed >= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60)) { throw new AggregateException($@"AutoItX: Failed to input path '{path1}'"); } // check if dialog is still active and activate it if not if (AutoItX.WinActive(_windowHandle) == 0) { if (AutoItX.WinActivate(_windowHandle) == 0) { throw new AggregateException( $@"AutoItX: Cannot activate '{WindowTitle}' GUI dialog window. " + "Is it closed, overlapped or desktop is locked?"); } } // press OK button AutoItX.ControlClick(_windowHandle, _okControlHandle); // check if the dialog is closed var success = AutoItX.WinWaitClose(_windowHandle, 1); if (success > 0) { return; } // throw exception if dialog is not closed throw new AggregateException( $@"AutoItX: Failed to close '{WindowTitle}' GUI dialog window. Was this " + "window closed manually, desktop locked, or 'File not found' error " + "displayed?"); }
private async void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) { stuckTimer.Enabled = false; if (webBrowser1.Url.ToString().Contains(@"")) { await PutTaskDelay2(); webBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("loginfmt").InnerText = username; AutoItX.ControlSend("Bing Rewards Search Bot", "", "", "{ENTER}", 0); await PutTaskDelay2(); password = password.Replace("!", "{!}"); AutoItX.ControlSend("Bing Rewards Search Bot", "", "", password + "{Enter}", 0); return; } if (webBrowser1.Url.ToString() == "" || webBrowser1.Url == null || webBrowser1.Url.ToString().Contains(@"about:blank") || webBrowser1.Url.ToString().Contains(@"newagesoldier")) //could be refreshing page, or script behined the scenes { return; } if (webBrowser1.Url.ToString().Equals(@"")) { dashboardWait.Enabled = true; webBrowser1.Navigate(new Uri(@""), null, null, "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36 Edge/15.15063"); return; } if (webBrowser1.Url.ToString().Contains(@"") || webBrowser1.Url.ToString().Contains(@"") || webBrowser1.Url.ToString().Contains(@"")) { return; //after logout, we are redirected. Please wait. } //if (mobile) // searchModeBox.Text = "mobile"; //else //searchModeBox.Text = "desktop"; /*if (webBrowser1.Url.ToString().Contains(@"")) * { * dashboardWait.Enabled = true; * return; * }*/ searchesLeftBox.Text = countDown.ToString(); accountBox.Text = username; //if (!webBrowser1.Url.ToString().Contains(@"")) // return; if (countDown == 0) { //if (mobile) //just finished with mobile, back to desktop // startTimer.Enabled = true; //else //{ //switch to mobile // mobile = true; countDown = Properties.Settings.Default.mobilesearches; searchTimer.Enabled = true; //} } else { searchTimer.Enabled = true; } if (!webBrowser1.Url.ToString().Contains(@"?q=")) { return; } }
public void Change() { // Dim output As DEP_return = Change_DEP(strYM) // MessageBox.Show("修改了" + output.m.ToString + "筆, 請匯入門診資料") string savepath = @"C:\vpn\change_dep"; int change_N; DateTime minD; DateTime maxD; List <sp_change_depResult> ListChange; // 存放目錄,不存在就要建立一個 if (!(System.IO.Directory.Exists(savepath))) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(savepath); } #region Making CSV try { // 呼叫SQL stored procedure using (CSDataContext dc = new CSDataContext()) { ListChange = dc.sp_change_dep(_strYM).ToList(); } // 自動產生名字 string savefile = $"\\change_dep_{_strYM}_{DateTime.Now.Year}{(DateTime.Now.Month + 100).ToString().Substring(1)}"; savefile += $"{(DateTime.Now.Day + 100).ToString().Substring(1)}_{DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay}"; savefile = savefile.Replace(":", "").Replace(".", ""); savepath += $"{savefile}.csv"; // 製作csv檔 writing to csv System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(savepath); int i = 1; change_N = ListChange.Count; if (change_N == 0) { tb.ShowBalloonTip("完成", "沒有什麼需要修改的", BalloonIcon.Info); log.Info("change department: 沒有什麼需要修改的"); Logging.Record_admin("change department", "沒有什麼需要修改的"); } else { minD = DateTime.Parse("9999/12/31"); maxD = DateTime.Parse("0001/01/01"); foreach (var c in ListChange) { sw.Write(c.o); // 欄位名叫o if (i < change_N) { sw.Write(sw.NewLine); } DateTime tempD = DateTime.Parse($"{c.o.Substring(0, 4)}/{c.o.Substring(4, 2)}/{c.o.Substring(6, 2)}"); // 找尋最大的值 if (tempD.CompareTo(maxD) > 0) { maxD = tempD; } // 找尋最小的值 if (tempD.CompareTo(minD) < 0) { minD = tempD; } i++; } // 20200518 放在foreach的loop迴圈裡是錯誤的, 我把它放出來了 string output = $"{minD:d}~{maxD:d}, 共{change_N}筆需要修改"; tb.ShowBalloonTip("需修改:", output, BalloonIcon.Info); log.Info($"change department: {output}"); Logging.Record_admin("change department", output); sw.Close(); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { Logging.Record_error(ex.Message); log.Error(ex.Message); return; } #endregion Making CSV #region Environment try { // 營造環境 if (AutoItX.WinExists("看診清單") == 1) //如果直接存在就直接叫用 { AutoItX.WinActivate("看診清單"); } else { Thesis.LogIN(); // 打開"看診清單" AutoItX.Run(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\THESE\杏雲醫療資訊系統\THCClinic.exe", @"C:\Program Files (x86)\THESE\杏雲醫療資訊系統\"); AutoItX.WinWaitActive("看診清單"); AutoItX.WinActivate("看診清單"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Record_error(ex.Message); log.Error(ex.Message); return; } #endregion Environment #region Execute change department try { string strD_o = string.Empty; string strV_o = string.Empty; string strR_o = string.Empty; foreach (var c in ListChange) { string strD_n = c.o.Substring(0, 8); string strV_n = c.o.Substring(8, 1); string strR_n = c.o.Substring(9, 2); bool changed = false; string strNr = c.o.Substring(11, 3); string strDEP = c.o.Substring(14, 2); // 先檢查是否換日, 如果有就換到新日期; if (strD_n != strD_o) { // 製造3個AutoIT VB程式, 1. changeDP_DATE, 針對"看診清單", [NAME:dtpSDate] // 一個參數, 格式YYYYMMDD AutoItX.Run($"C:\\vpn\\exe\\changeDP_DATE.exe {strD_n}", @"C:\vpn\exe\"); log.Info($"Change Date from {strD_o} to {strD_n}. Then sleep 1000ms."); strD_o = strD_n; changed = true; AutoItX.Sleep(1000); } // 再檢查是否換午別, 如果有就換到新的午別 if (strV_n != strV_o) { // 製造3個AutoIT VB程式, 2. changeDP_VIST, 針對"看診清單", [NAME:cmbVist] // 一個參數, 格式V AutoItX.Run($"C:\\vpn\\exe\\changeDP_VIST.exe {strV_n}", @"C:\vpn\exe\"); log.Info($"Change Vist from {strV_o} to {strV_n}. Then sleep 1000ms."); strV_o = strV_n; changed = true; AutoItX.Sleep(1000); } // 最後檢查是否換診間, 如果有就換到新的診間 if (strR_n != strR_o) { // 製造3個AutoIT VB程式, 3. changeDP_ROOM, 針對"看診清單", [NAME:cmbRmno] // 一個參數, 格式RR AutoItX.Run($"C:\\vpn\\exe\\changeDP_ROOM.exe {strR_n}", @"C:\vpn\exe\"); log.Info($"Change Date from {strR_o} to {strR_n}. Then sleep 1000ms."); strR_o = strR_n; changed = true; AutoItX.Sleep(1000); } if (changed) { AutoItX.ControlClick("看診清單", "", "[NAME:btnRefresh]"); log.Info($"Press Refresh button. [NAME:btnRefresh]."); AutoItX.WinWaitActive("看診清單"); changed = false; } // 按下新的號碼; // Seq NO // 輸入診號 AutoItX.ControlSend("看診清單", "", "[NAME:txbSqno]", strNr); log.Info($"Enter {strNr}."); // 按鈕 AutoItX.ControlClick("看診清單", "", "[NAME:btnGo]"); log.Info($"Press GO button. [NAME:btnGo]."); // 進入問診畫面 AutoItX.WinWaitActive("問診畫面"); AutoItX.Sleep(500); // 製造一個AutoIT VB程式, changeDP_DEP, 針對"問診畫面"[NAME:cmbDept] // 一個參數, 格式DD AutoItX.Run($"C:\\vpn\\exe\\changeDP_DEP.exe {strDEP}", @"C:\vpn\exe\"); AutoItX.Sleep(500); int idx = 0; // 先問「此病患已批價, 是否繼續?」, THCClinic, 還可能問重大傷病, 超過8種藥物, 可能有重複用藥畫面 do { AutoItX.Send("{F9}"); AutoItX.Sleep(100); idx++; // time out for 10 sec at most } while (AutoItX.WinExists("THCClinic") == 0 && idx < 100); // 下一個畫面「確定要重複開立收據」, // 一定會有「已經批價」, 可能會有「重大傷病身分」, 可能會有「八種以上藥物] // 可能會有「跨院重複開立醫囑提示」 idx = 0; do { if (AutoItX.WinExists("THCClinic") == 1) { AutoItX.ControlClick("THCClinic", "", "[CLASSNN:Button1]"); } if (AutoItX.WinExists("跨院重複開立醫囑提示") == 1) { AutoItX.ControlClick("跨院重複開立醫囑提示", "", "[NAME:OK_Button]"); } AutoItX.Sleep(100); idx++; // time out for 10 sec at most } while (AutoItX.WinExists("These.CludCln.Accounting") == 0 && idx < 100); // 是否重印收據 AutoItX.WinWaitActive("These.CludCln.Accounting"); AutoItX.ControlClick("These.CludCln.Accounting", "", "[CLASSNN:Button2]"); AutoItX.Sleep(1000); } Logging.Record_admin("change department", $"修改了{change_N}筆"); tb.ShowBalloonTip("完成", $"修改了{change_N}筆, 請匯入門診資料.", BalloonIcon.Info); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Record_error(ex.Message); log.Error(ex.Message); return; } #endregion Execute change department }
public bool Login(string host, string username, string password, int portFw, int timeOut = 20) { _lastListenPort = portFw; if (_bvssh == null || _bvssh.HasExited) { Start(); } Counter.Login++; if (Counter.Login % 50 == 0) { Kill(); Start(); Counter.Login = 1; } string btnLoginText = ""; IntPtr hwndHost = GetHandle(Controlnfo.Host), hwndUsername = GetHandle(Controlnfo.Username), hwndPassword = GetHandle(Controlnfo.Password), hwndListenPort = GetHandle(Controlnfo.ListenPort), hwndLogin = GetHandle(Controlnfo.Login); // set host SetControlText(hwndHost, host); // set username SetControlText(hwndUsername, username); // set password lock (Sync.oAutoIt) { AutoItX.ControlFocus(_bvssh.MainWindowHandle, hwndPassword); AutoItX.ControlSend(_bvssh.MainWindowHandle, hwndPassword, "{END}"); AutoItX.ControlSend(_bvssh.MainWindowHandle, hwndPassword, "+{HOME}"); AutoItX.ControlSend(_bvssh.MainWindowHandle, hwndPassword, password, 1); } // set listen port SetControlText(hwndListenPort, portFw); // click Login Click(hwndLogin); // waiting for logging int countdown = timeOut; while (countdown != 0) { status = string.Format("[{0}] Connecting {1} | {2} | {3}", countdown, host, username, password); ShowStatus(); btnLoginText = GetControlText(hwndLogin); if (btnLoginText == StringHelper.Logout || btnLoginText == StringHelper.Login) { break; } Thread.Sleep(1000); countdown--; } btnLoginText = GetControlText(hwndLogin); if (btnLoginText == StringHelper.Logout) { _connectStatus = ConnectStatus.Connected; status = string.Format("LIVE {0} | {1} | {2}", host, username, password); ShowStatus(); if (MonitorConnection) { new Thread(DisconnectChecker) { IsBackground = true } }
public int ControlSend(string title, string text, string control, string sendText, int mode = 0) { return(AutoItX.ControlSend(title, text, control, sendText, mode)); }
public void ControlSend(string title, string text, string control, string sendText) { AutoItX.ControlSend(title, text, control, sendText); }
public void Auto(object obj) { List <Task> listTauto = (List <Task>)obj; if (listTauto[0].Repeat == 0) { while (true) { for (int loop = 0; loop < listTauto.Count; loop++) { //auto theo listTauto[loop] thongtin.TaskIndex = loop; if (listTauto[loop].IsAutoClick) { Point p = new Point(-1, -1); while (p.X == -1) { //trong khi chua tim dc => tim tiep if (stop == true) { currentThreadAuto.Abort(); } p = Image_searchEX(listTauto[loop].ImageLocal, Utilities.CaptureWindow(process.MainWindowHandle, currentThreadAuto), 85); //MessageBox.Show(listTauto[loop].ImageName+":"+ p.ToString()); } for (int m = 0; m < listTauto[loop].Clicks; m++) { AutoItX.ControlClick(process.MainWindowHandle, process.MainWindowHandle, listTauto[loop].TypeClick, 1, p.X, p.Y); Thread.Sleep(listTauto[loop].DelayClick); } Thread.Sleep(listTauto[loop].DelaySearch); } if (listTauto[loop].IsClickXY) { for (int m = 0; m < listTauto[loop].Clicks; m++) { AutoItX.ControlClick(process.MainWindowHandle, process.MainWindowHandle, listTauto[loop].TypeClick, 1, listTauto[loop].X, listTauto[loop].Y); Thread.Sleep(listTauto[loop].DelayClick); } Thread.Sleep(listTauto[loop].DelaySearch); } if (listTauto[loop].IsSendText) { for (int m = 0; m < listTauto[loop].SendTimes; m++) { if (stop == true) { currentThreadAuto.Abort(); } AutoItX.ControlSend(process.MainWindowHandle, process.MainWindowHandle, listTauto[loop].Text); Thread.Sleep(listTauto[loop].DelaySend); } } if (listTauto[loop].IsSendKey) { for (int m = 0; m < listTauto[loop].SendTimes; m++) { if (stop == true) { currentThreadAuto.Abort(); } AutoItX.ControlSend(process.MainWindowHandle, process.MainWindowHandle, "{" + listTauto[loop].Key + "}"); Thread.Sleep(listTauto[loop].DelaySend); } } } } } else { for (int rp = 0; rp < listTauto[0].Repeat; rp++) { for (int loop = 0; loop < listTauto.Count; loop++) { //auto theo listTauto[loop] thongtin.TaskIndex = loop; if (listTauto[loop].IsAutoClick) { Point p = new Point(-1, -1); while (p.X == -1) { //trong khi chua tim dc => tim tiep if (stop == true) { currentThreadAuto.Abort(); } p = Image_searchEX(listTauto[loop].ImageLocal, Utilities.CaptureWindow(process.MainWindowHandle, currentThreadAuto), 85); //MessageBox.Show(listTauto[loop].ImageName+":"+ p.ToString()); } for (int m = 0; m < listTauto[loop].Clicks; m++) { AutoItX.ControlClick(process.MainWindowHandle, process.MainWindowHandle, listTauto[loop].TypeClick, 1, p.X, p.Y); Thread.Sleep(listTauto[loop].DelayClick); } Thread.Sleep(listTauto[loop].DelaySearch); } if (listTauto[loop].IsClickXY) { for (int m = 0; m < listTauto[loop].Clicks; m++) { AutoItX.ControlClick(process.MainWindowHandle, process.MainWindowHandle, listTauto[loop].TypeClick, 1, listTauto[loop].X, listTauto[loop].Y); Thread.Sleep(listTauto[loop].DelayClick); } Thread.Sleep(listTauto[loop].DelaySearch); } if (listTauto[loop].IsSendText) { for (int m = 0; m < listTauto[loop].SendTimes; m++) { if (stop == true) { currentThreadAuto.Abort(); } AutoItX.ControlSend(process.MainWindowHandle, process.MainWindowHandle, listTauto[loop].Text); Thread.Sleep(listTauto[loop].DelaySend); } } if (listTauto[loop].IsSendKey) { for (int m = 0; m < listTauto[loop].SendTimes; m++) { if (stop == true) { currentThreadAuto.Abort(); } AutoItX.ControlSend(process.MainWindowHandle, process.MainWindowHandle, "{" + listTauto[loop].Key + "}"); Thread.Sleep(listTauto[loop].DelaySend); } } } } } Action actionControlbtn = () => control_button("stop"); this.Invoke(actionControlbtn); Action actionbtn = () => btnstop.Enabled = false; this.Invoke(actionbtn); Action actionbtn2 = () => btnstart.Enabled = true; this.Invoke(actionbtn2); Action actionthreadAbort = () => currentThreadUpdateGUI.Abort(); this.Invoke(actionthreadAbort); Action actionlbl = () => lbltientrinh.Text = "Tất cả tác vụ đã hoàn thành !"; this.Invoke(actionlbl); }
/// <summary> /// Автоматизация ветки /// Налоговое администрирование\ПОН ИЛ\1. ПОН ИЛ (ПЭ). Организации и физические лица, внесенные в ПОН ИЛ\2.01. ФЛ. Актуальное состояние /// </summary> /// <param name="pathjurnalerror">Путь к журналу с ошибками</param> /// <param name="pathjurnalok">Путь к отработаным</param> /// <param name="fid">Фид значения</param> public void Click8(string pathjurnalerror, string pathjurnalok, string fid) { AutoItX.WinActivate(WindowsAis3.AisNalog3); ReadWindow.Read.Reades.ClearBuffer(); WindowsAis3 win = new WindowsAis3(); win.ControlGetPos1(WindowsAis3.WinGrid[0], WindowsAis3.WinGrid[1], WindowsAis3.WinGrid[2]); AutoItX.MouseClick(ButtonConstant.MouseLeft, win.WindowsAis.X + win.X1 + 70, win.WindowsAis.Y + win.Y1 + 35); AutoItX.ClipPut(fid); AutoItX.Send(ButtonConstant.Right6); AutoItX.Send(ButtonConstant.Enter); AutoItX.Send(ButtonConstant.CtrlV); AutoItX.Send(ButtonConstant.Enter); AutoItX.Send(ButtonConstant.F5); AutoItX.WinWait(WindowsAis3.AisNalog3, StatusText.FidText, 5000); while (true) { if (AutoItX.WinExists(WindowsAis3.Text, WindowsAis3.DataNotFound) == 1) { AutoItX.Send(ButtonConstant.F3); LibaryXMLAuto.ErrorJurnal.ErrorJurnal.JurnalError(pathjurnalerror, fid, ActualStatus, WindowsAis3.DataNotFound); break; } if (AutoItX.WinExists(WindowsAis3.AisNalog3, StatusText.FidText) == 1) { AutoItX.MouseClick(ButtonConstant.MouseLeft, win.WindowsAis.X + 435, win.WindowsAis.Y + 95); AutoItX.WinWait(WindowsAis3.AisNalog3, StatusText.StateSved); if (AutoItX.WinExists(WindowsAis3.AisNalog3, StatusText.StateSved) == 1) { AutoItX.WinActivate(WindowsAis3.AisNalog3); AutoItX.ControlFocus(WindowsAis3.Text, StatusReg.ComboBox[0], StatusReg.ComboBox[1]); AutoItX.Send(StatusText.IsklFl); AutoItX.ControlFocus(WindowsAis3.Text, StatusReg.ComboBox1[0], StatusReg.ComboBox1[1]); AutoItX.Send(StatusText.IsklFlError); AutoItX.ControlClick(WindowsAis3.Text, StatusReg.DateStatus[0], StatusReg.DateStatus[1]); AutoItX.ControlSend(WindowsAis3.Text, StatusReg.DateStatus[0], StatusReg.DateStatus[1], DateTime.Now.ToString("d")); AutoItX.ControlClick(WindowsAis3.Text, StatusReg.DateActual[0], StatusReg.DateActual[1]); AutoItX.ControlSend(WindowsAis3.Text, StatusReg.DateActual[0], StatusReg.DateActual[1], DateTime.Now.ToString("d")); AutoItX.ControlClick(WindowsAis3.AisNalog3, StatusReg.ButtonSelect[0], StatusReg.ButtonSelect[1]); while (true) { if (AutoItX.WinExists(StatusText.DialogWin[0], StatusText.DialogWin[1]) == 1) { AutoItX.Send(ButtonConstant.Enter); AutoItX.Sleep(2000); AutoItX.MouseClick(ButtonConstant.MouseLeft, win.WindowsAis.X + 435, win.WindowsAis.Y + 95); AutoItX.WinWait(WindowsAis3.AisNalog3, StatusText.StateSved); if (AutoItX.WinExists(WindowsAis3.AisNalog3, StatusText.StateSved) == 1) { AutoItX.WinActivate(WindowsAis3.AisNalog3); AutoItX.ControlFocus(WindowsAis3.Text, StatusReg.ComboBox[0], StatusReg.ComboBox[1]); AutoItX.Send(StatusText.VkllFl); AutoItX.ControlClick(WindowsAis3.Text, StatusReg.DateStatus[0], StatusReg.DateStatus[1]); AutoItX.ControlSend(WindowsAis3.Text, StatusReg.DateStatus[0], StatusReg.DateStatus[1], DateTime.Now.ToString("d")); AutoItX.ControlClick(WindowsAis3.Text, StatusReg.DateActual[0], StatusReg.DateActual[1]); AutoItX.ControlSend(WindowsAis3.Text, StatusReg.DateActual[0], StatusReg.DateActual[1], DateTime.Now.ToString("d")); AutoItX.ControlClick(WindowsAis3.AisNalog3, StatusReg.ButtonSelect[0], StatusReg.ButtonSelect[1]); AutoItX.WinWait(StatusText.DialogWin[0], StatusText.DialogWin[1], 5000); if (AutoItX.WinExists(StatusText.DialogWin[0], StatusText.DialogWin[1]) == 1) { AutoItX.Send(ButtonConstant.Enter); LibaryXMLAuto.ErrorJurnal.OkJurnal.JurnalOk(pathjurnalok, fid, StatusText.FidOk); AutoItX.Sleep(2000); win.ControlGetPos1(WindowsAis3.ControlPanel[0], WindowsAis3.ControlPanel[1], WindowsAis3.ControlPanel[2]); AutoItX.MouseClick(ButtonConstant.MouseLeft, win.WindowsAis.X + win.X1 + 85, win.WindowsAis.Y + win.Y1 + 10, 2); break; } } } if (AutoItX.WinExists(StatusText.ErrorStateWin[0], StatusText.ErrorStateWin[1]) == 1) { AutoItX.Send(ButtonConstant.Enter); AutoItX.Sleep(2000); LibaryXMLAuto.ErrorJurnal.ErrorJurnal.JurnalError(pathjurnalerror, fid, ActualStatus, StatusText.FidError); AutoItX.MouseClick(ButtonConstant.MouseLeft, win.WindowsAis.X + win.WindowsAis.Width - 20, win.WindowsAis.Y + 160); break; } } } } break; } }
/// <summary> /// Атоматизация ветки /// Налоговое администрирование\Собственность\07. Взаимодействие с органами ГИБДД, Гостехнадзора – Наземные ТС /// </summary> /// <param name="pathjurnalerror">Путь к журналу с ошибками</param> /// <param name="pathjurnalok">Путь к журналу отработаных</param> /// <param name="fid">Значение ФИД</param> public void Click5(string pathjurnalerror, string pathjurnalok, string fid) { WindowsAis3 win = new WindowsAis3(); win.ControlGetPos1(WindowsAis3.WinGrid[0], WindowsAis3.WinGrid[1], WindowsAis3.WinGrid[2]); AutoItX.MouseClick(ButtonConstant.MouseLeft, win.WindowsAis.X + win.X1 + 70, win.WindowsAis.Y + win.Y1 + 35); AutoItX.ClipPut(fid); AutoItX.Send(ButtonConstant.Right5); AutoItX.Send(ButtonConstant.Enter); AutoItX.Send(ButtonConstant.CtrlV); AutoItX.Send(ButtonConstant.F5); while (true) { if (AutoItX.WinExists(WindowsAis3.Text, WindowsAis3.DataNotFound) == 1) { AutoItX.Send(ButtonConstant.F3); LibaryXMLAuto.ErrorJurnal.ErrorJurnal.JurnalError(pathjurnalerror, fid, Okp4Pravo, WindowsAis3.DataNotFound); break; } if (AutoItX.WinExists(WindowsAis3.Text, PravoZorI.Fid) == 1) { AutoItX.MouseClick(ButtonConstant.MouseLeft, win.WindowsAis.X + 395, win.WindowsAis.Y + 90); AutoItX.Send(ButtonConstant.Down3); AutoItX.Send(ButtonConstant.Enter); while (true) { if (AutoItX.WinExists(PravoZorI.WinTitle) == 1) { AutoItX.WinActivate(PravoZorI.WinTitle); AutoItX.Send(ButtonConstant.Enter); LibaryXMLAuto.ErrorJurnal.ErrorJurnal.JurnalError(pathjurnalerror, fid, Okp4Pravo, PravoZorI.ErrorText); AutoItX.Send(ButtonConstant.F3); break; } if (AutoItX.WinExists(PravoZorI.WinRemoveSved) == 1) { AutoItX.ControlSend(PravoZorI.WinRemoveSved, PravoZorI.Exlusive, Pravo.EditDate, DateTime.Now.ToString("d")); AutoItX.ControlFocus(PravoZorI.WinRemoveSved, Pravo.EditNum[0], Pravo.EditNum[1]); AutoItX.Send(PravoZorI.EditString, 1); AutoItX.ControlClick(PravoZorI.WinRemoveSved, Pravo.ComboboxEdit[0], Pravo.ComboboxEdit[1], ButtonConstant.MouseLeft); AutoItX.Send(ButtonConstant.Down3); AutoItX.Send(ButtonConstant.Enter); AutoItX.ControlClick(PravoZorI.WinRemoveSved, Pravo.ButtonOk[0], Pravo.ButtonOk[1], ButtonConstant.MouseLeft); while (true) { if (AutoItX.WinExists(PravoZorI.WinTitle, PravoZorI.ErrorText2) == 1) { AutoItX.WinActivate(PravoZorI.WinTitle); AutoItX.Send(ButtonConstant.Enter); LibaryXMLAuto.ErrorJurnal.ErrorJurnal.JurnalError(pathjurnalerror, fid, Okp4Pravo, PravoZorI.ErrorText2); AutoItX.Send(ButtonConstant.F3); break; } if (AutoItX.WinExists(PravoZorI.WinTitle, PravoZorI.OkDelete) == 1) { AutoItX.Sleep(1000); AutoItX.WinActivate(PravoZorI.WinTitle); AutoItX.Send(ButtonConstant.Enter); LibaryXMLAuto.ErrorJurnal.OkJurnal.JurnalOk(pathjurnalok, fid, "Отработали фид права"); AutoItX.Send(ButtonConstant.F3); break; } } break; } } break; } } }