/// <summary>
 /// Base ctor to initialize the messages
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="merchantID">Google Checkout Merchant ID</param>
 /// <param name="merchantKey">Google Checkout Merchant Key</param>
 /// <param name="env">A String representation of 
 /// <see cref="EnvironmentType"/></param>
 /// <param name="googleOrderNumber">The Google Order Number</param>
 /// <param name="cart">The shopping cart to post</param>
 public OrderRecurrenceRequest(string merchantID,
     string merchantKey, string env, string googleOrderNumber,
     AutoGen.ShoppingCart cart)
     : base(merchantID, merchantKey, env, googleOrderNumber)
     _cart = cart;
Esempio n. 2
 public AnonymousAddress(AutoGen.AnonymousAddress ThisAddress) {
   _City = ThisAddress.city;
   _CountryCode = ThisAddress.countrycode;
   _Id = ThisAddress.id;
   _PostalCode = ThisAddress.postalcode;
   _Region = ThisAddress.region;
        /// <summary>
        /// Process a Merchant Calculation callback.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Callback">The Callback message.</param>
        public Order(AutoGen.MerchantCalculationCallback Callback)
            _OrderLines = new ArrayList();
              for (int i = 0; i < Callback.shoppingcart.items.Length; i++) {
            AutoGen.Item ThisItem = Callback.shoppingcart.items[i];

            XmlNode[] merchantItemPrivateDataNodes = new XmlNode[] {};

            if (ThisItem.merchantprivateitemdata != null
              && ThisItem.merchantprivateitemdata.Any != null
              && ThisItem.merchantprivateitemdata.Any.Length > 0) {

            = ThisItem.merchantprivateitemdata.Any;
              new OrderLine(ThisItem.itemname, ThisItem.itemdescription,
              ThisItem.quantity, ThisItem.unitprice.Value,

              if (Callback.shoppingcart.merchantprivatedata != null
            && Callback.shoppingcart.merchantprivatedata.Any != null
            && Callback.shoppingcart.merchantprivatedata.Any.Length > 0) {

              = Callback.shoppingcart.merchantprivatedata.Any;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new subscription item passing in the recurrentItem
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="recurrentItem">The item for the subscription</param>
 /// <param name="period">The period attribute specifies how frequently 
 /// you will charge the customer for the subscription</param>
 /// <param name="type">
 /// The type attribute identifies the type of subscription that you are creating. 
 /// The valid values for this attribute are merchant and google, 
 /// and this specifies who handles the recurrences.
 /// </param>
 public Subscription(IShoppingCartItem recurrentItem, AutoGen.DatePeriod period,
     SubscriptionType type)
     this.RecurrentItem = recurrentItem;
       this.Period = period;
       this.Type = type;
 /// <summary>
 /// Convert a coupon adjustment into a merchant code.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item">The Gift Certification to convert</param>
 public MerchantCode(AutoGen.GiftCertificateAdjustment item)
     this.CodeType = MerchantCodeType.GiftCertificate;
       this.AppliedAmount = item.appliedamount.Value;
       this.CalculatedAmount = item.calculatedamount.Value;
       this.Code = item.code;
       this.Message = item.message;
 /// <summary>
 /// Base ctor to initialize the messages
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="googleOrderNumber">The Google Order Number</param>
 /// <param name="cart">The shopping cart to post</param>
 public OrderRecurrenceRequest(string googleOrderNumber,
     AutoGen.ShoppingCart cart)
     : base(GCheckoutConfigurationHelper.MerchantID.ToString(),
     _cart = cart;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create new instance
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="payment">The payment information</param>
 public SubscriptionPayment(AutoGen.SubscriptionPayment payment)
     if (payment == null)
     throw new ArgumentNullException("payment");
       if (payment.maximumcharge != null)
     this.MaximumCharge = payment.maximumcharge.Value;
       if (payment.timesSpecified)
     this.Times = payment.times;
Esempio n. 8
 public static AVCodec FindDecoder(AutoGen.AVCodecID id)
     AutoGen.AVCodec* codec = FFmpegInvoke.avcodec_find_decoder(id);
     if (codec != null)
         return new AVCodec(codec);
     return null;
Esempio n. 9
 public Order(AutoGen.MerchantCalculationCallback Callback) {
   _OrderLines = new ArrayList();
   for (int i = 0; i < Callback.shoppingcart.items.Length; i++) {
     AutoGen.Item ThisItem = Callback.shoppingcart.items[i];
       new OrderLine(ThisItem.itemname, ThisItem.itemdescription,
       ThisItem.quantity, ThisItem.unitprice.Value, 
Esempio n. 10
        public static SWSContext GetContext(int srcW, int srcH, AutoGen.AVPixelFormat srcFormat, int dstW, int dstH, AutoGen.AVPixelFormat dstFormat, int flags)
            AutoGen.SwsContext* swsCtx = FFmpegInvoke.sws_getContext(srcW, srcH, srcFormat, dstW, dstH, dstFormat, flags, null, null, null);

            if (swsCtx != null)
                return new SWSContext(swsCtx);
            return null;
        private void Create() => Execute(context => {
            var entity = new AutoGen();


            entity.Value = "X";

Esempio n. 12
        private void Create()
            var context = GetAutoGenDataContext();
            var entity  = new AutoGen();


            entity.Value = "X";

Esempio n. 13
 public static AVMediaType ToWrapped(AutoGen.AVMediaType type)
     switch (type)
         case AutoGen.AVMediaType.AVMEDIA_TYPE_UNKNOWN:
             return AVMediaType.Unknown;
         case AutoGen.AVMediaType.AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO:
             return AVMediaType.Video;
         case AutoGen.AVMediaType.AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO:
             return AVMediaType.Audio;
         case AutoGen.AVMediaType.AVMEDIA_TYPE_DATA:
             return AVMediaType.Data;
         case AutoGen.AVMediaType.AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE:
             return AVMediaType.Subtitle;
         case AutoGen.AVMediaType.AVMEDIA_TYPE_ATTACHMENT:
             return AVMediaType.Attachment;
         case AutoGen.AVMediaType.AVMEDIA_TYPE_NB:
             return AVMediaType.NB;
             throw  new Exception("Unsupported AVMediaType "+type);
Esempio n. 14
        // To protect from overposting attacks, enable the specific properties you want to bind to, for
        // more details, see https://aka.ms/RazorPagesCRUD.
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync()
            if ((_Event.Description == null) || (_Event.Description.Trim().Length == 0) || (_Event.Type <= 0))
                CreateStartDate = _Event.StartTime;
                UpdateViewData("Event Type and/or Event Description must be set.");

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                CreateStartDate = _Event.StartTime;
                UpdateViewData("One or more fields are not valid.");

            if (_Event.ChurchId == -1)
                _Event.ChurchId = null;

            if (_Event.StartTime >= _Event.EndTime)
                CreateStartDate = _Event.StartTime;
                UpdateViewData("End Date/Time must be later than Start Date/Time.");

            UpdateAttendance(_Event.Id, _Event.Staff ?? 0, _Staff);

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Generate any tasks based on events
            var autogen = new AutoGen(_context);

Esempio n. 15
        // To protect from overposting attacks, enable the specific properties you want to bind to, for
        // more details, see https://aka.ms/RazorPagesCRUD.
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync()
            if ((_Event.Description == null) || (_Event.Description.Trim().Length == 0) || (_Event.Type <= 0))
                UpdateViewData("Event Type and/or Event Description must be set.");

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                UpdateViewData("One or more fields are not valid.");

            if (_Event.ChurchId == -1)
                _Event.ChurchId = null;

            if (_Event.StartTime >= _Event.EndTime)
                UpdateViewData("End Date/Time must be later than Start Date/Time.");

            // Check if Start or End Dates have changed and delete tasks associated with event and generate new ones.
            int NumTasksRemoved = RemoveChangedEventTasks(_context, _Event);

            UpdateAttendance(_Event.Id, _Event.Staff ?? 0, _Staff);

            _context.Attach(_Event).State = EntityState.Modified;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                if (!EventExists(_Event.Id))

            if (NumTasksRemoved > 0)
                // Regenerate tasks based on event now
                var autogen = new AutoGen(_context);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_RedirectURL))
            _RedirectURL = "";
        private void AppendTracking(AutoGen.ItemShippingInformation item)
            if (item.trackingdatalist == null)
            item.trackingdatalist = new AutoGen.TrackingData[] { };

              AutoGen.TrackingData[] newList
            = new GCheckout.AutoGen.TrackingData[item.trackingdatalist.Length + 1];

              if (item.trackingdatalist.Length > 0) {
            Array.Copy(item.trackingdatalist, 0,
              newList, 0, item.trackingdatalist.Length);

              newList[newList.Length - 1] = _tracking;
              item.trackingdatalist = newList;
        /// <summary>
        /// Obtain the Merchant Codes from the OrderAdjustmentMerchantcodes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="merchantcodes">The <seealso cref="AutoGen.OrderAdjustmentMerchantcodes"/></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List<MerchantCode> GetMerchantCodes(AutoGen.OrderAdjustmentMerchantcodes merchantcodes)
            List<MerchantCode> retVal = new List<MerchantCode>();
              if (merchantcodes == null)
            return retVal;

              foreach(object item in merchantcodes.Items) {
            if (item is AutoGen.CouponAdjustment) {
              AutoGen.CouponAdjustment adjust = item as AutoGen.CouponAdjustment;
              retVal.Add(new MerchantCode(adjust));
            if (item is AutoGen.GiftCertificateAdjustment) {
              AutoGen.GiftCertificateAdjustment adjust = item as AutoGen.GiftCertificateAdjustment;
              retVal.Add(new MerchantCode(adjust));
              return retVal;
Esempio n. 18
 public AVCodec(AutoGen.AVCodec* codec)
     _codec = codec;
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the country tax rule.
 /// This method adds a tax rule associated with a particular state.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Area">The area.</param>
 /// <param name="TaxRate">The tax rate associated with a tax rule. Tax 
 /// rates are expressed as decimal values. For example, a value of 0.0825 
 /// specifies a tax rate of 8.25%.</param>
 /// <param name="ShippingTaxed">
 /// If this parameter has a value of <b>true</b>, then shipping costs will
 /// be taxed for items that use the associated tax rule.
 /// </param>
 /// <example>
 /// <code>
 ///   // We assume Req is a CheckoutShoppingCartRequest object.
 ///   // Charge the 50 states 8% tax and do not tax shipping.
 ///   Req.AddCountryTaxRule(AutoGen.USAreas.FULL_50_STATES, 0.08, false);
 ///   // Charge the 48 continental states 5% tax and do tax shipping.
 ///   Req.AddCountryTaxRule(AutoGen.USAreas.CONTINENTAL_48, 0.05, true);
 ///   // Charge all states (incl territories) 9% tax, don't tax shipping.
 ///   Req.AddCountryTaxRule(AutoGen.USAreas.ALL, 0.09, false);
 /// </code>
 /// </example>
 public void AddCountryTaxRule(AutoGen.USAreas Area, double TaxRate,
     bool ShippingTaxed)
     AutoGen.DefaultTaxRule Rule = new AutoGen.DefaultTaxRule();
       Rule.rateSpecified = true;
       Rule.rate = TaxRate;
       Rule.shippingtaxedSpecified = true;
       Rule.shippingtaxed = ShippingTaxed;
       Rule.taxarea = new AutoGen.DefaultTaxRuleTaxarea();
       AutoGen.USCountryArea ThisArea = new AutoGen.USCountryArea();
       Rule.taxarea.Item = ThisArea;
       ThisArea.countryarea = Area;
 /// <summary>
 /// Obtain the Merchant Codes from the Order Notification.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="notification">The <seealso cref="AutoGen.NewOrderNotification"/></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static List<MerchantCode> GetMerchantCodes(AutoGen.NewOrderNotification notification)
     return GetMerchantCodes(notification.orderadjustment);
Esempio n. 21
 public static bool Fill(AVPicture picture, SByteBuffer buffer, AutoGen.AVPixelFormat format, int width,
     int height)
     return FFmpegInvoke.avpicture_fill(picture.NativeObj, buffer.NativeObj, format, width, height) == 0;
        public async Task <ActionResult> Submit(NewEntryBox model)
            long          _empId      = (long)Session[Constants.SessionEmpID];
            string        _empName    = Session[Constants.SessionEmpName].ToString();
            List <string> emailStatus = new List <string>();

                decimal edit1 = 0;
                decimal edit2 = 0;
                decimal edit3 = 0;
                model.Items[model.Items.Count - 1].InvolvementEditDays1 = 0;
                model.Items[model.Items.Count - 1].InvolvementEditDays2 = 0;
                model.Items[model.Items.Count - 1].InvolvementEditDays3 = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < model.Items.Count - 1; i++)
                    edit1 = edit1 + model.Items[i].InvolvementEditDays1;
                    edit2 = edit2 + model.Items[i].InvolvementEditDays2;
                    edit3 = edit3 + model.Items[i].InvolvementEditDays3;
                model.Items[model.Items.Count - 1].InvolvementEditDays1 = edit1;
                model.Items[model.Items.Count - 1].InvolvementEditDays2 = edit2;
                model.Items[model.Items.Count - 1].InvolvementEditDays3 = edit3;

                if (Convert.ToDouble(model.Items[model.Items.Count - 1].InvolvementDays1) < Convert.ToDouble(model.Items[model.Items.Count - 1].InvolvementEditDays1) || Convert.ToDouble(model.Items[model.Items.Count - 1].InvolvementDays2) < Convert.ToDouble(model.Items[model.Items.Count - 1].InvolvementEditDays2) || Convert.ToDouble(model.Items[model.Items.Count - 1].InvolvementDays3) < Convert.ToDouble(model.Items[model.Items.Count - 1].InvolvementEditDays3))
                    ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Total Input is more than allowable days, Please adjust your timesheet";
                    ViewBag.QuarterList  = model.QID;
                    ViewBag.QuarterList  = DropdownList.PreviousAndQuarterList(_empId, true);
                    return(View("Index", BindData(model.QID)));

                if (model != null)
                    int roleId = Convert.ToInt32(Session[Constants.SessionRoleID]);
                    foreach (BoxItems item in model.Items.Where(x => x.IsEdit1 || x.IsEdit2 || x.IsEdit3))
                        if (item.ProjectID != 0)
                            int _currentNumber     = 0;
                            IQueryable <int> items = DB.EmpTimeSheet.OrderByDescending(u => u.SequenceNo).Take(1).Select(e => e.SequenceNo);
                            foreach (int ir in items)
                                _currentNumber = ir;
                            if (_currentNumber == 0)
                                _currentNumber = 100;

                            foreach (string month in months)
                                bool          isEditable    = false;
                                NewEntryModel newEntryModel = new NewEntryModel();

                                newEntryModel.ApproveRejectStatus = roleId == 1 ? "A" : DB.ProjectEmployee.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EmployeeID == _empId && x.ProjectID == item.ProjectID).CheckRole == true ? "A" : null;
                                if (month == months[0])
                                    newEntryModel.InvolveMonth   = Convert.ToDateTime(model.Month1);
                                    newEntryModel.DaysCount      = item.InvolvementDays1;
                                    newEntryModel.DaysEditCount  = item.InvolvementEditDays1;
                                    newEntryModel.InvolvePercent = CalculateInvolvementPercentage(_empId, item.InvolvementEditDays1, newEntryModel);
                                    if (item.IsEdit1)
                                        isEditable = true;
                                if (month == months[1])
                                    newEntryModel.InvolveMonth   = Convert.ToDateTime(model.Month2);
                                    newEntryModel.DaysCount      = item.InvolvementDays2;
                                    newEntryModel.DaysEditCount  = item.InvolvementEditDays2;
                                    newEntryModel.InvolvePercent = CalculateInvolvementPercentage(_empId, item.InvolvementEditDays2, newEntryModel);
                                    if (item.IsEdit2)
                                        isEditable = true;
                                if (month == months[2])
                                    newEntryModel.InvolveMonth   = Convert.ToDateTime(model.Month3);
                                    newEntryModel.DaysCount      = item.InvolvementDays3;
                                    newEntryModel.DaysEditCount  = item.InvolvementEditDays3;
                                    newEntryModel.InvolvePercent = CalculateInvolvementPercentage(_empId, item.InvolvementEditDays3, newEntryModel);
                                    if (item.IsEdit3)
                                        isEditable = true;
                                if (newEntryModel.DaysCount != 0)
                                    if (isEditable)
                                        NewEntryModel exists = DB.EmpTimeSheet.FirstOrDefault(x => x.InvolveMonth == newEntryModel.InvolveMonth && x.EmpId == _empId && x.ProjectID == item.ProjectID);
                                        if (exists != null)
                                            newEntryModel.TsID       = exists.TsID;
                                            newEntryModel.RefNo      = exists.RefNo;
                                            newEntryModel.SequenceNo = exists.SequenceNo;
                                            newEntryModel.EntryBy    = _empId; //empid
                                            newEntryModel.EntryDate  = DateTime.Now;
                                            newEntryModel.Quart      = model.QID;
                                            newEntryModel.EntryRole  = (long)Session[Constants.SessionRoleID];
                                            newEntryModel.EmpId      = _empId; //empid
                                            newEntryModel.ProjectID  = item.ProjectID;
                                            newEntryModel.EmpRemarks = "";
                                            newEntryModel.Status     = newEntryModel.ApproveRejectStatus == "A" ? Convert.ToInt64(ReadConfig.GetValue("StatusApproved")) : Convert.ToInt64(ReadConfig.GetValue("StatusPending"));
                                            if (newEntryModel.ApproveRejectStatus == "A")
                                                newEntryModel.ApproveRejectUser = _empId;
                                            newEntryModel.RefNo      = AutoGen.GetReferenceNumber();
                                            newEntryModel.SequenceNo = _currentNumber;
                                            newEntryModel.EntryBy    = _empId; //empid
                                            newEntryModel.EntryDate  = DateTime.Now;
                                            newEntryModel.Quart      = model.QID;
                                            newEntryModel.EntryRole  = (long)Session[Constants.SessionRoleID];
                                            newEntryModel.EmpId      = _empId; //empid
                                            newEntryModel.ProjectID  = item.ProjectID;
                                            newEntryModel.EmpRemarks = "";
                                            newEntryModel.Status     = newEntryModel.ApproveRejectStatus == "A" ? Convert.ToInt64(ReadConfig.GetValue("StatusApproved")) : Convert.ToInt64(ReadConfig.GetValue("StatusPending"));
                                            if (newEntryModel.ApproveRejectStatus == "A")
                                                newEntryModel.ApproveRejectUser = _empId;

                                        if (newEntryModel.Status == Convert.ToInt64(ReadConfig.GetValue("StatusApproved")))
                                            TempData["Success"] = ResourceMessage.NewEntryApprove;
                                        else if (newEntryModel.Status == Convert.ToInt64(ReadConfig.GetValue("StatusPending")))
                                            TempData["Success"] = ResourceMessage.NewEntrySubmit;

                            if ((item.InvolvementDays1 > 0 && item.InvolvementEditDays1 > 0) || (item.InvolvementDays2 > 0 && item.InvolvementEditDays2 > 0) || (item.InvolvementDays3 > 0 && item.InvolvementEditDays3 > 0))
                                var SubmittedMonths = new List <string>();
                                if (item.IsEdit1 && item.InvolvementEditDays1 > 0)
                                if (item.IsEdit2 && item.InvolvementEditDays2 > 0)
                                if (item.IsEdit3 && item.InvolvementEditDays3 > 0)
                                if (roleId != 1)
                                    bool isProjectManager = DB.ProjectEmployee.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProjectID == item.ProjectID && x.EmployeeID == _empId).CheckRole;
                                    if (!isProjectManager)
                                        string projectName     = DB.ProjectMaster.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProjectID == item.ProjectID).ProjectName;
                                        var    projectManagers = (from x in DB.ProjectEmployee.Where(x => x.ProjectID == item.ProjectID && x.EmployeeID != _empId && x.CheckRole)
                                                                  join y in DB.Employee on x.EmployeeID equals y.EmployeeID
                                                                  join z in DB.User on y.UserID equals z.UserID
                                                                  select new { z.Email, y.EmpFirstName, y.EmpLastName, y.EmpMiddleName }).ToList <dynamic>();
                                        if (SubmittedMonths.Any() && projectManagers.Any())
                                            bool emailResult = await Email.SendTimeSubmissionEmail(new TimeSheetSubmissionEmailModel()
                                                EmpName         = _empName,
                                                ManagerInfo     = projectManagers,
                                                ProjectName     = projectName,
                                                SubmissionDates = string.Join(", ", SubmittedMonths)

                                            if (!emailResult)
            catch (Exception ex)
                TempData["Error"] = ex.ToString();
            // TempData["EmailNotificationErrors"] = emailStatus;
Esempio n. 23
 public AVPacket(AutoGen.AVPacket* packet)
     _packet = packet;
Esempio n. 24
 public static int GetSize(AutoGen.AVPixelFormat format, int width, int height)
     return FFmpegInvoke.avpicture_get_size(format, width, height);
        public async Task <ActionResult> Editing_Update(DataSourceRequest request, NewEntryByProjectSelection[] MODEL)
            ViewBag.ProjectList  = DropdownList.ProjectList((long)Session[Constants.SessionEmpID], (long)(Session[Constants.SessionRoleID]));
            ViewBag.EmployeeList = DropdownList.EmployeeList();
            ViewBag.Quadrent     = GetQuardrent();
            if (MODEL != null)
                    long   _entryId     = (long)Session[Constants.SessionEmpID];
                    string quarter      = MODEL.Any() ? MODEL[0].Quarter : GetQuarter();
                    var    listMonth    = (from Quart in DB.Quarter where Quart.Quarter == quarter select new { Quart.Month }).ToList();
                    string month1       = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/" + listMonth[0].Month + "/01");
                    string month2       = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/" + listMonth[1].Month + "/01");
                    string month3       = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/" + listMonth[2].Month + "/01");
                    int    currentmonth = GetQuarter() == quarter ? DateTime.Now.Month : Convert.ToInt32(listMonth[2].Month);
                    List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > emailStatus = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();
                    if (MODEL != null && ModelState.IsValid)
                        foreach (NewEntryByProjectSelection product in MODEL)
                            int _currentNumber     = 0;
                            IQueryable <int> items = DB.EmpTimeSheet.OrderByDescending(u => u.SequenceNo).Take(1).Select(e => e.SequenceNo);
                            foreach (int ir in items)
                                _currentNumber = ir;
                            if (_currentNumber == 0)
                                _currentNumber = 100;
                            if (currentmonth == Convert.ToInt32(listMonth[0].Month))
                                NewEntryModel newEntryModel = new NewEntryModel();
                                newEntryModel.InvolveMonth   = Convert.ToDateTime(month1);
                                newEntryModel.DaysCount      = Convert.ToDecimal(product.InvolvementDays1);
                                newEntryModel.DaysEditCount  = Convert.ToDecimal(product.InvolvementEditDays1);
                                newEntryModel.InvolvePercent = CalculateInvolvementPercentage(product.EmployeeID, product.InvolvementEditDays1, newEntryModel);
                                NewEntryModel exists = DB.EmpTimeSheet.FirstOrDefault(x => x.InvolveMonth == newEntryModel.InvolveMonth && x.EmpId == product.EmployeeID && x.ProjectID == product.ProjectID);

                                if (exists != null)
                                    newEntryModel.TsID                  = exists.TsID;
                                    newEntryModel.RefNo                 = exists.RefNo;
                                    newEntryModel.SequenceNo            = exists.SequenceNo;
                                    newEntryModel.EntryBy               = (long)Session[Constants.SessionEmpID]; //empid
                                    newEntryModel.EntryDate             = DateTime.Now;
                                    newEntryModel.Quart                 = quarter;
                                    newEntryModel.EntryRole             = (long)Session[Constants.SessionRoleID];
                                    newEntryModel.EmpId                 = product.EmployeeID; //empid
                                    newEntryModel.ProjectID             = product.ProjectID;
                                    newEntryModel.EmpRemarks            = "";
                                    newEntryModel.ApproveRejectComments = "";
                                    newEntryModel.ApproveRejectStatus   = "A";
                                    newEntryModel.ApproveRejectUser     = (long)Session[Constants.SessionEmpID];
                                    newEntryModel.ApproveRejectDate     = DateTime.Now;
                                    newEntryModel.Status                = Convert.ToInt64(ReadConfig.GetValue("StatusApproved"));
                                    if (newEntryModel.DaysEditCount != 0 || product.IsEdit1)

                                        newEntryModel.RefNo                 = AutoGen.GetReferenceNumber();
                                        newEntryModel.SequenceNo            = _currentNumber;
                                        newEntryModel.EntryBy               = _entryId; //empid
                                        newEntryModel.EntryDate             = DateTime.Now;
                                        newEntryModel.EntryRole             = (long)Session[Constants.SessionRoleID];
                                        newEntryModel.EmpId                 = product.EmployeeID; //empid
                                        newEntryModel.ProjectID             = product.ProjectID;
                                        newEntryModel.Quart                 = quarter;
                                        newEntryModel.EmpRemarks            = "";
                                        newEntryModel.ApproveRejectComments = "";
                                        newEntryModel.ApproveRejectStatus   = "A";
                                        newEntryModel.ApproveRejectUser     = (long)Session[Constants.SessionEmpID];
                                        newEntryModel.ApproveRejectDate     = DateTime.Now;
                                        newEntryModel.Status                = Convert.ToInt64(ReadConfig.GetValue("StatusApproved"));
                            if (currentmonth == Convert.ToInt32(listMonth[1].Month))
                                foreach (string month in months)
                                    NewEntryModel newEntryModel = new NewEntryModel();
                                    bool          isEdit        = false;
                                    if (month == months[0])
                                        newEntryModel.InvolveMonth   = Convert.ToDateTime(month1);
                                        newEntryModel.DaysCount      = Convert.ToDecimal(product.InvolvementDays1);
                                        newEntryModel.DaysEditCount  = Convert.ToDecimal(product.InvolvementEditDays1);
                                        newEntryModel.InvolvePercent = CalculateInvolvementPercentage(product.EmployeeID, product.InvolvementEditDays1, newEntryModel);
                                        isEdit = product.IsEdit1;
                                    if (month == months[1])
                                        newEntryModel.InvolveMonth   = Convert.ToDateTime(month2);
                                        newEntryModel.DaysCount      = Convert.ToDecimal(product.InvolvementDays2);
                                        newEntryModel.DaysEditCount  = Convert.ToDecimal(product.InvolvementEditDays2);
                                        newEntryModel.InvolvePercent = CalculateInvolvementPercentage(product.EmployeeID, product.InvolvementEditDays2, newEntryModel);
                                        isEdit = product.IsEdit2;
                                    if (newEntryModel.DaysEditCount != 0 || isEdit)
                                        NewEntryModel exists = DB.EmpTimeSheet.FirstOrDefault(x => x.InvolveMonth == newEntryModel.InvolveMonth && x.EmpId == product.EmployeeID && x.ProjectID == product.ProjectID);
                                        if (ModelState.IsValid)
                                            if (exists != null)
                                                newEntryModel.TsID                  = exists.TsID;
                                                newEntryModel.RefNo                 = exists.RefNo;
                                                newEntryModel.SequenceNo            = exists.SequenceNo;
                                                newEntryModel.EntryBy               = (long)Session[Constants.SessionEmpID]; //empid
                                                newEntryModel.EntryDate             = DateTime.Now;
                                                newEntryModel.Quart                 = quarter;
                                                newEntryModel.EntryRole             = (long)Session[Constants.SessionRoleID];
                                                newEntryModel.EmpId                 = product.EmployeeID; //empid
                                                newEntryModel.ProjectID             = product.ProjectID;
                                                newEntryModel.EmpRemarks            = "";
                                                newEntryModel.ApproveRejectComments = "";
                                                newEntryModel.ApproveRejectStatus   = "A";
                                                newEntryModel.ApproveRejectUser     = (long)Session[Constants.SessionEmpID];
                                                newEntryModel.ApproveRejectDate     = DateTime.Now;
                                                newEntryModel.Status                = Convert.ToInt64(ReadConfig.GetValue("StatusApproved"));
                                                newEntryModel.RefNo                 = AutoGen.GetReferenceNumber();
                                                newEntryModel.SequenceNo            = _currentNumber;
                                                newEntryModel.EntryBy               = _entryId; //empid
                                                newEntryModel.EntryDate             = DateTime.Now;
                                                newEntryModel.EntryRole             = (long)Session[Constants.SessionRoleID];
                                                newEntryModel.EmpId                 = product.EmployeeID; //empid
                                                newEntryModel.ProjectID             = product.ProjectID;
                                                newEntryModel.Quart                 = quarter;
                                                newEntryModel.EmpRemarks            = "";
                                                newEntryModel.ApproveRejectComments = "";
                                                newEntryModel.ApproveRejectStatus   = "A";
                                                newEntryModel.ApproveRejectUser     = (long)Session[Constants.SessionEmpID];
                                                newEntryModel.ApproveRejectDate     = DateTime.Now;
                                                newEntryModel.Status                = Convert.ToInt64(ReadConfig.GetValue("StatusApproved"));

                                            TempData["Error"] = ResourceMessage.DayscountExceed;
                                            //return View("Index", BindData(model.QID));
                            if (currentmonth == Convert.ToInt32(listMonth[2].Month))
                                foreach (string month in months)
                                    NewEntryModel newEntryModel = new NewEntryModel();
                                    bool          isEdit        = false;
                                    if (month == months[0])
                                        newEntryModel.InvolveMonth   = Convert.ToDateTime(month1);
                                        newEntryModel.DaysCount      = Convert.ToDecimal(product.InvolvementDays1);
                                        newEntryModel.DaysEditCount  = Convert.ToDecimal(product.InvolvementEditDays1);
                                        newEntryModel.InvolvePercent = CalculateInvolvementPercentage(product.EmployeeID, product.InvolvementEditDays1, newEntryModel);
                                        isEdit = product.IsEdit1;
                                    if (month == months[1])
                                        newEntryModel.InvolveMonth   = Convert.ToDateTime(month2);
                                        newEntryModel.DaysCount      = Convert.ToDecimal(product.InvolvementDays2);
                                        newEntryModel.DaysEditCount  = Convert.ToDecimal(product.InvolvementEditDays2);
                                        newEntryModel.InvolvePercent = CalculateInvolvementPercentage(product.EmployeeID, product.InvolvementEditDays2, newEntryModel);
                                        isEdit = product.IsEdit2;
                                    if (month == months[2])
                                        newEntryModel.InvolveMonth   = Convert.ToDateTime(month3);
                                        newEntryModel.DaysCount      = Convert.ToDecimal(product.InvolvementDays3);
                                        newEntryModel.DaysEditCount  = Convert.ToDecimal(product.InvolvementEditDays3);
                                        newEntryModel.InvolvePercent = CalculateInvolvementPercentage(product.EmployeeID, product.InvolvementEditDays3, newEntryModel);
                                        isEdit = product.IsEdit3;

                                    if (newEntryModel.DaysEditCount != 0 || isEdit)
                                        NewEntryModel exists = DB.EmpTimeSheet.FirstOrDefault(x => x.InvolveMonth == newEntryModel.InvolveMonth && x.EmpId == product.EmployeeID && x.ProjectID == product.ProjectID);
                                        if (ModelState.IsValid)
                                            if (exists != null)
                                                newEntryModel.TsID                  = exists.TsID;
                                                newEntryModel.RefNo                 = exists.RefNo;
                                                newEntryModel.SequenceNo            = exists.SequenceNo;
                                                newEntryModel.EntryBy               = (long)Session[Constants.SessionEmpID]; //empid
                                                newEntryModel.EntryDate             = DateTime.Now;
                                                newEntryModel.Quart                 = quarter;
                                                newEntryModel.EntryRole             = (long)Session[Constants.SessionRoleID];
                                                newEntryModel.EmpId                 = product.EmployeeID; //empid
                                                newEntryModel.ProjectID             = product.ProjectID;
                                                newEntryModel.EmpRemarks            = "";
                                                newEntryModel.ApproveRejectComments = "";
                                                newEntryModel.ApproveRejectStatus   = "A";
                                                newEntryModel.ApproveRejectUser     = (long)Session[Constants.SessionEmpID];
                                                newEntryModel.ApproveRejectDate     = DateTime.Now;
                                                newEntryModel.Status                = Convert.ToInt64(ReadConfig.GetValue("StatusApproved"));
                                                newEntryModel.RefNo                 = AutoGen.GetReferenceNumber();
                                                newEntryModel.SequenceNo            = _currentNumber;
                                                newEntryModel.EntryBy               = _entryId; //empid
                                                newEntryModel.EntryDate             = DateTime.Now;
                                                newEntryModel.EntryRole             = (long)Session[Constants.SessionRoleID];
                                                newEntryModel.EmpId                 = product.EmployeeID; //empid
                                                newEntryModel.ProjectID             = product.ProjectID;
                                                newEntryModel.Quart                 = quarter;
                                                newEntryModel.EmpRemarks            = "";
                                                newEntryModel.ApproveRejectComments = "";
                                                newEntryModel.ApproveRejectStatus   = "A";
                                                newEntryModel.ApproveRejectUser     = (long)Session[Constants.SessionEmpID];
                                                newEntryModel.ApproveRejectDate     = DateTime.Now;
                                                newEntryModel.Status                = Convert.ToInt64(ReadConfig.GetValue("StatusApproved"));
                                            TempData["Error"] = ResourceMessage.DayscountExceed;
                                            //return View("Index", BindData(model.QID));

                            if ((product.IsEdit1 && product.InvolvementEditDays1 > 0) || (product.IsEdit2 && product.InvolvementEditDays2 > 0) || (product.IsEdit3 && product.InvolvementEditDays3 > 0))
                                var SubmittedMonths = new List <string>();
                                if (product.IsEdit1 && product.InvolvementEditDays1 > 0)
                                    SubmittedMonths.Add(product.Month1 + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(month1).Year);
                                if (product.IsEdit2 && product.InvolvementEditDays2 > 0)
                                    SubmittedMonths.Add(product.Month2 + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(month2).Year);
                                if (product.IsEdit3 && product.InvolvementEditDays3 > 0)
                                    SubmittedMonths.Add(product.Month3 + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(month3).Year);

                                string projectName     = DB.ProjectMaster.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProjectID == product.ProjectID).ProjectName;
                                var    projectManagers = (from x in DB.ProjectEmployee.Where(x => x.ProjectID == product.ProjectID && x.EmployeeID != product.EmployeeID && x.CheckRole)
                                                          join y in DB.Employee on x.EmployeeID equals y.EmployeeID
                                                          join z in DB.User on y.UserID equals z.UserID
                                                          select new { z.Email, y.EmpFirstName, y.EmpLastName, y.EmpMiddleName }).ToList <dynamic>();
                                if (SubmittedMonths.Any() && projectManagers.Any())
                                    var emp      = DB.Employee.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EmployeeID == product.EmployeeID);
                                    var emailObj = new TimeSheetSubmissionEmailModel()
                                        EmpName         = Models.Common.GetName(emp.EmpFirstName, emp.EmpLastName, emp.EmpMiddleName),
                                        ManagerInfo     = projectManagers,
                                        ProjectName     = projectName,
                                        SubmissionDates = string.Join(", ", SubmittedMonths)
                                    bool emailResult = await Email.SendTimeSubmissionEmail(emailObj);

                                    if (!emailResult)
                                        emailStatus.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(emailObj.EmpName, projectName));

                    return(Json(new { MODEL, emailStatus }));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;
                ViewBag.Quadrent = GetQuardrent();
                long empId = (long)Session[Constants.SessionEmpID];
                ViewBag.QuarterList = DropdownList.PreviousAndQuarterListNewEntryOnBehalf(empId);

                NewEntryByProjectSelection model = new NewEntryByProjectSelection
                    Quarter = ViewBag.Quadrent,
                    Month1  = "Jan-2019"
                return(View("Index", model));
 public AVFormatContext(AutoGen.AVFormatContext* formatContext)
     _formatContext = formatContext;
Esempio n. 27
 public SWSContext(AutoGen.SwsContext* context)
     _context = context;
 internal Subscription(AutoGen.Subscription subscription)
     if (subscription == null)
     throw new ArgumentNullException("subscription");
       if (subscription.nochargeafterSpecified)
     this.NoChargeAfter = subscription.nochargeafter;
       if (subscription.payments != null) {
     foreach (AutoGen.SubscriptionPayment item in subscription.payments) {
       this.Payments.Add(new SubscriptionPayment(item));
       this.Period = subscription.period;
       this.RecurrentItem = new ShoppingCartItem(subscription.recurrentitem);
       this.StartDate = subscription.startdate;
       this.Type = (SubscriptionType)Enum.Parse(typeof(SubscriptionType), subscription.type, true);
Esempio n. 29
 public AVFrame(AutoGen.AVFrame* frame)
     _frame = frame;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method adds a new tax rule to the &lt;default-tax-table&gt;.
        /// This method is called by the methods that create the XML blocks
        /// for flat-rate shipping, merchant-calculated shipping and instore-pickup
        /// shipping methods.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="NewRule">This parameter contains an object representing
        /// a default tax rule.</param>
        private void AddNewTaxRule(AutoGen.DefaultTaxRule NewRule)
            var rules = new List<AutoGen.DefaultTaxRule>();

              if (_TaxTables.defaulttaxtable.taxrules != null
            && _TaxTables.defaulttaxtable.taxrules.Length > 0) {

              //Always create the array, even if it is empty.
              _TaxTables.defaulttaxtable.taxrules = rules.ToArray();
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the country tax rule.
 /// This method adds a tax rule associated with a particular state.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Area">The area.</param>
 /// <param name="TaxRate">The tax rate associated with a tax rule. Tax 
 /// rates are expressed as decimal values. For example, a value of 0.0825 
 /// specifies a tax rate of 8.25%.</param>
 /// <example>
 /// <code>
 ///   // We assume Req is a CheckoutShoppingCartRequest object.
 ///   // Charge the 50 states 8% tax.
 ///   Req.AddCountryTaxRule(AutoGen.USAreas.FULL_50_STATES, 0.08);
 ///   // Charge the 48 continental states 5% tax.
 ///   Req.AddCountryTaxRule(AutoGen.USAreas.CONTINENTAL_48, 0.05);
 ///   // Charge all states (incl territories) 9% tax.
 ///   Req.AddCountryTaxRule(AutoGen.USAreas.ALL, 0.09);
 /// </code>
 /// </example>
 public void AddCountryTaxRule(AutoGen.USAreas Area, double TaxRate)
     AutoGen.AlternateTaxRule rule = new AutoGen.AlternateTaxRule();
       rule.rateSpecified = true;
       rule.rate = TaxRate;
       rule.taxarea = new AutoGen.AlternateTaxRuleTaxarea();
       AutoGen.USCountryArea ThisArea = new AutoGen.USCountryArea();
       rule.taxarea.Item = ThisArea;
       ThisArea.countryarea = Area;
 public AVCodecContext(AutoGen.AVCodecContext* codecContext)
     _codecContext = codecContext;
Esempio n. 33
        public async Task DoWork(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
            while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                DateTime enow     = PropMgr.ESTNow;
                DateTime expected = new DateTime(enow.Year, enow.Month, enow.Day, 3, 0, 0);
                DateTime lastW    = (_csSettings.LastTaskUpdate != null) ? _csSettings.LastTaskUpdate : new DateTime(2020, 1, 1);
                double MinWait = 0;                                                                              // for testing
                double MinWait = 720;                                                                            // 12 hrs
                if (((enow - lastW).TotalMinutes >= MinWait) || (Math.Abs((enow - expected).TotalMinutes) < 65)) // done not more than twice a day and covers DST change with delay/offset
                    // Check Stock for possibly needed items
                    OrderedEvents         ordEvs         = new OrderedEvents(_context);
                    IList <InventoryItem> InventoryItems = _context.InventoryItem.Include(i => i.Inventory).Include(i => i.Item).ToList();
                    foreach (var invIt in InventoryItems)
                        if (IndexInvModel.MayNeedItem(_context, invIt, ordEvs))
                            // Item likely needs to be ordered. Mark as needed.
                            if (invIt.State == IndexInvModel.STOCKED_STATE)
                                invIt.State = IndexInvModel.NEEDED_STATE;
                                _context.Attach(invIt).State = EntityState.Modified;

                                    _csSettings.LastStockUpdate = PropMgr.ESTNow;
                                    await Task.Run(() => IndexInvModel.NotifyNeedAsync(_hostEnv, _configuration, _userManager, "CStat:Stock> Needed : " + invIt.Item.Name, true)); // potentially clean Message log
                                catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)

                    // Check for new Tasks
                    AutoGen ag = new AutoGen(_context);
                    _csSettings.LastTaskUpdate = PropMgr.ESTNow;

                    // Notify users Tasks Due
                    CTask.NotifyUserTaskDue(_hostEnv, _configuration, _userManager, _context, 24, true); // Potentially clean log

                    // Persist Daily Reading and Notify if needed for Propane
                    PropaneMgr pmgr = new PropaneMgr(_hostEnv, _configuration, _userManager);
                    pmgr.CheckValue(pmgr.GetTUTank(true)); // get value, log to file and check

                    // Check for any unexpected propane usage (not potentially impacted from events) from recent daily usage
                    var plList = pmgr.GetAll(3);
                    var plCnt  = plList.Count;
                    if (plCnt > 1)
                        for (int i = 0; i < plCnt - 1; ++i)
                            var plStart   = plList[i];
                            var plEnd     = plList[i + 1];
                            var dateRange = new DateRange(plStart.ReadingTime, plEnd.ReadingTime);

                            var evList = ag.GetImpactingEvents(dateRange);
                            if (evList.Count == 0) // no impacting events
                                var totalHrs = dateRange.TotalHours();
                                if ((totalHrs > 0) && _csSettings.GetPropaneProperties(out double tankGals, out double pricePerGal))
                                    var totalGals = ((plStart.LevelPct - plEnd.LevelPct) / 100) * tankGals;
                                    if ((totalGals / totalHrs) > ((double)2 / 24)) // averaging more than 2 gals/day?
                                        // Send a one time alert (allowResend = false)
                                        CSSMS sms = new CSSMS(_hostEnv, _configuration, _userManager);
                                        sms.NotifyUsers(CSSMS.NotifyType.EquipNT, "CStat:Equip> " + "Non Event Propane Usage was " + totalGals.ToString("0.##") + " gals. during " + totalHrs.ToString("0.#") + " hours starting " +
                                                        plStart.ReadingTime.Month + "/" + plStart.ReadingTime.Day + "/" + plStart.ReadingTime.Year % 100, false, true); // potentially clean Message Log

                    // Check for new EMails to store
                    CSEMail.SaveEMails(_configuration, _userManager);

                    // Check/Truncate Size of Arduino file
                    ArdMgr amgr = new ArdMgr(_hostEnv, _configuration, _userManager);

                    // Clean/{Reset to full view} Camera
                    using (var ptz = new PtzCamera())

                    _logger.LogInformation($"CStat Daily Updates Completed at {PropMgr.ESTNow}");

                // Run again at 3:00 AM
                DateTime now          = PropMgr.ESTNow;
                DateTime tom          = now.AddDays(1);
                DateTime start        = new DateTime(tom.Year, tom.Month, tom.Day, 3, 0, 0); // Restart at 3:00 AM tomorrow
                int      MSecsToStart = (int)Math.Round((start - now).TotalMilliseconds);
                await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Delay(MSecsToStart, stoppingToken);
 /// <summary>
 /// Obtain the Merchant Codes from the Order Adjustment.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="adjustment">The <seealso cref="AutoGen.OrderAdjustment"/></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static List<MerchantCode> GetMerchantCodes(AutoGen.OrderAdjustment adjustment)
     if (adjustment == null)
     return new List<MerchantCode>();
       return GetMerchantCodes(adjustment.merchantcodes);
 /// <summary>
 /// This method adds a new tax rule to the &lt;default-tax-table&gt;.
 /// This method is called by the methods that create the XML blocks
 /// for flat-rate shipping, merchant-calculated shipping and instore-pickup
 /// shipping methods.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="NewRule">This parameter contains an object representing
 /// a default tax rule.</param>
 private void AddNewTaxRule(AutoGen.DefaultTaxRule NewRule) {
   AutoGen.DefaultTaxTable NewTable = new AutoGen.DefaultTaxTable();
   NewTable.taxrules = 
     new AutoGen.DefaultTaxRule
     [_TaxTables.defaulttaxtable.taxrules.Length + 1];
   for (int i = 0; i < NewTable.taxrules.Length - 1; i++) {
     NewTable.taxrules[i] = _TaxTables.defaulttaxtable.taxrules[i];
   NewTable.taxrules[NewTable.taxrules.Length - 1] = NewRule;
   _TaxTables.defaulttaxtable = NewTable;
Esempio n. 36
 public AVPicture(AutoGen.AVPicture* picture)
     _picture = picture;
 /// <summary>
 /// This method adds an allowed U.S. country area to a 
 /// &lt;us-country-area&gt; element. The &lt;us-country-area&gt; element, 
 /// in turn, appears as a subelement of &lt;allowed-areas&gt;.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="CountryArea">The country area.</param>
 public void AddAllowedCountryArea(AutoGen.USAreas CountryArea) {
   AutoGen.USCountryArea NewArea = new AutoGen.USCountryArea();
   NewArea.countryarea = CountryArea;