Esempio n. 1
        public void TestCreateTupleAa()
            Tuple <BigInteger, BigInteger> tuple = AuthenticationHelper.CreateAaTuple();
            BigInteger A = tuple.Item1;
            BigInteger a = tuple.Item2;
            BigInteger g = AuthenticationHelper.g;

            Assert.Equal(A, BigInteger.ModPow(g, a, AuthenticationHelper.N));
            Assert.NotEqual(A.TrueMod(AuthenticationHelper.N), BigInteger.Zero);
Esempio n. 2
        public void TestCreateTupleAa()
            Tuple <BigInteger, BigInteger> tuple = AuthenticationHelper.CreateAaTuple();
            BigInteger A = tuple.Item1;
            BigInteger a = tuple.Item2;
            BigInteger g = BigInteger.ValueOf(2); //NOTE: this should match the PRIVATE variable g from the AuthenticationHelper class

            Assert.Equal(A, g.ModPow(a, AuthenticationHelper.N));
            Assert.NotEqual(A.Mod(AuthenticationHelper.N), BigInteger.Zero);
Esempio n. 3
    /// <summary>
    /// Try to sign in with email and password
    /// </summary>
    public void TrySignInRequest(string username, string password,
                                 Action OnFailureF = null, Action <string> OnSuccessF = null)
        //Get the SRP variables A and a
        var TupleAa = AuthenticationHelper.CreateAaTuple();

        InitiateAuthRequest authRequest = new InitiateAuthRequest()
            ClientId       = AppClientID,
            AuthFlow       = AuthFlowType.USER_SRP_AUTH,
            AuthParameters = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "USERNAME", username },
                { "SRP_A", TupleAa.Item1.ToString(16) }

        // This is a nested request / response / request. First we send the
        // InitiateAuthRequest, with some crypto things. AWS sends back
        // some of its own crypto things, in the authResponse object (this is the "challenge").
        // We combine that with the actual password, using math, and send it back (the "challenge response").
        // If AWS is happy with our answer, then it is convinced we know the password,
        // and it sends us some tokens!
        CognitoIDPClient.InitiateAuthAsync(authRequest, (authResponse) => {
            if (authResponse.Exception != null)
                Debug.Log("[TrySignInRequest] exception : " + authResponse.Exception.ToString());
                if (OnFailureF != null)

            //The timestamp format returned to AWS _needs_ to be in US Culture
            DateTime timestamp    = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(DateTime.Now);
            CultureInfo usCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
            String timeStr        = timestamp.ToString("ddd MMM d HH:mm:ss \"UTC\" yyyy", usCulture);

            //Do the hard work to generate the claim we return to AWS
            var challegeParams = authResponse.Response.ChallengeParameters;
            byte[] claim       = AuthenticationHelper.authenticateUser(
                password, UserPoolName, TupleAa,
                challegeParams["SALT"], challegeParams["SRP_B"],
                challegeParams["SECRET_BLOCK"], timeStr);

            String claimBase64 = System.Convert.ToBase64String(claim);

            // construct the second request
            RespondToAuthChallengeRequest respondRequest = new RespondToAuthChallengeRequest()
                ChallengeName      = authResponse.Response.ChallengeName,
                ClientId           = AppClientID,
                ChallengeResponses = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "PASSWORD_CLAIM_SECRET_BLOCK", challegeParams["SECRET_BLOCK"] },
                    { "PASSWORD_CLAIM_SIGNATURE", claimBase64 },
                    { "USERNAME", username },
                    { "TIMESTAMP", timeStr }

            // send the second request
            CognitoIDPClient.RespondToAuthChallengeAsync(respondRequest, (finalResponse) => {
                if (finalResponse.Exception != null)
                    // Note: if you have the wrong username/password, you will get an exception.
                    // It's up to you to differentiate that from other errors / etc.
                    Debug.Log("[TrySignInRequest] exception : " + finalResponse.Exception.ToString());
                    if (OnFailureF != null)

                // Ok, if we got here, we logged in, and here are some tokens
                AuthenticationResultType authResult = finalResponse.Response.AuthenticationResult;
                string idToken      = authResult.IdToken;
                string accessToken  = authResult.AccessToken;
                string refreshToken = authResult.RefreshToken;

                Debug.Log("[TrySignInRequest] success!");
                if (OnSuccessF != null)
        });   // end of CognitoIDPClient.InitiateAuthAsync