Esempio n. 1
        public async Task MsAppRedirectUriTest()
            Sts sts = new AadSts();
            AuthenticationContext context = await AuthenticationContext.CreateAsync(sts.Authority);

                UserIdentifierType t = UserIdentifierType.RequiredDisplayableId;
                context.AcquireTokenAndContinue(sts.ValidResource, sts.ValidClientId, new Uri("ms-app://test/"), null);

                Verify.Fail("Argument exception expected");
            catch (AdalException ex)
                Verify.AreEqual(ex.ErrorCode, Sts.AuthenticationUiFailedError);
                Verify.IsTrue(ex.InnerException is ArgumentException);


                Verify.Fail("Exception expected");
            catch (Exception ex)

                context.AcquireTokenAndContinue(sts.ValidResource, sts.ValidClientId, null, null);

                Verify.Fail("Exception expected");
            catch (AdalException ex)
                Verify.AreEqual(ex.ErrorCode, "need_to_set_callback_uri_as_local_setting");

                // Incorrect ms-app
                ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values["CurrentApplicationCallbackUri"] = "ms-app://s-1-15-2-2097830667-3131301884-2920402518-3338703368-1480782779-4157212157-3811015497/";
                context.AcquireTokenAndContinue(sts.ValidResource, sts.ValidClientId, null, null);

                Verify.Fail("Exception expected");
            catch (AdalException ex)
                Verify.AreEqual(ex.ErrorCode, Sts.AuthenticationUiFailedError);
        protected override async Task <AuthenticationResult> AcquireToken(string serverUrl, string clientId, string redirectUrl)
            await InitializeAuthentication();

            acquireTokenTcs = new TaskCompletionSource <AuthenticationResult>();
            authContext.AcquireTokenAndContinue(serverUrl, clientId, new Uri(redirectUrl), p => { });
            return(await acquireTokenTcs.Task);
        // fetch the user's To Do list from the service. If no tokens are present in the cache, trigger the authentication experience before performing the call
        private async void RefreshAppBarButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Try to get a token without triggering any user prompt.
            // ADAL will check whether the requested token is in the cache or can be obtained without user itneraction (e.g. via a refresh token).
            AuthenticationResult result = await authContext.AcquireTokenSilentAsync(todoListResourceId, clientId);

            if (result != null && result.Status == AuthenticationStatus.Success)
                // A token was successfully retrieved. Get the To Do list for the current user
                // Acquiring a token without user interaction was not possible.
                // Trigger an authentication experience and specify that once a token has been obtained the GetTodoList method should be called
                authContext.AcquireTokenAndContinue(todoListResourceId, clientId, redirectURI, GetTodoList);
Esempio n. 4
        public static async void BeginAuthentication()
            //First, look for the authority used during the last authentication.
            //If that value is not populated, use CommonAuthority.
            string authority = null;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(LastAuthority))
                authority = CommonAuthority;
                authority = LastAuthority;

            _authenticationContext = await AuthenticationContext.CreateAsync(authority);

            _authenticationContext.AcquireTokenAndContinue(DiscoveryResourceId, ClientID, _returnUri, null);
Esempio n. 5
        public static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task GetTokenSilent()
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(CRMHelper.AuthorityUrl))
                await CRMHelper.DiscoveryAuthority();

            // If authContext is null, then generate it.
            if (authContext == null)
            {   // ADAL for Windows Phone 8.1 builds AuthenticationContext instances throuhg a factory, which performs authority validation at creation time
                authContext = AuthenticationContext.CreateAsync(CRMHelper.AuthorityUrl).GetResults();
            AuthenticationResult result = await authContext.AcquireTokenSilentAsync(CRMHelper.ResourceName, CRMHelper.ClientId);
            { authContext = new AuthenticationContext(CRMHelper.AuthorityUrl, false); }
            AuthenticationResult result = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(CRMHelper.ResourceName, CRMHelper.ClientId);

            if (result != null && result.Status == AuthenticationStatus.Success)
                // A token was successfully retrieved. Then store it.
                // Clear the AccessToken first so that any Service Calls waits until it's filled.
                proxy.AccessToken = "";
                // In case credential was wrong, clear the token cache first.
                // Acquiring a token without user interaction was not possible.
                // Trigger an authentication experience and specify that once a token has been obtained the StoreToken method should be called.
                authContext.AcquireTokenAndContinue(CRMHelper.ResourceName, CRMHelper.ClientId, new Uri(CRMHelper.RedirectUri), StoreToken);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method try to obtain AccessToken by using OAuth2 authentication agianst Microsoft Azure AD.
        /// </summary>
        static public async Task GetTokenSilent()
            // Before create AuthenticationContext, check if Authority(OAuthUrl) is available.
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(CRMHelper.OAuthUrl))
                bool success = true;
                    await CRMHelper.DiscoveryAuthority();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // If failed to retireve OAuthUrl, then make success as false
                    success = false;

                // If failed to retrieve OAuthUrl, chances are user mistype ServerUrl.
                if (!success)
                    MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog("OAuth Url retrieve failed. Please check Service URL again.");
                    await dialog.ShowAsync();


            if (CRMHelper.SignOut)
                if (authContext != null)
                CRMHelper.SignOut = false;

            // Create AuthenticationContext by using OAuthUrl.
            if (authContext == null)
                authContext = await AuthenticationContext.CreateAsync(CRMHelper.OAuthUrl);

            // Try to acquire token without prompting user first.
            AuthenticationResult result = await authContext.AcquireTokenSilentAsync(CRMHelper.ResourceName, CRMHelper.ClientId);

            // Check the result.
            if (result != null && result.Status == AuthenticationStatus.Success)
                // A token was successfully retrieved. Then store it.
            // If failed to obtain token without prompting, then prompt user for credentials
                // Clear AccessToken
                CRMHelper._proxy.AccessToken = "";
                // In case credential was wrong, clear the token cache first.
                // Acquiring a token without user interaction was not possible.
                // Trigger an authentication experience and specify that once a token has been obtained the StoreToken method should be called.
                authContext.AcquireTokenAndContinue(CRMHelper.ResourceName, CRMHelper.ClientId, new Uri(CRMHelper.RedirectUri), StoreToken);