public Job.Job CreateJob( string name, string config_xml) { Trace.TraceInformation("Creating job: {0} with Config xml: {2}{1}{2}", name, config_xml, Environment.NewLine); Login(); Job.Job jobinfo = null; // GetJobInfo(name); if (jobinfo == null) { Cookie session_id = AuthCookies.GetCookies(new Uri(ServerUrl)).Cast <Cookie>().First(x => x.Name == "_session_id"); string response = SendPostRequest( ServerUrl + String.Format(Queries.CREATE_JOB, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(name)), String.Format("data={0}&_session_id={1}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(config_xml), HttpUtility.UrlEncode(session_id.Value)), "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); //Console.WriteLine(response); if (response != null) { jobinfo = GetJobInfo(name); } } return(jobinfo); }
private Dictionary <string, object> AppendSessionId(Dictionary <string, object> query) { this.Login(); if (query == null) { query = new Dictionary <string, object>(); } Cookie session_id = AuthCookies.GetCookies(new Uri(ServerUrl)).Cast <Cookie>().First(x => x.Name == "_session_id"); query["_session_id"] = session_id.Value; return(query); }
public string BuildJob( string name, string swiftFilename, string buildQuery = "") { Login(); Cookie session_id = AuthCookies.GetCookies(new Uri(ServerUrl)).Cast <Cookie>().First(x => x.Name == "_session_id"); string response = SendPostRequest( ServerUrl + String.Format(Queries.BUILD_JOB, name, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(swiftFilename), buildQuery), String.Format("_session_id={0}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(session_id.Value)), "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); return(response); }
/// <summary> /// Stops the last build on the server /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Name of the job</param> public void StopJob(string name) { Login(); var jobinfo = GetJobInfo(name); if (jobinfo != null) { Cookie session_id = AuthCookies.GetCookies(new Uri(ServerUrl)).Cast <Cookie>().First(x => x.Name == "_session_id"); string response = SendPostRequest( ServerUrl + String.Format(String.Format(Queries.STOP_JOB, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(name))), String.Format("_session_id={0}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(session_id.Value)), "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); //Console.WriteLine(response); } }
public async Task Login() { if (IsAuthenticated()) { return; } await ProceedUtils.Proceed <bool?>(_logger, async() => { var session = this.LoadSession(); if (session != null) { AuthCookies = session; _logger.LogTrace(AuthCookies.GetLog()); return(true); } var loginGetRequest = AccountProvider.Login.LoginGet() .SetDefault(); var loginGet = await(await loginGetRequest.ExecuteUnparsedAsync()).ToLoginGet(); AuthCookies = new AuthCookies { CfdUid = loginGet.CfdUid, Session = loginGet.Session }; var loginRequest = AccountProvider.Login.Login( Credentials.Username, Credentials.Password, loginGet.GrantType, loginGet.Continue, loginGet.CsrfToken) .SetDefault() .AddCacheControlMaxAge(TimeSpan.Zero) .AddOrigin("") .AddSecFetchSite("same-origin") .AddReferer("") .AddCookies(AuthCookies); var loginResult = await loginRequest.ExecuteUnparsedAsync(); AuthCookies.Polito = loginResult.GetCookie("polito"); AuthCookies.Session = loginResult.GetCookie("session"); _logger.LogTrace(AuthCookies.GetLog()); this.SaveSession(AuthCookies); return(true); }); }
public static ClientServiceRequest <TResponse> SetAuthCookies <TResponse>( this ClientServiceRequest <TResponse> request, AuthCookies authCookies) { request.ClearExecInterceptors(); var res = request .AddUserAgent(HttpConst.UserAgent) .AddConnection("keep-alive") .AddAccept("text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8") .AddAcceptLanguage("en-US,en;q=0.8") .AddUpgradeInsecureRequests("1"); if (authCookies != null) { res = res.AddCookies(authCookies); } return(res); }
private void SaveSession(AuthCookies session) { File.WriteAllText(_sessionFilePath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(session)); }
public async Task Login() { if (this.IsAuthenticated()) { return; } await ProceedUtils.Proceed <bool?>(this.Logger, async() => { AuthCookies = new AuthCookies { Username = this.UserSecrets.Username, Password = this.UserSecrets.Password, UserLang = UserLang, Ga = "GA1.2.1583055054.1567053894", Gid = "GA1.2.49410478.1567140764", Gat = "1" }; var bvbRequest = this.Lr.UserSignIn.SignInBvb(UserLang, ClientVersion) .SetAuthCookies(AuthCookies) .SetSerializer(new SignInBvbSerializer()); var bvbResponse = await bvbRequest.ExecuteAsync(); AuthCookies.Bvb = bvbResponse.Bvb; var sessionIdRequest = this.Lr.UserSignIn.SignInSessionId(UserLang, ClientVersion, "1") .SetAuthCookies(AuthCookies) .AddReferer($"{UserLang}&client_version={ClientVersion}") .SetSerializer(new WebFormsToJsonSerializer()); var sessionId = (await sessionIdRequest.ExecuteUnparsedAsync()).GetCookie(PhpSessionId); AuthCookies.PhpSessionId = sessionId; this.Logger.LogTrace(AuthCookies.GetLog()); var session = this.LoadSession(); if (session != null) { UserSession = session; this.Logger.LogTrace(UserSession.GetLog()); return(true); } var loginRequest = this.Lr.Ajax.Login(this.UserSecrets.Username, this.UserSecrets.Password) .ClearExecInterceptors() .AddUserAgent(HttpConst.UserAgent) .AddCookies(AuthCookies) .AddConnection("keep-alive") .AddAccept("*/*") .AddOrigin("") .AddXRequestedWith("XMLHttpRequest") .AddReferer($"{UserLang}&client_version={ClientVersion}&security=1") .AddAcceptLanguage("en-US,en;q=0.8"); var loginInfo = await loginRequest.ExecuteAsync(); if (loginInfo == null) { this.Logger.LogError("Authorization failed."); DelayUtils.LargeDelay(); return(null); } this.Logger.LogTrace(loginInfo.GetLog()); UserSession = new UserSession { UserId = loginInfo.UserId, UserName = loginInfo.UserName, UserEmail = loginInfo.UserEmail, UserAccessToken = loginInfo.UserAccessToken }; this.SaveSession(UserSession); return(true); }); }
private async Task UpdateViewModel() { CurrentUser = creatioUtils.CurrentUser; AccounttHyperlink = new Hyperlink() { Uri = new Uri(Domain + @"/0/Nui/ViewModule.aspx#CardModuleV2/AccountPageV2/edit/" + CurrentUser.Account.Value), Text = CurrentUser.Account.DisplayValue }; ContactHyperlink = new Hyperlink() { Uri = new Uri(Domain + @"/0/Nui/ViewModule.aspx#CardModuleV2/ContactPageV2/edit/" + CurrentUser.Contact.Value), Text = $"Loged in as: {CurrentUser.Contact.DisplayValue} ({CurrentUser.User.DisplayValue})" }; CookieCollection cc = creatioUtils.Auth.GetCookies(new Uri(Domain)); foreach (Cookie c in cc) { AuthCookies.Add(new MyAuthCookie { Name = c.Name, Value = c.Value }); } await GetImageAsync(CurrentUser.Contact.PrimaryImageValue).ConfigureAwait(false); //SelectQuery contactQuery = new SelectQuery() //{ // RootSchemaName = "SysAdminUnit", // RowCount = 10, // RowsOffset = -1, // QueryKind = QueryKind.General, // QuerySource = QuerySource.Filter, // UseLocalization = true, // QueryOptimize = true, // Columns = new SelectQueryColumns() // { // Items = new Dictionary<string, SelectQueryColumn>() // { // { // "Id", new SelectQueryColumn() // { // Caption = "Id", // OrderDirection = OrderDirection.Ascending, // OrderPosition = 0, // Expression = new ColumnExpression() // { // ExpressionType = EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.SchemaColumn, // ColumnPath = "Id" // } // } // }, // { // "Name", new SelectQueryColumn() // { // Caption = "Name", // OrderDirection = OrderDirection.Ascending, // OrderPosition = 0, // Expression = new ColumnExpression() // { // ExpressionType = EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.SchemaColumn, // ColumnPath = "Name" // } // } // }, // { // "fileName", new SelectQueryColumn() // { // Caption = "fileName", // OrderDirection = OrderDirection.Ascending, // OrderPosition = 0, // Expression = new ColumnExpression() // { // ExpressionType = EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.SchemaColumn, // ColumnPath = "Contact.Photo" // } // } // }, // { // "ContactId", new SelectQueryColumn() // { // Caption = "ContactId", // OrderDirection = OrderDirection.Ascending, // OrderPosition = 0, // Expression = new ColumnExpression() // { // ExpressionType = EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.SchemaColumn, // ColumnPath = "Contact.Id" // } // } // }, // { // "Photo", new SelectQueryColumn() // { // Caption = "Photo", // OrderDirection = OrderDirection.Ascending, // OrderPosition = 0, // Expression = new ColumnExpression() // { // ExpressionType = EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.SchemaColumn, // ColumnPath = "Contact.Photo.Id" // } // } // } // } // }, // Filters = new Filters() // { // IsEnabled = true, // FilterType = FilterType.FilterGroup, // LogicalOperation = LogicalOperationStrict.And, // Items = new Dictionary<string, Filter> // { // { // "CompareByName", new Filter // { // IsEnabled=true, // FilterType = FilterType.CompareFilter, // ComparisonType = FilterComparisonType.Equal, // LeftExpression = new BaseExpression() // { // ExpressionType = EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.SchemaColumn, // ColumnPath = "Id" // }, // RightExpression = new BaseExpression() // { // ExpressionType = EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.Parameter, // Parameter = new Parameter() // { // DataValueType = DataValueType.Guid, // Value = creatioUtils.CurrentUser.User.Value // } // } // } // }, // } // } //}; //string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(contactQuery); //RequestResponse result = await Utils.GetResponseAsync(json, ActionEnum.SELECT).ConfigureAwait(false); //System.Data.DataTable dt = creatioUtils.ConvertResponseToDataTable(result.Result); //string ImageId = dt.Rows[0]["Photo"].ToString(); //await GetImageAsync(ImageId).ConfigureAwait(true); }