Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a one year APSIM simulation for the specified yield prophet specification
        /// and paddock
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paddock">The paddock.</param>
        /// <param name="todayDate">The today date.</param>
        /// <param name="apsoilService">The apsoil service.</param>
        /// <returns>The XML node of the APSIM simulation.</returns>
        private static XmlNode CreateSimulationXML(AusFarmSpec simulation, string workingFolder)
            AusFarmFileWriter ausfarmWriter;

            // determine which type of simulation this is based on stock, paddocks, crops
            if ((simulation.LiveStock.Flocks.Count == 0) && (simulation.LiveStock.TradeLambCount == 0))
                ausfarmWriter = new AusFarmFileWriter(SimulationType.stCropOnly);
                simulation.SimTemplateType = SimulationType.stCropOnly; // ensure that the simulation type is alway correct
                if (simulation.LiveStock.Flocks.Count == 1)
                    ausfarmWriter = new AusFarmFileWriter(SimulationType.stSingleFlock);
                    simulation.SimTemplateType = SimulationType.stSingleFlock; // ensure that the simulation type is alway correct
                else if (simulation.LiveStock.Flocks.Count == 2)
                    ausfarmWriter = new AusFarmFileWriter(SimulationType.stDualFlock);
                    simulation.SimTemplateType = SimulationType.stDualFlock; // ensure that the simulation type is alway correct
                    throw new Exception();

            // Name the simulation

            // Set the clock start and end dates.
            ausfarmWriter.SetStartEndDate(simulation.StartDate, simulation.EndDate);

            //set the path for output files

            // Set the weather file
            for (int i = 0; i < simulation.OnFarmSoilTypes.Count; i++)
                ausfarmWriter.SetCropRotation(i + 1, simulation.OnFarmSoilTypes[i].CropRotationList);

            // Do soil stuff.

            if (simulation.SimTemplateType != SimulationType.stCropOnly)
                // Set the Livestock data

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>Creates the weather files for all simulations.</summary>
        /// <param name="simulations">The simulations.</param>
        /// <param name="workingFolder">The working folder to create the files in.</param>
        /// <param name="ausfarmNode"></param>
        private static void CreateWeatherFileForSimulation(AusFarmSpec simulation, string workingFolder)
            // Write the .met file for the simulation
            DateTime  earliestStartDate = DateTime.MaxValue;
            DateTime  latestEndDate     = DateTime.MinValue;
            DateTime  nowDate           = DateTime.MaxValue;
            DataTable observedData      = null;
            int       stationNumber     = 0;

            stationNumber = simulation.StationNumber;
            if (simulation.StartDate < earliestStartDate)
                earliestStartDate = simulation.StartDate;
            if (simulation.EndDate > latestEndDate)
                latestEndDate = simulation.EndDate;

            // Create the weather files.
            FMetFile = Path.Combine(workingFolder, stationNumber.ToString()) + ".met";

            // Create a weather file.
            Weather.Data weatherFile = Weather.ExtractDataFromSILO(stationNumber, earliestStartDate, nowDate);
            Weather.OverlayData(observedData, weatherFile.Table);
            Weather.WriteWeatherFile(weatherFile.Table, FMetFile, weatherFile.Latitude, weatherFile.Longitude,
                                     weatherFile.TAV, weatherFile.AMP);

            // ensure that the run period doesn't exceed the data retrieved
            if (simulation.EndDate > weatherFile.LastDate)
                simulation.EndDate = weatherFile.LastDate;

            // calculate the rain deciles from April from the year of the start of the simulation.
            // this could be improved to use more than a few decades of weather.
            simulation.RainDeciles = new double[12, 10]; // 12 months, 10 deciles
            DateTime accumStartDate = new DateTime(simulation.StartDate.Year, 4, 1);

            if (simulation.StartDate > accumStartDate)              // ensure that the start date for decile accum exists in the weather
            simulation.RainDeciles = Weather.CalculateRainDeciles(stationNumber, accumStartDate, simulation.EndDate);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves soil types from ApSoil
        /// Configures any missing crop ll, kl values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="simulation"></param>
        /// <param name="apsoilService"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static void DoSoils(AusFarmSpec simulation)
            APSOIL.Service apsoilService = null;
            Soil           soil;

            for (int i = 0; i < simulation.OnFarmSoilTypes.Count; i++)
                FarmSoilType soilType = simulation.OnFarmSoilTypes[i];
                soil = soilType.SoilDescr;
                if (soil == null)
                    // Look for a <SoilName> and if found go get the soil from the Apsoil web service.
                    if (apsoilService == null)
                        apsoilService = new APSOIL.Service();
                    string soilXml = apsoilService.SoilXML(soilType.SoilPath);
                    if (soilXml == string.Empty)
                        throw new Exception("Cannot find soil: " + soilType.SoilPath);

                    soil = SoilUtilities.FromXML(soilXml);

                // Other crop types not listed here will have their ll, kll, xf values calculated later

                // Remove any initwater nodes.
                soil.InitialWater = null;

                foreach (Sample sample in soil.Samples)
                    CheckSample(soil, sample);

                // get rid of <soiltype> from the soil
                // this is necessary because NPD uses this field and puts in really long
                // descriptive classifications. Soiln2 bombs with an FString internal error.
                soil.SoilType = "";

                // Set the soil name to 'soil'
                //soil.Name = "Soil";
                soilType.SoilDescr = soil;  //store the changed description
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>Create a .sdml file for the job</summary>
        /// <param name="AusFarmSpec">The specification to use</param>
        /// <returns>The root XML node for the file</returns>
        private static XmlNode CreateAusFarmFile(AusFarmSpec simulation, string workingFolder)
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

                XmlNode simulationXML = CreateSimulationXML(simulation, workingFolder);
                if (simulationXML != null)
                    doc.AppendChild(doc.ImportNode(simulationXML, true));
            catch (Exception err)
                throw new Exception(err.Message + "\r\nSimulation name: " + simulation.Name);

        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the soil values in every paddock that has the soil type.
        /// The valid configuration is:
        /// - One to three soil types. Currently there are four phases/paddocks for each soil type.
        ///   This means that up to four different crops will be sown on a soil type in any year.
        ///   To sow only one crop type on a soil type for the year, specifiy four crops with the same name.
        ///   More than four names can be in the rotation list. 
        ///   Each paddock in the soil type uses the same paddock initialisation
        ///   The .AreaPoportion value is useful to dividing the farm. Any soil type that has
        ///   zero proportion will have no area and will not be sown.
        ///   If only one soil type is found then the remaining two will be set to zero proportion area.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="simulation">The AusFarm simulation object</param>
        public void SetSoils(AusFarmSpec simulation)
            double areaPropnTotal = 0.0;
            int soilIdx = 0;

            // find every paddock
            XmlNodeList paddocks = simulationXMLNode.SelectNodes("//system[attribute::class=\"Paddock\"]");

            // work through the 3 possible soil types
            while (soilIdx < 3)
                if (soilIdx < simulation.OnFarmSoilTypes.Count)
                    // for every soil type that has been defined
                    FarmSoilType soilArea = simulation.OnFarmSoilTypes[soilIdx];
                    areaPropnTotal += soilArea.AreaProportion;
                    SetGenericCompStateVar("Params", "F4P_AREAPROPN_ROT" + (soilIdx + 1).ToString(), soilArea.AreaProportion.ToString());
                    SetGenericCompStateVar("Params", "F4P_SOIL_FERT" + (soilIdx + 1).ToString(), soilArea.SeasonFertiliser.ToString());
                    if (soilArea.AreaProportion > 0)
                        FarmPaddockType defaultPaddock = simulation.OnFarmPaddocks[soilIdx];    //this paddock is applied to this soil type
                        Soil soilConfig = soilArea.SoilDescr;
                        // determine the soil depth so the pasture components can be initialised
                        double depth = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < soilConfig.Water.Thickness.Length; i++)
                            depth += soilConfig.Water.Thickness[i];

                        int paddIdx = 0;
                        // for each paddock
                        foreach (XmlNode paddocknode in paddocks)
                            // parse the name of the paddock to see if this soil applies to it- Expect "Soil1_01"
                            int soilNo, paddNo;
                            ParsePaddockName(paddocknode, out soilNo, out paddNo);

                            // if this soil should be applied to this paddock
                            if (soilNo == soilIdx + 1)
                                SetSoilComponents(defaultPaddock, soilConfig, paddocknode);
                                SetSoilCrops(soilConfig, paddocknode, soilArea);
                                SetPastureComponents(defaultPaddock, depth, paddocknode, soilArea);
                    SetGenericCompStateVar("Params", "F4P_AREAPROPN_ROT" + (soilIdx + 1).ToString(), "0.0");