/// <summary>
    /// initlaize the two lists (Audoi_files,Folders)
    /// </summary>
    public static void Initlaize(string FileName1, string FileName2)
        //Reading From AudiosInfo ..
        FileStream   fs = new FileStream(FileName1, FileMode.Open);
        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs);
        //Reading the first line in the File which contain the Nember of Audios Files..
        string num_of_records = sr.ReadLine();

        //Converting the string value into int by using TypeCasting..
        num_of_rec = (int)num_of_records[0] - '0';
        //Makeing Array of string to hold the Data from File to split it..
        string[] records = new string[num_of_rec];
        //Makeing a Temp Variable to hold the Data and push it in the List..
        //Loop to Get the Data and split it..
        for (int i = 0; i < num_of_rec; i++)
            Audoios aud = new Audoios();
            records  = sr.ReadLine().Split(' ');
            aud.name = records[0];
            string[] temp = records[1].Split(':');
            aud.hourse       = int.Parse(temp[0]);
            aud.min          = int.Parse(temp[1]);
            aud.sec          = int.Parse(temp[2]);
            aud.total_in_sec = aud.hourse * 3600 + aud.min * 60 + aud.sec;
            aud.index        = i + 1;

        //Closing the Folder after Geting the Data..
        //Reading from Readme to konw the Max_Size of Folder..
        FileStream   f = new FileStream(FileName2, FileMode.Open);
        StreamReader s = new StreamReader(f);

        string[] Temp = new string[2];
        string[] size = new string[2];
        Temp = s.ReadLine().Split('=');
        size = Temp[1].Split(' ');
        //Closing the File after Reading from it..
        ////Converting the string value into int by using TypeCasting..
        max_size = int.Parse(size[1]);
        public static void write(string Source, string Destination)
            BaseOperations.Initlaize("AudiosInfo.txt", "readme.txt");
            string path = Destination;

            if (!Directory.Exists(path))
                DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(path);
            int    k           = 1;
            string FileName    = path;
            string source      = Source;
            string destination = "";
            int    no          = 0;
            int    h           = 0;

            while (BaseOperations.num_of_rec != 0)
                int i = 0;
                path        = Destination;
                source      = Source;
                destination = "";
                FileName    = path;
                DirectoryInfo di;
                no = fill(0);

                if (no == 1)
                    for (int num = 0; num < BaseOperations.Audoi_files.Count; num++)
                        path        = Destination;
                        FileName    = path;
                        source      = Source;
                        path       += @"\f" + k;
                        di          = Directory.CreateDirectory(path);
                        source     += @"\" + (BaseOperations.Audoi_files[num].index) + ".mp3";
                        destination = path + @"\" + (BaseOperations.Audoi_files[num].index) + ".mp3";
                        System.IO.File.Copy(source, destination);
                        Console.WriteLine(source + "  " + destination);
                        FileName += @"\f" + k + "_MetaData.txt";
                        System.IO.FileStream F1 = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Create);
                        StreamWriter         w1 = new StreamWriter(F1);
                        w1.WriteLine("f" + k);
                        w1.WriteLine(BaseOperations.Audoi_files[num].name + " " + BaseOperations.Audoi_files[num].hourse + ":" + BaseOperations.Audoi_files[num].min + ":" + BaseOperations.Audoi_files[num].sec);
                        w1.WriteLine(BaseOperations.Audoi_files[num].hourse + ":" + BaseOperations.Audoi_files[num].min + ":" + BaseOperations.Audoi_files[num].sec);
                path += @"\f" + k;
                di    = Directory.CreateDirectory(path);
                int w3 = 0;
                for (; i < no; i++)
                    source      = Source;
                    source     += @"\" + (list[0][w3].index) + ".mp3";
                    destination = path + @"\" + (list[0][w3].index) + ".mp3";
                    System.IO.File.Copy(source, destination);
                FileName += @"\f" + k + "_MetaData.txt";
                System.IO.FileStream F = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Create);
                StreamWriter         w = new StreamWriter(F);
                w.WriteLine("f" + k);
                Audoios tem = new Audoios();
                for (int j = 0; j < no; j++)
                    w.WriteLine(list[0][j].name + " " + list[0][j].hourse + ":" + list[0][j].min + ":" + list[0][j].sec);
                    tem.hourse += list[0][j].hourse;
                    tem.min    += list[0][j].min;
                    tem.sec    += list[0][j].sec;
                w.WriteLine(tem.hourse + ":" + tem.min + ":" + tem.sec);
                int var = 0;
                for (int it = 0; it < no; it++)
                    var = list[0][it].index - 1 - h;
                    if (var < 0)
                        var = 0;

                BaseOperations.num_of_rec -= no;
                count = 0;