Esempio n. 1
    private void Update()
        // Move the key down on press and back up on release
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(m_attachedKey))
            // Remove the shadow
            m_shadowObject.effectDistance =;

            // Lower the key visualization by the same amount as the shadow was previously
            m_rectTransform.anchoredPosition = m_baseRect.position + new Vector2(0.0f, m_shadowHeight);

            //Play Audio
            keyAudio.PlayOneShot(0, 1.0f);
        else if (Input.GetKeyUp(m_attachedKey))
            // Place the shadow back
            m_shadowObject.effectDistance = new Vector2(0.0f, m_shadowHeight);

            // Move the key visuals back
            m_rectTransform.anchoredPosition = m_baseRect.position;

            //play Audio
            keyAudio.PlayOneShot(1, 1.0f);
Esempio n. 2
    //--- Event Hooks ---//
    public void OnCallCompleted(Call_Group _callObj, Call_State _callFinalState)
        // Handle the call termination differently, depending on if ended well or not
        if (_callFinalState == Call_State.Waited_Too_Long)
            // Play negative feedback
            audioManager.PlayOneShot(4, 0.2f);

            //TODO: Increment missed calls counter
            persistManager.callsMissed += 1;
        else if (_callFinalState == Call_State.Completed)
            // Play positive feedback
            audioManager.PlayOneShot(3, 0.5f);
            // Add points, reputation, etc
            GameObject.FindObjectOfType <CashCalculation_Script>().CalculateCashForCall(_callObj);

            //End of game Satisfaction
            //TODO: Increment total calls completed
            persistManager.callsCompleted    += 1;
            persistManager.gamesSatisfaction += _callObj.GetSatisfationFromCall();

            //callCash.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>().text = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<CashCalculation_Script>().CalculateCashForCall(_callObj).ToString();
            totalCash.GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <CashCalculation_Script>().TotalCashEarned().ToString(); //Returns Total Cash
            //Debug the new money recieved.

        // Remove the UI element from the call backlog

        // Unhook the event

        // Remove the callers from their associated rooms

        // We should also remove the call from the list
        // However, we need to wait until the end of the frame to ensure all the other call operations are complete
    public void UpdateCallState()
        // Grab the first caller's room so we can see if everyone else is there too
        Room_Name firstCallerRoom = m_callParticipants[0].CurrentRoom;

        // We need to check if it's ONLY this call group in this room. There shouldn't be another group in here
        if (m_roomManager.GetCurrentCapacity(firstCallerRoom) != m_numParticipants)
            m_callState = Call_State.Waiting;

        // Check in with the individual callers and see if they are in the same room
        foreach (var caller in m_callParticipants)
            // If one of the participants is not in the same room, this call is in a waiting state by default
            if (firstCallerRoom != caller.CurrentRoom)
                m_callState = Call_State.Waiting;

        // If all of the callers are in the same room, we still need to determine if they are actually in a chat room
        // If they are not in a chat room but they are all together, they are still waiting
        if (firstCallerRoom >= Room_Name.Chat_1 && firstCallerRoom <= Room_Name.Chat_5)
            m_callState = Call_State.Active;
            if (prevState == Call_State.Waiting)
                if (audioManager == null)
                    audioManager = GameObject.Find("AudioManager").GetComponent <Audio_Manager>();
                audioManager.PlayOneShot(2, 0.5f);
            prevState = m_callState;
            m_callState = Call_State.Waiting;
            prevState   = m_callState;
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //If we want to keep this function this class
        if (shouldCountTime)
            timeElapsed = timeElapsed + Time.deltaTime;

            //Day end protocol
            if (timeElapsed >= dayLengthIRL)
                //Call CalculateEndOfDayMoney
                //dailyEarnings.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>().text = "$ " + this.GetComponent<CashCalculation_Script>().CalculateCashForDay(dayCounter + 1).ToString(); ;


                if (dayCounter >= maxDayCounter)
                    //End week and game
                    // save the data out to the persistence manager
                    persistence.m_dayNumber  = dayCounter;
                    persistence.m_totalMoney = Mathf.RoundToInt(GetComponent <CashCalculation_Script>().TotalCashEarned());

                    // Show the day over text

                    // Remove all the callers from the rooms
                    GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Room_Manager>().DisconnectAllCallers();

                    // Stop updating all of the calls
                    GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Call_Manager>().IsActive = false;

                    // Disable input
                    GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Key_Manager>().enabled = false;

                    //End day
                    Invoke("MoveToEndWeekScreen", dayBufferLength);
                    shouldCountTime = false;

                    //Play dayEnd Audio
                    audioManager.PlayOneShot(5, 0.5f);

                    // save the data out to the persistence manager
                    persistence.m_dayNumber  = dayCounter;
                    persistence.m_totalMoney = Mathf.RoundToInt(GetComponent <CashCalculation_Script>().TotalCashEarned());

                    // Show the day over text

                    // Remove all the callers from the rooms
                    GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Room_Manager>().DisconnectAllCallers();

                    // Stop updating all of the calls
                    GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Call_Manager>().IsActive = false;

                    // Disable input
                    GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Key_Manager>().enabled = false;

                    //End day
                    Invoke("MoveToEndDayScreen", dayBufferLength);

        if (clock)
            timeElapsedLERP           = timeElapsed / dayLengthIRL; // This is the percent of the day that has gone by
            dayProgressBar.fillAmount = timeElapsedLERP;

            if (timeElapsedLERP > 0.9f)
                dayProgressBar.color = dayProgressHigh;
            else if (timeElapsedLERP > 0.7f)
                dayProgressBar.color = dayProgressMed;

            dayLengthIG = (dayEndTime * 60.0f) - (dayStartTime * 60.0f);

            timeElapsedIGLERP = Mathf.Lerp((dayStartTime * 60.0f), (dayEndTime * 60.0f), timeElapsedLERP);

            hours   = (int)timeElapsedIGLERP / 60;
            minutes = (int)timeElapsedIGLERP % 60;

            timeString = hours.ToString("00") + ":";

            timeString += minutes.ToString("00");

            clock.GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = timeString;