Esempio n. 1
        private int iterationResult; // Stores result of iteration

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        /// <summary>
        /// Class constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_iterationResult"></param>
        /// <param name="_category"></param>
        /// <param name="_callerData"></param>
        /// <param name="_calleeData"></param>
        /// <param name="_spResult"></param>
        private IterationResult(int _iterationResult, CallerIterationInfo _callerData, CalleeIterationInfo _calleeData, SpeechRecognizerResult _callerSpResult, SpeechRecognizerResult _calleeSpResult)
            iterationResult = _iterationResult;
            callerData = _callerData;
            calleeData = _calleeData;
            callerSpeechResult = _callerSpResult;
            calleeSpeechResult = _calleeSpResult;

            audioPowerResult = AudioVolume.NOT_ATTENUATED;
            audioVolConf = AudioVolumeConfidence.GOOD_CONFIDENCE;

            // determine the classification (category) for IterationResult
            if (iterationResult == ValidationErrors.NO_ERROR)
                category = TestIterationCategory.PASSED;
                if (conditionExists(iterationResult, ValidationErrors.FAILED_CALL) || conditionExists(iterationResult, ValidationErrors.MISSING_HANGUP) ||
                    conditionExists(iterationResult, ValidationErrors.ECHO_DETECTED) || conditionExists(iterationResult, ValidationErrors.CALLER_NOISE_DETECTED) ||
                    conditionExists(iterationResult, ValidationErrors.CALLEE_NOISE_DETECTED) || conditionExists(iterationResult, ValidationErrors.CALLEE_NOT_HEARD) ||
                    conditionExists(iterationResult, ValidationErrors.CALLER_NOT_HEARD))
                    category = TestIterationCategory.FAILED;

            //if(iterationResult == ValidationErrors.FAILED_CALL || iterationResult == ValidationErrors.NOISE_DETECTED || iterationResult == ValidationErrors.ECHO_DETECTED)
                //    category = TestIterationCategory.FAILED;
                    // Use invalid for all others errors such as callee could not play prompt, execution error etc
                    category = TestIterationCategory.INVALID;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Private helper method to analyze if the recorded wav file has audio signal volume loss by comparing it with the
        /// played audio wav file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePlayed"></param>
        /// <param name="fileRecorded"></param>
        /// <param name="audioVolConf"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private AudioVolume isSignalAttenuated(string filePlayed, string fileRecorded, out AudioVolumeConfidence audioVolConf)
            AudioVolume result = AudioVolume.NOT_ATTENUATED;
            audioVolConf = AudioVolumeConfidence.GOOD_CONFIDENCE;

            // The tolerance represents the % difference between the number of frames used to compute
            // average power between the played and the recorded files.
            // If the number of frames used to compute the average power differs more than the threshold,
            // then it implies that the audio waveform could be different, and hence, should not be analyzed
            // for signal attenuation, since the answer would not be reliable.
            double tolerance = 0.1;

            // Represents the minimum difference in power levels between the recorded and the played files that should be
            // considered to flag audio signal attenuation warning
            double powerThreshold = 6.0;

            WavDataCharacteristics wdRec = WavFile.getInstance(fileRecorded).analyzeData();
            WavDataCharacteristics wdPlayed = WavFile.getInstance(filePlayed).analyzeData();

            double pRec = wdRec.AveragePower;
            double fRec = Convert.ToDouble(wdRec.NumFramesForAvgPower);

            double pPlayed = wdPlayed.AveragePower;
            double fPlayed = Convert.ToDouble(wdPlayed.NumFramesForAvgPower);

             * If the difference in the power levels between the played file and the recorded exceeds the power threshold,
             * it implies signal attenuation. Thus, in this case, we determine the confidence level of the algorithm.
             * If the number of frames used to compute the average power in the recorded file is more than the number of frames used to
             * compute the average power from the played file, it implies distortion of the recorded file. Thus, we set the confidence level
             * of the algorithm to "LOW". To determine the confidence level, if the number of frames used to compute avg. power in the recorded
             * file exceeds the number of frames used to compute avg. power in the played file by a threshold percentage, we set the confidence
             * level to "low", or set the confidence level to "Good" otherwise.
            if (pPlayed - pRec >= powerThreshold)
                Console.WriteLine("Power Level of Played File = " + pPlayed + " Power Level of Recorded File = " + pRec + " . Flagging Signal Attenuation Warning");
                result = AudioVolume.ATTENUATED;

                if (fRec > fPlayed + tolerance * fPlayed)
                    audioVolConf = AudioVolumeConfidence.LOW_CONFIDENCE;
                    audioVolConf = AudioVolumeConfidence.GOOD_CONFIDENCE;
                result = AudioVolume.NOT_ATTENUATED;
            return result;