private void UpdateWind() { // should never happen but Unity editor does weird stuff if (AudioSourceWind == null) { return; } if (WindProfile != null && (WindIntensity > 0.0f || WindProfile.AutoWindIntensity) && ExternalIntensityMultiplier > 0.0f && WindProfile.WindSpeedRange.Maximum > 0.0f && WindProfile.WindMainMultiplier > 0.0f) { // check for wind change if (WindProfile.WindChangeInterval.Maximum > 0.0f && (windNextChangeTime -= Time.deltaTime) <= 0.0f) { AudioSourceWind.AudioSource.clip = (WindProfile.WindAudioClip == null ? AudioSourceWind.AudioSource.clip : WindProfile.WindAudioClip); AnimateWindChange(null, 0.0f, WindProfile.WindChangeDuration.Random()); } // determine wind intensity WindZone.windMain = WindProfile.WindSpeedRange.Maximum * WindIntensity * WindProfile.WindMainMultiplier * ExternalIntensityMultiplier; // update wind audio if wind intensity changed if (WindZone.windMain != lastWindIntensity) { AudioSourceWind.Play(WindIntensity * WindProfile.WindSoundMultiplier); } lastWindIntensity = WindZone.windMain; Vector3 newVelocity = WindZone.transform.forward * WindZone.windMain; bool velocityChanged = newVelocity != CurrentWindVelocity; CurrentWindVelocity = newVelocity; if (velocityChanged && WindChanged != null) { WindChanged(newVelocity); } } else { AudioSourceWind.Stop(); WindZone.windMain = WindZone.windTurbulence = WindZone.windPulseFrequency = WindZone.windPulseMagnitude = 0.0f; CurrentWindVelocity =; } AudioSourceWind.VolumeModifier = WeatherMakerAudioManagerScript.CachedWeatherVolumeModifier; AudioSourceWind.Update(); }
private void UpdateWind() { // put wind on top of camera if (WeatherMakerScript.Instance.Camera != null) { WindZone.transform.position = WeatherMakerScript.Instance.Camera.transform.position; if (!WeatherMakerScript.Instance.CameraIsOrthographic) { WindZone.transform.Translate(0.0f, WindZone.radius, 0.0f); } } if (WindIntensity > 0.0f && MaximumWindSpeed > 0.0f && WindMainMultiplier > 0.0f) { WindZone.windMain = MaximumWindSpeed * WindIntensity * WindMainMultiplier; // update wind audio if wind intensity changed if (WindZone.windMain != lastWindIntensity) { AudioSourceWind.Play(WindIntensity * WindSoundMultiplier); } lastWindIntensity = WindZone.windMain; // check for wind change if (windNextChangeTime <= Time.time) { // update to new wind windNextChangeTime = Time.time + WindChangeInterval.Random(); windChangeTotal = 0.0f; if (WindChangeInterval.Minimum > 0.0f && WindChangeInterval.Maximum >= WindChangeInterval.Minimum) { if (WindTurbulenceRange.Maximum > 0.0f) { WindZone.windTurbulence = WindTurbulenceRange.Random(); } if (WindPulseMagnitudeRange.Maximum > 0.0f) { WindZone.windPulseMagnitude = WindPulseMagnitudeRange.Random(); } if (WindPulseFrequencyRange.Maximum > 0.0f) { WindZone.windPulseFrequency = WindPulseFrequencyRange.Random(); } } // if random wind, pick a new direction from wind if (RandomWindDirection) { // 2D is set immediately if (WeatherMakerScript.Instance.CameraIsOrthographic) { int val = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2); WindZone.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, -90.0f + (180.0f * val), 0.0f); } // 3D is lerped over time else { float xAxis = (AllowBlowUp ? UnityEngine.Random.Range(-30.0f, 30.0f) : 0.0f); windChangeRotationStart = WindZone.transform.rotation; windChangeRotationEnd = Quaternion.Euler(xAxis, UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.0f, 360.0f), 0.0f); windChangeElapsed = 0.0f; windChangeTotal = WindChangeRotationDurationPercent.Random() * (windNextChangeTime - Time.time); } } // else use the WindZone transform rotation as is } // no change, update lerp for wind direction if needed else if (windChangeTotal != 0.0f) { WindZone.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(windChangeRotationStart, windChangeRotationEnd, windChangeElapsed / windChangeTotal); windChangeElapsed = Mathf.Min(windChangeTotal, windChangeElapsed + Time.deltaTime); } Vector3 newVelocity = WindZone.transform.forward * WindZone.windMain; bool velocityChanged = newVelocity != CurrentWindVelocity; CurrentWindVelocity = newVelocity; if (velocityChanged && WindChanged != null) { WindChanged(newVelocity); } if (FogVelocityMultiplier != 0.0f && WeatherMakerScript.Instance.FogScript != null && WeatherMakerScript.Instance.FogScript.FogProfile != null) { WeatherMakerScript.Instance.FogScript.FogProfile.FogNoiseVelocity = CurrentWindVelocity * FogVelocityMultiplier; } } else { AudioSourceWind.Stop(); WindZone.windMain = WindZone.windTurbulence = WindZone.windPulseFrequency = WindZone.windPulseMagnitude = 0.0f; CurrentWindVelocity =; } AudioSourceWind.Update(); }
private void UpdateWind() { if (WindIntensity > 0.0f) { WindZone.windMain = MaximumWindSpeed * WindIntensity * WindMainMultiplier; if (WindTurbulenceRange.Maximum > 0.0f || WindPulseMagnitudeRange.Maximum > 0.0f || WindPulseFrequencyRange.Maximum > 0.0f || WindDirection != lastWindDirection) { lastWindDirection = WindDirection = WindDirection.normalized; if (WeatherScript.Camera != null) { WindZone.transform.position = WeatherScript.Camera.transform.position; if (!WeatherScript.Camera.orthographic) { WindZone.transform.Translate(0.0f, WindZone.radius, 0.0f); } } if (nextWindTime < Time.time) { if (WindTurbulenceRange.Maximum > 0.0f) { WindZone.windTurbulence = WindTurbulenceRange.Random(); } if (WindPulseMagnitudeRange.Maximum > 0.0f) { WindZone.windPulseMagnitude = WindPulseMagnitudeRange.Random(); } if (WindPulseFrequencyRange.Maximum > 0.0f) { WindZone.windPulseFrequency = WindPulseFrequencyRange.Random(); } if (RandomWindDirection) { if (WeatherScript.Camera != null && WeatherScript.Camera.orthographic) { int val = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2); WindZone.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, (val == 0 ? 90.0f : -90.0f), 0.0f); } else { float xAxis = (AllowBlowUp ? UnityEngine.Random.Range(-30.0f, 30.0f) : 0.0f); WindZone.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(xAxis, UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.0f, 360.0f), 0.0f); } WindDirection = WindZone.transform.forward; } else if (WeatherScript.Camera.orthographic) { WindZone.transform.right = new Vector3(WindDirection.x, WindDirection.y, 0.0f); } else { WindZone.transform.forward = WindDirection; } nextWindTime = Time.time + WindChangeInterval.Random(); } } AudioSourceWind.Play(WindIntensity * WindSoundMultiplier); Vector3 newVelocity = WindDirection * WindZone.windMain; if (newVelocity != CurrentWindVelocity) { if (FogVelocityMultiplier != 0.0f && WeatherScript.FogScript != null) { Vector3 fogVelocityOld = WeatherScript.FogScript.FogNoiseVelocity; Vector3 fogVelocity = new Vector3(newVelocity.x * FogVelocityMultiplier, newVelocity.z * FogVelocityMultiplier, 0.0f); TweenFactory.Tween("WeatherMakerWindScriptFogVelocity", fogVelocityOld, fogVelocity, (nextWindTime - Time.time) * 1.1f, TweenScaleFunctions.Linear, (p) => { WeatherScript.FogScript.FogNoiseVelocity = p.CurrentValue; }, null); } CurrentWindVelocity = newVelocity; if (WindChanged != null) { WindChanged(newVelocity); } } } else { AudioSourceWind.Stop(); WindZone.windMain = WindZone.windTurbulence = WindZone.windPulseFrequency = WindZone.windPulseMagnitude = 0.0f; CurrentWindVelocity =; } AudioSourceWind.Update(); }