Esempio n. 1
        public async Task Play()
            // Too much damage stops the jukebox from being able to play
            if (integrity.integrity > integrity.initialIntegrity / 2)
                IsPlaying = true;

                AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters
                    MixerType         = MixerType.Muffled,
                    SpatialBlend      = 1,                // 3D, we need it to attenuate with distance
                    Volume            = Volume,
                    MinDistance       = MinSoundDistance,
                    MaxDistance       = MaxSoundDistance,
                    VolumeRolloffType = VolumeRolloffType.EaseInAndOut,
                    Spread            = Spread

                guid = await SoundManager.PlayNetworkedAtPos(musics[currentSongTrackIndex], registerTile.WorldPositionServer, audioSourceParameters, false, true, gameObject);

                startPlayTime = Time.time;
Esempio n. 2
    public void ServerSlip(bool slipWhileWalking = false)
        if (this == null)
        // Don't slip while walking unless its enabled with "slipWhileWalking".
        // Don't slip while player's consious state is crit, soft crit, or dead.
        // Don't slip while the players hunger state is Strarving
        if (IsSlippingServer ||
            !slipWhileWalking && playerScript.PlayerSync.SpeedServer <= playerScript.playerMove.WalkSpeed ||
            playerScript.playerHealth.IsCrit ||
            playerScript.playerHealth.IsSoftCrit ||
            playerScript.playerHealth.IsDead ||
            playerScript.playerHealth.Metabolism.HungerState == HungerState.Starving)

        AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters(pitch: Random.Range(0.9f, 1.1f));

        SoundManager.PlayNetworkedAtPos(SingletonSOSounds.Instance.Slip, WorldPositionServer, audioSourceParameters, sourceObj: gameObject);
        // Let go of pulled items.
Esempio n. 3
        public override void ServerBehaviour(AimApply interaction, bool isSuicide)
            AudioSourceParameters hornParameters = new AudioSourceParameters(pitch: UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.7f, 1.2f));

            SoundManager.PlayNetworkedAtPos(CommonSounds.Instance.ClownHonk, interaction.Performer.AssumedWorldPosServer(),
                                            hornParameters, true, sourceObj: interaction.Performer);
Esempio n. 4
        protected void PinRemoval(InventoryApply interaction)
            void ProgressFinishAction()
                                        $"You remove the {FiringPin.gameObject.ExpensiveName()} from {gameObject.ExpensiveName()}",
                                        $"{interaction.Performer.ExpensiveName()} removes the {FiringPin.gameObject.ExpensiveName()} from {gameObject.ExpensiveName()}.");

                SyncPredictionCanFire(predictionCanFire, false);


            var bar = StandardProgressAction.Create(ProgressConfig, ProgressFinishAction)
                      .ServerStartProgress(interaction.Performer.RegisterTile(), PinRemoveTime, interaction.Performer);

            if (bar != null)
                                        $"You begin removing the {FiringPin.gameObject.ExpensiveName()} from {gameObject.ExpensiveName()}",
                                        $"{interaction.Performer.ExpensiveName()} begins removing the {FiringPin.gameObject.ExpensiveName()} from {gameObject.ExpensiveName()}.");

                AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters(UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.8f, 1.2f));
                SoundManager.PlayNetworkedAtPos(SingletonSOSounds.Instance.WireCutter, interaction.Performer.AssumedWorldPosServer(), audioSourceParameters, sourceObj: serverHolder);
Esempio n. 5
    /// <summary>
    /// Hit for thrown (non-tile-snapped) items
    /// </summary>
    private void OnHit(Vector3Int pos, ThrowInfo info, IReadOnlyCollection <LivingHealthMasterBase> hitCreatures)
        if (ItemAttributes == null)
        if (hitCreatures == null || hitCreatures.Count <= 0)

        foreach (var creature in hitCreatures)
            if (creature.gameObject == info.ThrownBy)
            //Remove cast to int when moving health values to float
            var damage  = (int)(ItemAttributes.ServerThrowDamage);
            var hitZone = info.Aim.Randomize();
            creature.ApplyDamageToBodyPart(info.ThrownBy, damage, AttackType.Melee, DamageType.Brute, hitZone);
            Chat.AddThrowHitMsgToChat(gameObject, creature.gameObject, hitZone);
            AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters(pitch: 1f);
            SoundManager.PlayNetworkedAtPos(CommonSounds.Instance.GenericHit, transform.position, audioSourceParameters, sourceObj: gameObject);
Esempio n. 6
    /// <summary>
    /// Play sound for all clients.
    /// If more than one sound is specified, one will be picked at random.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="addressableAudioSources">List of sounds to be played.  If more than one sound is specified, one will be picked at random</param>
    public static async Task PlayNetworked(List <AddressableAudioSource> addressableAudioSources, float pitch = -1,
                                           bool polyphonic  = false,
                                           bool shakeGround = false, byte shakeIntensity = 64, int shakeRange = 30)
        ShakeParameters shakeParameters = null;

        if (shakeGround == true)
            shakeParameters = new ShakeParameters
                ShakeGround    = shakeGround,
                ShakeIntensity = shakeIntensity,
                ShakeRange     = shakeRange

        AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters = null;

        if (pitch > 0)
            audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters
                Pitch = pitch

        AddressableAudioSource addressableAudioSource = await GetAddressableAudioSourceFromCache(addressableAudioSources);

        PlaySoundMessage.SendToAll(addressableAudioSource, TransformState.HiddenPos, polyphonic, null, shakeParameters, audioSourceParameters);
Esempio n. 7
    /// <summary>
    /// Serverside: Play sound for all clients.
    /// Accepts "#" wildcards for sound variations. (Example: "Punch#")
    /// </summary>
    public static void PlayNetworked(string sndName, float pitch = -1,
                                     bool polyphonic             = false,
                                     bool shakeGround            = false, byte shakeIntensity = 64, int shakeRange = 30)
        ShakeParameters shakeParameters = null;

        if (shakeGround == true)
            shakeParameters = new ShakeParameters
                ShakeGround    = shakeGround,
                ShakeIntensity = shakeIntensity,
                ShakeRange     = shakeRange

        AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters = null;

        if (pitch > 0)
            audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters
                Pitch = pitch

        sndName = Instance.ResolveSoundPattern(sndName);
        PlaySoundMessage.SendToAll(sndName, TransformState.HiddenPos, polyphonic, null, shakeParameters, audioSourceParameters);
Esempio n. 8
    public void ServerPerformInteraction(HandApply interaction)
        GameObject target    = interaction.TargetObject;
        GameObject performer = interaction.Performer;

        void ProgressFinishAction()
            if (performer.GetComponent <PlayerScript>()?.IsGameObjectReachable(target, true) ?? false)
                target.GetComponent <PlayerMove>().Cuff(interaction);
                Chat.AddActionMsgToChat(performer, $"You successfully restrain {target.ExpensiveName()}.",
                                        $"{performer.ExpensiveName()} successfully restrains {target.ExpensiveName()}.");

        var bar = StandardProgressAction.Create(ProgressConfig, ProgressFinishAction)
                  .ServerStartProgress(target.RegisterTile(), applyTime, performer);

        if (bar != null)
            AudioSourceParameters soundParameters = new AudioSourceParameters(pitch: randomPitch);
            SoundManager.PlayNetworkedAtPos(applySound, target.transform.position, soundParameters, sourceObj: target.gameObject);
                                    $"You begin restraining {target.ExpensiveName()}...",
                                    $"{performer.ExpensiveName()} begins restraining {target.ExpensiveName()}...");
    /// <summary>
    /// Serverside: Play sound at given position for all clients.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="addressableAudioSource">The sound to be played.</param>
    /// <param name="worldPos">The position at which the sound is played</param>
    /// <param name="audioSourceParameters">Extra parameters of the audio source.</param>
    /// <param name="polyphonic">Is the sound to be played polyphonic</param>
    /// <param name="global">Does everyone will receive the sound our just nearby players</param>
    /// <param name="shakeParameters">Camera shake effect associated with this sound</param>
    /// <param name="sourceObj">The object that is the source of the sound</param>
    /// <returns>The SoundSpawn Token generated that identifies the same sound spawn instance across server and clients</returns>
    public static async Task <string> PlayNetworkedAtPosAsync(AddressableAudioSource addressableAudioSource, Vector3 worldPos,
                                                              AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters(), bool polyphonic = false, bool global = true,
                                                              ShakeParameters shakeParameters             = new ShakeParameters(), GameObject sourceObj = null)
        if (addressableAudioSource == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(addressableAudioSource.AssetAddress) ||
            addressableAudioSource.AssetAddress == "null")
            Logger.LogWarning($"SoundManager received a null AudioSource to be played at World Position: {worldPos}",

        addressableAudioSource = await AudioManager.GetAddressableAudioSourceFromCache(addressableAudioSource);

        if (global)
            return(PlaySoundMessage.SendToAll(addressableAudioSource, worldPos, polyphonic, sourceObj, shakeParameters,
            return(PlaySoundMessage.SendToNearbyPlayers(addressableAudioSource, worldPos, polyphonic, sourceObj,
                                                        shakeParameters, audioSourceParameters));
Esempio n. 10
    /// <summary>
    /// Play footsteps at given position. It will handle all the logic to determine
    /// the proper sound to use.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="worldPos">Where in the world is this sound coming from. Also used to get the type of tile</param>
    /// <param name="stepType">What kind of step does the creature walking have</param>
    /// <param name="performer">The creature making the sound</param>
    public static void FootstepAtPosition(Vector3 worldPos, StepType stepType, GameObject performer)
        MatrixInfo matrix = MatrixManager.AtPoint(worldPos.NormalizeToInt(), false);
        var        locPos = matrix.ObjectParent.transform.InverseTransformPoint(worldPos).RoundToInt();
        var        tile   = matrix.MetaTileMap.GetTile(locPos) as BasicTile;

        if (tile != null)
            if (step)
                AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters
                    Pitch = Random.Range(0.7f, 1.2f)

                    polyphonic: true,
                    Global: false,
                    sourceObj: performer

            step = !step;
Esempio n. 11
    /// <summary>
    /// Play a sound locally
    /// If more than one is specified, one will be picked at random.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="addressableAudioSources">The sound to be played.  If more than one is specified, one will be picked at random.</param>
    /// <param name="soundSpawnToken">The SoundSpawn Token that identifies the same sound spawn instance across server and clients</returns>
    /// <param name="audioSourceParameters">Parameters for how to play the sound</param>
    /// <param name="polyphonic">Should the sound be played polyphonically</param>
    public static async Task Play(List <AddressableAudioSource> addressableAudioSources, string soundSpawnToken = "",
                                  AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters(), bool polyphonic = false)
        AddressableAudioSource addressableAudioSource = addressableAudioSources.PickRandom();

        await Play(addressableAudioSource, soundSpawnToken, audioSourceParameters, polyphonic);
Esempio n. 12
    /// <summary>
    /// Serverside: Play sound at given position for particular player.
    /// ("Doctor, there are voices in my head!")
    /// If more than one is specified, one will be picked at random.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="addressableAudioSources">The sound to be played.  If more than one is specified, one will be picked at random.</param>
    public static async Task PlayNetworkedForPlayerAtPos(GameObject recipient, Vector3 worldPos, List <AddressableAudioSource> addressableAudioSources,
                                                         float pitch      = -1,
                                                         bool polyphonic  = false,
                                                         bool shakeGround = false, byte shakeIntensity = 64, int shakeRange = 30, GameObject sourceObj = null)
        ShakeParameters shakeParameters = null;

        if (shakeGround)
            shakeParameters = new ShakeParameters
                ShakeGround    = shakeGround,
                ShakeIntensity = shakeIntensity,
                ShakeRange     = shakeRange

        AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters = null;

        if (pitch > 0)
            audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters
                Pitch = pitch

        AddressableAudioSource addressableAudioSource = await GetAddressableAudioSourceFromCache(addressableAudioSources);

        PlaySoundMessage.Send(recipient, addressableAudioSource, worldPos, polyphonic, sourceObj, shakeParameters, audioSourceParameters);
Esempio n. 13
    /// <summary>
    /// Changes the Audio Source Parameters of a sound
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="soundName">The name of the sound to change the mixer</param>
    /// <param name="audioSourceParameters">The Audio Source Parameters to apply</param>
    public static void ChangeAudioSourceParameters(string soundName, AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters)
        if (Instance.sounds.ContainsKey(soundName))
            AudioSource sound = Instance.sounds[soundName];

            for (int i = Instance.pooledSources.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                if (Instance.pooledSources[i] == null)

                if (Instance.pooledSources[i].isPlaying && Instance.pooledSources[i].audioSource.clip == sound.clip)
                    ApplyAudioSourceParameters(audioSourceParameters, Instance.pooledSources[i].audioSource);

            if (sound != null)
                ApplyAudioSourceParameters(audioSourceParameters, sound);
Esempio n. 14
    /// <summary>
    /// Play footsteps at given position. It will handle all the logic to determine
    /// the proper sound to use.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="worldPos">Where in the world is this sound coming from. Also used to get the type of tile</param>
    /// <param name="stepType">What kind of step does the creature walking have</param>
    /// <param name="performer">The creature making the sound</param>
    public static void FootstepAtPosition(Vector3 worldPos, StepType stepType, FloorSounds Override = null)
        MatrixInfo matrix = MatrixManager.AtPoint(worldPos.RoundToInt(), false);

        if (matrix == null)

        var locPos = matrix.ObjectParent.transform.InverseTransformPoint(worldPos).RoundToInt();
        var tile   = matrix.MetaTileMap.GetTile(locPos) as BasicTile;

        if (tile != null)
            FloorSounds FloorTileSounds = tile.floorTileSounds;
            List <AddressableAudioSource> AddressableAudioSource = null;
            if (Override != null && tile.CanSoundOverride == false)
                FloorTileSounds = Override;

            switch (stepType)
            case StepType.None:

            case StepType.Barefoot:
                AddressableAudioSource = FloorTileSounds?.Barefoot;
                if (FloorTileSounds == null || AddressableAudioSource.Count > 0)
                    AddressableAudioSource = Instant.DefaultFloorSound.Barefoot;

            case StepType.Shoes:
                AddressableAudioSource = FloorTileSounds?.Shoes;
                if (FloorTileSounds == null || AddressableAudioSource.Count > 0)
                    AddressableAudioSource = Instant.DefaultFloorSound.Shoes;

            case StepType.Claw:
                AddressableAudioSource = FloorTileSounds?.Claw;
                if (FloorTileSounds == null || AddressableAudioSource.Count > 0)
                    AddressableAudioSource = Instant.DefaultFloorSound.Claw;


            if (AddressableAudioSource == null)
            AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters(pitch: Random.Range(0.7f, 1.2f));
            SoundManager.PlayNetworkedAtPos(AddressableAudioSource.PickRandom(), worldPos, audioSourceParameters, polyphonic: true);
Esempio n. 15
    /// <summary>
    /// Serverside: Play sound at given position for all clients.
    /// Accepts "#" wildcards for sound variations. (Example: "Punch#")
    /// </summary>
    public static void PlayNetworkedAtPos(string sndName, Vector3 worldPos, float pitch = -1,
                                          bool polyphonic  = false,
                                          bool shakeGround = false, byte shakeIntensity = 64, int shakeRange = 30, bool global = true, GameObject sourceObj = null)
        ShakeParameters shakeParameters = null;

        if (shakeGround == true)
            shakeParameters = new ShakeParameters
                ShakeGround    = shakeGround,
                ShakeIntensity = shakeIntensity,
                ShakeRange     = shakeRange

        AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters = null;

        if (pitch > 0)
            audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters
                Pitch = pitch

        PlayNetworkedAtPos(sndName, worldPos, audioSourceParameters, polyphonic, global, sourceObj, shakeParameters);
Esempio n. 16
    public void ServerPerformInteraction(AimApply interaction)
        //just in case
        if (reagentContainer == null)

        if (reagentContainer.ReagentMixTotal < reagentsPerUse)

        Vector2           startPos     = gameObject.AssumedWorldPosServer();
        Vector2           targetPos    = new Vector2(Mathf.RoundToInt(interaction.WorldPositionTarget.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(interaction.WorldPositionTarget.y));
        List <Vector3Int> positionList = CheckPassableTiles(startPos, targetPos);


        Effect.PlayParticleDirectional(this.gameObject, interaction.TargetVector);

        AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters(pitch: 1);

        SoundManager.PlayNetworkedAtPos(Spray2, startPos, audioSourceParameters, sourceObj: interaction.Performer);

        interaction.Performer.Pushable()?.NewtonianMove((-interaction.TargetVector).NormalizeToInt(), speed: 1f);
Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Play explosion sound and shake ground
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worldPosition">position explosion is centered at</param>
        /// <param name="shakeIntensity">intensity of shaking</param>
        /// <param name="shakeDistance">how far away the shaking can be felt</param>
        public static void PlaySoundAndShake(Vector3Int worldPosition, byte shakeIntensity, int shakeDistance)
            AddressableAudioSource explosionSound        = EXPLOSION_SOUNDS.PickRandom();
            AddressableAudioSource groanSound            = STATION_GROAN_SOUNDS.PickRandom();
            AddressableAudioSource distantSound          = DISTANT_EXPLOSION_SOUNDS.PickRandom();
            AudioSourceParameters  audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters(0f, 100f);
            ShakeParameters        shakeParameters       = new ShakeParameters(true, shakeIntensity, shakeDistance);

            //Closet sound
            _ = SoundManager.PlayNetworkedAtPosAsync(explosionSound, worldPosition, audioSourceParameters, true, false, shakeParameters);

            //Next sound
            if (distantSound != null)
                AudioSourceParameters distantSoundAudioSourceParameters =
                    new AudioSourceParameters(0f, 100f, minDistance: 29, maxDistance: 63);

                _ = SoundManager.PlayNetworkedAtPosAsync(distantSound, worldPosition, distantSoundAudioSourceParameters);

            //Furthest away sound
            if (groanSound != null)
                AudioSourceParameters groanSoundAudioSourceParameters =
                    new AudioSourceParameters(0f, 100f, minDistance: 63, maxDistance: 200);

                _ = SoundManager.PlayNetworkedAtPosAsync(groanSound, worldPosition, groanSoundAudioSourceParameters);
Esempio n. 18
    public static void DoReport()
        if (CustomNetworkManager.IsServer == false)

        foreach (ConnectedPlayer player in PlayerList.Instance.InGamePlayers)
            var ps = player.Script;
            if (ps.IsDeadOrGhost)

            if (ps.PlayerSync.IsMovingServer)
                var plantPos = ps.WorldPos + ps.CurrentDirection.Vector;
                Spawn.ServerPrefab("Banana peel", plantPos, cancelIfImpassable: true);
            foreach (var pos in ps.WorldPos.BoundsAround().allPositionsWithin)
                var matrixInfo = MatrixManager.AtPoint(pos, true);
                var localPos   = MatrixManager.WorldToLocalInt(pos, matrixInfo);
                matrixInfo.MetaDataLayer.Clean(pos, localPos, true);
        AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters(pitch: Random.Range(0.2f, 0.5f));
        ShakeParameters       shakeParameters       = new ShakeParameters(true, 64, 30);

        _ = SoundManager.PlayNetworked(CommonSounds.Instance.ClownHonk, audioSourceParameters, true, shakeParameters);
Esempio n. 19
    /// <Summary>
    /// Completely overwrites AudioSourceParameters of a Sound to any value.
    /// Only use this if you have a known entry for all parameters, otherwise the sound will
    /// not play properly (eg, having no entry for pitch will make the sound never start or finish)
    /// </Summary>
    private static void ForceAudioSourceParameters(AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters, SoundSpawn soundSpawn)
        AudioSource audioSource = soundSpawn.AudioSource;

        audioSource.volume                = audioSourceParameters.Volume;
        audioSource.pitch                 = audioSourceParameters.Pitch;
        audioSource.time                  = audioSourceParameters.Time;
        audioSource.panStereo             = audioSourceParameters.Pan;
        audioSource.spatialBlend          = audioSourceParameters.SpatialBlend;
        audioSource.minDistance           = audioSourceParameters.MinDistance;
        audioSource.maxDistance           = audioSourceParameters.MaxDistance;
        audioSource.spread                = audioSourceParameters.Spread;
        audioSource.outputAudioMixerGroup = Instance.CalcAudioMixerGroup(audioSourceParameters.MixerType);
        switch (audioSourceParameters.VolumeRolloffType)
        case VolumeRolloffType.EaseInAndOut:
            audioSource.rolloffMode = AudioRolloffMode.Custom;
                                       AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0, 1, 1, 0));

        case VolumeRolloffType.Linear:
            audioSource.rolloffMode = AudioRolloffMode.Linear;

        case VolumeRolloffType.Logarithmic:
            audioSource.rolloffMode = AudioRolloffMode.Logarithmic;
Esempio n. 20
        public void ServerPerformInteraction(HandApply interaction)
            panelopen = !panelopen;
            if (panelopen)
                                        $"You unscrews the {gameObject.ExpensiveName()}'s cable panel.",
                                        $"{interaction.Performer.ExpensiveName()} unscrews {gameObject.ExpensiveName()}'s cable panel.");
                                        $"You screw in the {gameObject.ExpensiveName()}'s cable panel.",
                                        $"{interaction.Performer.ExpensiveName()} screws in {gameObject.ExpensiveName()}'s cable panel.");

                //Force close net tab when panel is closed
                TabUpdateMessage.SendToPeepers(gameObject, NetTabType.HackingPanel, TabAction.Close);

            AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters =
                new AudioSourceParameters(pitch: UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.8f, 1.2f));

                                            interaction.Performer.AssumedWorldPosServer(), audioSourceParameters, sourceObj: gameObject);
Esempio n. 21
        public void ServerPerformInteraction(PositionalHandApply interaction)
            var interactableTiles  = interaction.TargetObject.GetComponent <InteractableTiles>();
            var wallTile           = interactableTiles.MetaTileMap.GetTileAtWorldPos(interaction.WorldPositionTarget, LayerType.Walls) as BasicTile;
            var calculatedMineTime = wallTile.MiningTime * timeMultiplier;

            void FinishMine()
                if (interactableTiles == null)
                    Logger.LogError("No interactable tiles found, mining cannot be finished", Category.TileMaps);
                    AudioSourceParameters parameters = new AudioSourceParameters(0, 100f);
                    _ = SoundManager.PlayNetworkedAtPosAsync(CommonSounds.Instance.BreakStone, interaction.WorldPositionTarget, parameters);
                    var cellPos = interactableTiles.MetaTileMap.WorldToCell(interaction.WorldPositionTarget);

                    var tile = interactableTiles.LayerTileAt(interaction.WorldPositionTarget) as BasicTile;
                    Spawn.ServerPrefab(tile.SpawnOnDeconstruct, interaction.WorldPositionTarget, count: tile.SpawnAmountOnDeconstruct);
                    interactableTiles.TileChangeManager.MetaTileMap.RemoveTileWithlayer(cellPos, LayerType.Walls);
                    interactableTiles.TileChangeManager.MetaTileMap.RemoveOverlaysOfType(cellPos, LayerType.Effects, OverlayType.Mining);

            objectName = wallTile.DisplayName;

            SoundManager.PlayNetworkedAtPos(pickaxeSound, interaction.WorldPositionTarget);

                interaction, calculatedMineTime,
                $"You start mining the {objectName}...",
                $"{interaction.Performer.ExpensiveName()} starts mining the {objectName}...",
Esempio n. 22
    public void ServerPerformInteraction(AimApply interaction)
        if (reagentContainer.ReagentMixTotal < reagentsPerUse || safety)

        Vector2           startPos     = gameObject.AssumedWorldPosServer();
        Vector2           targetPos    = interaction.WorldPositionTarget.To2Int();
        List <Vector3Int> positionList = CheckPassableTiles(startPos, targetPos);


        var points = GetParallelPoints(startPos, targetPos, true);

        positionList = CheckPassableTiles(points[0], points[1]);

        points       = GetParallelPoints(startPos, targetPos, false);
        positionList = CheckPassableTiles(points[0], points[1]);

        Effect.PlayParticleDirectional(this.gameObject, interaction.TargetVector);

        AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters(pitch: 1);

        SoundManager.PlayNetworkedAtPos(SpraySound, startPos, audioSourceParameters, sourceObj: interaction.Performer);

Esempio n. 23
 /// <summary>
 /// Serverside: Play sound at given position for all clients.
 /// Please use PlayNetworkedAtPosAsync if possible.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="addressableAudioSource">The sound to be played.</param>
 /// <param name="worldPos">The position at which the sound is played</param>
 /// <param name="audioSourceParameters">Extra parameters of the audio source.</param>
 /// <param name="polyphonic">Is the sound to be played polyphonic</param>
 /// <param name="global">Does everyone will receive the sound our just nearby players</param>
 /// <param name="shakeParameters">Camera shake effect associated with this sound</param>
 /// <param name="sourceObj">The object that is the source of the sound</param>
 /// <returns>The SoundSpawn Token generated that identifies the same sound spawn instance across server and clients</returns>
 public static void PlayNetworkedAtPos(AddressableAudioSource addressableAudioSource, Vector3 worldPos,
                                       AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters(), bool polyphonic = false, bool global = true,
                                       ShakeParameters shakeParameters             = new ShakeParameters(), GameObject sourceObj = null)
     _ = PlayNetworkedAtPosAsync(addressableAudioSource, worldPos, audioSourceParameters, polyphonic,
                                 global, shakeParameters, sourceObj);
Esempio n. 24
    /// <summary>
    /// Serverside: Play sound at given position for particular player.
    /// ("Doctor, there are voices in my head!")
    /// Accepts "#" wildcards for sound variations. (Example: "Punch#")
    /// </summary>
    public static void PlayNetworkedForPlayerAtPos(GameObject recipient, Vector3 worldPos, string sndName,
                                                   float pitch      = -1,
                                                   bool polyphonic  = false,
                                                   bool shakeGround = false, byte shakeIntensity = 64, int shakeRange = 30, GameObject sourceObj = null)
        ShakeParameters shakeParameters = null;

        if (shakeGround)
            shakeParameters = new ShakeParameters
                ShakeGround    = shakeGround,
                ShakeIntensity = shakeIntensity,
                ShakeRange     = shakeRange

        AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters = null;

        if (pitch > 0)
            audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters
                Pitch = pitch

        sndName = Instance.ResolveSoundPattern(sndName);
        PlaySoundMessage.Send(recipient, sndName, worldPos, polyphonic, sourceObj, shakeParameters, audioSourceParameters);
Esempio n. 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Play footsteps at given position. It will handle all the logic to determine
        /// the proper sound to use.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worldPos">Where in the world is this sound coming from. Also used to get the type of tile</param>
        /// <param name="stepType">What kind of step does the creature walking have</param>
        /// <param name="override">if assigned, it will override the default footstep sound.</param>
        private static void FootstepAtPosition(Vector3 worldPos, StepType stepType, FloorSounds @override = null, GameObject footstepSource = null)
            var matrix = MatrixManager.AtPoint(worldPos.RoundToInt(), false);

            if (matrix == null)

            var locPos = matrix.ObjectParent.transform.InverseTransformPoint(worldPos).RoundToInt();
            var tile   = matrix.MetaTileMap.GetTile(locPos) as BasicTile;

            if (tile == null)

            var floorTileSounds = @override ? @override : tile.floorTileSounds;

            List <AddressableAudioSource> addressableAudioSource;

            switch (stepType)
            case StepType.None:

            case StepType.Barefoot:
                addressableAudioSource = floorTileSounds.OrNull()?.Barefoot;
                if (addressableAudioSource is null || addressableAudioSource.Count == 0)
                    addressableAudioSource = instance.defaultFloorSound.Barefoot;

            case StepType.Shoes:
                addressableAudioSource = floorTileSounds.OrNull()?.Shoes;
                if (addressableAudioSource is null || addressableAudioSource.Count == 0)
                    addressableAudioSource = instance.defaultFloorSound.Shoes;

            case StepType.Claw:
                addressableAudioSource = floorTileSounds.OrNull()?.Claw;
                if (addressableAudioSource is null || addressableAudioSource.Count == 0)
                    addressableAudioSource = instance.defaultFloorSound.Claw;

                addressableAudioSource = instance.defaultFloorSound.Shoes;

            var audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters(pitch: Random.Range(0.7f, 1.2f));

            SoundManager.PlayNetworkedAtPos(addressableAudioSource.PickRandom(), worldPos, audioSourceParameters,
                                            true, false, default, footstepSource);
Esempio n. 26
 public static string PlayNetworkedAtPos(string addressableAudioSource, Vector3 worldPos,
                                         AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters,
                                         bool polyphonic = false, bool Global = true, GameObject sourceObj = null,
                                         ShakeParameters shakeParameters = null)
     Logger.LogWarning("Sound needs to be converted to addressables " + addressableAudioSource);
Esempio n. 27
        public void ServerToggleClosed(bool?nowClosed = null)
            AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters(pitch: 1f);

            SoundManager.PlayNetworkedAtPos(IsClosed ? soundOnOpen : soundOnClose, registerTile.WorldPositionServer, audioSourceParameters, sourceObj: gameObject);

        private void Disassemble(HandApply interaction)
            Spawn.ServerPrefab(matsOnDeconstruct, registerObject.WorldPositionServer, count: countOfMatsOnDissasemle);
            AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters(pitch: 1f);

            SoundManager.PlayNetworkedAtPos(soundOnDeconstruct, gameObject.TileWorldPosition().To3Int(), audioSourceParameters, sourceObj: gameObject);
            _ = Despawn.ServerSingle(gameObject);
Esempio n. 29
 /// <summary>
 /// Changes the Audio Source Parameters of a sound currently playing
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="soundSpawnToken">The Token of the sound spawn to change the parameters</param>
 /// <param name="audioSourceParameters">The Audio Source Parameters to apply</param>
 public static void ChangeAudioSourceParameters(string soundSpawnToken, AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters)
     if (Instance.SoundSpawns.ContainsKey(soundSpawnToken))
         SoundSpawn soundSpawn = Instance.SoundSpawns[soundSpawnToken];
         ApplyAudioSourceParameters(audioSourceParameters, soundSpawn);
Esempio n. 30
    /// <summary>
    /// Play sound from a list for all clients.
    /// If more than one sound is specified, one will be picked at random.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="addressableAudioSources">A list of sounds.  One will be played at random</param>
    /// <param name="audioSourceParameters">Extra parameters of the audio source</param>
    /// <param name="polyphonic">Is the sound to be played polyphonic</param>
    /// <param name="shakeParameters">Camera shake effect associated with this sound</param>
    public static string PlayNetworked(List <AddressableAudioSource> addressableAudioSources,
                                       AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters(), bool polyphonic = false,
                                       ShakeParameters shakeParameters             = new ShakeParameters())
        AddressableAudioSource addressableAudioSource = addressableAudioSources.PickRandom();

        return(PlayNetworked(addressableAudioSource, audioSourceParameters, polyphonic, shakeParameters));