public void UpdateUIVisuals() { if (isGameOver == false) { angerImg.SetActive(false); bombImg.GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); bombFuseImg.GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); cashRain.SetActive(false); currentBalanceText.text = "KHR$" + (currentBalance * rielsToUSDExchangeRate).ToString("F0"); requiredUSDText.text = ProblemManager.newProblem.GetUSDSum().ToString(); requiredKHRText.text = ProblemManager.newProblem.GetRielSum().ToString("F0"); scoreText.text = "Score: " + score; scoreText.color = scoreColor; TickBomb(); if (currentBalance <= probGen.requiredAmount) { if (cashierImgArray[0] != null) { cashierImg.sprite = cashierImgArray[0]; } if (cashierMachineArray[0] != null) { cashierMachineImg.sprite = cashierMachineArray[0]; } if (audioPlayer.auntieIsPlaying == true) { if (audioPlayer.angryAuntie.isPlaying == false) { audioPlayer.auntieIsPlaying = false; } } } else if (currentBalance > probGen.requiredAmount) { //play error sound //highlight previous note? //make auntie angry angerImg.SetActive(true); if (cashierImgArray[2] != null) { cashierImg.sprite = cashierImgArray[2]; } audioPlayer.AngryAuntie(); } } else if (isGameOver == true) { audioPlayer.StopBombTick(); audioPlayer.BombExplosion(); bombImg.GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0); bombFuseImg.GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0); bombExplosionAnimation.SetActive(true); if (cashierImgArray[1] != null) { cashierImg.sprite = cashierImgArray[1]; } if (cashierMachineArray[1] != null) { cashierMachineImg.sprite = cashierMachineArray[1]; } cashRain.SetActive(true); //bomb graphic needs to change to exploded shell //display bomb auntie, shell of bomb and strewn notes (falling from the sky? cashier broken?) } }