internal static bool Filter(SpeechSession session, [NotNull] float[] output, int channels, [NotNull] float[] temp, [CanBeNull] AudioFileWriter diagnosticOutput, out float arv)
            //Read out data from source (exactly as much as we need for one channel)
            var samplesRequired = output.Length / channels;
            var complete        = session.Read(new ArraySegment <float>(temp, 0, samplesRequired));

            //Write the audio we're about to play to the diagnostics writer (on disk)
            if (diagnosticOutput != null)
                diagnosticOutput.WriteSamples(new ArraySegment <float>(temp, 0, samplesRequired));

            //Step through samples, stretching them (i.e. play mono input in all output channels)
            float accumulator = 0;
            var   sampleIndex = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < output.Length; i += channels)
                //Get a single sample from the source data
                var sample = temp[sampleIndex++];

                //Accumulate the sum of the audio signal
                accumulator += Mathf.Abs(sample);

                //Copy data into all channels
                for (var c = 0; c < channels; c++)
                    output[i + c] *= sample;

            arv = accumulator / output.Length;

Esempio n. 2
        protected void SendSamplesToSubscribers([NotNull] float[] buffer)
            //Write processed audio to file (for diagnostic purposes)
            //ncrunch: no coverage start (Justification: don't want to have to write to disk in a test)
            if (DebugSettings.Instance.EnableRecordingDiagnostics && DebugSettings.Instance.RecordPreprocessorOutput)
                if (_diagnosticOutputRecorder == null)
                    var filename = string.Format("Dissonance_Diagnostics/PreprocessorOutputAudio_{0}", DateTime.UtcNow.ToFileTime());
                    _diagnosticOutputRecorder = new AudioFileWriter(filename, OutputFormat);

                _diagnosticOutputRecorder.WriteSamples(new ArraySegment <float>(buffer));
            //ncrunch: no coverage end

            //Send the audio to subscribers
            using (var unlocker = _micSubscriptions.Lock())
                var subs = unlocker.Value;
                for (var i = 0; i < subs.Count; i++)
                        subs[i].ReceiveMicrophoneData(new ArraySegment <float>(buffer), OutputFormat);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Log.Error("Microphone subscriber '{0}' threw: {1}", subs[i].GetType().Name, ex);
Esempio n. 3
        public bool Read(ArraySegment <float> frame)
            var          lastFrame = _buffer.Read(out encoded);

            int decodedCount;

            if (encoded != null)
                Log.Trace("Decoding frame {0}", encoded.Value.Sequence);
                decodedCount = _decoder.Decode(encoded.Value.Data, frame);
                Log.Trace("Running decoder PLC");
                decodedCount = _decoder.Decode(null, frame);

            //Sanity check that decoding got correct number of samples
            if (decodedCount != _frameSize)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Decoding a frame of audio got {0} samples, but should have decoded {1} samples", decodedCount, _frameSize));

            if (_diagnosticOutput != null)

Esempio n. 4
        public void Handle(ArraySegment <float> inputSamples, WaveFormat format)
            if (_resetRequired)
                Log.Trace("Resetting encoder pipeline");


                _resetRequired = false;

            if (!format.Equals(_inputFormat))
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Samples expected in format {0}, but supplied with format {1}", _inputFormat, format), "format");

            if (_microphoneDiagnosticOutput != null)

            //Write samples to the pipeline (keep a running total of how many we have sent)
            //Keep sending until we've sent all of these samples
            var offset = 0;

            while (offset != inputSamples.Count)
                offset += _input.Write(inputSamples.Array, offset + inputSamples.Offset, inputSamples.Count - offset);

                //Drain some of those samples just written, encode them and send them off
Esempio n. 5
        public bool Read(ArraySegment <float> frame)
            var         lastFrame = _buffer.Read(out encoded);

            int decodedCount;

            if (encoded != null)
                Log.Trace("Decoding frame {0}", encoded.Value.SequenceNumber);
                decodedCount = _decoder.Decode(encoded.Value.EncodedAudioFrame, frame);

                //Expose the playback options for this packet
                using (var l = _options.Lock())
                    l.Value = encoded.Value.PlaybackOptions;

                //Expose the channel list for this packet (if it's null just assume the previous value is still correct)
                if (encoded.Value.Channels != null)
                    using (var l = _channels.Lock())
                        _approxChannelCount = encoded.Value.Channels.Count;

                Log.Trace("Running decoder PLC");
                decodedCount = _decoder.Decode(null, frame);

            //Sanity check that decoding got correct number of samples
            if (decodedCount != _frameSize)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Decoding a frame of audio got {0} samples, but should have decoded {1} samples", decodedCount, _frameSize));

            if (_diagnosticOutput != null)

Esempio n. 6
        internal static bool Filter(SpeechSession session, float[] data, int channels, float[] temp, [CanBeNull] AudioFileWriter diagnosticOutput, out float arv, out int samplesRead, bool multiply)
            //Read out data from source (exactly as much as we need for one channel)
            var samplesRequired = data.Length / channels;
            var complete        = session.Read(new ArraySegment <float>(temp, 0, samplesRequired));

            if (diagnosticOutput != null)
                diagnosticOutput.WriteSamples(new ArraySegment <float>(temp, 0, samplesRequired));

            float accumulator = 0;

            //Step through samples, stretching them (i.e. play mono input in all output channels)
            var sampleIndex = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < data.Length; i += channels)
                //Get a single sample from the source data
                var sample = temp[sampleIndex++];

                //Accumulate the sum of the audio signal
                accumulator += Mathf.Abs(sample);

                //Copy data into all channels
                for (var c = 0; c < channels; c++)
                    if (multiply)
                        data[i + c] *= sample;
                        data[i + c] = sample;

            arv         = accumulator / data.Length;
            samplesRead = samplesRequired;

Esempio n. 7
        private void EncodeFrames()
            //Read frames of resampled samples (as many as we can, we want to keep this buffer empty and latency low)
            var encoderInput = new ArraySegment <float>(_plainSamples, 0, _encoder.FrameSize);

            while (_output.Read(encoderInput))
                if (_preEncodeDiagnosticOutput != null)

                //Encode it
                var encoded = _encoder.Encode(encoderInput, new ArraySegment <byte>(_encodedBytes));

                //Transmit it
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Read as many frames as possible from the mic sample buffer and pass them to the encoding thread
        /// </summary>
        private void SendFrame()
            //Drain as many frames as possible
            while (_rawMicSamples.Count > _rawMicFrames.FrameSize)
                //Try to get a frame
                var segment   = new ArraySegment <float>(_frame);
                var available = _rawMicFrames.Read(segment);
                if (!available)

                //Create diagnostic writer (if necessary)
                if (DebugSettings.Instance.EnableRecordingDiagnostics && DebugSettings.Instance.RecordMicrophoneRawAudio)
                    if (_microphoneDiagnosticOutput == null)
                        var filename = string.Format("Dissonance_Diagnostics/MicrophoneRawAudio_{0}", DateTime.UtcNow.ToFileTime());
                        _microphoneDiagnosticOutput = new AudioFileWriter(filename, _format);
                else if (_microphoneDiagnosticOutput != null)
                    _microphoneDiagnosticOutput = null;

                //Write out the diagnostic info
                if (_microphoneDiagnosticOutput != null)

                //Send frame to subscribers
                for (var i = 0; i < _subscribers.Count; i++)
                    _subscribers[i].ReceiveMicrophoneData(segment, _format);
Esempio n. 9
        public bool Read(ArraySegment <float> frame)
            var         lastFrame = _buffer.Read(out encoded);

            int decodedCount;

            if (encoded != null)
                Log.Trace("Decoding frame {0}", encoded.Value.SequenceNumber);
                decodedCount = _decoder.Decode(encoded.Value.EncodedAudioFrame, frame);

                //Expose the playback options for this packet
                using (var l = _options.Lock())
                    l.Value = encoded.Value.PlaybackOptions;

                //Read the channel data into a separate list

                Log.Trace("Running decoder PLC");
                decodedCount = _decoder.Decode(null, frame);

            //Sanity check that decoding got correct number of samples
            if (decodedCount != _frameSize)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Decoding a frame of audio got {0} samples, but should have decoded {1} samples", decodedCount, _frameSize));

            if (_diagnosticOutput != null)

Esempio n. 10
        public bool Read(ArraySegment <float> frame)
            bool        peekLostPacket;
            var         lastFrame = _buffer.Read(out encoded, out peekLostPacket);

            var p = new EncodedBuffer(encoded.HasValue ? encoded.Value.EncodedAudioFrame : (ArraySegment <byte>?)null, peekLostPacket || !encoded.HasValue);

            //Decode the frame
            int decodedCount = _decoder.Decode(p, frame);

            //If it was not a lost frame, also decode the metadata
            if (!p.PacketLost && encoded.HasValue)
                //Expose the playback options for this packet
                using (var l = _options.Lock())
                    l.Value = encoded.Value.PlaybackOptions;

                //Read the channel data into a separate list

                //Recycle the frame for re-use with a future packet. Only done with frames which were not peek ahead frames

            //Sanity check that decoding got correct number of samples
            if (decodedCount != _frameSize)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Decoding a frame of audio got {0} samples, but should have decoded {1} samples", decodedCount, _frameSize));

            if (_diagnosticOutput != null)

Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Read as many frames as possible from the mic sample buffer and pass them to the encoding thread
        /// </summary>
        private void SendFrame()
            while (_rawMicSamples.Count > _preprocessing.InputFrameSize)
                //Get an empty buffer from the pool of buffers (sent back from the audio processing thread)
                var frameBuffer = _preprocessing.GetFrameBuffer();

                //Read a complete frame
                _rawMicFrames.Read(new ArraySegment <float>(frameBuffer));

                //Create diagnostic writer (if necessary)
                if (DebugSettings.Instance.EnableRecordingDiagnostics && DebugSettings.Instance.RecordMicrophoneRawAudio)
                    if (_microphoneDiagnosticOutput == null)
                        var filename = string.Format("Dissonance_Diagnostics/MicrophoneRawAudio_{0}", DateTime.UtcNow.ToFileTime());
                        _microphoneDiagnosticOutput = new AudioFileWriter(filename, _rawMicSamples.WaveFormat);
                else if (_microphoneDiagnosticOutput != null)
                    _microphoneDiagnosticOutput = null;

                //Write out the diagnostic info
                if (_microphoneDiagnosticOutput != null)
                    _microphoneDiagnosticOutput.WriteSamples(new ArraySegment <float>(frameBuffer));

                //Send the full buffer to the audio thread for processing (no copying, just pass the entire buffer across by ref)