Esempio n. 1
        private async Task CreateEmitter(int spatialSoundIdx)
            if (_graph == null)

            //Create the AudioNodeEmitter
            AudioNodeEmitter emitter = new AudioNodeEmitter(

            emitter.Position = _spatialSounds[spatialSoundIdx].Position;
            //Create a new AudioFileInputNode and add an emitter to it
            var audio = await GetSoundFileAsync(spatialSoundIdx);

            CreateAudioFileInputNodeResult inCreateResult = await _graph.CreateFileInputNodeAsync(audio, emitter);

            inCreateResult.FileInputNode.OutgoingGain = 5; // _spatialSounds[_spatialSoundsIdx].Gain;
                                                           //Add the new AudioFileInputNode to the AudioGraph
            //Subscribe to the FileCompleted event so that we can go to the next spatial sound
            //inCreateResult.FileInputNode.FileCompleted += CurrentAudioFileInputNode_FileCompleted;

            if (_currentAudioFileInputNode != null &&
                _currentAudioFileInputNode.OutgoingConnections.Count > 0)
                //Remove the old AudioFileOutputNode from the AudioGraph

            //Set the current node
            _currentAudioFileInputNode = inCreateResult.FileInputNode;
Esempio n. 2
        private async void SecondFileButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (_second == null)
                var fileInputNodeResult = await SelectInputFile();

                _second = fileInputNodeResult.FileInputNode;
                SecondFileButton.Content = "Stop second file";
            else if (_second.OutgoingConnections.Count >= 1)
                SecondFileButton.Content = "Resume second file";
                SecondFileButton.Content = "Stop second file";
Esempio n. 3
        // Async Speak output of a text
        private async Task PlayAsyncLow(SoundBite soundBite)
            _playing = true; // locks additional calls for Speak until finished talking this bit

            if (!_canPlay || _audioGraph == null || _deviceOutputNode == null)
                LOG.LogError($"PlayAsyncLow: Some items do not exist: cannot play..\n [{_audioGraph}] [{_deviceOutputNode}]");
                await EndOfSound( );


            // don't reload if the sound is already in use
            if (soundBite.Melody != _soundInUse?.Melody)
                // if a prev. Node exists, remove it
                if (_fileInputNode != null)
                    _audioGraph.Stop( );

                    _fileInputNode.FileCompleted -= _fileInputNode_FileCompleted;
                    _fileInputNode.Dispose( );
                    _fileInputNode = null;
                // set new sound
                _sound = _installedSounds.Where(x => x.Melody == soundBite.Melody).FirstOrDefault( );
                if (_sound == null)
                    LOG.LogError($"PlayAsyncLow: Melody has no Audiofile: {soundBite.Melody} - cannot play");
                    await EndOfSound( );

                StorageFile file = await StorageFile.CreateStreamedFileAsync($"{_sound.Id}.{_sound.SType}", StreamedFileWriter, null);

                // create the InputNode
                var resultAF = await _audioGraph.CreateFileInputNodeAsync(file);

                if (resultAF.Status != AudioFileNodeCreationStatus.Success)
                    LOG.LogError($"PlayAsyncLow: AudioFileNodeCreationStatus creation: {resultAF.Status}"
                                 + $"\nExtError: {resultAF.ExtendedError}");
                    await EndOfSound( );

                _fileInputNode = resultAF.FileInputNode;
                _fileInputNode.FileCompleted += _fileInputNode_FileCompleted;

                _audioGraph.Start( );

                _soundInUse = _sound.AsCopy( );

            // we capture problems through Exceptions here - the settings and restrictions seem not complete in the Docs
            try {
                // Play it
                // cannot start after prev end - so set it null and seek to start of file
                _fileInputNode.StartTime = null;
                _fileInputNode.EndTime   = null;      // cannot start after prev end - so set it null
                _fileInputNode.Seek(new TimeSpan(0)); // have to seek to Start, we cannot assign a StartTime before the current Position
                                                      // only now we can set any new start and end... (that is not in the documents...)
                _fileInputNode.StartTime           = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(soundBite.Tone * _soundInUse.ToneStep_sec);
                _fileInputNode.EndTime             = _fileInputNode.StartTime + TimeSpan.FromSeconds((soundBite.Duration < 0) ? _soundInUse.ToneDuration_sec : soundBite.Duration);
                _fileInputNode.OutgoingGain        = soundBite.Volume;
                _fileInputNode.LoopCount           = (int)soundBite.Loops; // counts down in the Completed Callback - track completeness there (not in docu...)
                _fileInputNode.PlaybackSpeedFactor = soundBite.SpeedFact;
                // Plays in the current Thread - cannot be waited for in the same thread
                _fileInputNode.Start( );
                //_audioGraph.Start( );
            catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.LogError($"PlayAsyncLow: Sample Setup caused an Exception\n{e.Message}");
                await EndOfSound( );