Esempio n. 1
        public ActionResult SaveAddCourse(Session registerDetails)
            //We check if the model state is valid or not. We have used DataAnnotation attributes.
            //If any form value fails the DataAnnotation validation the model state becomes invalid.
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //create database context using Entity framework
                using (var databaseContext = new Attendance_MarkingEntities())
                    //If the model state is valid i.e. the form values passed the validation then we are storing the User's details in DB.
                    Session reglog = new Session();

                    //Save all details in RegitserUser object

                    reglog.SessionId          = registerDetails.SessionId;
                    reglog.SessionDescription = registerDetails.SessionDescription;
                    reglog.Skills             = registerDetails.Skills;
                    reglog.SessionDate        = registerDetails.SessionDate;
                    reglog.SessionTime        = registerDetails.SessionTime;

                    //Calling the SaveDetails method which saves the details.

                ViewBag.Message = " Session Details Sucessfully Saved";
                //return View("Register");
                //If the validation fails, we are returning the model object with errors to the view, which will display the error messages.
                return(View("AddSession", registerDetails));
 //function to check if User is valid or not
 public UserDetail IsValidUser(UserLoginViewModel model)
     using (var dataContext = new Attendance_MarkingEntities())
         //Retireving the user details from DB based on username and password enetered by user.
         UserDetail user = dataContext.UserDetails.Where(query => query.UserId.Equals(model.UserId) && query.Password.Equals(model.Password)).SingleOrDefault();
         //If user is present, then true is returned.
         if (user == null)
         //If user is not present false is returned.
        public ActionResult SaveRegisterDetails(UserDetail registerDetails)
            //We check if the model state is valid or not. We have used DataAnnotation attributes.
            //If any form value fails the DataAnnotation validation the model state becomes invalid.
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //create database context using Entity framework
                using (var databaseContext = new Attendance_MarkingEntities())
                    //If the model state is valid i.e. the form values passed the validation then we are storing the User's details in DB.
                    UserDetail reglog = new UserDetail();

                    //Save all details in RegitserUser object

                    reglog.FirstName     = registerDetails.FirstName;
                    reglog.LastName      = registerDetails.LastName;
                    reglog.Age           = registerDetails.Age;
                    reglog.Gender        = registerDetails.Gender;
                    reglog.ContactNumber = registerDetails.ContactNumber;
                    reglog.UserId        = registerDetails.UserId;
                    reglog.Password      = registerDetails.Password;

                    //Calling the SaveDetails method which saves the details.

                ViewBag.Message = registerDetails.FirstName + " " + registerDetails.LastName + " your Details Sucessfully Saved";
                //return View("Register");
                //If the validation fails, we are returning the model object with errors to the view, which will display the error messages.
                return(View("UserRegister", registerDetails));