Esempio n. 1
 public string GetItemInformation(ReplicationBatchItem item)
     return(item switch
         AttachmentReplicationItem a => "Attachment for " + GetDocumentId(a.Key),
         AttachmentTombstoneReplicationItem at => "Attachment tombstone for: " + GetDocumentId(at.Key),
         CounterReplicationItem c => "Counter for " + c.Id,
         DocumentReplicationItem d => "Document " + d.Id,
         RevisionTombstoneReplicationItem r => "Revision for: " + r.Id,
         TimeSeriesDeletedRangeItem td => "Time Series deletion range for: " + GetDocumentId(td.Key),
         TimeSeriesReplicationItem t => "Time Series for: " + GetDocumentId(t.Key),
         _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"{nameof(item)} - {item}")
Esempio n. 2
 public bool ShouldAllow(ReplicationBatchItem item)
     return item switch
         AttachmentReplicationItem a => AllowId(GetDocumentId(a.Key)),
         AttachmentTombstoneReplicationItem at => AllowId(GetDocumentId(at.Key)),
         CounterReplicationItem c => AllowId(c.Id),
         DocumentReplicationItem d => AllowId(d.Id),
         RevisionTombstoneReplicationItem _ => true, // revision tombstones doesn't contain any info about the doc. The id here is the change-vector of the deleted revision
         TimeSeriesDeletedRangeItem td => AllowId(GetDocumentId(td.Key)),
         TimeSeriesReplicationItem t => AllowId(GetDocumentId(t.Key)),
         _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"{nameof(item)} - {item}")
Esempio n. 3
        public bool ExecuteReplicationOnce(TcpConnectionOptions tcpConnectionOptions, OutgoingReplicationStatsScope stats, ref long next)
            var wasInterrupted = false;
            var delay          = GetDelayReplication();
            var currentNext    = next;

            using (_parent._database.DocumentsStorage.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out DocumentsOperationContext documentsContext))
                using (documentsContext.OpenReadTransaction())
                        // we scan through the documents to send to the other side, we need to be careful about
                        // filtering a lot of documents, because we need to let the other side know about this, and
                        // at the same time, we need to send a heartbeat to keep the tcp connection alive
                        _lastEtag = _parent._lastSentDocumentEtag;

                        var  skippedReplicationItemsInfo = new SkippedReplicationItemsInfo();
                        long prevLastEtag     = _lastEtag;
                        var  replicationState = new ReplicationState
                            BatchSize             = _parent._database.Configuration.Replication.MaxItemsCount,
                            MaxSizeToSend         = _parent._database.Configuration.Replication.MaxSizeToSend,
                            CurrentNext           = currentNext,
                            Delay                 = delay,
                            Context               = documentsContext,
                            LastTransactionMarker = -1,
                            NumberOfItemsSent     = 0,
                            Size             = 0L,
                            MissingTxMarkers = new HashSet <short>()

                        using (_stats.Storage.Start())
                            foreach (var item in GetReplicationItems(_parent._database, documentsContext, _lastEtag, _stats, _parent.SupportedFeatures.Replication.CaseInsensitiveCounters))

                                if (replicationState.LastTransactionMarker != item.TransactionMarker)
                                    replicationState.Item = item;

                                    if (CanContinueBatch(replicationState, ref next) == false)
                                        wasInterrupted = true;

                                    replicationState.LastTransactionMarker = item.TransactionMarker;


                                // here we add missing attachments in the same batch as the document that contains them without modifying the last etag or transaction boundary
                                if (MissingAttachmentsInLastBatch &&
                                    item.Type == ReplicationBatchItem.ReplicationItemType.Document &&
                                    item is DocumentReplicationItem docItem &&
                                    var type = (docItem.Flags & DocumentFlags.Revision) == DocumentFlags.Revision ? AttachmentType.Revision: AttachmentType.Document;
                                    foreach (var attachment in _parent._database.DocumentsStorage.AttachmentsStorage.GetAttachmentsForDocument(documentsContext, type, docItem.Id, docItem.ChangeVector))
                                        // we need to filter attachments that are been sent in the same batch as the document
                                        if (attachment.Etag >= prevLastEtag)
                                            if (attachment.TransactionMarker != item.TransactionMarker)


                                        var stream = _parent._database.DocumentsStorage.AttachmentsStorage.GetAttachmentStream(documentsContext, attachment.Base64Hash);
                                        attachment.Stream = stream;
                                        var attachmentItem = AttachmentReplicationItem.From(documentsContext, attachment);
                                        AddReplicationItemToBatch(attachmentItem, _stats.Storage, skippedReplicationItemsInfo);
                                        replicationState.Size += attachmentItem.Size;

                                _lastEtag = item.Etag;

                                if (AddReplicationItemToBatch(item, _stats.Storage, skippedReplicationItemsInfo) == false)
                                    // this item won't be needed anymore

                                replicationState.Size += item.Size;


                        if (_log.IsInfoEnabled)
                            if (skippedReplicationItemsInfo.SkippedItems > 0)
                                var message = skippedReplicationItemsInfo.GetInfoForDebug(_parent.LastAcceptedChangeVector);

                            var msg = $"Found {_orderedReplicaItems.Count:#,#;;0} documents " +
                                      $"and {_replicaAttachmentStreams.Count} attachment's streams " +
                                      $"to replicate to {_parent.Node.FromString()}, ";

                            var encryptionSize = documentsContext.Transaction.InnerTransaction.LowLevelTransaction.AdditionalMemoryUsageSize.GetValue(SizeUnit.Bytes);
                            if (encryptionSize > 0)
                                msg += $"encryption buffer overhead size is {new Size(encryptionSize, SizeUnit.Bytes)}, ";
                            msg += $"total size: {new Size(replicationState.Size + encryptionSize, SizeUnit.Bytes)}";


                        if (_orderedReplicaItems.Count == 0)
                            var hasModification = _lastEtag != _parent._lastSentDocumentEtag;

                            // ensure that the other server is aware that we skipped
                            // on (potentially a lot of) documents to send, and we update
                            // the last etag they have from us on the other side
                            _parent._lastSentDocumentEtag = _lastEtag;
                            _parent._lastDocumentSentTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            var changeVector = wasInterrupted ? null : DocumentsStorage.GetDatabaseChangeVector(documentsContext);


                            using (_stats.Network.Start())
                                SendDocumentsBatch(documentsContext, _stats.Network);
                                tcpConnectionOptions._lastEtagSent = _lastEtag;
                                if (MissingAttachmentsInLastBatch)
                        catch (OperationCanceledException)
                            if (_log.IsInfoEnabled)
                                _log.Info("Received cancellation notification while sending document replication batch.");
                        catch (Exception e)
                            if (_log.IsInfoEnabled)
                                _log.Info("Failed to send document replication batch", e);

                        MissingAttachmentsInLastBatch = false;

                        foreach (var item in _orderedReplicaItems)