public DisplayHeader(Field field) { this.m_field = field; this.m_displayBackSprite = new AtlasSprite() { Frame = Game.Content.Textures.DisplayBack }; this.m_displayFrontSprite = new AtlasSprite() { Frame = Game.Content.Textures.DisplayFront }; this.m_spinnerSprite = new AtlasSprite() { Frame = Game.Content.Textures.DisplaySpinner }; this.m_spinnerSprite.SetColor(Color.DarkGray); Game.Content.Animations.FieldDisplaySpinner.Apply(this.m_spinnerSprite); this.m_globeSprite = new AtlasSprite { Frame = Game.Content.Textures.DisplayGlobe }; Game.Content.Animations.FieldFlip.Apply(this.m_globeSprite); this.UpdateSignalCore(false, true, false); }
static void MakeSpritePrefab(string path, string parentDir) { Sprite sprite = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Sprite>(path); if (sprite == null) { Debug.Log("sprite is null, path:" + path); return; } string targetPath = path.Replace(UI_FILE_PATH + parentDir, UI_LOAD_PREFAB_PATH); FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(targetPath); string targetDir = fileInfo.Directory + "/"; if (!Directory.Exists(targetDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(targetDir); } string createPath = targetPath.Replace(fileInfo.Extension, ".prefab"); if (!File.Exists(createPath)) { GameObject go = new GameObject(; AtlasSprite atlasSprite = go.AddComponent <AtlasSprite>(); atlasSprite.sprite = sprite; PrefabUtility.CreatePrefab(createPath, go); GameObject.DestroyImmediate(go); Debug.Log("Create Prefab : " + createPath); } }
void OnSelectAtlas(Object obj) { AtlasSprite sprite = serializedObject.targetObject as AtlasSprite; sprite.atlas = obj as AtlasSheet; NGUITools.SetDirty(serializedObject.targetObject); NGUISettings.atlas = obj as UIAtlas; }
public AtlasSprite(AtlasSprite sprite) { Region = sprite.Region; _originalOffsetX = sprite._originalOffsetX; _originalOffsetY = sprite._originalOffsetY; Set(sprite); }
NTexture CreateSpriteTexture(AtlasSprite sprite) { PackageItem atlasItem; if (_itemsById.TryGetValue(sprite.atlas, out atlasItem)) return new NTexture((NTexture)GetItemAsset(atlasItem), sprite.rect); else { Debug.LogWarning("FairyGUI: " + sprite.atlas + " not found in " +; return NTexture.Empty; } }
/// <summary> /// Sprite selection callback function. /// </summary> void SelectSprite(string spriteName) { AtlasSprite sprite = serializedObject.targetObject as AtlasSprite; sprite.spriteName = spriteName; if (sprite.isValid) { NGUITools.SetDirty(serializedObject.targetObject); NGUISettings.selectedSprite = spriteName; } }
/// <summary> /// Draw the sprite preview. /// </summary> public override void OnPreviewGUI(Rect rect, GUIStyle background) { AtlasSprite asp = target as AtlasSprite; if (asp == null || !asp.isValid) { return; } Sprite s = asp.Renderer.sprite; NGUIEditorTools.DrawSprite(s.texture, rect, asp.Renderer.color, s.textureRect, s.border); }
public RouterHeader() { this.m_routerSprite = new AtlasSprite() { Frame = Game.Content.Textures.DisplayFront }; this.m_routerSprite.SetColor(Game.Content.Colors.Router); this.m_globeSprite = new AtlasSprite() { Frame = Game.Content.Textures.DisplayGlobe }; this.m_globeSprite.SetColor(Game.Content.Colors.RouterIcon); }
public LevelListViewItem(LevelDescriptor descriptor) { this.Height = Game.Content.GetSizeInDpi(40); this.Descriptor = descriptor; this.m_index = new TextSprite(Game.Content.Fonts.ButtonFont) { Text = (descriptor.Index + 1).ToString() }; this.m_desc = new TextSprite(Game.Content.Fonts.ButtonFont) { Text = descriptor.Width + " x " + descriptor.Height }; this.m_difficultBack = new AtlasSprite() { Frame = Game.Content.Textures.ButtonCircle }; this.m_difficultBack.SetColor(Game.Content.Colors.DifficultColors[descriptor.Difficult]); }
protected bool ShouldDrawProperties() { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (NGUIEditorTools.DrawPrefixButton("Atlas")) { ComponentSelector.Show <AtlasSheet>(OnSelectAtlas); } SerializedProperty atlas = NGUIEditorTools.DrawProperty("", serializedObject, "mAtlas", GUILayout.MinWidth(20f)); if (GUILayout.Button("Rand", GUILayout.Width(40f))) { if (atlas != null && Selection.objects.Length > 0) { AtlasSheet atl = atlas.objectReferenceValue as AtlasSheet; foreach (var sprite_obj in Selection.gameObjects) { AtlasSprite sprite = sprite_obj.GetComponent <AtlasSprite>(); sprite.spriteName = atl.Atlas.spriteList[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, atl.Atlas.spriteList.Count - 1)].name; } } } if (GUILayout.Button("Edit", GUILayout.Width(40f))) { if (atlas != null) { AtlasSheet atl = atlas.objectReferenceValue as AtlasSheet; NGUISettings.atlas = atl.Atlas; NGUIEditorTools.Select(atl.gameObject); } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); SerializedProperty sp = serializedObject.FindProperty("mSpriteName"); NGUIEditorTools.DrawAdvancedSpriteField((atlas.objectReferenceValue as AtlasSheet).Atlas, sp.stringValue, SelectSprite, false); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Draw the inspector properties. /// </summary> public override void OnInspectorGUI() { NGUIEditorTools.SetLabelWidth(80f); EditorGUILayout.Space(); serializedObject.Update(); EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!ShouldDrawProperties()); EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 0; EditorGUILayout.Space(); AtlasSprite sprite = (AtlasSprite)target; serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); if (sprite == null || !sprite.isValid) { return; } }
public FieldStatus() { m_spacing = Game.Content.GetSizeInDpi(10); var font = Game.Content.Fonts.FieldStatusFont; m_levelIndex = new AutoSizeLabel(font) { Fixed = true }; m_levelSizeLabel = new AutoSizeLabel(font) { Fixed = true }; m_levelDifficult = new AtlasSprite() { Frame = Game.Content.Textures.ButtonCircle, Fixed = true }; m_conectedLabel = new AutoSizeLabel(font) { Fixed = true }; }
public void RefreshItem() { Init(); if (number > 0) { content.gameObject.SetActive(true); unitNumberText.text = "X" + number; } else { content.gameObject.SetActive(false); } unitNameText.text = unitName; AtlasSprite aSprite = GameResourceLoadManager.GetInstance().LoadAtlasSprite(icon); if (aSprite == null) { DebugUtils.LogError(DebugUtils.Type.UI, string.Format("Can't find unit item icon : {0}, please check this!", icon)); } unitImage.SetSprite(aSprite); //GameResourceLoadManager.GetInstance().LoadAtlasSprite( icon, delegate ( string name, AtlasSprite atlasSprite, System.Object param ) //{ // if( unitImage == null ) // { // return; // } // unitImage.SetSprite( atlasSprite ); // if ( atlasSprite == null ) // { // DebugUtils.LogError( DebugUtils.Type.UI, "Can't find unit item icon, please check this." ); // } //}, true ); }
void LoadPackage() { string[] arr = null; string str; str = LoadString("sprites.bytes"); arr = str.Split(sep1); int cnt = arr.Length; for (int i = 1; i < cnt; i++) { str = arr[i]; if (str.Length == 0) continue; string[] arr2 = str.Split(sep2); AtlasSprite sprite = new AtlasSprite(); string itemId = arr2[0]; int binIndex = int.Parse(arr2[1]); if (binIndex >= 0) sprite.atlas = "atlas" + binIndex; else { int pos = itemId.IndexOf("_"); if (pos == -1) sprite.atlas = "atlas_" + itemId; else sprite.atlas = "atlas_" + itemId.Substring(0, pos); } sprite.rect.x = int.Parse(arr2[2]); sprite.rect.y = int.Parse(arr2[3]); sprite.rect.width = int.Parse(arr2[4]); sprite.rect.height = int.Parse(arr2[5]); sprite.rotated = arr2[6] == "1"; _sprites[itemId] = sprite; } str = GetDesc("package.xml"); XML xml = new XML(str); id = xml.GetAttribute("id"); name = xml.GetAttribute("name"); XML rxml = xml.GetNode("resources"); if (rxml == null) throw new Exception("Invalid package xml"); XMLList resources = rxml.Elements(); _itemsById = new Dictionary<string, PackageItem>(); _itemsByName = new Dictionary<string, PackageItem>(); ; PackageItem pi; foreach (XML cxml in resources) { pi = new PackageItem(); pi.type = FieldTypes.ParsePackageItemType(; = cxml.GetAttribute("id"); = cxml.GetAttribute("name"); pi.file = cxml.GetAttribute("file"); str = cxml.GetAttribute("size"); if (str != null) { arr = str.Split(sep0); pi.width = int.Parse(arr[0]); pi.height = int.Parse(arr[1]); } switch (pi.type) { case PackageItemType.Image: { string scale = cxml.GetAttribute("scale"); if (scale == "9grid") { arr = cxml.GetAttributeArray("scale9grid"); if (arr != null) { Rect rect = new Rect(); rect.x = int.Parse(arr[0]); rect.y = int.Parse(arr[1]); rect.width = int.Parse(arr[2]); rect.height = int.Parse(arr[3]); pi.scale9Grid = rect; } } else if (scale == "tile") pi.scaleByTile = true; break; } } pi.owner = this; _items.Add(pi); _itemsById[] = pi; if ( != null) _itemsByName[] = pi; } cnt = _items.Count; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { pi = _items[i]; if (pi.type == PackageItemType.Font) { pi.Load(); FontManager.RegisterFont(pi.bitmapFont, null); } else GetItemAsset(pi); } if (_resBundle != null) { _resBundle.Unload(false); _resBundle = null; } }
void LoadFont(PackageItem item) { BitmapFont font = new BitmapFont(item); item.bitmapFont = font; ByteBuffer buffer = item.rawData; buffer.Seek(0, 0); bool ttf = buffer.ReadBool(); font.colorEnabled = buffer.ReadBool(); font.scaleEnabled = buffer.ReadBool(); buffer.ReadBool(); //hasChannel int fontSize = buffer.ReadInt(); int xadvance = buffer.ReadInt(); int lineHeight = buffer.ReadInt(); float texScaleX = 1; float texScaleY = 1; NTexture mainTexture = null; AtlasSprite mainSprite = null; if (ttf && _sprites.TryGetValue(, out mainSprite)) { mainTexture = (NTexture)GetItemAsset(mainSprite.atlas); texScaleX = mainTexture.root.uvRect.Width / mainTexture.width; texScaleY = mainTexture.root.uvRect.Height / mainTexture.height; } buffer.Seek(0, 1); BitmapFont.BMGlyph bg; int cnt = buffer.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int nextPos = buffer.ReadShort(); nextPos += buffer.position; bg = new BitmapFont.BMGlyph(); char ch = buffer.ReadChar(); font.AddChar(ch, bg); string img = buffer.ReadS(); int bx = buffer.ReadInt(); int by = buffer.ReadInt(); bg.offsetX = buffer.ReadInt(); bg.offsetY = buffer.ReadInt(); bg.width = buffer.ReadInt(); bg.height = buffer.ReadInt(); bg.advance = buffer.ReadInt(); = buffer.ReadByte(); if ( == 1) { = 3; } else if ( == 2) { = 2; } else if ( == 3) { = 1; } if (ttf) { if (mainSprite.rotated) { bg.uv[0] = new Vector2((float)(by + bg.height + mainSprite.rect.X) * texScaleX, 1 - (float)(mainSprite.rect.Bottom - bx) * texScaleY); bg.uv[1] = new Vector2(bg.uv[0].X - (float)bg.height * texScaleX, bg.uv[0].Y); bg.uv[2] = new Vector2(bg.uv[1].X, bg.uv[0].Y + (float)bg.width * texScaleY); bg.uv[3] = new Vector2(bg.uv[0].X, bg.uv[2].Y); } else { bg.uv[0] = new Vector2((float)(bx + mainSprite.rect.X) * texScaleX, 1 - (float)(by + bg.height + mainSprite.rect.Y) * texScaleY); bg.uv[1] = new Vector2(bg.uv[0].X, bg.uv[0].Y + (float)bg.height * texScaleY); bg.uv[2] = new Vector2(bg.uv[0].X + (float)bg.width * texScaleX, bg.uv[1].Y); bg.uv[3] = new Vector2(bg.uv[2].X, bg.uv[0].Y); } bg.lineHeight = lineHeight; } else { PackageItem charImg; if (_itemsById.TryGetValue(img, out charImg)) { GetItemAsset(charImg); charImg.texture.GetUV(bg.uv); bg.width = charImg.texture.width; bg.height = charImg.texture.height; if (mainTexture == null) { mainTexture = charImg.texture.root; } } if (fontSize == 0) { fontSize = bg.height; } if (bg.advance == 0) { if (xadvance == 0) { bg.advance = bg.offsetX + bg.width; } else { bg.advance = xadvance; } } bg.lineHeight = bg.offsetY < 0 ? bg.height : (bg.offsetY + bg.height); if (bg.lineHeight < font.size) { bg.lineHeight = font.size; } } buffer.position = nextPos; } font.size = fontSize; font.mainTexture = mainTexture; }
bool LoadPackage(ByteBuffer buffer) { if (buffer.ReadUint() != 0x46475549) { throw new Exception("FairyGUI: old package format found in '" + assetPath + "'"); } buffer.version = buffer.ReadInt(); buffer.ReadBool(); //compressed id = buffer.ReadString(); name = buffer.ReadString(); if (_packageInstById.ContainsKey(id) && name != _packageInstById[id].name) { Log.Warning("FairyGUI: Package id conflicts, '" + name + "' and '" + _packageInstById[id].name + "'"); return(false); } buffer.Skip(20); int indexTablePos = buffer.position; int cnt; buffer.Seek(indexTablePos, 4); cnt = buffer.ReadInt(); string[] stringTable = new string[cnt]; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { stringTable[i] = buffer.ReadString(); } buffer.stringTable = stringTable; if (buffer.Seek(indexTablePos, 5)) { cnt = buffer.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int index = buffer.ReadUshort(); int len = buffer.ReadInt(); stringTable[index] = buffer.ReadString(len); } } buffer.Seek(indexTablePos, 1); PackageItem pi; cnt = buffer.ReadShort(); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int nextPos = buffer.ReadInt(); nextPos += buffer.position; pi = new PackageItem(); pi.owner = this; pi.type = (PackageItemType)buffer.ReadByte(); = buffer.ReadS(); = buffer.ReadS(); buffer.ReadS(); //path pi.file = buffer.ReadS(); pi.exported = buffer.ReadBool(); pi.width = buffer.ReadInt(); pi.height = buffer.ReadInt(); switch (pi.type) { case PackageItemType.Image: { pi.objectType = ObjectType.Image; int scaleOption = buffer.ReadByte(); if (scaleOption == 1) { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); rect.X = buffer.ReadInt(); rect.Y = buffer.ReadInt(); rect.Width = buffer.ReadInt(); rect.Height = buffer.ReadInt(); pi.scale9Grid = rect; pi.tileGridIndice = buffer.ReadInt(); } else if (scaleOption == 2) { pi.scaleByTile = true; } buffer.ReadBool(); //smoothing break; } case PackageItemType.MovieClip: { buffer.ReadBool(); //smoothing pi.objectType = ObjectType.MovieClip; pi.rawData = buffer.ReadBuffer(); break; } case PackageItemType.Font: { pi.rawData = buffer.ReadBuffer(); break; } case PackageItemType.Component: { int extension = buffer.ReadByte(); if (extension > 0) { pi.objectType = (ObjectType)extension; } else { pi.objectType = ObjectType.Component; } pi.rawData = buffer.ReadBuffer(); UIObjectFactory.ResolvePackageItemExtension(pi); break; } case PackageItemType.Atlas: case PackageItemType.Sound: case PackageItemType.Misc: { pi.file = assetPath + "_" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pi.file); break; } } _items.Add(pi); _itemsById[] = pi; if ( != null) { _itemsByName[] = pi; } buffer.position = nextPos; } buffer.Seek(indexTablePos, 2); cnt = buffer.ReadShort(); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int nextPos = buffer.ReadShort(); nextPos += buffer.position; string itemId = buffer.ReadS(); pi = _itemsById[buffer.ReadS()]; AtlasSprite sprite = new AtlasSprite(); sprite.atlas = pi; sprite.rect.X = buffer.ReadInt(); sprite.rect.Y = buffer.ReadInt(); sprite.rect.Width = buffer.ReadInt(); sprite.rect.Height = buffer.ReadInt(); sprite.rotated = buffer.ReadBool(); _sprites[itemId] = sprite; buffer.position = nextPos; } if (buffer.Seek(indexTablePos, 3)) { cnt = buffer.ReadShort(); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int nextPos = buffer.ReadInt(); nextPos += buffer.position; if (_itemsById.TryGetValue(buffer.ReadS(), out pi)) { if (pi.type == PackageItemType.Image) { pi.pixelHitTestData = new PixelHitTestData(); pi.pixelHitTestData.Load(buffer); } } buffer.position = nextPos; } } buffer.Seek(indexTablePos, 0); cnt = buffer.ReadShort(); _dependencies = new Dictionary <string, string> [cnt]; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { Dictionary <string, string> kv = new Dictionary <string, string>(); kv.Add("id", buffer.ReadS()); kv.Add("name", buffer.ReadS()); _dependencies[i] = kv; } return(true); }
bool LoadPackage(ByteBuffer buffer, string packageSource, string assetNamePrefix) { if (buffer.ReadUint() != 0x46475549) { if (Application.isPlaying) { throw new Exception("FairyGUI: old package format found in '" + packageSource + "'"); } else { Debug.LogWarning("FairyGUI: old package format found in '" + packageSource + "'"); return(false); } } buffer.version = buffer.ReadInt(); buffer.ReadBool(); //compressed id = buffer.ReadString(); name = buffer.ReadString(); if (_packageInstById.ContainsKey(id) && name != _packageInstById[id].name) { Debug.LogWarning("FairyGUI: Package id conflicts, '" + name + "' and '" + _packageInstById[id].name + "'"); return(false); } buffer.Skip(20); int indexTablePos = buffer.position; int cnt; buffer.Seek(indexTablePos, 4); cnt = buffer.ReadInt(); string[] stringTable = new string[cnt]; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { stringTable[i] = buffer.ReadString(); } buffer.stringTable = stringTable; buffer.Seek(indexTablePos, 1); PackageItem pi; if (assetNamePrefix == null) { assetNamePrefix = string.Empty; } else if (assetNamePrefix.Length > 0) { assetNamePrefix = assetNamePrefix + "_"; } cnt = buffer.ReadShort(); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int nextPos = buffer.ReadInt(); nextPos += buffer.position; pi = new PackageItem(); pi.owner = this; pi.type = (PackageItemType)buffer.ReadByte(); = buffer.ReadS(); = buffer.ReadS(); buffer.ReadS(); //path pi.file = buffer.ReadS(); pi.exported = buffer.ReadBool(); pi.width = buffer.ReadInt(); pi.height = buffer.ReadInt(); switch (pi.type) { case PackageItemType.Image: { pi.objectType = ObjectType.Image; int scaleOption = buffer.ReadByte(); if (scaleOption == 1) { Rect rect = new Rect(); rect.x = buffer.ReadInt(); rect.y = buffer.ReadInt(); rect.width = buffer.ReadInt(); rect.height = buffer.ReadInt(); pi.scale9Grid = rect; pi.tileGridIndice = buffer.ReadInt(); } else if (scaleOption == 2) { pi.scaleByTile = true; } buffer.ReadBool(); //smoothing break; } case PackageItemType.MovieClip: { buffer.ReadBool(); //smoothing pi.objectType = ObjectType.MovieClip; pi.rawData = buffer.ReadBuffer(); break; } case PackageItemType.Font: { pi.rawData = buffer.ReadBuffer(); break; } case PackageItemType.Component: { int extension = buffer.ReadByte(); if (extension > 0) { pi.objectType = (ObjectType)extension; } else { pi.objectType = ObjectType.Component; } pi.rawData = buffer.ReadBuffer(); UIObjectFactory.ResolvePackageItemExtension(pi); break; } case PackageItemType.Atlas: case PackageItemType.Sound: case PackageItemType.Misc: { pi.file = assetNamePrefix + pi.file; break; } } _items.Add(pi); _itemsById[] = pi; if ( != null) { _itemsByName[] = pi; } buffer.position = nextPos; } buffer.Seek(indexTablePos, 2); cnt = buffer.ReadShort(); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int nextPos = buffer.ReadShort(); nextPos += buffer.position; string itemId = buffer.ReadS(); pi = _itemsById[buffer.ReadS()]; AtlasSprite sprite = new AtlasSprite(); sprite.atlas = pi; sprite.rect.x = buffer.ReadInt(); sprite.rect.y = buffer.ReadInt(); sprite.rect.width = buffer.ReadInt(); sprite.rect.height = buffer.ReadInt(); sprite.rotated = buffer.ReadBool(); _sprites[itemId] = sprite; buffer.position = nextPos; } if (buffer.Seek(indexTablePos, 3)) { cnt = buffer.ReadShort(); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int nextPos = buffer.ReadInt(); nextPos += buffer.position; if (_itemsById.TryGetValue(buffer.ReadS(), out pi)) { if (pi.type == PackageItemType.Image) { pi.pixelHitTestData = new PixelHitTestData(); pi.pixelHitTestData.Load(buffer); } } buffer.position = nextPos; } } if (!Application.isPlaying) { _items.Sort(ComparePackageItem); } return(true); }
void LoadFont(PackageItem item) { BitmapFont font = new BitmapFont(item); item.bitmapFont = font; ByteBuffer buffer = item.rawData; buffer.Seek(0, 0); bool ttf = buffer.ReadBool(); font.canTint = buffer.ReadBool(); font.resizable = buffer.ReadBool(); font.hasChannel = buffer.ReadBool(); int fontSize = buffer.ReadInt(); int xadvance = buffer.ReadInt(); int lineHeight = buffer.ReadInt(); float texScaleX = 1; float texScaleY = 1; NTexture mainTexture = null; AtlasSprite mainSprite = null; if (ttf && _sprites.TryGetValue(, out mainSprite)) { mainTexture = (NTexture)GetItemAsset(mainSprite.atlas); texScaleX = mainTexture.root.uvRect.width / mainTexture.width; texScaleY = mainTexture.root.uvRect.height / mainTexture.height; } buffer.Seek(0, 1); BitmapFont.BMGlyph bg; int cnt = buffer.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int nextPos = buffer.ReadShort(); nextPos += buffer.position; bg = new BitmapFont.BMGlyph(); char ch = buffer.ReadChar(); font.AddChar(ch, bg); string img = buffer.ReadS(); int bx = buffer.ReadInt(); int by = buffer.ReadInt(); bg.offsetX = buffer.ReadInt(); bg.offsetY = buffer.ReadInt(); bg.width = buffer.ReadInt(); bg.height = buffer.ReadInt(); bg.advance = buffer.ReadInt(); = buffer.ReadByte(); if ( == 1) { = 3; } else if ( == 2) { = 2; } else if ( == 3) { = 1; } if (ttf) { if (mainSprite.rotated) { bg.uv[0] = new Vector2((float)(by + bg.height + mainSprite.rect.x) * texScaleX, 1 - (float)(mainSprite.rect.yMax - bx) * texScaleY); bg.uv[1] = new Vector2(bg.uv[0].x - (float)bg.height * texScaleX, bg.uv[0].y); bg.uv[2] = new Vector2(bg.uv[1].x, bg.uv[0].y + (float)bg.width * texScaleY); bg.uv[3] = new Vector2(bg.uv[0].x, bg.uv[2].y); } else { bg.uv[0] = new Vector2((float)(bx + mainSprite.rect.x) * texScaleX, 1 - (float)(by + bg.height + mainSprite.rect.y) * texScaleY); bg.uv[1] = new Vector2(bg.uv[0].x, bg.uv[0].y + (float)bg.height * texScaleY); bg.uv[2] = new Vector2(bg.uv[0].x + (float)bg.width * texScaleX, bg.uv[1].y); bg.uv[3] = new Vector2(bg.uv[2].x, bg.uv[0].y); } bg.lineHeight = lineHeight; } else { PackageItem charImg; if (_itemsById.TryGetValue(img, out charImg)) { GetItemAsset(charImg); Rect uvRect = charImg.texture.uvRect; bg.uv[0] = uvRect.position; bg.uv[1] = new Vector2(uvRect.xMin, uvRect.yMax); bg.uv[2] = new Vector2(uvRect.xMax, uvRect.yMax); bg.uv[3] = new Vector2(uvRect.xMax, uvRect.yMin); if (charImg.texture.rotated) { NGraphics.RotateUV(bg.uv, ref uvRect); } bg.width = charImg.texture.width; bg.height = charImg.texture.height; if (mainTexture == null) { mainTexture = charImg.texture.root; } } if (fontSize == 0) { fontSize = bg.height; } if (bg.advance == 0) { if (xadvance == 0) { bg.advance = bg.offsetX + bg.width; } else { bg.advance = xadvance; } } bg.lineHeight = bg.offsetY < 0 ? bg.height : (bg.offsetY + bg.height); if (bg.lineHeight < font.size) { bg.lineHeight = font.size; } } buffer.position = nextPos; } font.size = fontSize; font.mainTexture = mainTexture; if (!font.hasChannel) { font.shader = ShaderConfig.imageShader; } }
void LoadPackage() { string[] arr = null; string str; str = LoadString("sprites.bytes"); if (str == null) { Debug.LogError("FairyGUI: cannot load package from '" + _assetNamePrefix + "'"); return; } _loadingPackage = true; arr = str.Split('\n'); int cnt = arr.Length; for (int i = 1; i < cnt; i++) { str = arr[i]; if (str.Length == 0) continue; string[] arr2 = str.Split(' '); AtlasSprite sprite = new AtlasSprite(); string itemId = arr2[0]; int binIndex = int.Parse(arr2[1]); if (binIndex >= 0) sprite.atlas = "atlas" + binIndex; else { int pos = itemId.IndexOf("_"); if (pos == -1) sprite.atlas = "atlas_" + itemId; else sprite.atlas = "atlas_" + itemId.Substring(0, pos); } sprite.rect.x = int.Parse(arr2[2]); sprite.rect.y = int.Parse(arr2[3]); sprite.rect.width = int.Parse(arr2[4]); sprite.rect.height = int.Parse(arr2[5]); sprite.rotated = arr2[6] == "1"; _sprites[itemId] = sprite; } byte[] hittestData = LoadBinary("hittest.bytes"); if (hittestData != null) { ByteBuffer ba = new ByteBuffer(hittestData); while (ba.bytesAvailable) { PixelHitTestData pht = new PixelHitTestData(); _hitTestDatas[ba.ReadString()] = pht; pht.Load(ba); } } if (!_descPack.TryGetValue("package.xml", out str)) throw new Exception("FairyGUI: invalid package '" + _assetNamePrefix + "'"); XML xml = new XML(str); id = xml.GetAttribute("id"); name = xml.GetAttribute("name"); XML rxml = xml.GetNode("resources"); if (rxml == null) throw new Exception("FairyGUI: invalid package xml '" + _assetNamePrefix + "'"); XMLList resources = rxml.Elements(); _itemsById = new Dictionary<string, PackageItem>(); _itemsByName = new Dictionary<string, PackageItem>(); PackageItem pi; foreach (XML cxml in resources) { pi = new PackageItem(); pi.owner = this; pi.type = FieldTypes.ParsePackageItemType(; = cxml.GetAttribute("id"); = cxml.GetAttribute("name"); pi.exported = cxml.GetAttributeBool("exported"); pi.file = cxml.GetAttribute("file"); str = cxml.GetAttribute("size"); if (str != null) { arr = str.Split(','); pi.width = int.Parse(arr[0]); pi.height = int.Parse(arr[1]); } switch (pi.type) { case PackageItemType.Image: { string scale = cxml.GetAttribute("scale"); if (scale == "9grid") { arr = cxml.GetAttributeArray("scale9grid"); if (arr != null) { Rect rect = new Rect(); rect.x = int.Parse(arr[0]); rect.y = int.Parse(arr[1]); rect.width = int.Parse(arr[2]); rect.height = int.Parse(arr[3]); pi.scale9Grid = rect; pi.tileGridIndice = cxml.GetAttributeInt("gridTile"); } } else if (scale == "tile") pi.scaleByTile = true; break; } case PackageItemType.Font: { pi.bitmapFont = new BitmapFont(pi); FontManager.RegisterFont(pi.bitmapFont, null); break; } } _items.Add(pi); _itemsById[] = pi; if ( != null) _itemsByName[] = pi; } bool preloadAll = Application.isPlaying; if (preloadAll) { cnt = _items.Count; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) GetItemAsset(_items[i]); _descPack = null; _sprites = null; } else _items.Sort(ComparePackageItem); if (_resBundle != null) { _resBundle.Unload(false); _resBundle = null; } _loadingPackage = false; }
void LoadPackage() { string[] arr = null; string str; str = LoadString("sprites.bytes"); if (str == null) { Debug.LogError("FairyGUI: cannot load package from " + _assetNamePrefix); return; } arr = str.Split(sep1); int cnt = arr.Length; for (int i = 1; i < cnt; i++) { str = arr[i]; if (str.Length == 0) continue; string[] arr2 = str.Split(sep2); AtlasSprite sprite = new AtlasSprite(); string itemId = arr2[0]; int binIndex = int.Parse(arr2[1]); if (binIndex >= 0) sprite.atlas = "atlas" + binIndex; else { int pos = itemId.IndexOf("_"); if (pos == -1) sprite.atlas = "atlas_" + itemId; else sprite.atlas = "atlas_" + itemId.Substring(0, pos); } sprite.rect.x = int.Parse(arr2[2]); sprite.rect.y = int.Parse(arr2[3]); sprite.rect.width = int.Parse(arr2[4]); sprite.rect.height = int.Parse(arr2[5]); sprite.rotated = arr2[6] == "1"; _sprites[itemId] = sprite; } byte[] hittestData = LoadBinary("hittest.bytes"); if (hittestData != null) { ByteBuffer ba = new ByteBuffer(hittestData); while (ba.bytesAvailable) { PixelHitTestData pht = new PixelHitTestData(); _hitTestDatas[ba.ReadString()] = pht; pht.Load(ba); } } str = _descPack["package.xml"]; XML xml = new XML(str); id = xml.GetAttribute("id"); name = xml.GetAttribute("name"); XML rxml = xml.GetNode("resources"); if (rxml == null) throw new Exception("Invalid package xml"); XMLList resources = rxml.Elements(); _itemsById = new Dictionary<string, PackageItem>(); _itemsByName = new Dictionary<string, PackageItem>(); PackageItem pi; foreach (XML cxml in resources) { pi = new PackageItem(); pi.owner = this; pi.type = FieldTypes.ParsePackageItemType(; = cxml.GetAttribute("id"); = cxml.GetAttribute("name"); pi.exported = cxml.GetAttributeBool("exported"); pi.file = cxml.GetAttribute("file"); str = cxml.GetAttribute("size"); if (str != null) { arr = str.Split(sep0); pi.width = int.Parse(arr[0]); pi.height = int.Parse(arr[1]); } switch (pi.type) { case PackageItemType.Image: { string scale = cxml.GetAttribute("scale"); if (scale == "9grid") { arr = cxml.GetAttributeArray("scale9grid"); if (arr != null) { Rect rect = new Rect(); rect.x = int.Parse(arr[0]); rect.y = int.Parse(arr[1]); rect.width = int.Parse(arr[2]); rect.height = int.Parse(arr[3]); pi.scale9Grid = rect; } } else if (scale == "tile") pi.scaleByTile = true; break; } case PackageItemType.Font: { pi.bitmapFont = new BitmapFont(pi); FontManager.RegisterFont(pi.bitmapFont, null); break; } } _items.Add(pi); _itemsById[] = pi; if ( != null) _itemsByName[] = pi; } bool preloadAll = Application.isPlaying; if (preloadAll) { cnt = _items.Count; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) GetItemAsset(_items[i]); _descPack = null; _sprites = null; } else _items.Sort(ComparePackageItem); if (_resBundle != null) { _resBundle.Unload(false); _resBundle = null; } }
void LoadPackage() { string str = this.LoadString("sprites.bytes"); string[] arr = str.Split(sep1); int cnt = arr.Length; for (int i = 1; i < cnt; i++) { str = arr[i]; if (str.Length == 0) { continue; } string[] arr2 = str.Split(sep2); AtlasSprite sprite = new AtlasSprite(); string itemId = arr2[0]; int binIndex = int.Parse(arr2[1]); if (binIndex >= 0) { sprite.atlas = "atlas" + binIndex; } else { int pos = itemId.IndexOf("_"); if (pos == -1) { sprite.atlas = "atlas_" + itemId; } else { sprite.atlas = "atlas_" + itemId.Substring(0, pos); } } sprite.rect.x = int.Parse(arr2[2]); sprite.rect.y = int.Parse(arr2[3]); sprite.rect.width = int.Parse(arr2[4]); sprite.rect.height = int.Parse(arr2[5]); sprite.rotated = arr2[6] == "1"; _sprites[itemId] = sprite; } str = GetDesc("package.xml"); XML xml = new XML(str); id = xml.GetAttribute("id"); name = xml.GetAttribute("name"); XML rxml = xml.GetNode("resources"); if (rxml == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid package xml"); } XMLList resources = rxml.Elements(); _itemsById = new Dictionary <string, PackageItem>(); _itemsByName = new Dictionary <string, PackageItem>(); PackageItem pi; foreach (XML cxml in resources) { pi = new PackageItem(); pi.type = FieldTypes.ParsePackageItemType(; = cxml.GetAttribute("id"); = cxml.GetAttribute("name"); pi.file = cxml.GetAttribute("file"); str = cxml.GetAttribute("size"); if (str != null) { arr = str.Split(sep0); pi.width = int.Parse(arr[0]); pi.height = int.Parse(arr[1]); } switch (pi.type) { case PackageItemType.Image: { string scale = cxml.GetAttribute("scale"); if (scale == "9grid") { arr = cxml.GetAttributeArray("scale9grid"); if (arr != null) { Rect rect = new Rect(); rect.x = int.Parse(arr[0]); rect.y = int.Parse(arr[1]); rect.width = int.Parse(arr[2]); rect.height = int.Parse(arr[3]); pi.scale9Grid = rect; } } else if (scale == "tile") { pi.scaleByTile = true; } break; } } pi.owner = this; _items.Add(pi); _itemsById[] = pi; if ( != null) { _itemsByName[] = pi; } } cnt = _items.Count; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { pi = _items[i]; if (pi.type == PackageItemType.Font) { pi.Load(); FontManager.RegisterFont(pi.bitmapFont, null); } else { GetItemAsset(pi); } } if (_resBundle != null) { _resBundle.Unload(false); _resBundle = null; } }